Fig 1a: Strobilidium neptuni Line drawing of protargol stained cell
Fig 1b: Strobilidium neptuni Line drawing of protargol stained cells, showing kineties, oral structures and nuclei.
Fig 2: Strobilidium neptuni Lugol's fixed cell. Oral region, viewed from apical end with Ma
Fig 3: Strobilidium neptuni Lugol's fixed cell. Lateral view, showing the flattened region (arrow)
Fig 4: Strobilidium neptuni Lugol's fixed and DAPI stained cell, illustrating nuclear shape
Fig 5: Strobilidium neptuni SEM of Lugol's fixed cell
Fig 6: Strobilidium neptuni protargol stained cell, viewed from apical end: Oral region of the cell
Fig 7: Strobilidium neptuni protargol stained cell, viewed from apical end: Macronucleus, showing indentations in macronucleus where micronuclei sit
Fig 8: Strobilidium neptuni Lugol's fixed cell, details of the oral structure
Fig 9: Strobilidium neptuni SEM of a Lugol's fixed cell, showing the somatic kineties