Comprehensive Description
fornecido por North American Flora
Urocystis Erythronii Clinton, sp. nov
Sori in the leaves, elliptic, small, 1-2 mm. in length but usually merging lengthwise into linear striae and often sidcwise into irregular areas and so often losing their individuality, showing on both surfaces as lead-colored slightly raised granular blisters that arc covered rather permanently by the epidermis; spore-balls ovoid to subspheric, very dark-rcddish-brown or blackish-brown, opaque or .subopaque, with tinted cortex of indefinite collapsed sterile cells completely, thickly, and permanently investing the 1-3, rarely 4 or 5 spores, chiefly 25-45 ^ in length; spores dark-reddish-brown, usually subspheric when single but often more elongate and flattened when with two or more in a ball, 15-I«M. rarely 21 m (Sec page 1029.) On Liu ace ab:
Erythronium americattum, Connecticut, New York.
Type collected on Erythronium americanum, by G. P. Clinton, at Centerville, Connecticut. April-May, 1908.
Distribution: Connecticut and New York.
- citação bibliográfica
- George Lorenzo Ingram Zundel, John Hendley Barnhart. 1939. (USTILAGINALES); ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS, HOST-INDEX. North American flora. vol 7(14). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY