Catocala — Sovkalar fəsiləsinə aid kəpənək cinsi.
Əsasən Şimali Amerika və Avrasiya ərazilərində yayılmışdır.
Meşə zonası və meşə ətrafı çöllüklərdə
Pup həyatı maydan iyuna qədər sürür. Müxtəlif bitkilərin yarpaqları ilə qidalanır. Yumurta halında qışlayır.
Catocala — Sovkalar fəsiləsinə aid kəpənək cinsi.
Catocala és un gènere de papallones nocturnes de la subfamília Erebinae i la família Erebidae. És membre de la tribu Catocalini.
El gènere havia estat anteriorment classificat dins la subfamília Catocalinae de la família Noctuidae. Diversos estudis morfològics i filogenètics completats des de 2000 han revisat en diverses ocasions les grans famílies de la superfamília Noctuoidea, i actualment una nova revisió continua en estudi.[4][5][6]Un resum històric de la sistemàtica de la Catocalinae i Erebinae ha estat escrit per Holloway.[7]
Són de distribució Holàrtica.[8] A Europa es troben unes 30 espècies i només poques es troben a la part nord de la zona neotropical i de la zona indomalaia.[9]
Els membres d'aquest gènere tenen les ales anteriors de colors grisencs o marronosos imitant l'escorça dels arbres o fulles seques. Llevat de qualque excepció, com la Catocala obscura, les ales posteriors són de colors vius, com roig, groc, taronja o violeta, combinats amb franges negres. Aquests colors queden amagats però quan la papallona es troba en posició de repòs.
Catocala és un gènere de papallones nocturnes de la subfamília Erebinae i la família Erebidae. És membre de la tribu Catocalini.
Тасмаканаттар (лат. Catocala) — шайтанкөпөлөктөрдүн бир уруусу, буларга кыйла түрлөр кирет, ошолордун ичинде: көгүш тасмаканат (лат. C. fraxini), сары тасмаканат (C. fulminea), кызыл тасмаканат (C. nupta) жана башкалар.
Тасмаканаттар (лат. Catocala) — шайтанкөпөлөктөрдүн бир уруусу, буларга кыйла түрлөр кирет, ошолордун ичинде: көгүш тасмаканат (лат. C. fraxini), сары тасмаканат (C. fulminea), кызыл тасмаканат (C. nupta) жана башкалар.
Catocala is a generally Holarctic genus of moths in the family Erebidae. The genus was erected by Franz von Paula Schrank in 1802. The moths are commonly known as underwing moths or simply underwings. These terms are sometimes used for a few related moths, but usually – especially when used in plural, not as part of a species name – they are used to refer to Catocala only.
Of the more than 250 known species, slightly less than half are found in North America – mostly in the United States – while the rest occur in Eurasia. About one-fifth (almost 30) of these species are native to Europe. A few species occur in the northern Neotropics and Indomalaya.[1]
Most species of Catocala have medium to large adults, cryptically coloured except for the hindwings, which are marked with stripes in orange, red, white, or even blue. In some, the hindwings are mostly blackish. Unlike what the common name "underwings" seems to suggest, the colour is brightest on the upperside. However, the bright hindwings are not visible at rest, being hidden under the dull forewings – hence the name. Due to their diversity and variety of colors and patterns, underwing moths are popular with collectors of Lepidoptera.
In, The Fauna of British India, Including Ceylon and Burma: Moths Volume II, the genus described as follows.
Palpi reaching just above vertex of head, the 2nd joint thickly scaled; antennae of male fasciculated; thorax smoothly scaled; abdomen with dorsal ridges of coarse hair on proximal segments, which are sometimes developed into tufts; fore tibia more or less hairy; hind tibia spined. Fore wing with the apex nearly rectangular; the cilia crenulate. Hind wing with the cilia crenulate; vein 5 from below center of discocellulars. Larva with four pairs of abdominal prolegs.[2]
It is believed that the bright colors, arranged in usually roughly concentric markings, at a casual glance resemble the eyes of a predatory animal, such as a cat. An underwing moth, well camouflaged in its daytime resting spot on a tree trunk or branch, will suddenly flash open the hindwings when disturbed. A bird or other small predator that is not used to this display is likely to be frightened, allowing the moth to escape. However, unlike some other bright-colored moths which are bad-tasting or even poisonous to predators, underwing moths are well palatable at least to some birds (e.g. the blue jay, Cyanocitta cristata). To assist in avoiding nocturnal predators such as bats, these moths also possess (like many of their relatives) fairly well-developed hearing organs.[3]
The caterpillars of most species feed on the leaves of woody plants, usually trees but sometimes shrubs. Typical food plants are Fagales of the families Betulaceae, Fagaceae and Juglandaceae – mainly hickory (Carya), oak (Quercus) and walnut tree (Juglans) species, as well as others such as alder (Alnus), beech (Fagus), birch (Betula) and chestnut (Castanea). The caterpillars of numerous Old World and some North American species feed on the Salicaceae Populus (poplars) and Salix (willows), which belong to the Malpighiales. Less common larval food plants of Catocala are for example elms (Ulmus) and various Rosaceae of the Rosales, Tilia (linden and basswood) of the Malvales, or some Fabaceae of the Fabales; as the preceding, these all belong to the Fabidae lineage of rosid eudicots. More unusually, underwing moth caterpillars have also been found to feed on such plants as maple (Acer) which belongs to a distant lineage of rosids, as well as on such plants as ash trees (Fraxinus) and blueberries (Vaccinium) which are asterids and quite unrelated to the other food plants by eudicot standards.[4]
The adults are predominantly nocturnal, flying from shortly after dusk right up to daybreak. They are generally most active about two hours after nightfall. However, several if not all species of underwing moths have a second activity period exactly around noon, during which they are also regularly found on the wing for about 1–2 hours each day.[5]
The genus name Catocala roughly means "beautiful hindwings". It is a combination of two Ancient Greek words, kato (κάτω, "the rear one" or "the lower one"), and kalos (καλός, "beautiful").[6]
There are over 250 species in this genus. The species of Catocala are here divided into a Eurasian group, and another one which is found in North America. This does not imply actual relationships; it is mainly done to more conveniently deal with the large number of species. Still, it is not unlikely at all that the groups consist at least to some extent of closely related species.[7]
There are several cryptic species complexes in Catocala, e.g. the group around the Delilah underwing (C. delilah); these and other hitherto unknown species are still being discovered and described in some numbers. Thus, resolving the phylogeny and taxonomy of the underwing moths is an ongoing effort, which has made (as of 2011) little progress. In the scientific literature, smaller subdivisions into putatively related species are sometimes applied, but there is no consistent and widely accepted taxonomic treatment for the genus as a whole.
Several distinct genera have formally been proposed for splitting from Catocala, but these are all treated here as junior synonyms. These synonyms and other invalid names of Catocala are:[8][9]
Comparison of Eurasian species
Catocala electa
rosy underwing
Catocala elocata
French red underwing
Catocala fraxini
blue underwing
type species of Hemigeometra
Catocala fulminea
type species of Ephesia
Catocala nupta
red underwing
type species of Catocala
Catocala nymphagoga
oak yellow underwing
Catocala promissa
light crimson underwing
Catocala puerpera
type species of Eunetis
Catocala sponsa
dark crimson underwing
Comparison of North American species
Catocala amatrix f. nurus
sweetheart underwing
type species of Lamprosia
Catocala amica
girlfriend underwing
type species of Corisce
Catocala andromache
Andromache underwing
Catocala angusi
Angus' underwing
Catocala antinympha
sweetfern underwing
Catocala badia
bay underwing
Catocala benjamini benjamini
Benjamin's underwing
Catocala carissima
carissima underwing
Catocala cerogama
yellow-banded underwing
Catocala coccinata
scarlet underwing
Catocala concumbens
pink underwing
Catocala connubialis f. sancta
connubial underwing
Catocala delilah
Delilah underwing
Catocala desdemona
Desdemona underwing
Catocala grotiana
Grote's underwing
Catocala grynea
woody underwing
Catocala habilis
habilis underwing
Catocala hermia f. diantha
Hermia underwing
Catocala innubens
betrothed underwing
Catocala irene
Irene's underwing
Catocala jessica
Jessica underwing
Catocala johnsoniana
Johnson's underwing
Catocala judith
Judith's underwing
Catocala lacrymosa
tearful underwing
Catocala lineella
lineella underwing
Catocala luciana
shining underwing
Catocala maestosa
sad underwing
Catocala manitoba
Manitoba underwing
Catocala mcdunnoughi
McDunnough's underwing
Catocala meskei f. rosalinda
Meske's underwing
Catocala micronympha
little nymph underwing
Catocala neogama euphemia
the bride
Catocala obscura
obscure underwing
Catocala palaeogama
old wife underwing
Catocala piatrix dionyza
penitent underwing
Catocala relicta
the relict
Catocala retecta luctuosa
yellow-fringed underwing
Catocala serena
serene underwing
Catocala subnata
youthful underwing
Catocala texanae
Texan underwing
Catocala ultronia
dark red underwing
Catocala unijuga
once-married underwing
Catocala verrilliana f. beutenmuelleri
Verrill's underwing
Catocala vidua
widow underwing
As noted in the introduction, some species besides the Catocala species are also commonly known as "underwings". Typically however, the name is used with a qualifier, such as a color term, in these cases. Non-Catocala "underwing moths" are typically owlet moths, namely: Subfamily Catocalinae
Subfamily Amphipyrinae
Subfamily Erebinae
Subfamily Hadeninae
Subfamily Noctuinae
However, the "orange underwings" are two species of genus Archiearis of the geometer moth family (Geometridae):
Black underwing
Mormo maura
Brown underwing
Minucia lunaris
White underwing
Catephia alchymista
Svensson's copper underwing
Amphipyra berbera
Copper underwing
Amphipyra pyramidea
Mediterranean yellow underwing
Noctua tirrenica
Broad-bordered yellow underwing
Noctua fimbriata
Large yellow underwing
Noctua pronuba
Lesser broad-bordered yellow underwing
Noctua janthina
Least yellow underwing
Noctua interjecta
Least yellow underwing
Noctua interposita
Lunar yellow underwing
Noctua orbona
Lesser yellow underwing
Noctua comes
Small dark yellow underwing
Coranarta cordigera
Beautiful yellow underwing
Anarta myrtilli
Small yellow underwing
Panemeria tenebrata
Broad-bordered white underwing
Hadula melanopa
Guernsey underwing
Polyphaenis sericata
Straw underwing
Thalpophila matura
Blossom underwing
Orthosia miniosa
Pearly underwing
Peridroma saucia
Orange underwing
Archiearis parthenias
Geometridae: Archiearinae
Light orange underwing
Archiearis notha
Geometridae: Archiearinae
Pale orange underwing
Boudinotiana puella
Geometridae: Archiearinae
Catocala is a generally Holarctic genus of moths in the family Erebidae. The genus was erected by Franz von Paula Schrank in 1802. The moths are commonly known as underwing moths or simply underwings. These terms are sometimes used for , but usually – especially when used in plural, not as part of a species name – they are used to refer to Catocala only.
Of the more than 250 known species, slightly less than half are found in North America – mostly in the United States – while the rest occur in Eurasia. About one-fifth (almost 30) of these species are native to Europe. A few species occur in the northern Neotropics and Indomalaya.
Paelöölane (Catocala) on öölaste sugukonda kuuluv perekond liblikalisi.
Perekonda kuulub umbes 250 liiki.
Paelöölane (Catocala) on öölaste sugukonda kuuluv perekond liblikalisi.
Perekonda kuulub umbes 250 liiki.
Catocala est un genre de lépidoptères (papillons) nocturnes de la famille des Erebidae et de la sous-famille des Erebinae.
Selon FUNET Tree of Life (26 janvier 2021)[1] :
Catocala fulminea,
la Lichénée jaune
Catocala nymphagoga,
la Nymphagogue
Catocala conversa,
la Compagne
Catocala diversa,
la Répudiée
Catocala nymphaea,
la Lichénée vestale
Catocala electa,
Catocala nupta,
la Mariée
Catocala elocata,
la Déplacée
Catocala puerpera,
la Lichénée miniacée
Catocala sponsa,
la Fiancée
Catocala dilecta,
la Bien-Aimée
Catocala promissa,
la Promise
Catocala optata,
la Choisie
Catocala conjuncta,
la Conjointe
Catocala lupina,
la Démasquée
Catocala fraxini,
la Lichénée bleue
Catocala est un genre de lépidoptères (papillons) nocturnes de la famille des Erebidae et de la sous-famille des Erebinae.
Catocala (ex verbis Graecis kato 'post' + kalos 'pulcher' ; Anglice underwing[1]) est genus papilionum subfamiliae Catocalinarum familiae Noctuidarum, in Eurasia et America Septentrionali endemicum.
Plurimis speciebus sunt coloratissimae alae inferiores, plerumque aurantiae, rubrae, vel albae. Clarae animalium quiescentium alae posteriores in conspectu non sunt, ab obscuris alis anterioribus occultatae, sed papilionibus adiuvant in avibus aliisque praedatoribus eludendis si interdiu conturbantur (Stevens 2005).
Larvae plurimarum specierum foliis arborum et fruticum vescuntur.
Ob varietatem colorum et diversitatem specierum, Catocalae conlectoribus papilionum gratissimae sunt.
Hae species nuper factae sunt synonyma, et eorum binomina non iam valida sunt.
Catocala (ex verbis Graecis kato 'post' + kalos 'pulcher' ; Anglice underwing) est genus papilionum subfamiliae Catocalinarum familiae Noctuidarum, in Eurasia et America Septentrionali endemicum.
Plurimis speciebus sunt coloratissimae alae inferiores, plerumque aurantiae, rubrae, vel albae. Clarae animalium quiescentium alae posteriores in conspectu non sunt, ab obscuris alis anterioribus occultatae, sed papilionibus adiuvant in avibus aliisque praedatoribus eludendis si interdiu conturbantur (Stevens 2005).
Larvae plurimarum specierum foliis arborum et fruticum vescuntur.
Ob varietatem colorum et diversitatem specierum, Catocalae conlectoribus papilionum gratissimae sunt.
Catocala is een geslacht van vlinders uit de familie spinneruilen (Erebidae).
De vlinders hebben cryptische voorvleugels in schutkleur, terwijl de achtervleugels gekleurde strepen hebben, meestal rood tot oranje maar ook wit of blauw komt voor. In rust zijn deze niet te zien en is de vlinder minder opvallend.
Nogal wat soorten in dit geslacht kregen wetenschappelijke namen die verband houden met de (buiten)huwelijkse staat[1], zoals:
Herman Strecker noemde de nieuwe soorten die hij beschreef vaak naar vrouwen uit de klassieke oudheid, de Bijbel of de mythologie:
Catocala is een geslacht van vlinders uit de familie spinneruilen (Erebidae).
De vlinders hebben cryptische voorvleugels in schutkleur, terwijl de achtervleugels gekleurde strepen hebben, meestal rood tot oranje maar ook wit of blauw komt voor. In rust zijn deze niet te zien en is de vlinder minder opvallend.
Ordensbånd (slekten Catocala) er en artsrik slekt av store sommerfugler som nå plasseres i familien praktfly (Erebidae), tradisjonelt har de vært plassert i den store familien nattfly (Noctuidae). Fem arter er funnet i Norge, men bare den største arten, blått ordensbånd, er forholdsvis vanlig i det sørøstlige Norge, de andre er ganske sjeldne eller bare tilfeldige gjester her i landet.
Store (vingespenn oftest 50-90 millimeter), bredvingede, forholdsvis slanke nattfly. Forvingene er gråbrunt spraglete, gjerne med forholdsvis tydelige nyremerker og en lys siksak-linje i den ytre delen. Bakvingene er vanligvis røde eller gule, med svart ytterkant og et svart tverrbånd, sjeldnere svarte med et blått tverrbånd. Larvene er lange og slanke, gråbrunr, tett kledt med nokså korte hår.
Ordensbåndene flyr om natten, gjerne på ettersommeren og høsten. De kommer gjerne til lys og også til sukker-åte. Larvene lever på løvtrær og busker.
Slekten har en holarktisk utbredelse, med rundt halvparten av artene i Palearktis og halvparten i Nord-Amerika. Noen få arter går sør til Sørøst-Asia og den Neotropiske økosonen.
Et utvalg av palearktiske arter
Catocala nupta
Catocala sponsa
Større eikeordensbånd
Catocala promissa
Mindre eikeordensbånd
Catocala fraxini
Blått ordensbånd
Et utvalg av nordamerikanske arter
Catocala amatrix f. nurus
Catocala connubialis f. sancta
Catocala hermia f. diantha
Catocala meskei f. rosalinda
Catocala neogama euphemia
Catocala piatrix dionyza
Catocala retecta luctuosa
Catocala verrilliana f. beutenmuelleri
Ordensbånd (slekten Catocala) er en artsrik slekt av store sommerfugler som nå plasseres i familien praktfly (Erebidae), tradisjonelt har de vært plassert i den store familien nattfly (Noctuidae). Fem arter er funnet i Norge, men bare den største arten, blått ordensbånd, er forholdsvis vanlig i det sørøstlige Norge, de andre er ganske sjeldne eller bare tilfeldige gjester her i landet.
Catocala é um gênero de traça pertencente à família Arctiidae.[1]
Catocala là một chi bướm đêm thuộc họ Erebidae. Phần lớn các loài trong chi này có cánh dưới màu sáng, cam, đỏ hoặc trắng. Tên gọi chi này là kết hợp của hai từ tiếng Hy Lạp, kato phía sau, và kalos đẹp. Cánh sau trắng sáng không thể nhìn thấy khi con bướm đậu nghỉ, bị giấu bởi cánh trước nhưng giúp con bướm tránh được kẻ săn mồi như chim. Chi này sinh sống ở Eurasia và Bắc Mỹ. Do màu sắc đẹp nên loài bướm chi này là đối tượng của những người sưu tập.
Nhiều chi riêng biệt trước đước tách ra chính thức từ Catocala, nhưng hiện được gộp lại vào chi này với các tên đồng nghĩa. Các tên đồng nghĩa và lên sai của chi Catocala gồm:[1]
Các loài sau gần đây được xếp vào loài có tên đồng nghĩa và không còn đúng nữa.
Catocala fulminea,
"Yellow underwing"
Catocala nymphagoga,
"Oak Yellow underwing"
Catocala electa,
"Rosy underwing"
Catocala nupta,
"Red underwing"
Catocala elocata,
"French Red underwing"
Catocala sponsa,
"Dark Crimson underwing"
Catocala conjuncta,
"Minsmere Crimson underwing"
Catocala promissa,
"Light Crimson underwing"
Catocala fraxini,
"Blue underwing"
Catephia alchymista, "White underwing"
Mormo maura,
"Black underwing"
Minucia lunaris,
"Brown underwing"
Catocala là một chi bướm đêm thuộc họ Erebidae. Phần lớn các loài trong chi này có cánh dưới màu sáng, cam, đỏ hoặc trắng. Tên gọi chi này là kết hợp của hai từ tiếng Hy Lạp, kato phía sau, và kalos đẹp. Cánh sau trắng sáng không thể nhìn thấy khi con bướm đậu nghỉ, bị giấu bởi cánh trước nhưng giúp con bướm tránh được kẻ săn mồi như chim. Chi này sinh sống ở Eurasia và Bắc Mỹ. Do màu sắc đẹp nên loài bướm chi này là đối tượng của những người sưu tập.
Ленточницы[1][2][3], или орденские ленты[4] (лат. Catocala), — род ночных бабочек из семейства Erebidae.
Широко распространены в умеренном и тёплом поясе Евразии и Северной Америки.
Бабочки более или менее крупных размеров, размах их крыльев от 40[5] до 85 мм. Большинство же видов имеют размах крыльев около 50—54 мм.
Передние крылья покровительственной окраски — тёмно-серые, коричнево-серые, коричневые, красновато-бурые с примесью чёрных и светлых тонов. У многих видов волнистый рисунок верхних крыльев имитирует узор коры деревьев.
Нижние крылья яркой окраски — красные, жёлтые, реже голубые, с тёмной поперечной полоской — т. н. лентой — отсюда и происходит названия рода. Тело у многих видов густоопушённое волосками.
Описание для части видов: Передние крылья в подкраевом поле без тёмного трапецевидного пятна на костальном крае. Внутренняя и внешняя части среднего поля не темнее, чем его средняя часть. Гениталии самца: вальвы, если асимметричны, то не так резко: отростки имеются на обоих гарпах, и не несут многочисленных шипиков, нередко округлены на вершине. Ункус, как правило, серповидный, заострённый. Гениталии самки: копулятивная сумка без ряда склеротизированных рубцов[5].
Описание для части видов: На передних крыльях внешняя перевязь зубчатая, с остроугольным изломом напротив почковидного пятна, в костальный край упирается на его уровне. У вершин передних крыльев нет контрастных, тёмных, хорошо очерченных пятен или штрихов, отходящих от вершин. Задние крылья нередко жёлтые, оранжевые, красные, голубые или белые с чёрными перевязями или чёрные с белыми пятнами, реже более или менее одноцветные, неяркие. Гениталии самца: вальва симметричная или асимметричная. На каждой гарпе по одному отростку. Ункус, как правило, заострённый. Гениталии самки: копулятивная сумка не скульптирована или со слабо выраженной скульптурой[5].
Большинство видов встречается в лесной зоне и на участках лесной растительности. Оседлые виды. Развивается одно поколение в год. Лёт бабочек с середины июля до сентября. Часто привлекаются на бродящий сок деревьев и искусственные источники света. Зимуют яйца. Стадия гусеницы с мая до июня. Питаются на различных породах плодовых и диких деревьев. Окукливание в почве в плетённом коконе.