Acacia floribunda (lat. Acacia floribunda) - paxlakimilər fəsiləsinin akasiya cinsinə aid bitki növü.
Acacia floribunda (lat. Acacia floribunda) - paxlakimilər fəsiləsinin akasiya cinsinə aid bitki növü.
Acacia floribunda is a perennial evergreen[2] shrub or tree. It is a species of wattle native to New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria, but is cultivated extensively, and has naturalised in South Australia, Tasmania and Western Australia, and also in Indonesia, Mauritius and northern New Zealand. Common names for it include gossamer wattle, weeping acacia and white sallow wattle.[1] It grows up to 6m in height, but there is a commercial form available which only grows to about 1m tall. Its cream-colored flowers occur in the early Spring (August to September in the southern hemisphere).[3]
In landscaping, Acacia floribunda is very useful for controlling erosion, especially in gullies. It is also useful as a hedge,[3] as a wind breaker, around bogs and ponds and as a shade tree.[4] It is sold frequently as an ornamental landscaping plant because it is fast-growing and it has many beautiful flowers.[5]
The tree is used for its nitrogen fixing properties by interspersing it with fruit trees.[6]
A. floribunda foliage has some use as fodder for livestock such as goats.[6]
The mature inner bark of this species contains the compound NN-Dimethyltryptamine (0.4%) and other substituted tryptamines that are components of the South American visionary medicine Ayahuasca.
Some individuals are allergic to A. floribunda pollen.[7] About 1.2% of the population not closely exposed to the pollen are allergic, but 31% of floriculturists are allergic to it, seemingly because of their increased exposure.[8]
Acacia floribunda can be propagated from seed by treating the seeds in near-boiling water to penetrate the hard outer seed coating. Alternatively, the outer coatings of the seeds can be sanded down somewhat to allow water in.[3]
Acacia floribunda is a perennial evergreen shrub or tree. It is a species of wattle native to New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria, but is cultivated extensively, and has naturalised in South Australia, Tasmania and Western Australia, and also in Indonesia, Mauritius and northern New Zealand. Common names for it include gossamer wattle, weeping acacia and white sallow wattle. It grows up to 6m in height, but there is a commercial form available which only grows to about 1m tall. Its cream-colored flowers occur in the early Spring (August to September in the southern hemisphere).
Acacia floribunda es una arbusto perenne de Australia y Asia. También se encuentran en isla Mauricio y Nueva Zelanda.
Alcanza una altura de 6 metros pero existe una variedad comercial disponible que tiene solo un metro de altura. Sus flores son de color crema.
La especie se usa por sus propiedades de fijación de nitrógeno haciendo intercalado con árboles frutales.[1]
El follaje de A. floribunda tiene algún uso como heno para ganadería tales como cabras.
ALgunas personas son alérgicas al polen de A. floribunda.[2] Alrededor del 1,2% de la población no ha sido expuesta al polen son sensibles, pero el 31% de los horticultores lo son, aparentemente por su intensa exposición.[3]
Acacia floribunda se propaga por semilla, tratándolas en agua casi en ebullición, para penetrar el duro epicarpio. Alternativamente, también puede debilitárselo con arenado.[4]
Es una planta ornamental muy útil para cercar.
Acacia floribunda fue descrita por (Vent.) Willd. y publicado en Species Plantarum. Editio quarta 4(2): 1051. 1806.[5]
Ver: Acacia: Etimología
floribunda: epíteto latino que significa "con profusión de flores".[6]
Acacia floribunda es una arbusto perenne de Australia y Asia. También se encuentran en isla Mauricio y Nueva Zelanda.
Acacia floribunda est un arbuste de 6 m de haut originaire d'Australie.
Il permet de lutter contre l'érosion, notamment dans les ravines.
L'arbre est bénéfique à d'autres arbres fruitiers car il permet de fixer l'azote.
L'écorce mature interne contient de la diméthyltryptamine, un composant de l'Ayahuasca.
Acacia floribunda est un arbuste de 6 m de haut originaire d'Australie.
Il permet de lutter contre l'érosion, notamment dans les ravines.
L'arbre est bénéfique à d'autres arbres fruitiers car il permet de fixer l'azote.
L'écorce mature interne contient de la diméthyltryptamine, un composant de l'Ayahuasca.
Acacia floribunda é uma espécie de leguminosa do gênero Acacia, pertencente à família Fabaceae.[2]
Acacia floribunda é uma espécie de leguminosa do gênero Acacia, pertencente à família Fabaceae.
Acacia floribunda là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Đậu. Loài này được (Vent.) Willd. miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên.[2]
Acacia floribunda là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Đậu. Loài này được (Vent.) Willd. miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên.