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Sorbus groenlandica (C. K. Schneider) A. & D. Löve

Sorbus groenlandica ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Sorbus groenlandica, the Greenland mountain-ash, is a species of Sorbus found in Greenland and northeastern North America. A shrub, it cannot be found north of 62°15′N, which confines it the southern tip of Greenland, generally deeper up the western fjords, such as the Qinngua Valley.[2][3] It can also be found in eastern Canada and the US states of New Hampshire and Maine, but is very rare throughout its range.[4] Some authorities have it as a synonym of Sorbus decora, the showy mountain-ash.


  1. ^ "Sorbus groenlandica (C.K.Schneid.) Á.L"ve & D.L"ve". The Plant List.
  2. ^ The Greenland Mountain Birch Zone, Southwest Greenland. p. 4. ISBN 9788763512046.
  3. ^ Böcher, Tyge W. (2010). "Birch woodlands and tree growth in southern Greenland". Ecography. 2 (4): 218–221. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0587.1979.tb01292.x.
  4. ^ Nelson, Gil; Earle, Christopher J.; Spellenberg, Richard (27 July 2014). Trees of Eastern North America. p. 560. ISBN 9781400852994.
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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Sorbus groenlandica: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Sorbus groenlandica, the Greenland mountain-ash, is a species of Sorbus found in Greenland and northeastern North America. A shrub, it cannot be found north of 62°15′N, which confines it the southern tip of Greenland, generally deeper up the western fjords, such as the Qinngua Valley. It can also be found in eastern Canada and the US states of New Hampshire and Maine, but is very rare throughout its range. Some authorities have it as a synonym of Sorbus decora, the showy mountain-ash.

direitos autorais
Wikipedia authors and editors
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site do parceiro
wikipedia EN

Grænlandsreynir ( Islandês )

fornecido por wikipedia IS

Sorbus groenlandica, þekktur sem Grænlandsreynir, er lauffellandi runni eða smávaxið tré frá suðvestur Grænlandi.


Hann verður 3 - 5m. hár runni eða tré. Blöðin fjaðurskift 10 - 20 sm löng. blómin hvít í 6 - 10 sm breiðum hálfsveip. Berin rauð, súr reyniber, um 10mm. Auðgreinanlegur frá íslenskum reyni (S. aucuparia) á að vetrarbrum eru klístruð og að ungir sprotar og greinar eru slétt eða nær alveg slétt.[2] Grænlandsreynir er nauðalíkur hinum náskylda Skrautreyni (Sorbus decora)sem hann hefur reyndar lengi verið talinn undirtegund af.


Inn á milli víði og birkirunna, sjaldan á gróskumiklum heiðum. Hér og þar á suðvestur Grænlandi


  1. Bøcker, T.W. (1978). Grønlands Flora. København: P. Haase&Søns forlag.
  2. Bøcker, T.W. (1978). Grønlands Flora. København: P. Haase&Søns forlag.

Ytri tenglar

Finn Johannesen: Grønlands Flora Online

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wikipedia IS

Grænlandsreynir: Brief Summary ( Islandês )

fornecido por wikipedia IS

Sorbus groenlandica, þekktur sem Grænlandsreynir, er lauffellandi runni eða smávaxið tré frá suðvestur Grænlandi.

direitos autorais
Höfundar og ritstjórar Wikipedia
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site do parceiro
wikipedia IS

Sorbus groenlandica ( Ucraniano )

fornecido por wikipedia UK

Таксономічні примітки

Sorbus groenlandica часто вважається расою або S. americana або S. decora. Обидва вони є, проте, диплоїдами, тоді як S. groenlandica є тетраплоїдним видом. Löve and Löve (1965) запропонували, що S. groenlandica може бути алополіплоїдним видом, що походить від S. americana x decora. Для підтвердження потрібна інформація про репродуктивну систему.


Це 1–3 м високий чагарник або дерево. Листя від 10 до 20 см завдовжки, складні, листові фрагменти зубчасті, верхівки загострені. Квіти білі. Плоди (яблуко) блискучі, червоні, ≈10 мм. 2n=68(4x).


Південно-західна Ґренландія, північно-східна Канада, штат Мен, США.


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