MALAGASY:-, Indonesia, Seychelles Is, India, Vietnam, Australia, Sri Lanka, West Malaysia, Sumatra, Singapore, Java, Philippines, Borneo, western ghats kerala
Taxonomic history
Donisthorpe, 1943e PDF: 434 (m.); Wheeler & Wheeler, 1976a PDF: 42 (l.).Combination in Platythyrea: Donisthorpe, 1932c PDF: 454.Senior synonym of Platythyrea melancholica aruana: Wilson, 1958c PDF: 151.Senior synonym of Platythyrea coxalis: Wilson, 1958c PDF: 151.Senior synonym of Platythyrea pusilla: Wilson, 1958c PDF: 151.Senior synonym of Platythyrea pusilla australis: Brown, 1975 PDF: 8.Senior synonym of Platythyrea cephalotes: Brown, 1975 PDF: 8.Senior synonym of Platythyrea ceylonensis: Brown, 1975 PDF: 8.Senior synonym of Platythyrea coxalis cylindrica: Brown, 1975 PDF: 8.Senior synonym of Platythyrea pusilla egena: Brown, 1975 PDF: 8.Senior synonym of Platythyrea inconspicua: Brown, 1975 PDF: 8.Senior synonym of Platythyrea coxalis javana: Brown, 1975 PDF: 8.Senior synonym of Platythyrea parva: Brown, 1975 PDF: 8.Senior synonym of Platythyrea coxalis philippinensis: Brown, 1975 PDF: 8.Senior synonym of Platythyrea pulchella: Brown, 1975 PDF: 8.Senior synonym of Platythyrea wroughtonii sechellensis: Brown, 1975 PDF: 8.Senior synonym of Platythyrea subtilis: Brown, 1975 PDF: 8.Senior synonym of Platythyrea coxalis tritschleri: Brown, 1975 PDF: 8.Senior synonym of Platythyrea wroughtonii victoriae: Brown, 1975 PDF: 8.Senior synonym of Platythyrea wroughtonii: Brown, 1975 PDF: 8.Senior synonym of Platythyrea pusilla pacifica: Wilson & Taylor, 1967b PDF: 20.Senior synonym of Platythyrea coxalis annamita: Brown, 1975 PDF: 8.
Platythyrea parallela, is a species of ant of the subfamily Ponerinae. It is a cosmopolitan species.
Platythyrea parallela, is a species of ant of the subfamily Ponerinae. It is a cosmopolitan species.
Platythyrea parallela is een mierensoort uit de onderfamilie van de Ponerinae.[1][2] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1859 door Smith, F..
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