
Distribution Notes ( Inglês )

fornecido por Antweb

MALAGASY:-, Indonesia, Seychelles Is, India, Vietnam, Australia, Sri Lanka, West Malaysia, Sumatra, Singapore, Java, Philippines, Borneo, western ghats kerala

direitos autorais
California Academy of Sciences
citação bibliográfica
AntWeb. Version 8.45.1. California Academy of Science, online at https://www.antweb.org. Accessed 15 December 2022.
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Taxonomic History ( Inglês )

fornecido por Antweb
Ponera parallela Smith, 1859a PDF: 143 (w.) INDONESIA (Aru I.). Indomalaya. AntCat AntWiki HOL

Taxonomic history

Donisthorpe, 1943e PDF: 434 (m.); Wheeler & Wheeler, 1976a PDF: 42 (l.).Combination in Platythyrea: Donisthorpe, 1932c PDF: 454.Senior synonym of Platythyrea melancholica aruana: Wilson, 1958c PDF: 151.Senior synonym of Platythyrea coxalis: Wilson, 1958c PDF: 151.Senior synonym of Platythyrea pusilla: Wilson, 1958c PDF: 151.Senior synonym of Platythyrea pusilla australis: Brown, 1975 PDF: 8.Senior synonym of Platythyrea cephalotes: Brown, 1975 PDF: 8.Senior synonym of Platythyrea ceylonensis: Brown, 1975 PDF: 8.Senior synonym of Platythyrea coxalis cylindrica: Brown, 1975 PDF: 8.Senior synonym of Platythyrea pusilla egena: Brown, 1975 PDF: 8.Senior synonym of Platythyrea inconspicua: Brown, 1975 PDF: 8.Senior synonym of Platythyrea coxalis javana: Brown, 1975 PDF: 8.Senior synonym of Platythyrea parva: Brown, 1975 PDF: 8.Senior synonym of Platythyrea coxalis philippinensis: Brown, 1975 PDF: 8.Senior synonym of Platythyrea pulchella: Brown, 1975 PDF: 8.Senior synonym of Platythyrea wroughtonii sechellensis: Brown, 1975 PDF: 8.Senior synonym of Platythyrea subtilis: Brown, 1975 PDF: 8.Senior synonym of Platythyrea coxalis tritschleri: Brown, 1975 PDF: 8.Senior synonym of Platythyrea wroughtonii victoriae: Brown, 1975 PDF: 8.Senior synonym of Platythyrea wroughtonii: Brown, 1975 PDF: 8.Senior synonym of Platythyrea pusilla pacifica: Wilson & Taylor, 1967b PDF: 20.Senior synonym of Platythyrea coxalis annamita: Brown, 1975 PDF: 8.
direitos autorais
California Academy of Sciences
citação bibliográfica
AntWeb. Version 8.45.1. California Academy of Science, online at https://www.antweb.org. Accessed 15 December 2022.
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Platythyrea parallela ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Platythyrea parallela, is a species of ant of the subfamily Ponerinae. It is a cosmopolitan species.


direitos autorais
Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Platythyrea parallela: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Platythyrea parallela, is a species of ant of the subfamily Ponerinae. It is a cosmopolitan species.

direitos autorais
Wikipedia authors and editors
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site do parceiro
wikipedia EN

Platythyrea parallela ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL


Platythyrea parallela is een mierensoort uit de onderfamilie van de Ponerinae.[1][2] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1859 door Smith, F..

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wikipedia NL