
Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Smicridea (S.) varia (Banks)

Rhyacophylax varius Banks, 1913:239.—Fischer, 1963:137. Smicridea varius (Banks).—Flint, 1967:15.

This species is very close to S. fasciatella McLachlan, but the typical form is easily recognized by its color. The male genitalia offer a few distinctions, the tenth tergite is more narrowly rounded apically in dorsal aspect, and the internal sclerite of the aedeagus is quite differently shaped. There appear to be no really diagnostic differences in the female genitalia.

There is a form, that I attribute to this species, in which the forewings are brown rather than fuscous. The white bands in this form are also more diffuse, producing an appearance approaching that of S. fasciatella. Possibly additional collections, especially with associated larvae, will require a reevaluation of the relationship of these forms.

ADULT.—Length of forewing 5–6 mm. Color black, bases of legs pale brown, midtarsi externally white; f ore wings black, with a broad diffuse U-shaped band of white, opalescent hairs basally, and a similar, broad transverse band of hair sub. apically, a narrow distinct white band from stigma, usually offset at midlength (Figure 21). (There is a form in which the black is replaced by brown, and the opalescent hairs become more yellowish. It may then appear very similar to fasciatella.) Male genitalia: Ninth segment with anterior margin nearly vertical. Tenth tergite constricted subapically, tip rounded; in dorsal aspect with tip rounded, usually showing a rounded mesally directed lobe. Clasper with basal segment long, barely expanded apicad; apical segment tapering to a point in dorsal aspect. Aedeagus tubular, with basal and apical sections meeting at an angle of about 130°; internal sclerite in lateral aspect with a narrow basal and a broad apical section, in dorsal aspect with basal section Y-shaped and apical section composed of a broad plate narrowly divided mesally. Female genitalia: Eighth sternite with posterolateral lobe large, dark fold slightly curved, posterior margin rounded. Ninth tergum with anterolateral margin a right-angled lobe, ventral margin nearly straight. Vagina with lateral and anterior sclerotized band broad, central sclerite and opening, usually borne nearly vertically; with a small rectangular sclerite posteriad.

LARVA.—Length to 7 mm. Sclerites yellowish brown; head with a distinct color pattern, with distinct pale spot around seta base. Anterior margin of frontoclypeus with evenly spaced, rounded lobes. Mandibles with inner and ventral margins of molar tooth straight, meeting at right angle.

PUPA.—Length 5 mm. No distinction from S. fasciatella found.

MATERIAL.—MEXICO: VERACRUZ: La Gloria Cardel, January 1938, J. Carmelo G., 1 . Cuitlahuac, 10–12 August 1964, P. J. Spangler, many ; same, but 24–27 July 1965, Flint and Ortiz, 1 ; same, but 3 July 1965, P. J. Spangler, 2 6. Puente Nacional, 23–24 July 1965, Flint and Ortiz, 1 2 . Catemaco, 26 July 1966, Flint and Ortiz, many . El Encero, route 140, km 347, 22 July 1965, Flint and Ortiz, many . 2 miles S. of Acayucan, route 185, 10 July 1965, Campbell and Hill, 7 5 (INHS). Rió Tacolapan, route 180, km 551, 25–26 July 1966, Flint and Ortiz, 3-DISTRITO FEDERAL: Lomas de Chapultepec, 19 July 1938, A. Dampf, 4 (INHS). MORELOS: Xochitepec, 12–14 July 1965, Flint and Ortiz, 1 . Jojutla, 1 September 1937, A. Dampf, 2 (INHS). SINALOA: Culiacan, 16 July 1963, P. J. Spangler, 5 6 . 32 miles SSE of Culiacan, 16 June 1954, A. A. Alcorn, 2 1 (UK). SONORA: Ciudad Obregon, 17 July 1955, Flint and Pacheco, 4. Navajoa, 14 July 1963, P. J. Spangler, 1 12 . OAXACA: Tehuantepec, 23 July 1964, P. J. Spangler, 9 4 . Puente Tlacotepec, S of Tehuantepec, 8 June 1966, Flint and Ortiz, many ; same, but 8–9 June 1967, many . Puerto Angel, 31 July 1965, A. B. Lau, 1 . Tuxtepec, April 1938, J. Carmelo G., 1 . Laguna Superior de Juchitan, 30 April 1932, A. Dampf, 4 (INHS). CHIAPAS: 7.8 miles E of Pichucalco, 27–28 July 1966, Flint and Ortiz, many . Puente Arroyo Viejo, route 200, km 141, 9 June 1967, Flint and Ortiz, 1 . Arriaga, 22 August 1965, P. J. Spangler, many . Salto de Agua, 28 April 1938, A. Dampf, 1 (INHS). Santa Lucia, 29 July 1926, A. Dampf, 1 (INHS). Tonala, 3 November 1932, A. Dampf, 7 ; same, but 2 November 1932, many ; same, but 27 November 1932, many (INHS). Acapatehua, 7 November 1932, A. Dampf, many (INHS). Suchiate, 16 November 1932, A. Dampf, 3 (INHS). Huehuetan, 9 November 1932, A. Dampf, 5 (INHS). Ocosingo Valley, Rió Santa Cruz, Finca El Real, 1 July 1950, Goodnight and Stannard, 7 32 (INHS). Ocosingo Valley, Finca Monte Libano, 4 July 1950, Goodnight and Stannard, 11 12 (INHS). Chiapa de Corzo, 26 July 1926, A. Dampf, 23 (INHS). Mapastepec, 5 November 1932, A. Dampf, many (INHS). Near Pijijiapan, 5 July 1965, P. J. Spangler, many . TABASCO: Rió Puyacatengo, E of Teapa, 28–29 July 1966, Flint and Ortiz, many . Pocvicuc, 1 January 1939, A. Dampf, many ; same, but 31 December 1938, many (INHS). Villahermosa, 13 August 1937, A. Dampf, 11 (INHS); same, but October 1954, N.L.H. Krauss, 7 . Tiradero, 6 January 1939, A. Dampf, 1 (INHS). Las Mercedes, 25 June 1938, A. Dampf, 7 5 (INHS). Frontera, 11 November 1937, A. Dampf, 6 (INHS). CAMPECHE: Salto Grande, 11 January 1939, A. Dampf, 5 (INHS).

GUATEMALA: RETALHULEU: Puento El Nino, near Retalhuleu, 16 June 1966, Flint and Ortiz, 3 1 . SUCHITEPEQUEZ: Puento Ixtacapa, near San Antonio, 18–19 June 1966, Flint and Ortiz, many . Rió Sis, 22 km S of Finca La Maquina, 11 June 1966, Flint and Ortiz, many . Finca Mocá, 12 June 1966, Flint and Ortiz, 2 . ESCUINTLA: Escuintla, 10 August 1965, P. J. Spangler, 1 . Tequisati, 4–12 May 1929, G. Heinrich, 1 . JUTIAPA: Laguna Nisguaya, 4 August 1965, P. J. Spangler, 1 . QUICHE: Chejel, June, Schaus and Barnes, 1. EL PROGRESSO: San Augustin Acasaguastlan, 11–21 August 1965, Flint and Ortiz, many . IZABAL: Limones, route CA9, km 282, 16–18 August 1965, Flint and Ortiz, 3 . Quirigua, February 1915, W. Schaus, 1 1 . Cayuga, April 1915, W. Schaus, 3 2 ; same, but May 1915, 1 ; same, but August 1915 1 . SANTA ROSA: 7.7 miles SE of Cuilapa, 7 August 1967, O. S. Flint, Jr., 4 . GUATEMALA: 10 miles S of Guatemala City, 5 August 1965, P. J. Spangler, 1 2 .

EL SALVADOR: LA LIBERTAD: Rió El Taquio, N of La Libertad, 3 July 1966, Flint and Ortiz, 1 . Quezaltepeque, 11 February 1965, S. S. and W. D. Duckworth, 1 .

HONDURAS: VALLE: Nacaome, 4 August 1967, O. S. Flint, Jr., many , larvae, pupae; same, but 9 July 1965, P. J. Spangler, 5 16 . CHOLUTECA: Pespire, 1 August 1967, O. S. Flint, many . COMA YAGUA: Rancho Chiquito, SE of Flores, 2–3 August 1967, O. S. Flint, Jr., 1 . Rió Humuya, NW of Comayagua, 3 August 1967, O. S. Flint, Jr. many . ATLANTIDA: La Ceiba, 21 June 1949, E. C. Becker, 2 (INHS); same, but 14 July 1949, 2 3; same, but 19–21 July 1949, 6 8. YORO: 12 km W of Olanchito, May 1949, E. C. Becker, 1 1 (INHS); same, but 24–25 May 1949, 2 ; same, but 22 June 1949, 3 1 ; same, but 5–7 July 1949, 3 .

NICARAGUA: NUEVA SEGOVIA: Rió Coco, Ocotal, 31 July 1967, O. S. Flint, Jr., many . MATAGALPA: 5.3 miles E of Matagalpa, 30 July 1967, O. S. Flint, Jr., 1 . CHONTALES: Puente Quinama, E of Villa Somoza, 29 July 1967, O. S. Flint, Jr., many . RIVAS: 16 miles S of Rivas, 12 July 1965, P. J. Spangler, 5 .

COSTA RICA: GUANACASTE: 10 miles NW of Liberia, 25 July 1967, P. J. Spangler, many . Rió Corobici, Las Canas, 26 July 1967, O. S. Flint, Jr., many . Quebrada Tronadorcita, near Arenal, 24 July 1967, O. S. Flint, Jr., 1 . 15 miles S of Potrerillos, 27 July 1967, O. S. Flint, Jr., 1 2. ALAJUELA: Turrúcares, 1 holotype (MCZ). PUNTARENAS: Rió Seco, NW of Esparta, 23 July 1967, O. S. Flint, Jr., many . 2.8 miles E of Golfito, 3–4 July 1967, Flint and Ortiz, 3 ; same, but 18–19 July 1967, 1 . Palmar Sur, August 1962, F. S. Blanton, 1 1 . CARTAGO: Rió Reventazon, Hamburg Farm, Nevermann, 4 (Vienna Museum).

PANAMA: CHIRIQUI: Dolega, 17 July 1967, O. S. Flint, Jr., many . COLON: Portobelo, 18 February 1911, A. Busck, 1. CANAL ZONE: Paraiso, February 1911, A. Busck, 1 . Tabernilla, A. Busck, l 1 .

BIOLOGY.—Adults of this species are freely attracted to lights. The one collection of larvae and metamorphotypes was made in a shallow river 10–20 meters wide. They were found on rocks in a shallow riffle in full sun. Adult collections tend to indicate a rather wide habitat range for the species in rivers and streams. Most waters in which they have been found are of rather low gradient, with shallow riffle areas, often in full sun.
citação bibliográfica
Flint, Oliver S., Jr. 1974. "Studies of Neotropical Caddisflies XVII: The Genus Smicridea from North and Central America (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-65. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.167

Smicridea varia ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

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Smicridea varia is een schietmot uit de familie Hydropsychidae. De soort komt voor in het Neotropisch en het Nearctisch gebied.

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Smicridea varia ( Vietnamita )

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Smicridea varia là một loài Trichoptera trong họ Hydropsychidae. Loài này komt voor in het Neotropisch en het Nearctisch gebied.

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Smicridea varia: Brief Summary ( Vietnamita )

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Smicridea varia là một loài Trichoptera trong họ Hydropsychidae. Loài này komt voor in het Neotropisch en het Nearctisch gebied.

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