Definição: Mouthparts modified into long or short, sclerotized piercing devices that are used to penetrate the host/prey/substrate to gain access to food, and liquids are transported through the food canal with the aid of a pressure gradient created by a sucking pump.
Definição: A depression caused by erosion by water or ice. Low-lying land bordered by higher ground; especially elongate, relatively large gently sloping depressions of the Earth's surface, commonly situated between two mountains or between ranges of hills or mountains, and often containing a stream with an outlet.
Definição: A plain without trees (apart from those near rivers and lakes); it is similar to a prairie, although a prairie is generally considered as being dominated by tall grasses, while short grasses are said to be normal in the steppe. It may be semi-desert, or covered with grass or shrubs or both, depending on the season and latitude.