Imagem de Podisus (Podisus) maculiventris (Say 1832)
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Podisus (Podisus) maculiventris (Say 1832)

Conservation Status

fornecido por University of Alberta Museums
This is the most common asopine species in N.A., though reportedly rare in Florida (Blatchley 1926).
direitos autorais
University of Alberta Museums


fornecido por University of Alberta Museums
Adults are active from April to October (De Clercq 2000); a single specimen in the Strickland Museum was collected in November.
direitos autorais
University of Alberta Museums


fornecido por University of Alberta Museums
Maw et al. (2000) indicate a distribution ranging across the eastern provinces of Canada, from Manitoba to Newfoundland. However, Henry and Froeschner (1988) reported in their catalog that this species ranges as far as British Columbia to the west and Texas to the south. They also indicate introduced populations in Europe and Korea (Henry and Froeschner 1988). This species has not been collected in Alberta.
direitos autorais
University of Alberta Museums

General Description

fornecido por University of Alberta Museums
This species is brown in colour and lacks the obvious dull-yellow mottling apparent in P. placidus. The "spined soldier bug" lends itself to the characteristics of its pronotum. The pronotum has very concave margins with narrow, smooth sided projections on either side that resemble spines. There is a ventral spine on abdominal sternite II that projects anteriorly and reaches between the hind coxa. This characteristic isolates this species from P. brevispinus. Also, the membrane of the wings has a dark spot unlike P. placidus. Adults are of a larger size in comparison to the other Podisus species; length 11-13.5 mm (Blatchley 1926; McPherson 1982).
direitos autorais
University of Alberta Museums


fornecido por University of Alberta Museums
This species is common along streams, densely wooded areas (Blatchley 1926), and in agricultural ecosystems (De Clercq 2000).
direitos autorais
University of Alberta Museums

Life Cycle

fornecido por University of Alberta Museums
The eggs of this species hatch after approximately one week at temperatures between 20° C and 25° C. First instar nymphs are gregarious and phytophagous, but with consecutive molts become more independent and full on predators (De Clercq 2000). Between 25 and 46 days after hatching nymphs become mature adults (Blatchley 1926; De Clercq 2000). The species overwinters as adults and after emerging from hibernation begin mating immediately, often mating several times and with several partners. Up to 492 eggs have been recorded as being oviposited by a single female (De Clercq 2000).
direitos autorais
University of Alberta Museums

Trophic Strategy

fornecido por University of Alberta Museums
This species is highly polyphagous, with more than 90 insect prey species, but primarily feeds on the larvae of Lepidoptera and Coleoptera. First instar nymphs are phytophagous but become predatory after molting. In addition, later instars and adults are known to exhibit cannibalistic behaviour when food is limited (De Clercq 2000).
direitos autorais
University of Alberta Museums

Podisus maculiventris ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

Podisus maculiventris és una espècie d'hemípter heteròpter de la família Pentatomidae originari d'Amèrica, que mesura entre 0,8 i 1,3 cm. Desprèn una olor quan se li molesta.

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Podisus maculiventris ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Podisus maculiventris ist eine Wanzenart aus der Familie der Baumwanzen (Pentatomidae). Die Wanzenart trägt die englische Bezeichnung Spined Soldier Bug („Dornenbesetzte Soldatenwanze“).


Die braun gefleckten mittelgroßen Wanzen werden bis zu 11 mm lang.[1] An den Seiten des Halsschilds befindet sich jeweils ein Dorn, welcher nach außen gerichtet ist (im Gegensatz zu Podisus macronatus, wo dieser nach vorne gerichtet ist).[1] Das helle Connexivum (auf der Seite sichtbarer Teil des Abdomens) besitzt schwarze Flecken. Die Weibchen werden gewöhnlich größer als ihre männlichen Artgenossen.[1] Auf der hell gefärbten Unterseite des Hinterleibs befindet sich im hinteren Bereich ein schwarzer Fleck.[2]


Podisus maculiventris ist die in Nordamerika häufigste zoophage Wanze der Familie Pentatomidae.[1] Ihr Verbreitungsgebiet erstreckt sich über Mexiko, die Bahamas, die Westindischen Inseln, die Vereinigten Staaten und den Süden Kanadas.[1]


Die Wanzen ernähren sich räuberisch von Gliederfüßern – insbesondere Käferlarven und Schmetterlingsraupen. Ihr Beutespektrum ist dabei breit gefächert und beinhaltet verschiedene Schädlinge. Dazu zählt der Mexikanische Bohnenkäfer (Epilachna varivestis), der Maiszünsler (Ostrinia nubilalis), die Kohlschabe (Plutella xylostella), der Baumwollkapselbohrer (Helicoverpa zea), Spodoptera exigua, Spodoptera frugiperda, die Aschgraue Höckereule (Trichoplusia ni), der Kleine Kohlweißling (Pieris rapae), Anticarsia gemmatalis sowie der Kartoffelkäfer (Leptinotarsa decemlineata).[1] Aus diesem Grunde bietet sich die Wanzenart als eine Form der biologischen Schädlingsbekämpfung an.[1]

Die Gelegegröße von Podisus maculiventris besteht gewöhnlich aus 17 bis 70 Eiern.[1] Die Entwicklung der Wanze umfasst fünf Nymphenstadien.[1] Die komplette Entwicklungsdauer beginnend mit der Eiablage liegt zwischen 27 und 38 Tagen.[1]


Die Artbezeichnung maculiventris leitet sich aus dem Lateinischen ab: macula = „Fleck“ und venter = „Bauch“ oder „Unterleib“. Der Name verweist auf ein entsprechendes äußeres Merkmal der Art.



  1. a b c d e f g h i j University of Florida: Featured Creature – Podisus maculiventris
  2. K. Kamminga et al.: Field Guide to Stink Bugs (PDF 1,9 MB) Virginia Integrated Pest Management. Abgerufen am 23. Dezember 2016.
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wikipedia DE

Podisus maculiventris: Brief Summary ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Podisus maculiventris ist eine Wanzenart aus der Familie der Baumwanzen (Pentatomidae). Die Wanzenart trägt die englische Bezeichnung Spined Soldier Bug („Dornenbesetzte Soldatenwanze“).

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wikipedia DE

Spined soldier bug ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

The spined soldier bug (Podisus maculiventris) is a species of stink bug common in North America. They are predators of gypsy moth caterpillars and the larvae of beetles such as the Colorado potato beetle and the Mexican bean beetle. Since the Mexican bean beetle is widely regarded as a notorious agricultural pest in North America, soldier bugs are generally considered to be beneficial garden insects.

P. maculiventris is a generalist predator with a broad host range, reportedly attacking 90 insect species, which includes several important economic pests. Reported prey include the larvae of the Mexican bean beetle, Colorado potato beetle, flea beetles and diamondback moth, and corn earworm, beet armyworm, fall armyworm, European corn borer, cabbage looper, imported cabbageworm, and velvetbean caterpillar. When prey is scarce, P. maculiventris may feed on plant juices, but this feeding is not reported to cause significant plant damage.

P. maculiventris is associated with several crops, including alfalfa, apples, asparagus, beans, celery, cotton, crucifers, cucurbits, eggplant, potatoes, onions, soybeans, sweet corn and tomatoes. The effectiveness of this species in preying on economic pests has resulted in its use in classical biological control programs outside North America, including in Eastern Europe and in Russia. However, this has not been entirely successful in colder climates, perhaps due to the bug's inability to successfully overwinter. P. maculiventris eggs are sold commercially for use in control programs; this has proven successful in controlling pests in European and North American heated greenhouses. Use in large-area field crops is often not economically viable, due to the production costs of producing large numbers of P. maculiventris eggs. In addition, resident populations of P. maculiventris often are not sufficiently large to contain large larval pest emergences in the spring. Pheromones have been used to draw naturally occurring and newly emerging populations of this stink bug to target crops in the spring.[1]


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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Spined soldier bug: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

The spined soldier bug (Podisus maculiventris) is a species of stink bug common in North America. They are predators of gypsy moth caterpillars and the larvae of beetles such as the Colorado potato beetle and the Mexican bean beetle. Since the Mexican bean beetle is widely regarded as a notorious agricultural pest in North America, soldier bugs are generally considered to be beneficial garden insects.

P. maculiventris is a generalist predator with a broad host range, reportedly attacking 90 insect species, which includes several important economic pests. Reported prey include the larvae of the Mexican bean beetle, Colorado potato beetle, flea beetles and diamondback moth, and corn earworm, beet armyworm, fall armyworm, European corn borer, cabbage looper, imported cabbageworm, and velvetbean caterpillar. When prey is scarce, P. maculiventris may feed on plant juices, but this feeding is not reported to cause significant plant damage.

P. maculiventris is associated with several crops, including alfalfa, apples, asparagus, beans, celery, cotton, crucifers, cucurbits, eggplant, potatoes, onions, soybeans, sweet corn and tomatoes. The effectiveness of this species in preying on economic pests has resulted in its use in classical biological control programs outside North America, including in Eastern Europe and in Russia. However, this has not been entirely successful in colder climates, perhaps due to the bug's inability to successfully overwinter. P. maculiventris eggs are sold commercially for use in control programs; this has proven successful in controlling pests in European and North American heated greenhouses. Use in large-area field crops is often not economically viable, due to the production costs of producing large numbers of P. maculiventris eggs. In addition, resident populations of P. maculiventris often are not sufficiently large to contain large larval pest emergences in the spring. Pheromones have been used to draw naturally occurring and newly emerging populations of this stink bug to target crops in the spring.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Podisus maculiventris ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Podisus maculiventris es una especie de hemíptero heteróptero de la familia Pentatomidae originario de Norte América, que mide entre 0,8 y 1,3 cm. Desprende un olor nauseabundo cuando se le molesta.

Su vida media es de cinco o seis meses; en ese tiempo llegan a poner hasta quinientos huevos en tandas de dos o tres decenas sobre hojas y ramas. Se alimentan de otros insectos a los que clavan un estilete con el que les inyectan veneno, tras lo cual los succionan.

Muchas de sus presas son consideradas plagas, por lo cual se los considera valiosos como controles biológicos.[1]​ Ejemplos de algunas plagas que atacan son: las orugas de la lagarta peluda o Lymantria dispar, larvas del escarabajo de la patata o Leptinotarsa decemlineata y larvas de Epilachna varivestis


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wikipedia ES

Podisus maculiventris: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Podisus maculiventris es una especie de hemíptero heteróptero de la familia Pentatomidae originario de Norte América, que mide entre 0,8 y 1,3 cm. Desprende un olor nauseabundo cuando se le molesta.

Su vida media es de cinco o seis meses; en ese tiempo llegan a poner hasta quinientos huevos en tandas de dos o tres decenas sobre hojas y ramas. Se alimentan de otros insectos a los que clavan un estilete con el que les inyectan veneno, tras lo cual los succionan.

Muchas de sus presas son consideradas plagas, por lo cual se los considera valiosos como controles biológicos.​ Ejemplos de algunas plagas que atacan son: las orugas de la lagarta peluda o Lymantria dispar, larvas del escarabajo de la patata o Leptinotarsa decemlineata y larvas de Epilachna varivestis

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Autores y editores de Wikipedia
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wikipedia ES

Podisus maculiventris ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

La punaise soldat (Podisus maculiventris) est une espèce d'insectes hémiptères hétéroptères, une punaise de la famille des Pentatomidae, originaire d'Amérique du Nord. Les adultes et les larves sont des prédateurs de diverses espèces d'insectes[1]. Cette punaise est d'ailleurs utilisée comme agent de lutte biologique.


Il s'agit d'une punaise de taille moyenne (11 mm) caractérisée par des épines au niveau de son pronotum. Elle est généralement de couleur brune ou grise. Les pattes sont jaunes. Les œufs sont ovales et possèdent de longs poils blancs à leur extrémité. Ils varient en couleur (blanc à noir) selon s'ils sont pondus sur le dessus (foncés) ou le dessous (pâles) d'une feuille. Le pigment a donc pour effet de protéger les œufs des rayons nocifs du soleil, et cela seulement lorsqu'ils sont exposés à ces rayons, la feuille protégeant les œufs pondus sous elle[2].

Lutte biologique

Elle est commercialisée dans la région OEPP depuis 1996 comme agent de lutte biologique contre le doryphore et divers lépidoptères, tant en cultures sous serre qu'en plein champ[3].

Notes et références

  1. (en) Mukerji MK, LeRoux EJ. 1965. Laboratory rearing of a Quebec strain of the pentatomid predator, Podisus maculiventris (Say) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Phytoprotection 46: 40-60
  2. (en) Paul K. Abram, Eric Guerra-Grenier, Marie-Lyne Després-Einspenner et Shosuke Ito, « An Insect with Selective Control of Egg Coloration », Current Biology, vol. 25, no 15,‎ août 2015, p. 2007–2011 (DOI , présentation en ligne).
  3. (en) « Commercially used biological control agents - Insecta, Hemiptera/Heteroptera », Organisation européenne et méditerranéenne pour la protection des plantes (OEPP) (consulté le 19 mars 2015).

Voir aussi

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wikipedia FR

Podisus maculiventris: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

La punaise soldat (Podisus maculiventris) est une espèce d'insectes hémiptères hétéroptères, une punaise de la famille des Pentatomidae, originaire d'Amérique du Nord. Les adultes et les larves sont des prédateurs de diverses espèces d'insectes. Cette punaise est d'ailleurs utilisée comme agent de lutte biologique.

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Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
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wikipedia FR