Cyathea corcovadensis is a species of tree fern native to Paraguay and Serra do Mar in southern Brazil, where it grows in primary and secondary forest, as well as scrub, at an altitude of 250–2100 m. The erect trunk is short, usually about 30–60 cm tall. Fronds are bipinnate and 2.5 m or more in length. The rachis ranges in colour from brown to purplish and is covered with warts and scattered brown scales. Sori occur either between the fertile pinnule midvein and the edge of the lamina or just beside the midvein. They lack indusia. C. corcovadensis is a variable species, especially in terms of pinnule shape and degree of dissection.
The specific epithet corcovadensis refers to Corcovado, the 704 m tall peak in central Rio de Janeiro.
Cyathea corcovadensis is a species of tree fern native to Paraguay and Serra do Mar in southern Brazil, where it grows in primary and secondary forest, as well as scrub, at an altitude of 250–2100 m. The erect trunk is short, usually about 30–60 cm tall. Fronds are bipinnate and 2.5 m or more in length. The rachis ranges in colour from brown to purplish and is covered with warts and scattered brown scales. Sori occur either between the fertile pinnule midvein and the edge of the lamina or just beside the midvein. They lack indusia. C. corcovadensis is a variable species, especially in terms of pinnule shape and degree of dissection.
The specific epithet corcovadensis refers to Corcovado, the 704 m tall peak in central Rio de Janeiro.
Cyathea corcovadensis es una especie botánica de helecho arbóreo nativo de Paraguay y de la Serra do Mar en el sur de Brasil, donde crece en canopios boscosos primarios y secundarios, a altitudes de 250-2100 msnm; tronco erecto corto, usualmente de 3-6 dm altura. Frondas bipinnada y de 2,5 m o más de longitud. El raquis tiene colores de pardo a purpúreo y se cubre de verrugas y de escamas. Los soros están entre las fértiles pinulas, y bordes de las láminas, o justo al lado de las venas; y luego las pierden a los indusias. C. corcovadensis es una especie variable, especialmente en términos de forma de las pínulas y su grado de disección.
El específico epíteto corcovadensis hace referencia al Corcovado, el cerro de 704 msnm en Río de Janeiro.
Cyathea corcovadensis là một loài thực vật có mạch trong họ Cyatheaceae.[1][2][3] Loài này được (Raddi) Domin mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1929.[4]
Cyathea corcovadensis là một loài thực vật có mạch trong họ Cyatheaceae. Loài này được (Raddi) Domin mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1929.