Yi-Yang Chen, Hsiu-Chin Lin, Benny K.K. Chan
Figure 2.Hard parts of Darwiniella angularis sp. n. A Dorsal view of shell (NMNS-6878-001) B Ventral view of shell (NMNS-6878-001) C Dorsal view of fused scutum and tergum (NMNS-6878-001) D Ventral view of fused scutum and tergum (NMNS-6878-001) E Dorsal view of fused scutum and tergum (ASIZCR000203) F Ventral view of fused scutum and tergum (ASIZCR000203) G Dorsal view of fused scutum and tergum (additional individual, CEL-RYU-13-3) H Ventral view of fused scutum and tergum (additional individual, CEL-RYU-13-3). (AP: adductor plate, AA: adductor plate angle, SP: spur, scale bar: μm). Note the AA and SP of Darwiniella angularis sp. n. distinguish it from Darwiniella conjugatum (Darwin, 1854) (see Figure 10).
Yi-Yang Chen, Hsiu-Chin Lin, Benny K.K. Chan
Figure 3.Oral cone of Darwiniella angularis sp. n. A Maxilla (NMNS-6878-001) B Serrulate setae on apex C Serrulate setae on inferior margin D Maxillule (NMNS-6878-001) E Simple setae on posterior margin F Large simple setae on cutting edge G Maxillule (additional specimen, ASIZCR000202) H Maxillule (additional specimen, CEL-TI-9-10). (scale bar: μm)
Yi-Yang Chen, Hsiu-Chin Lin, Benny K.K. Chan
Figure 4.Oral cone of Darwiniella angularis sp. n. A Mandible (NMNS-6878-001) B Bidentate second tooth C Inferior angle with simple seta D Mandible (additional specimen, ASIZCR000202) E Inferior angle with simple seta F Mandible (additional specimen, CEL-TI-9-10) G Inferior angle with simple seta H Mandible (additional specimen, ASIZCR000204). (scale bar: μm)
Yi-Yang Chen, Hsiu-Chin Lin, Benny K.K. Chan
Figure 5.Oral cone of Darwiniella angularis sp. n. A Mandibular palp (NMNS-6878-001) B Serrulate setae on inferior margin C Serrulate setae distally D Labrum (NMNS-6878-001) E Teeth on labrum F Teeth on labrum G Labrum (additional specimen, CEL-TI-9-10) H Labrum (additional specimen, ASIZCR000202). (scale bar: μm)
Yi-Yang Chen, Hsiu-Chin Lin, Benny K.K. Chan
Figure 6.Line drawing of Darwiniella angularis sp. n. A Cirrus I B Cirrus II C Cirrus III D Cirrus IV E Cirrus V F Cirrus VI. (scale bar: μm)
Yi-Yang Chen, Hsiu-Chin Lin, Benny K.K. Chan
Figure 7.Cirri of Darwiniella angularis sp. n. A Cirrus I (NMNS-6878-001) B Serrulate setae on anterior ramus C Serrulate setae on anterior ramus apex D Serrulate setae on posterior ramus apex E Cirrus II (CEL-TI-1-7) F Serrulate setae on posterior ramus G Serrulate setae on anterior ramus apex H Serrulate setae on posterior ramus base. (scale bar: μm)
Yi-Yang Chen, Hsiu-Chin Lin, Benny K.K. Chan
Figure 8.Cirri of Darwiniella angularis sp. n. A Cirrus III (NMNS-6878-001) B Serrulate setae on anterior ramus C Serrulate setae distally D Serrulate setae on posterior ramus E Cirrus IV (NMNS-6878-001) F Intermediate segment with 4 pairs of serrulate setae G Intermediate segment with serrulate setae H Serrulate setae distally. (scale bar: μm)
Yi-Yang Chen, Hsiu-Chin Lin, Benny K.K. Chan
Figure 9.Cirri and penis of Darwiniella angularis sp. n. A Cirrus V (NMNS-6878-001) B Serrulate setae on apex C Intermediate segment with 4 pairs of serrulate setae D Cirrus VI (NMNS-6878-001) E Serrulate setae distally F Intermediate segment with 4 pairs of serrulate setae G Penis (CEL-TI-9-10) H Basi-dorsal point of penis I Apex of penis. (scale bar: μm)