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Neotrichoma Mathis & Zatwarnicki 2012

Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Zookeys
Minute to small to moderately small shore flies, body length 0.85–1.45 mm. Head: Frons mostly unicolorous, at most with narrow, anterior fronto-orbits slightly lighter in color, lacking distinctively colored ocellar triangle; pseudopostocellar setae subequal in length to ocellar setae. Pedicel with well-developed, proclinate, dorsal seta. Facial coloration sexually dimorphic, males unicolorous and darker; face with dorsal 2/3 between antennal grooves shallowly carinate, becoming more prominent ventrad of facial grooves, slightly tuberculate; clypeus mostly bare, black, subshiny; palpus blackish. Thorax: Mesonotum generally dark brown; chaetotaxy generally well developed; prescutellar acrostichal setae much larger than other acrostichal setae and more widely set apart; presutural supra-alar seta well developed, length subequal to notopleural setae; katepisternum with 2 setae, 2nd seta smaller and inserted below larger seta. Wing mostly milky white; veins behind costa brownish; alular marginal setulae short, less than 1/2 alular height. Legs: tibiae dark, concolorous with femora. Abdomen: 5th tergite of male short, about 1/2 length of 4th tergite; 5th sternite unmodified. Male terminalia: cerci normally developed, not extended ventrally beyond ventral margin of epandrium; aedeagus and phallapodeme attached.
direitos autorais
Wayne N. Mathis, Tadeusz Zatwarnicki
citação bibliográfica
Mathis W, Zatwarnicki T (2012) Revision of New World Species of the Shore-fly Subgenus Allotrichoma Becker of the Genus Allotrichoma with Description of the Subgenus Neotrichoma (Diptera, Ephydridae, Hecamedini) ZooKeys 161: 1–101
Wayne N. Mathis
Tadeusz Zatwarnicki
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