The Amphisphaeriaceae are a family of fungi that is mainly found in parts of New Zealand, South America, Asia and parts of Europe. According to the 2007 Outline of Ascomycota, there were 41 genera placed within the family, although the position of 13 of those genera is uncertain.[1] The 2020 Outline of Fungi and fungus-like taxa severely reduced the family to 4 members.[2]
This family of fungi was established as Amphispaerieae to contain the previously unclassified genera Caryospora, Strickeria, Ohleria, and Amphisphaeria, among others. However, the name was forgotten over time. In 1964, the name was reintroduced as the current Amphisphaeriaceae, and genera such as Apiorynchostoma, and again, Amphisphaeria. There was plenty of controversy about which order the Amphisphaeriaceae should be placed in. In 1973, Amphisphaeriaceae was placed under the order Sphaeriales (and some sources still classify it as such). In 1983, however, Amphisphaeriaceae was placed in under the order Amphisphaeriales, along with Cainiaceae, and Hyponectriaceae. After much study, however, Cainiaceae was merged with Amphisphaeriaceae, and were considered Xylariaceous. Because of this, Amphisphaeriaceae was officially placed in the order Xylariales in 1993. In 2020, it was placed by in the order Amphisphaeriales and also subclass Xylariomycetidae.[2]
Amphisphaeriaceae is a large, complicated family of Ascomycota. The asci are cylindrical or club-shaped, and they have a simple top ring that is amyloid (starchy), or sometimes nonamyloid. Many Amphisphaeriaceae genera have not been linked to anamorphs.
Many fungi that are part of the family are fatal to plants, causing them to die. In fact, several genera of Amphisphaeriaceae have been listed as invasive species.
In 2007, it held 41 genera; Amphisphaerella — Amphisphaeria — Arecophila — Blogiascospora — Broomella — Cannonia — Capsulospora — Ceriophora — Ceriospora — Chitonospora — Clypeophysalospora — Discostroma — Distorimula — Dyrithiopsis — Dyrithium — Ellurema — Flagellosphaeria — Frondispora — Funiliomyces — Griphosphaerioma — Iodosphaeria — Lanceispora — Leiosphaerella — Lepteutypa — Lindquistomyces — Manokwaria — Monochaetia — Monographella — Mukhakesa — Neobroomella — Neohypodiscus — Ommatomyces — Oxydothis — Paracainiella — Pemphidium — Pestalosphaeria — Reticulosphaeria — Urosporella — Urosporellopsis and Xylochora.[1]
In 2020, it was just 4 genera;[2]
Figures in brackets are approx. how many species per genus.
Of the previous genera; Amphisphaerella (lost) — Arecophila (now in Cainiaceae family) — Blogiascospora (lost) — Broomella (now Sporocadaceae) — Cannonia (Coniochaetales genera incertae sedis) — Capsulospora (lost) — Ceriophora — Ceriospora (lost) — Chitonospora (Amphisphaeriales genus incertae sedis) — Clypeophysalospora (Clypeophysalosporaceae) — Discostroma (lost) — Distorimula (lost) — Dyrithiopsis (within Hymenopleella genus, Sporocadaceae) — Dyrithium (lost) — Ellurema (lost) — Flagellosphaeria (lost) — Frondispora (lost) — Funiliomyces (lost) — Iodosphaeria (Iodosphaeriaceae) — Lanceispora (Xylariales genera incertae sedis) — Leiosphaerella (Pseudomassariaceae) — Lindquistomyces (lost) — Manokwaria (lost) — Monochaetia (Sporocadaceae) — Monographella (in Idriella genus, Microdochiaceae) — Mukhakesa (lost) — Neobroomella (lost) — Neohypodiscus (Boliniaceae) — Ommatomyces (Clypeosphaeriaceae) — Oxydothis (Oxydothidaceae) — Paracainiella (lost) — Pemphidium (lost) — Pestalosphaeria (Pestalotiopsidaceae) — Reticulosphaeria (lost) — Urosporella (Sordariomycetes genera incertae sedis) — Urosporellopsis (lost) and Xylochora (lost).[2]
The Amphisphaeriaceae are a family of fungi that is mainly found in parts of New Zealand, South America, Asia and parts of Europe. According to the 2007 Outline of Ascomycota, there were 41 genera placed within the family, although the position of 13 of those genera is uncertain. The 2020 Outline of Fungi and fungus-like taxa severely reduced the family to 4 members.
Amphisphaeriaceae es una familia de hongos en el orden Xylariales. Sus especies se encuentran en zonas de Nueva Zelanda, Sudamérica, Asia y Europa. Según el 2007 Outline of Ascomycota, existen 34 géneros en esta familia si bien la asignación de 13 de estos géneros es incierta.[1]
Un signo de pregunta antes del nombre del género significa que es incierta la ubicación de este taxón en esta familia.
Amphisphaeriaceae es una familia de hongos en el orden Xylariales. Sus especies se encuentran en zonas de Nueva Zelanda, Sudamérica, Asia y Europa. Según el 2007 Outline of Ascomycota, existen 34 géneros en esta familia si bien la asignación de 13 de estos géneros es incierta.
Les Amphisphaeriaceae sont une famille de champignons ascomycètes de l'ordre des Xylariales qui contient une quarantaine de genres.
Selon Catalogue of Life (19 août 2014)[2] :
Selon NCBI (19 août 2014)[3] :
Les Amphisphaeriaceae sont une famille de champignons ascomycètes de l'ordre des Xylariales qui contient une quarantaine de genres.
Amphisphaeriaceae är en familj av svampar. Amphisphaeriaceae ingår i ordningen kolkärnsvampar, klassen Sordariomycetes, divisionen sporsäcksvampar och riket svampar.[1][2]
kolkärnsvamparAmphisphaeriaceae G. Winter, 1885
Амфисфериевые (лат. Amphisphaeriaceae) — семейство аскомицетовых грибов порядка Xylariales, класса Sordariomycetes. Грибов этого семейства можно встретить главным образом в Новой Зеландии, Южной Америке, Азии и в некоторых частях Европы. Согласно 2007 Outline of Ascomycota, в семействе 41 род, из которых 13 являются неопределёнными[1]. Аск цилиндрический или булавовидный. Может быть вершинное кольцо, которое является амилоидным или реже неамилоидным.
Амфисфериевые (лат. Amphisphaeriaceae) — семейство аскомицетовых грибов порядка Xylariales, класса Sordariomycetes. Грибов этого семейства можно встретить главным образом в Новой Зеландии, Южной Америке, Азии и в некоторых частях Европы. Согласно 2007 Outline of Ascomycota, в семействе 41 род, из которых 13 являются неопределёнными. Аск цилиндрический или булавовидный. Может быть вершинное кольцо, которое является амилоидным или реже неамилоидным.