
Belonois hedyle

Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
[Belonois hedyle (Cramer)]
Papilio hedyle Cramer, 1777 [1775-1791], 2: 137; pi. 186, figs. C and D. (East Indies).
This species is the same size as the several listed above, but it has solid black margins on both wings and the ground color is yellow. It
seems to be decidedly rare, as the only specimens in Carnegie Museum are two males from the Holland Collection, one of which is labelled "West Africa, H. G. Smith." Bernardi (1952) records hedyle from forests in Togo and Dahomey and gives the distribution as "Sierra Leone to Dahomey". Schaus and Clements (1893) list it from the vicinity of Freetown, an area forested at that time. Apparently hedyle is not a savanna form and it ought to be found in Liberia.
[Belonois ianthe ianthe (Doubleday)]
Pieris ianthe Doubleday, 1842: 77 (Sierra Leone). Belonois ianthe: Butler, 1871 [1869-1874]: 91; pi. 34, fig. 8.
The forewing is about 30 to 35 mm. long and the species is readily distinguished from hedyle by the series of round dots at the ends of the hindwing veins; the ground color is yellow and the forewing has a solid black margin, widest at the apex. It appears to be even more unusual than hedyle and the only records of the nominate subspecies are from Sierra Leone. It may be a savanna-limited species, thus not to be expected in Liberia, but its occurrence there is a possibility.
citação bibliográfica
Fox, R.M., Lindsey, A.W., Clench, H.K., Miller, L.D. 1965. The Butterflies of Liberia. Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 19. Philadelphia, USA