Imagem de Hygrocybe conica (Schaeff.) P. Kumm. 1871
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Higroforàcies ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

Higroforàcies (Hygrophoraceae) és una família de fongs dins l'ordre Agaricales. Inclou les llenegues i els gèneres Hygrophorus i Hygrocybe. Actualment, per les evdències de l'ADN, inclou també els basidioliquens i els fongs corticioides. Les espècies poden ser fongs ectomicorízics, líquens, associats amb les molses o sapròfits. La família conté 18 gèneres i unes 400 espècies.



La família Hygrophoraceae va ser proposada primer per Lotsy (1907).[1] No tots els investigadors posteriors van acceptar aquesta família i Carleton Rea (1922), per exemple, continuà incloent-los en Agaricaceae.

Estatus actual

Per la investigació filogenètica basada en l'anàlisi cladística de les seqüències de l'ADN, es suggereix que els Hygrophoraceae són diferents de Tricholomataceae i són monofilètics (i per tant un grup natural). Tanmateix els gèneres Camarophyllopsis i Neohygrophorus, no pertanyen a la família, però altres gèneres sí. Els gèneres agàrics inclouen Ampulloclitocybe, Cantharellula, i Lichenomphalia,com també Arrhenia. Els gèneres no agàrics inclouen el fong corticioide Eonema i Cyphellostereum, i els líquens basidioliquens Dictyonema. Com a resultat els Hygrophoraceae actualment no tenen trets morfològics comuns.

Els membres de Hygrophoraceae tenen distribució cosmopolita, des dels tròpics a les regions subpolars.

Ús econòmic

Els cossos fructífers d'algunes espècies de Hygrophorus i Hygrocybe són comestibles.[2] Cap es cultiva comercialment.


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  1. Lotsy JP.. Vorträge über botanische Stammesgeschichte. Jena: Gustav Fischer, 1907, p. 828.
  2. Boa ER.. Wild edible fungi: a global overview of their use and importance to people. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2004, p. 147. ISBN 92-5-105157-7.
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Higroforàcies: Brief Summary ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

Higroforàcies (Hygrophoraceae) és una família de fongs dins l'ordre Agaricales. Inclou les llenegues i els gèneres Hygrophorus i Hygrocybe. Actualment, per les evdències de l'ADN, inclou també els basidioliquens i els fongs corticioides. Les espècies poden ser fongs ectomicorízics, líquens, associats amb les molses o sapròfits. La família conté 18 gèneres i unes 400 espècies.

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Hygrophoraceae ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

The Hygrophoraceae are a family of fungi in the order Agaricales. Originally conceived as containing white-spored, thick-gilled agarics (gilled mushrooms), including Hygrophorus and Hygrocybe species (the waxcaps or waxy caps), DNA evidence has extended the limits of the family, so it now contains not only agarics, but also basidiolichens and corticioid fungi. Species are thus diverse and are variously ectomycorrhizal, lichenized, associated with mosses, or saprotrophic. The family contains 25 genera and over 600 species.[3] None is of any great economic importance, though fruit bodies of some Hygrocybe and Hygrophorus species are considered edible and may be collected for sale in local markets.



The family Hygrophoraceae was first proposed by Dutch botanist Johannes Paulus Lotsy (1907) to accommodate agarics with thick, waxy lamellae (gills) and white spores. Lotsy's concept of the family included not only the waxcap-related genera Hygrophorus, Hygrocybe, Camarophyllus (= Hygrophorus), and Godfrinia (= Hygrocybe), but also Gomphidius (despite its blackish spores) and Nyctalis (= Asterophora).[1] Not all subsequent authors accepted the Hygrophoraceae; Carleton Rea (1922), for example, continued to place these genera within a widely defined Agaricaceae.[4]

In his major and influential revision of the Agaricales, however, Rolf Singer (1951) did accept the Hygrophoraceae, omitting Gomphidius and Nyctalis, but including Neohygrophorus.[5] Singer's circumscription, with a few later additions, was followed by most authors until the 1990s. Thus the 1995 edition of the Dictionary of the Fungi listed Austroomphaliaster, Bertrandia (=Hygrocybe), Camarophyllopsis, Cuphophyllus, Humidicutis, Hygroaster, Hygrocybe, Hygrophorus, Hygrotrama (= Camarophyllopsis), Neohygrophorus (=Pseudoomphalina), and Pseudohygrocybe (=Hygrocybe) as genera of the Hygrophoraceae.[6] Cornelis Bas (1990),[7] however, did not consider the group distinct, placing the hygrophoroid genera within the Tricholomataceae, a disposition followed by the next (2001) edition of the Dictionary of the Fungi.[8] In contrast, Marcel Bon (1990) believed the Hygrophoraceae were so distinct, he placed the family in its own separate order, the Hygrophorales.[9]

Current status

Recent molecular research, based on cladistic analysis of DNA sequences, suggests the Hygrophoraceae are distinct from the Tricholomataceae and are monophyletic (and hence a natural grouping).[10] The genera Camarophyllopsis and Neohygrophorus, however, do not belong within the family,[10] but several other agaric and non-agaric genera do. The agaric genera include Ampulloclitocybe, Cantharellula, and Lichenomphalia,[10][11] as well as the partly agaric, partly cyphelloid genus Arrhenia.[11] The non-agaric genera include the corticioid Eonema (formerly placed in Athelia) and Cyphellostereum, as well as the shelf-like basidiolichen genera Acantholichen, Cora, Corella and Dictyonema.[2][11] As a result, the Hygrophoraceae as currently understood have no known morphological features in common that define them (synapomorphy).

Habitat, nutrition, and distribution

The majority of species in the Hygrophoraceae are ground-dwelling, though a few (such as Chrysomphalina species) occur on wood, or on mosses (Arrhenia species), or herbaceous stems (Eonema pyriforme). Most are found in woodland, though (in Europe at least) Hygrocybe species are typical of waxcap grasslands.[12]

Species are nutritionally diverse. Hygrophorus species are ectomycorrhizal, typically forming associations with the roots of living trees. Hygrocybe species are now believed to be moss associates,[13] as are some or all species of Arrhenia and Cantharellula.[11] Three genera, Acantholichen, Dictyonema, and Lichenomphalina, are basidiolichens, forming associations with algae and cyanobacteria.[11] A few genera, such as Ampulloclitocybe and Eonema, may be saprotrophic.

Members of the Hygrophoraceae are distributed worldwide, from the tropics to the subpolar regions. Over 400 species have been described to date.

Economic usage

Fruit bodies of some Hygrophorus and Hygrocybe species are edible and widely collected, sometimes being offered for sale in local markets.[14] Examples of wild mushrooms collected and sold include Hygrophorus russula, H. purpurascens, H. chrysodon, and H. hypothejus in Mexico,[15] and H. eburneus and H. latitabundus in the Spanish Pyrenees.[16] Hygrophorus gliocyclus was used as food by the St'at'imc and Nlaka'pamux people of Canada.[17] None is cultivated commercially.


  1. ^ a b Lotsy JP. (1907). Vorträge über botanische stammesgeschichte, gehalten an der Reichsuniversität zu Leiden. Ein lehrbuch der pflanzensystematick (in German). Vol. 1. Jena: Gustav Fischer. p. 706.
  2. ^ a b Lücking R.; Dal-Forno M.; Lawrey J.D.; Bungartz F.; Holgado M.E.; Rojas J.E.; Hernández M.; Marcelli M.P.; Moncada B.; Morales E.A.; Nelsen M.P., Paz E.; Salcedo L.; Spielmann A.A.; Wilk K.; WillWolf S. & Yánez A. (2013). "Ten new species of lichenized Basidiomycota in the genera Dictyonema and Cora (Agaricales: Hygrophoraceae), with a key to all accepted genera and species in the Dictyonema clade". Phytotaxa. 139 (1): 1–38. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.139.1.1.
  3. ^ Lodge et al. (2014), p. 3.
  4. ^ Rea C. (1922). British Basidiomycetaceae: A Handbook of the Larger British Fungi. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. p. 799.
  5. ^ Singer R. (1951) [1949]. "The Agaricales (Mushrooms) in Modern Taxonomy". Lilloa. 22: 5–832.
  6. ^ Hawksworth DL, Kirk PM, Sutton BC, Pegler DN, eds. (1995). Dictionary of the Fungi (8th ed.). Wallingford, Oxford: CABI. ISBN 978-0-85198-885-6.
  7. ^ Bas C. (1990). Tricholomataceae, in Flora Agaricina Neerlandica 2. Rotterdam: Balkema. pp. 65–70. ISBN 978-90-6191-971-1.
  8. ^ Kirk PM, Cannon PF, David JC, Stalpers JA, eds. (2001). Dictionary of the Fungi (9th ed.). Wallingford, Oxford: CABI Bioscience. p. 243. ISBN 978-0-85199-377-5.
  9. ^ Bon M. (1990). Flore mycologique d'Europe 1: Les Hygrophores (in French). Amiens Cedex: CRDP de Picardie. p. 99.
  10. ^ a b c Matheny PB, Curtis JM, Hofstetter V, Aime MC, Moncalvo JM, Ge ZW, Slot JC, Ammirati JF, Baroni TJ, Bougher NL, Hughes KW, Lodge DJ, Kerrigan RW, Seidl MT, Aanen DK, DeNitis M, Daniele GM, Desjardin DE, Kropp BR, Norvell LL, Parker A, Vellinga EC, Vilgalys R, Hibbett DS (2006). "Major clades of Agaricales: a multilocus phylogenetic overview" (PDF). Mycologia. 98 (6): 982–95. doi:10.3852/mycologia.98.6.982. PMID 17486974. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2016-03-03.
  11. ^ a b c d e Lawrey JD, Lücking R, Sipman HJM, Chaves JL, Redhead SA, Bungartz F, Sikaroodi M, Gillevet PM (2009). "High concentration of basidiolichens in a single family of agaricoid mushrooms (Basidiomycota: Agaricales: Hygrophoraceae)". Mycological Research. 113 (10): 1154–71. doi:10.1016/j.mycres.2009.07.016. PMID 19646529.
  12. ^ Griffith GW, Easton GL, Jones AW (2002). "Ecology and diversity of waxcap (Hygrocybe spp) fungi". Botanical Journal of Scotland. 54: 7–22. doi:10.1080/03746600208685025. S2CID 84829857.
  13. ^ Seitzman BH, Ouimette A, Mixon RL, Hobbie EA, Hibbett DS (2011). "Conservation of biotrophy in Hygrophoraceae inferred from combined stable isotope and phylogenetic analyses". Mycologia. 103 (2): 280–90. doi:10.3852/10-195. PMID 21139028. S2CID 318326.
  14. ^ Boa ER. (2004). Wild Edible Fungi: A Global Overview of Their Use and Importance to People. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. p. 147. ISBN 978-92-5-105157-3.
  15. ^ Dugan (2011), pp. 76–78.
  16. ^ Dugan (2011), p. 44.
  17. ^ Dugan (2011), p. 88.

Cited literature

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wikipedia EN

Hygrophoraceae: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

The Hygrophoraceae are a family of fungi in the order Agaricales. Originally conceived as containing white-spored, thick-gilled agarics (gilled mushrooms), including Hygrophorus and Hygrocybe species (the waxcaps or waxy caps), DNA evidence has extended the limits of the family, so it now contains not only agarics, but also basidiolichens and corticioid fungi. Species are thus diverse and are variously ectomycorrhizal, lichenized, associated with mosses, or saprotrophic. The family contains 25 genera and over 600 species. None is of any great economic importance, though fruit bodies of some Hygrocybe and Hygrophorus species are considered edible and may be collected for sale in local markets.

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wikipedia EN

Hygrophoraceae ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Hygrophoraceae es una familia de hongos basidiomicetos del orden Agaricales. Esta familia contiene 11 géneros y 325 especies aproximadamente.


Dentro de las distintas especies de cada género, se encuentran algunos hongos que son comestibles y otros que son venenosos.


  • PM Kirk, PF Cannon, DW Minter, JA Stalpers. (2008). Diccionario de los hongos. 10 ª ed . Wallingford: CABI. p. 326. ISBN 0-85199-826-7.

Bas C. (1990). Tricholomataceae R. Pouz ex Heim. En: 2:65. Neerlandica agaricina Flora ISBN 90-6191-971-1.

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Hygrophoraceae: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Hygrophoraceae es una familia de hongos basidiomicetos del orden Agaricales. Esta familia contiene 11 géneros y 325 especies aproximadamente.

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Vahakkaat ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Vahakkaat (Hygrophoraceae) on helttasieniin kuuluva heimo, jonka jako sukuihin on vielä keskeneräinen. Yleisesti ottaen ne ovat valkoitiöisiä sieniä, joiden heltat ovat huomattavan paksut. Paksuus johtuu itiökantojen eli basidioiden suuresta koosta.[2] Useat vahakkaista ovat hyviä ruokasieniä.

Suomalaisia vahakaslajeja

Vahakkaisiin perustuvia jäkäliä


  1. Taksonomian lähde: MykoBank Luettu 8.9.2008
  2. Risto Tuomikoski: ”Vahakkaat - Hygrophoraceae”, Suursieniopas, s. 53. Suomen Sieniseura, 1976. ISBN 951-95362-0-5.

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Vahakkaat: Brief Summary ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Vahakkaat (Hygrophoraceae) on helttasieniin kuuluva heimo, jonka jako sukuihin on vielä keskeneräinen. Yleisesti ottaen ne ovat valkoitiöisiä sieniä, joiden heltat ovat huomattavan paksut. Paksuus johtuu itiökantojen eli basidioiden suuresta koosta. Useat vahakkaista ovat hyviä ruokasieniä.

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Hygrophoraceae ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Les Hygrophoraceae[1] constituent une famille de champignons basidiomycètes, surtout caractérisée par la longueur relative de ses basides, du Clade III Hygrophoroïde de l'ordre des Agaricales.

Caractères macroscopiques

Hygrocybe punicea.

Lames bien distinctes, souvent épaisses et espacées, souvent décurrentes, plutôt épaisses, amincies sur l'arête, au toucher un peu gras, dit « cireux ». Chapeau et stipe de couleurs assez vives (notamment le genre Hygrocybe) et texture plutôt aqueuse (d'où le nom « hygrophore » (porteur d'eau), les revêtements étant généralement visqueux. Réactions chimiques négatives, sauf quelque jaunissement> brunissement aux bases fortes.

De récentes études phylogéniques modifient le classement linnéen[2],[3],[4].

Position des Hygrophoraceae

Humidicutis lewelliniae.
Hygrocybe nitida, présente une confusion possible avec Craterellus tubaeformis.
Hygrocybe psittacina.

Liste des genres linnéens

Deux gros clous jaunes un peu tordus plantés dans un tronc d'arbre.
Sporophores de Gliophorus chromolimoneus, champignon de la famille Hygrophoraceae.

La famille comprend onze genres d'après Biolib et IndexFungorum :

Notes et références

  1. Lotsy, J.P. (1907) Vorträge über botanische Stammesgeschichte.
  2. (en) David S. Hibbett, Elizabeth M. Pine, Ewald Langer, Gitta Langer et Michael J. Donoghue, « Evolution of gilled mushrooms and puffballs inferred from ribosomal DNA sequences », Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, vol. 94, no 22,‎ mai 1997, p. 567-580 (lire en ligne)
  3. (en) J.M. Moncalvo, F. M. Lutzoni, S.A. Rehner, J. Johnson et R. Vilgalys, « Phylogenetic relationships of agaric fungi based on nuclear large subunit ribosomal DNA sequences », Systematic Biology, vol. 49, no 2,‎ 2000, p. 278–305 (lire en ligne)
  4. (en) J.M. Moncalvo, R. Vilgalys, S.A. Redhead, J.E. Johnson, T.Y. James, M. Aime, V. Hofstetter, S.J. Verduin, E. Larsson, T.J. Baroni, R. Thorn, S. Jacobsson, H. Clémençon et O. Miller, « One hundred and seventeen clades of euagarics », Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, vol. 23, no 3,‎ 2002, p. 357-400

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Hygrophoraceae: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Les Hygrophoraceae constituent une famille de champignons basidiomycètes, surtout caractérisée par la longueur relative de ses basides, du Clade III Hygrophoroïde de l'ordre des Agaricales.

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Vaxfönungaætt ( Islandês )

fornecido por wikipedia IS

Vaxfönungaætt (fræðiheiti Hygrophoraceae) er ætt hattsveppa. Í ættinni eru 25 ættkvíslir og yfir 600 tegundir. Sumir sveppir af Hygrocybe og Hygrophorus eru taldir ætisveppir.

Á Íslandi eru þekktar um 20 tegundir af vaxfönungaætt þar af eru 15 af Hygrocybe ættkvísl, 3—4 af Camarophyllus ættkvísl en ein af Hygrophorus (Limacium) ættkvísl. Það eru allt vallarsveppir oftast vaxa í graslendi. Margar af þessum tegundum eru meðal algengustu sveppa á Íslandi og eru oft mjög áberandi vegna lita og þess að sveppirnir vaxa oftast í hópum eða þyrpingum. Það er einkenni allra tegunda af Hygrocybe og Camarophyllus ættkvísl að þær vaxa utan skóglendis og eru ekki svepprótarsveppir, ekki bundnir ákveðnum trjátegundum eða runnum. Á Íslandi vaxa þessar tegundir gjarna í grasi vöxnum dældum og grónum lækjarbökkum.

Tegundir af vaxþönungaætt sem vaxa á Íslandi

  • Sortusniglingur Hygrophorus calophyllus
  • Vallhnúfa (Camarophyllus pratensis )
  • Snæhnúfa (Camarophyllus niveus)
  • Fjóluhnúfa (Camarophyllus lacmus )
  • Þefkolla, sýrukolla (Hygrocybe nitrata)
  • Hygrocybe fornicata
  • Gulltoppa, gullhnýfla (Hygrocybe conica )
  • Hygrocybe spadicea
  • Trjónutoppa Hygrocybe acutoconica
  • Þakhnífla, mælihnífla (Hygrocybe obrussea)
  • Kollsveppur (Coccinei Fayod)
  • Rauðkolla, rauðhnýfla (Hygrocybe punicea)
  • Blóðkolla, skarlatkolla (Hygrocybe coccinea)
  • Hnoðkolla, silkikolla (Hygrocybe marchii)
  • Smákolla, smáhnýfla (Hygrocybe parvula)
  • Mýrakolla, mýrahnífla, flösukolla (Hygrocybe turunda)
  • Slímkolla (Psitticani Bat.)
  • Grænhnýfla, grænkolla (Hygrocybe psitticana)
  • Eggkolla, (Hygrocybe vitellina)
  • Fjólukolla, lyngkolla (Hygrocybe xanthochroa)


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Vaxfönungaætt: Brief Summary ( Islandês )

fornecido por wikipedia IS

Vaxfönungaætt (fræðiheiti Hygrophoraceae) er ætt hattsveppa. Í ættinni eru 25 ættkvíslir og yfir 600 tegundir. Sumir sveppir af Hygrocybe og Hygrophorus eru taldir ætisveppir.

Á Íslandi eru þekktar um 20 tegundir af vaxfönungaætt þar af eru 15 af Hygrocybe ættkvísl, 3—4 af Camarophyllus ættkvísl en ein af Hygrophorus (Limacium) ættkvísl. Það eru allt vallarsveppir oftast vaxa í graslendi. Margar af þessum tegundum eru meðal algengustu sveppa á Íslandi og eru oft mjög áberandi vegna lita og þess að sveppirnir vaxa oftast í hópum eða þyrpingum. Það er einkenni allra tegunda af Hygrocybe og Camarophyllus ættkvísl að þær vaxa utan skóglendis og eru ekki svepprótarsveppir, ekki bundnir ákveðnum trjátegundum eða runnum. Á Íslandi vaxa þessar tegundir gjarna í grasi vöxnum dældum og grónum lækjarbökkum.

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Hygrophoraceae ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

Famiglia Hygrophoraceae Lotsy, Vorträge über Botanische Stammesgeschichte 1: 706 (1907).

Alla famiglia Hygrophoraceae appartengono specie di funghi che vivono come saprofiti nei prati e nei boschi, con le seguenti caratteristiche:

Gambo e cappello
piuttosto larghe, più o meno ceracee
Velo generale
assente o molto fugace e quando c'è è viscoso
ialine, bianche in massa, lisce, senza poro germinativo

Generi di Hygrophoraceae

Della famiglia fa parte il genere tipo Hygrophorus ed i seguenti altri tre generi:

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Hygrophoraceae: Brief Summary ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

Famiglia Hygrophoraceae Lotsy, Vorträge über Botanische Stammesgeschichte 1: 706 (1907).

Alla famiglia Hygrophoraceae appartengono specie di funghi che vivono come saprofiti nei prati e nei boschi, con le seguenti caratteristiche:

Gambo e cappello confluenti Lamelle piuttosto larghe, più o meno ceracee Velo generale assente o molto fugace e quando c'è è viscoso Spore ialine, bianche in massa, lisce, senza poro germinativo
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Hygrophoraceae ( Latin )

fornecido por wikipedia LA

Hygrophoraceae sunt familia fungorum ordinis Agaricalium. Familia, olim agarica tantum habita, sporis albis et branchiis crassis praedita (speciebus Hygrophoro et Hygrocybe non exclusis), nunc ob indicia DNA amplificata est ad non solum agarica, sed etiam basidiolichena et fungos corticioidos continendos. Species sic diversae sunt, et varie ectomycorrhiza, lichenibus infecta et bryophitis consociata, vel saprotrophisticae sunt. Familia viginti quinque genera et plus quam 600 species continet.[3] Nullum notable momentum oeconomicum habet, quamquam frutescentia nonnullarum specierum generum Hygrocybe et Hygrophori corpora aestimantur edulia et in parvis macellis venumdari possunt.



  1. Lotsy 1907:706.
  2. Lücking 2013.
  3. Lodge et al. 2014:3.


  • Dugan, F. M. 2011. Conspectus of World Ethnomycology. Sancti Pauli Minnesotae: American Phytopathological Society. ISBN 9780890543955.
  • Lodge, D. J., M. Padamsee, P. B. Matheny, M. C. Aime, S. A. Cantrell, D. Boertmann, et al. 2014. Molecular phylogeny, morphology, pigment chemistry and ecology in Hygrophoraceae (Agaricales). Fungal Diversity 64(1):1–99. doi:10.1007/s13225-013-0259-0.
  • Lotsy, J. P. 1907. Vorträge über botanische stammesgeschichte, gehalten an der Reichsuniversität zu Leiden: Ein lehrbuch der pflanzensystematick. Ienae: Gustav Fischer. Pagina 706.
  • Lücking, R., M. Dal-Forno, J. D. Lawrey, F. Bungartz, M. E. Holgado, J. E. Rojas, M. Hernández, M. P. Marcelli, B. Moncada, E. A. Morales, M. P. Nelsen, E. Paz, L. Salcedo, A. A. Spielmann, K. Wilk, S. WillWolf, et A. Yánez. 2013. Ten new species of lichenized Basidiomycota in the genera Dictyonema and Cora (Agaricales: Hygrophoraceae), with a key to all accepted genera and species in the Dictyonema clade. Phytotaxa 139(1):1–38. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.139.1.1.
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Hygrophoraceae: Brief Summary ( Latin )

fornecido por wikipedia LA

Hygrophoraceae sunt familia fungorum ordinis Agaricalium. Familia, olim agarica tantum habita, sporis albis et branchiis crassis praedita (speciebus Hygrophoro et Hygrocybe non exclusis), nunc ob indicia DNA amplificata est ad non solum agarica, sed etiam basidiolichena et fungos corticioidos continendos. Species sic diversae sunt, et varie ectomycorrhiza, lichenibus infecta et bryophitis consociata, vel saprotrophisticae sunt. Familia viginti quinque genera et plus quam 600 species continet. Nullum notable momentum oeconomicum habet, quamquam frutescentia nonnullarum specierum generum Hygrocybe et Hygrophori corpora aestimantur edulia et in parvis macellis venumdari possunt.

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Guoteniniai ( Lituano )

fornecido por wikipedia LT

Guoteniniai (lot. Hygrophoraceae) – agarikiečių (Agaricales) eilės grybų šeima.

Lietuvoje auga trys šios eilės grybų gentys:

Lietuvos raudonosios knygos guoteniniai

Į Lietuvos raudonąją knygą įrašyti šie grybai:


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Guoteniniai: Brief Summary ( Lituano )

fornecido por wikipedia LT

Guoteniniai (lot. Hygrophoraceae) – agarikiečių (Agaricales) eilės grybų šeima.

Lietuvoje auga trys šios eilės grybų gentys:

Guotainis (Camarophyllopsis) Guotenė (Hygrocybe) Guotė (Hygrophorus)
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Hygrophoraceae ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

Hygrophoraceae is een botanische naam van een familie van paddenstoelen. Volgens de Index Fungorum [24 februari 2009] bestaat de familie uit 24 geslachten.

Soorten uit de familie zijn de zwartwordende wasplaat (Hygrocybe conica) en de dennenslijmkop (Hygrophorus hypothejus).

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wikipedia NL

Hygrophoraceae: Brief Summary ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

Hygrophoraceae is een botanische naam van een familie van paddenstoelen. Volgens de Index Fungorum [24 februari 2009] bestaat de familie uit 24 geslachten.

Soorten uit de familie zijn de zwartwordende wasplaat (Hygrocybe conica) en de dennenslijmkop (Hygrophorus hypothejus).

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Wodnichowate ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL

Wodnichowate (Hygrophoraceae Lotsy) – rodzina grzybów z rzędu pieczarkowców (Agaricales)[2].


Grzyby naziemne o mięsistym owocniku. Owocniki grzybów z tej rodziny często są jaskrawo zabarwione. Mają grube, rzadkie blaszki, sprawiające wrażenie woskowych. Wysyp zarodników biały[3].


Catalogue of Life: 2009 Annual Checklist[2]

Rodzina Hygrophoraceae jest zaliczana według "Catalogue of Life: 2009 Annual Checklist" do rzędu Agaricales i należą do niej rodzaje:

Polskie nazwy na podstawie pracy Władysława Wojewody z 2003 r[4], z wyjątkiem pępkorostka[5].

Systema Naturae 2000[6]

Klasyfikacja przedstawiona przez "Systema Naturae 2000" umieszcza rodzinę wodnichowatych również w rzędzie pieczarkowców (Agaricales). Zaliczane są do niej rodzaje: Camarophyllus, Humidicutis, Hygroaster, Hygrocybe, Hygrophorus, Hygrotrama, Neohygrophorus.


  1. CABI Bioscience Databases (ang.). [dostęp 2015-06-23].
  2. a b Bisby FA, Roskov YR, Orrell TM, Nicolson D, Paglinawan LE, Bailly N, Kirk PM, Bourgoin T, Baillargeon G., eds (2009). Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2009 Annual Checklist. Digital resource at http://www.catalogueoflife.org/annual-checklist/2009/ Species 2000: Reading, UK.
  3. Barbara Gumińska, Władysław Wojewoda: Grzyby i ich oznaczanie. Warszawa: PWRiL, 1985. ISBN 83-09-00714-0.
  4. Władysław Wojewoda: Checklist of Polish Larger Basidiomycetes. Krytyczna lista wielkoowocnikowych grzybów podstawkowych Polski. Kraków: W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2003. ISBN 83-89648-09-1.
  5. Inwentaryzacja i waloryzacja przyrodnicza Popradzkiego Parku Krajoobrazowego na terenie gmin Krynica-Łabowa, Muszyna, Piwniczna-Zdrój, Rytro i Stary Sącz w ramach projektu PN. [dostęp 2013-10-20].
  6. Brands, S.J. (comp.) 1989-2007. Systema Naturae 2000. The Taxonomicon. Universal Taxonomic Services, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. http://sn2000.taxonomy.nl/
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Wodnichowate: Brief Summary ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL
 src= Wilgotnica szkarłatna

Wodnichowate (Hygrophoraceae Lotsy) – rodzina grzybów z rzędu pieczarkowców (Agaricales).

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wikipedia POL

Hygrophoraceae ( Romeno; moldávio; moldavo )

fornecido por wikipedia RO

Hygophoraceae (Johannes Paulus Lotsy, 1907) este o familie de ciuperci cu global aproximativ peste 100 de specii și variații (în Europa mai puține), împărțite în 26 de genuri, preponderent din cele numite Hygrocybe și Hygrophorus (multe altele conțin doar o singură specie), făcând parte din divizia Basidiomycota în Regnul Fungi și ordinul Agaricales. Acest gen include nu numai specii comestibile de mare popularitate ca Gomphidius glutinosus, ci de asemenea câteva soiuri necomestibile, fiind micorizante, atunci deseori în asociație de mușchi sau saprofite . Specii otrăvitoare, nu sunt cunoscute. În România, Basarabia și Bucovina de Nord se dezvoltă, ca și în toate alte țările Europei, în păduri (și montane) de conifere și/sau de foioase, dar, de asemenea, prin câmpii si pajiști, începând în mai până toamna târziu, în noiembrie, înainte de primul ger, depinde de soi.[1][2] Tip de gen este Hygrophorus.


Specia a fost descrisă pentru prima dată de micologul olandez Johannes Paulus Lotsy în volumul 1 al operei sale Vorträge über botanische Stammesgeschichte: Algen und Pilze din 1907.[3] Acest taxon este valabil până în prezent (2019). Alte încercări de redenumire nu au fost făcute.[4]

Apartenența sau ne-apartenența unor genuri precum alipirea altora la această familie sunt discutate între micologi mult și divergent.[5] [6] Nu sunt prelucrate sau revizuite în acest articol.


  • Pălăria: are un diametru între 2 și 10 cm, este fragilă și ceroasă, higrofană (proprietatea unor ciuperci, de ași schimba culoarea, atunci când absorb sau pierd apă), inițial semisferică, la maturitate convexă, în formă de cupolă și în sfârșit aplatizată cu marginile neregulat ondulate și uneori crăpate, uneori cu gurgui. Cuticula este de obicei lipicioasă până vâscoasă, netedă sau păroasă, cu un strat exterior de hife aranjate radial, fiind foarte des colorată viu cu pigmenți caroteni. Nu reacționează după apăsare sau leziune.
  • Lamelele: sunt spațiate, destul de groase și bulboase, inegale, cu lameluțe intercalate, lat aderate la picior, cu muchii nedințate, fiind ori de culoarea pălăriei ori mai deschise.
  • Sporii: variază în mărime, sunt globuloși până lunguieț-elipsoidali, netezi, cu pereți subțiri, hialini (translucizi) și neamiloidozi (nu se decolorează cu reactivi de iod). Basidiile sunt alungite și filamentoase, în formă de măciucă, cu 2-4 sterigme. Cistoidele (celule de obicei izbitoare și sterile care pot apărea între basidii și himen, stratul fructifer) nu există.[5]
  • Piciorul: ușor detașabil de pălărie are o lungime medie de 6 cm și o grosime de până la 1,5 cm, este cărnos la cartilaginos, neted sau fibros, uneori cu un văl, cilindric, dar nu rar ceva compresat, adesea îndoit și gol pe dinăuntru. Coloritul seamănă celui al pălăriei, nu rar spre bază mai deschis. Nu se colorează prin rupere.
  • Carnea: care nu se colorează în contact cu aerul după o secțiune este subțire până cărnoasă, mereu ceroasă și friabilă, slab apoasă, cu miros și gust imperceptibil.[1][2]


Micologul american D. Jean Lodge și colegii săi au definit 26 de genuri în această familie în anul 2004:[7]

  • Aeruginospora
  • Ampulloclitocybe
  • Aphroditeola
  • Arrhenia
  • Cantharellula
  • Cantharocybe
  • Chromosera
  • Chrysomphalina
  • Cora
  • Corella, Lücking 2013
  • Cuphophyllus
  • Cyphellostereum
  • Dictyonema
  • Eonema
  • Gliophorus
  • Gloioxanthomyces
  • Haasiella
  • Hygroaster
  • Hygrocybe
  • Hygrophorus
  • Humidicutis
  • Lichenomphalia
  • Neohygrocybe
  • Porpolomopsis
  • Pseudoarmillariella
  • Semiomphalina

Genuri în imagini (selecție)


  1. ^ a b Bruno Cetto: „Der große Pilzführer”, vol. 1, ed. a 5-a, Editura BLV Verlagsgesellschaft, München, Berna, Viena 1979, p. 45, ISBN 3-405-12116-7
  2. ^ a b Hans E. Laux: „Der große Pilzführer, Editura Kosmos, Halberstadt 2001, p. 98 pp., ISBN 978-3-440-14530-2
  3. ^ Johannes Paulus Lotsy: „Vorträge über botanische Stammesgeschichte: Algen und Pilze, vol. 1, Editura Gustav Fischer, Jena 1907, p. 706
  4. ^ Mycobank
  5. ^ a b P. F. Cannon, P. M. Kirk: „Fungal Families of the World”, Editura CAB International, Wallingford 2007, p. 165, ISBN 978-0-85199-827-5
  6. ^ J. D. Lawrey și colaboratori: „High concentration of basidiolichens in a single family of agaricoid mushrooms (Basidiomycota: Agaricales: Hygrophoraceae)”, în: „Mycological Research”, vol. 113, nr.10, p. 1154-1171
  7. ^ D. J. Lodge și colaboratori: (2014) „Molecular phylogeny, morphology, pigment chemistry and ecology in Hygrophoraceae (Agaricales)”, în: „Fungal Diversity”, vol. 64 (1), 2004, p. 1-99


  • Marcel Bon: „Flore mycologique d'Europe”, vol. 1: „Les Hygrophores”, Editura Association d'ecologie et de mycologie, Lille 1990, p. 99
  • Bruno Cetto: „ I funghi dal vero”, volumele 1-7
  • Ernst Gäumann: „Vergleichende Morphologie der Pilze”, Editura Gustav Fischer, Jena 1926
  • Jean-Louis Lamaison & Jean-Marie Polese: „Der große Pilzatlas“, Editura Tandem Verlag GmbH, Potsdam 2012, ISBN 978-3-8427-0483-1
  • Meinhard Michael Moser: „ Röhrlinge und Blätterpilze - Kleine Kryptogamenflora Mitteleuropas” ediția a 5-ea, vol. 2, Editura Gustav Fischer, Stuttgart 1983.

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Hygrophoraceae: Brief Summary ( Romeno; moldávio; moldavo )

fornecido por wikipedia RO

Hygophoraceae (Johannes Paulus Lotsy, 1907) este o familie de ciuperci cu global aproximativ peste 100 de specii și variații (în Europa mai puține), împărțite în 26 de genuri, preponderent din cele numite Hygrocybe și Hygrophorus (multe altele conțin doar o singură specie), făcând parte din divizia Basidiomycota în Regnul Fungi și ordinul Agaricales. Acest gen include nu numai specii comestibile de mare popularitate ca Gomphidius glutinosus, ci de asemenea câteva soiuri necomestibile, fiind micorizante, atunci deseori în asociație de mușchi sau saprofite . Specii otrăvitoare, nu sunt cunoscute. În România, Basarabia și Bucovina de Nord se dezvoltă, ca și în toate alte țările Europei, în păduri (și montane) de conifere și/sau de foioase, dar, de asemenea, prin câmpii si pajiști, începând în mai până toamna târziu, în noiembrie, înainte de primul ger, depinde de soi. Tip de gen este Hygrophorus.

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Гігрофорові ( Ucraniano )

fornecido por wikipedia UK
  1. Kirk PM, Cannon PF, Minter DW, Stalpers JA. (2008). Dictionary of the Fungi. 10th ed. Wallingford: CABI. с. 326. ISBN 0-85199-826-7.


  • Костіков І. Ю., Джаган В. В., Демченко Е. М., Бойко О. А., Бойко В. Р., Романенко П. О. Ботаніка. Водорості та гриби. — Київ, 2004.

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wikipedia UK

Гігрофорові: Brief Summary ( Ucraniano )

fornecido por wikipedia UK
Kirk PM, Cannon PF, Minter DW, Stalpers JA. (2008). Dictionary of the Fungi. 10th ed. Wallingford: CABI. с. 326. ISBN 0-85199-826-7.
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wikipedia UK

Hygrophoraceae ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Hygrophoraceae là một họ nấm trong bộ Agaricales. Họ nấm này hiện bao gồm 25 chi tương ứng với hơn 600 loài.[3]

Thực phẩm

Nấm thuộc các chi HygrophorusHygrocybe có thể ăn được và đôi khi được bày bán trong các cửa hàng.[4] Một vài ví dụ về các loài nấm rừng được thu hái và mua bán bao gồm: Hygrophorus russula, H. purpurascens, H. chrysodon, H. hypothejusMéxico,[5]H. eburneus, H. latitabundus ở vùng núi Pyrénées.[6] Hygrophorus gliocyclus cũng được một số dân tộc thiểu số ở Canada dùng làm thực phẩm.[7] Tuy nhiên, tất cả các loài nấm trên đều không được gieo trồng đại trà.

Xem thêm

Chú thích

  1. ^ Lotsy JP. (1907). Vorträge über botanische stammesgeschichte, gehalten an der Reichsuniversität zu Leiden. Ein lehrbuch der pflanzensystematick (bằng tiếng Đức). Jena: Gustav Fischer. tr. 706. Bảo trì CS1: Ngôn ngữ không rõ (link)
  2. ^ Lücking R.; Dal-Forno M.; Lawrey J.D.; Bungartz F.; Holgado M.E.; Rojas J.E.; Hernández M.; Marcelli M.P.; Moncada B.; Morales E.A.; Nelsen M.P., Paz E.; Salcedo L.; Spielmann A.A.; Wilk K.; WillWolf S. & Yánez A. (2013). “Ten new species of lichenized Basidiomycota in the genera Dictyonema and Cora (Agaricales: Hygrophoraceae), with a key to all accepted genera and species in the Dictyonema clade”. Phytotaxa 139 (1). tr. 1–38. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.139.1.1.
  3. ^ Lodge et al. (2014), tr. 3.
  4. ^ Boa ER. (2004). Wild Edible Fungi: A Global Overview of Their Use and Importance to People. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. tr. 147. ISBN 92-5-105157-7.
  5. ^ Dugan (2011), tr. 76–78.
  6. ^ Dugan (2011), tr. 44.
  7. ^ Dugan (2011), tr. 88.

Chú thích báo

  • Dugan FM. (2011). “Conspectus of World Ethnomycology”. St. Paul, Minnesota: American Phytopathological Society. ISBN 978-0-89054-395-5.
  • Lodge DJ, Padamsee M, Matheny PB, Aime MC, Cantrell SA, Boertmann D và đồng nghiệp (2014). “Molecular phylogeny, morphology, pigment chemistry and ecology in Hygrophoraceae (Agaricales)”. Fungal Diversity 64 (1). tr. 1–99. doi:10.1007/s13225-013-0259-0.

Hình tượng sơ khai Bài viết liên quan đến bộ nấm Agaricales này vẫn còn sơ khai. Bạn có thể giúp Wikipedia bằng cách mở rộng nội dung để bài được hoàn chỉnh hơn.
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Hygrophoraceae: Brief Summary ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Hygrophoraceae là một họ nấm trong bộ Agaricales. Họ nấm này hiện bao gồm 25 chi tương ứng với hơn 600 loài.

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Гигрофоровые ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию
Латинское название Hygrophoraceae Lotsy, 1907 Роды Ареал

распространение Hygrophoraceae

на Викивидах

на Викискладе

ITIS 936527 NCBI 51005

Гигрофо́ровые (лат. Hygrophoraceae) — семейство грибов из отдела базидиомицетов.


Центральный род семейства — гигрофор (Hygrophorus) раньше подразделяли на три группы: лимациум (Limacium), камарофиллус (Camarophyllus) и гигроцибе (Hygrocybe), последние два нередко объединяют в один род гигроцибе (Hygrocybe), виды которого обычно растут на лугах. Виды, произрастающие в лесах и образующие микоризу ныне входят в род гигрофор (Hygrophorus).


  • Черепанова Н. П. Систематика грибов. — СПб.: Изд-во С.-Петерб. ун-та, 2005
  • Фёдоров А. А. Жизнь растений в 6 тт. Т. 2. Грибы. — М.: Просвещение, 1976
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Гигрофоровые: Brief Summary ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию

Гигрофо́ровые (лат. Hygrophoraceae) — семейство грибов из отдела базидиомицетов.

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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

蜡伞科 ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科
蜡伞科 Hygrophorus olivaceoalbus
Hygrophorus olivaceoalbus 科学分类 真核生物域 真菌 担子菌门 亚纲同担子菌亚纲 伞菌目 : 蜡伞科





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蜡伞科: Brief Summary ( Chinês )

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wikipedia 中文维基百科

ヌメリガサ科 ( Japonês )

fornecido por wikipedia 日本語
ヌメリガサ科 Hygrophorus eburneus-pastorino.JPG
分類 : 菌界 : 担子菌門 : 真正担子菌綱 : ハラタケ目 : ヌメリガサ科 属

ヌメリガサ科(Hygrophoracea)は担子菌門真正担子菌綱ハラタケ目におかれる菌類。伝統的には白色の胞子紋を持つきのこが分類される分類群。英語圏ではwaxy capsやwaxcapsとしても知られている。最も鮮やかで明るい色の菌類もここに分類されている。多くは草地や森、コケの繁茂した場所などに生え、広く北半球に生息している。


英名の"waxy cap"はこの科に分類されるきのこの、薄板のようなひだ、子実体全体の滑った蝋のような感じと様子から命名されたと考えられる。日本名のヌメリガサの所以も、この科に属するきのこ類におけるかさのぬめった感じからきていると考えられる。しかし、この特徴は捉えにくい場合もあり、かさの粘性だけに頼っていると、幾つかの種はここに分類するのだと判断するのが難しい。





エリーアス・フリースが最初にこのヌメリガサ属を記載したのは1835年のことである。彼はこのときこの属をLimaciumHygrocybeCamarophyllusの三つの"tribes"に分けている。この三つの"tribes"は、1871年のパウル・カマー(Paul Kummer)の研究でそれぞれが属のレベルに昇格された。1876年にRozeによってこれらの属をまとめるためにHygrophoresという名が提案され、これがのちにヌメリガサ科になった。[1]

現代の菌学者は、「エリーアス・フリースが定義したヌメリガサ科」に属する種をすべてヌメリガサ属として扱うか、ヌメリガサ属、アカヤマタケ属、オトメノカサ属など幾つかの属に分割するかどうかで判断が分かれている。L. R. HeslerとAlexander H. Smith[1]は前者の立場で研究を行い、ロルフ・シンガー [2]、マルセル・ボン(Marcel Bon)[3]、デビッド・ボエルトマン(David Boertmann)[4]、アンソニー・ M・ヤング(Anthony M. Young)[5]などは後者に立っている。

J・M・モンカルヴォ(J-M Moncalvo)らによる分子系統学分析[6] によれば、ChromoseraChrysomphalinaなどの、子実体に粘性を持たない属がヌメリガサ科に分類されており、いっぽうでNeohygrophorusはヌメリガサ属の中心的な群とは関係が近くないとされる。

近代においても、ヌメリガサ科は多くの菌学者に認められている (シンガー[2]、ボン[3]、ラージェント[7]、ボエルトマン[4]、ヤング[5]など)。しかしながら、エーフ・アーノルド(Eef Arnolds)[8]とコルネリス・バス(Cornelis Bas)[9]はヌメリガサ科全体をキシメジ科に編入した。幾らかの文献は二次ソース[10]としてアーノルドとバスの分類を使用し、これは2000年代の初期の一時、菌の命名法に動揺を与えた。[11] これに対しヤングの2002、2005のレポート[5][12]ではモンカルヴォの分析でヌメリガサ科は多系統的であり、キシメジ科はさらに多系統的であるため分割できる(分割せねばならない)ことを示唆している。このためキシメジ科とヌメリガサ科とを統合することは却って問題を悪化させると評している。ヤングはまた、これら二つの科を一つの科にすることは、胞子紋が白色を呈する菌群を「近視眼的に」一つのグループにまとめるという時代遅れの分類学的処置を続けることだと評している。



  1. ^ a b Hesler LR, Smith AH. (1963). North American species of Hygrophorus. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
  2. ^ a b Singer R. (1958). The Agaricales in modern taxonomy.
  3. ^ a b Bon M. (1984). Le genre Cuphophyllus (Donk) st. n. (= Camarophyllus ss. Singer, Kuhner, Clémençon, Moser, etc. non Fr.). Documents Mycologiques 14(56):9–12.
  4. ^ a b Boertmann D. (1996). The genus Hygrocybe (Fungi of Northern Europe 1). Copenhagen: Danish Mycological Society. ISBN 8798358111
  5. ^ a b c Young AM. (2005). Fungi of Australia: Hygrophoraceae. Collingwood, AU: CSIRO Publishing. ISBN 0643091955
  6. ^ Moncalvo JM, et al. 2002. One hundred and seventeen clades of euagarics. Archived 2007年10月25日, at the Wayback Machine. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 23:357-400.
  7. ^ Largent DL. (1985). The Agaricales of California 5: Hygrophoraceae. Eureka, CA: Mad River Press. ISBN 0916422542
  8. ^ Arnolds E. (1986)
  9. ^ Bas C. (1990). Tricholomataceae R.Heim ex Pouz. In: Flora Agaricina Neerlandica 2:65. ISBN 9061919711
  10. ^ Kirk PM. (2001). Ainsworth and Bisby's Dictionary of the Fungi (9th ed). Wallingford, UK: CABI Publishing.
  11. ^ Kuo M. (2003). Mushroom taxonomy: The big picture. MushroomExpert.Com (website).
  12. ^ Young AM. (2002) Brief notes on the status of Family Hygrophoraceae Lotsy. Australasian Mycologist 21(3):114–116
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wikipedia 日本語

ヌメリガサ科: Brief Summary ( Japonês )

fornecido por wikipedia 日本語

ヌメリガサ科(Hygrophoracea)は担子菌門真正担子菌綱ハラタケ目におかれる菌類。伝統的には白色の胞子紋を持つきのこが分類される分類群。英語圏ではwaxy capsやwaxcapsとしても知られている。最も鮮やかで明るい色の菌類もここに分類されている。多くは草地や森、コケの繁茂した場所などに生え、広く北半球に生息している。

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site do parceiro
wikipedia 日本語