Argemone corymbosa, the Mojave prickly poppy, is a flowering plant in the family Papaveraceae native to the eastern Mojave Desert of the southwestern United States. It especially common around Cima, California and the nearby community of Kelso, California. The plant grows in sandy places and on dry slopes, and is very similar to desert prickly poppy.
It is a perennial herbaceous plant growing to 40–80 cm tall, with distinctive orange latex in the stems. The leaves are 8–15 cm long, with prickly margins. The flowers are 4–8 cm diameter, with four white petals and an orange-colored center.
Argemone corymbosa, the Mojave prickly poppy, is a flowering plant in the family Papaveraceae native to the eastern Mojave Desert of the southwestern United States. It especially common around Cima, California and the nearby community of Kelso, California. The plant grows in sandy places and on dry slopes, and is very similar to desert prickly poppy.
Argemone corymbosa Greene – gatunek rośliny z rodziny makowatych (Papaveraceae Juss.). Występuje naturalnie we wschodnich Stanach Zjednoczonych[3] – w środkowo-południowej Kalifornii, środkowo-północnej Arizonie oraz południowo-wschodnim Utah[4], a według niektórych źródeł także w Nevadzie[5].
Rośnie na piaszczystych wydmach oraz otwartych suchych przestrzeniach. Występuje na wysokości od 900 do 1500 m n.p.m.[4]
W obrębie tego gatunku oprócz podgatunku nominatywnego wyróżniono jeden podgatunek[2]:
W Arizonie jest uważany za gatunek zagrożony wyginięciem[5].
Argemone corymbosa Greene – gatunek rośliny z rodziny makowatych (Papaveraceae Juss.). Występuje naturalnie we wschodnich Stanach Zjednoczonych – w środkowo-południowej Kalifornii, środkowo-północnej Arizonie oraz południowo-wschodnim Utah, a według niektórych źródeł także w Nevadzie.
Argemone corymbosa là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Anh túc. Loài này được Greene mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1886.[1]
Argemone corymbosa là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Anh túc. Loài này được Greene mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1886.