Wedelia (lat. Wedelia)[1] – mürəkkəbçiçəklilər fəsiləsinə aid bitki cinsi.[2]
Wedelia (lat. Wedelia) – mürəkkəbçiçəklilər fəsiləsinə aid bitki cinsi.
Wedelia is a genus of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae.[5][3] They are one of the genera commonly called "creeping-oxeyes".[6]
The genus is named in honor of German botanist and physician Georg Wolfgang Wedel, 1645–1721.[7][8]
There are difficulties regarding the classification of this genus for its affinities are uncertain. Further studies are needed to clarify its taxonomic and phylogenetic relationships.[9][10]
Many species were once considered part of Wedelia but have been now transferred to other genera, including Angelphytum, Aspilia, Baltimora, Blainvillea, Chrysogonum, Eclipta, Elaphandra, Eleutheranthera, Guizotia, Heliopsis, Kingianthus, Lasianthaea, Melampodium, Melanthera, Moonia, Sphagneticola, Synedrella, Tuberculocarpus, Verbesina, Viguiera, Villanova, Wollastonia and Zexmenia.[4]
Species accepted by the Plants of the World Online as of December 2022:[11]
Wedelia is a genus of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae. They are one of the genera commonly called "creeping-oxeyes".
The genus is named in honor of German botanist and physician Georg Wolfgang Wedel, 1645–1721.
Wedelia es un género de plantas fanerógamas perteneciente a la familia de las asteráceas. Comprende 349 especies descritas y de estas, solo 84 aceptadas.[1][2]
El género fue descrito por Nikolaus Joseph von Jacquin y publicado en Enumeratio Systematica Plantarum, quas in insulis Caribaeis 8, 28. 1760.[3] La especie tipo es Wedelia fructicosa Jacq.
Wedelia es un género de plantas fanerógamas perteneciente a la familia de las asteráceas. Comprende 349 especies descritas y de estas, solo 84 aceptadas.
Wedelia est un genre végétal de la famille des Asteraceae.
De nombreuses espèces ont été transferrés dans les genres Angelphytum, Aspilia, Baltimora, Blainvillea, Chrysogonum, Eclipta, Elaphandra, Eleutheranthera, Guizotia, Heliopsis, Kingianthus, Lasianthaea, Melampodium, Melanthera, Moonia, Sphagneticola, Synedrella, Tuberculocarpus, Verbesina, Viguiera, Villanova, Wollastonia et Zexmenia.
Wedelia est un genre végétal de la famille des Asteraceae.
Wedelia is een geslacht van kruidachtige vaste planten, halfstruiken en struiken uit de composietenfamilie (Asteraceae). Het geslacht telt zeventig soorten die voorkomen in de (sub)tropen.[1]
Wedelia is een geslacht van kruidachtige vaste planten, halfstruiken en struiken uit de composietenfamilie (Asteraceae). Het geslacht telt zeventig soorten die voorkomen in de (sub)tropen.
Wedelia é um género botânico pertencente à família Asteraceae.[1]
Wedelia é um género botânico pertencente à família Asteraceae.
Wedelia là một chi thực vật có hoa thuộc họ cúc, Asteraceae. Chúng là một trong số các chi có tên gọi tiếng Anh là "creeping-oxeye".
Wedelia là một chi thực vật có hoa thuộc họ cúc, Asteraceae. Chúng là một trong số các chi có tên gọi tiếng Anh là "creeping-oxeye".