fornecido por World Register of Marine Species
(fide Miranda & Brasil, 2014) "Prostomium subtriangular, with ceratophore of median antenna on anterior border, without lateral antennae; tentaculophores of segment 1 with a bundle of notosetae and single tentacular cirrus. Parapodia biramous. Middorsum not covered by elytra, with or without scattered adhesive tubercles. Elytra on segments 2, 4, 5, 7, continuing on alternate segments to the end of the body, thick, with concentric rings and numerous long border papillae. Segments up to 48."
2. Gerlach, J. (2007) Short-term climate change and the extinction of the snail
Rhachistia aldabrae (Gastropoda: Pulmonata).
Biology Letters,
3 (5): 581 - 585.
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- cc-by-4.0
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- WoRMS Editorial Board