Gentiana alba (called plain, pale, white, cream, or yellow gentian) is a herbaceous species of flowering plant in the Gentian family Gentianaceae, producing yellowish-white colored flowers from thick white taproots. It is native to North America from Manitoba through Ontario in the north, south to Oklahoma, Arkansas and North Carolina, and it is listed as rare, endangered, threatened or extirpated in parts of this range.[2]
This species resembles bottle gentian (Gentiana andrewsii), which has blue flowers and a less upright habit, and shares much of the same range. Gentiana alba starts to bloom a few weeks earlier than bottle gentian and the flowers are more open at the tops. Gentiana alba can also hybridize with Gentiana andrewsii, producing upright growing plants having white flowers with blue edges.
Synonyms include Gentiana flavida A. Gray
Gentiana alba (called plain, pale, white, cream, or yellow gentian) is a herbaceous species of flowering plant in the Gentian family Gentianaceae, producing yellowish-white colored flowers from thick white taproots. It is native to North America from Manitoba through Ontario in the north, south to Oklahoma, Arkansas and North Carolina, and it is listed as rare, endangered, threatened or extirpated in parts of this range.
This species resembles bottle gentian (Gentiana andrewsii), which has blue flowers and a less upright habit, and shares much of the same range. Gentiana alba starts to bloom a few weeks earlier than bottle gentian and the flowers are more open at the tops. Gentiana alba can also hybridize with Gentiana andrewsii, producing upright growing plants having white flowers with blue edges.
Synonyms include Gentiana flavida A. Gray
Gentiana alba ("pale gentian", "white gentian" o "cream gentian" en inglés) es una especie de planta herbácea perteneciente a la familia Gentianaceae originario de Norteamérica.
Posee raíces primarias gruesas de color blanco. Esta especie es muy parecida a Gentiana andrewsii, salvo que tiene un porte erecto y las flores de color blanco amarillento . Las plantas comienzan a florecer unas pocas semanas antes de Gentiana andrewsii y las flores están más abiertas en la parte superior .
Gentiana alba fue descrita por Muhl. ex Nutt. y publicado en Catalogus Plantarum Americae Septentrionalis no. 29. 1813.[1]
Gentiana: Según Plinio el Viejo[2] y Dioscórides,[3] su nombre deriva del de Gentio, rey de Iliria en el siglo II a. C., a quien se atribuía el descubrimiento del valor curativo de la Gentiana lutea.
alba: epíteto latíno que significa "blanca".[4] |Sinonimia:
Gentiana alba ("pale gentian", "white gentian" o "cream gentian" en inglés) es una especie de planta herbácea perteneciente a la familia Gentianaceae originario de Norteamérica.
Gentiana alba là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Long đởm. Loài này được Muhl. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1818.[1]
Gentiana alba là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Long đởm. Loài này được Muhl. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1818.