Nile region, oases, Mediterranean region, Egyptian desert, Res Sea coastal strip, Gebel Elba, Sinai and Isthmic desert (Qattara).
Tropical and warm regions.
Edge of coastal and inland salt marshes, alluvial moist soils, edges of cultivated moist ground.
Short-lived perennial.
Cressa cretica ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung Cressa in der Familie der Windengewächse (Convolvulaceae).
Cressa cretica ist ein am Grund verholzter Halbstrauch,[1] deren Stängel bis zu 30 (selten bis zu 50) cm lang werden. Sie sind gräulich-flaumig behaart, liegend und stark verzweigt. Die Laubblätter sind 2 bis 10 mm lang, lanzettlich bis eiförmig mit herzförmigem oder abgerundetem Grund und spitzlichem bis zugespitztem oberen Ende. Nach und nach gehen sie in die Tragblätter über.
Die Blüten sind 3 bis 5 mm lang und stehen an sehr kurzen Blütenstielen. Die stumpfen Kelchblätter sind so lang wie die Kronröhre. Die Krone misst 3 bis 5 mm im Durchmesser, ist weißlich-rosa oder gelb gefärbt und bleibt an der Frucht erhalten.
Die Chromosomenzahl beträgt 2n = 28.[2]
Cressa cretica kommt in Europa in der Mittelmeerregion vor und reicht bis in die Mitte Portugals und in den Südosten Bulgariens. Sie wächst auf sandigen und salzigen Böden, meist in Meeresnähe. Darüber hinaus reicht die Verbreitung an der afrikanischen Atlantikküste südwärts bis Angola, im Indischen Ozean südwärts bis Mosambik und Madagaskar und ostwärts bis Indien und Sri Lanka.[1]
Cressa cretica ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung Cressa in der Familie der Windengewächse (Convolvulaceae).
Cressa cretica is a species of flowering plant in the morning glory family. It is found in northern and central Africa, southern Europe and western Asia, as well as parts of southeastern Asia and Australia. It has long been used in traditional medicine and research has demonstrated that it has some therapeutic effects.
Cressa cretica is a densely branching subshrub growing to a height of about 38 cm (15 in). The leaves are small, stubby, obtuse and clad in silky hairs. The flowers grow in groups in the axils of the upper leaves and are white; the back of the reflexed corolla lobes are hairy near the tip. The fruits are ovoid, pointed capsules, usually containing a single seed.[2]
Cressa: Greek, based on kris or kriti, “from Crete”, a Cretan woman.[3]
Cressa cretica is known from the Mediterranean part of Europe, northern and central Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, the Middle East and western Asia as far east as India and Sri Lanka. It also occurs in parts of southeastern Asia and in a number of states in Australia, but it is unclear as to whether it is native to these places. It is a halophyte and grows in salty parts of oases, in depressions in sandy areas that become wet seasonally, in salt marshes and beside temporary pools.[1]
This plant is much used in traditional medicine; it is reputed to be an anthelmintic, an expectorant, an aid to digestion, an aphrodisiac and to have tonic properties among other uses.[1][2] Research shows that the plant contains a number of chemical constituents and that it has some potential as an antibacterial, an antifungal and an antitussive agent. In combination with Tridax procumbens and Euphorbia thymifolia, it has been found to be effective as an anticancer treatment. It has also been shown to improve testicular function in rats.[4]
एक अमूल्य औषधि दोआब की धरा में छिपी है "रुद्रवंती" रुद्रवंती_in_Hindi
Cressa cretica is a species of flowering plant in the morning glory family. It is found in northern and central Africa, southern Europe and western Asia, as well as parts of southeastern Asia and Australia. It has long been used in traditional medicine and research has demonstrated that it has some therapeutic effects.
Cressa cretica é uma espécie de planta com flor pertencente à família Convolvulaceae.
A autoridade científica da espécie é L., tendo sido publicada em Species Plantarum 1: 223. 1753.[1]
Trata-se de uma espécie presente no território português, nomeadamente em Portugal Continental.
Em termos de naturalidade é nativa da região atrás indicada.
Não se encontra protegida por legislação portuguesa ou da Comunidade Europeia.
Cressa cretica é uma espécie de planta com flor pertencente à família Convolvulaceae.
A autoridade científica da espécie é L., tendo sido publicada em Species Plantarum 1: 223. 1753.