
Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por EOL authors
Pavonia zeylanica (L.) Cav. Syn Nym- Hibiscus zeylanicus. Sub shrub ca 1m tall, branchlets viscid and stellate pubescent. Leaves deeply 3 - lobed, 0.7 - 1.7 x 0.7 - 1.7 cm, 3- 5 nerved at base, lobes obovate, cuneate at base, margin dentate, apex obtuse to acute, petiole 0.6 - 2 cm, stipule to 1 mm, flowers axillary, solitary, 1.5 cm across, pedicel 2 cm, accrescent to 4 cm, epicalyx segments 8-11, setaceous, 8mm, calyx tube 1.5mm, lobes 5 to 2mm, petals 5, bright pink or white, 7x 4 mm, staminal column to 7 mm, schizocarp to 5mm, mericarp winged at edges, 1.5mm, seeds 2.5mm, pubescent. Growing from coastal area to 1000m, wastelands, margins of agriculture field. DIstribution: India , Srilanka, tropical Africa, Mauratious. Chitthamutti (Tamil), used in siddha system of medicine.
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Santhan P giri
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EOL authors