
Sem título ( Inglês )

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The fossil record for butterflyfishes dates back to the lower Tertiary and lower Eocene.

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Jonna, R. 2003. "Chaetodontidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Chaetodontidae.html
R. Jamil Jonna, Animal Diversity Web
Monica Weinheimer, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web

Behavior ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Daytime feeders, butterflyfishes use vision to find their prey. Pairs also communicate visually; if a pair becomes separated, one may swim upwards in a display that helps the two locate each other. During agonistic encounters between members of Chaetodon lunula, the fishes’ yellow colors intensify and their countershading fades, a visual signal of aggressive interaction.

Communication Channels: visual

Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; chemical

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Jonna, R. 2003. "Chaetodontidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Chaetodontidae.html
R. Jamil Jonna, Animal Diversity Web
Monica Weinheimer, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web

Conservation Status ( Inglês )

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As of 1994 there were five species of butterflyfish listed as vulnerable to extinction, all in the genus Chaetodon. Their vulnerability is based on the limited spaces in which they are found, making them extremely susceptible to human activities in those areas.

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Jonna, R. 2003. "Chaetodontidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Chaetodontidae.html
R. Jamil Jonna, Animal Diversity Web
Monica Weinheimer, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web

Associations ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Most butterflyfishes have a dark band obscuring the eye, and often have a false eye spot in contrasting colors near the tail. These two attributes may confuse predators. The ocelli, or eye spots, may reduce damage from fin-biting predators by mimicking the head. Another possibility is that the ocelli are a signal to help maintain cohesion in shoaling groups.

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Jonna, R. 2003. "Chaetodontidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Chaetodontidae.html
R. Jamil Jonna, Animal Diversity Web
Monica Weinheimer, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web

Morphology ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Butterflyfishes are brightly-colored, often yellow or white, with darker contrasting markings that may conceal the eye. They, like some other reef fishes, are sometimes described as “poster-colored” due to their vivid coloration. They typically have a false eye spot near the back of the body, which may be an anti-predator adaptation (see Predation). These fishes are laterally compressed (very thin when viewed from the front) but deep-bodied, appearing almost circular from the side. Strongly sheathed dorsal, pelvic, and anal fin spines accentuate the disk-like body shape. The continuous or slightly notched dorsal fin contains six to 16 spines and 15 to 30 soft rays. The caudal fin is rounded and has 15 branched rays. The body is covered with small ctenoid scales that extend well onto the dorsal and anal fins. Butterflyfishes have small mouths filled with brushlike, close-set teeth. Their snouts are pointed, with the degree of elongation depending on the species and the type of food it consumes. Some, such as Forcipiger flavissimus, have extremely long jaws like tweezers that can grasp invertebrates from narrow crevices. Others, such as Chaetodon ornatissimus, have short jaws for nipping off live coral polyps. The jaws of some butterflyfishes can measure more than 25% of their body length. Butterflyfishes are, in general, sexually monomorphic (males and females look alike), although occasionally males have been found to be larger than females. Depending on the species, butterflyfishes range from nine to 30 cm in length. (Click here to see a fish diagram).

Other Physical Features: ectothermic ; bilateral symmetry

Sexual Dimorphism: sexes alike

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Jonna, R. 2003. "Chaetodontidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Chaetodontidae.html
R. Jamil Jonna, Animal Diversity Web
Monica Weinheimer, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web

Life Expectancy ( Inglês )

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No specific information was found on butterflyfish longevity, but it can be surmised that most species live at least three years and probably longer, since they reach sexual maturity after about a year and many pairs are reported to be stable for at least three years.

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Jonna, R. 2003. "Chaetodontidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Chaetodontidae.html
R. Jamil Jonna, Animal Diversity Web
Monica Weinheimer, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web

Habitat ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Butterflyfishes are a marine family occupying tropical to warm temperate waters. Some occur in the brackish water of estuaries and protected bays, commonly along steep parts of rocky reefs. They are most often found in shallow (less than 20 m) water near coral reefs, but some are deepwater dwellers descending to 200 m. Some occur in seagrass habitats, deep mudflats, or shallow lagoons. Juveniles of many species occupy different areas than adults, such as tidal pools, boulder reefs and shallow areas without coral. Some investigators hypothesize that butterflyfishes may have originally been pelagic, non-reef fishes that colonized coral reefs on two or more separate occasions.

Habitat Regions: temperate ; tropical ; saltwater or marine

Aquatic Biomes: benthic ; reef ; coastal

Other Habitat Features: estuarine

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Jonna, R. 2003. "Chaetodontidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Chaetodontidae.html
R. Jamil Jonna, Animal Diversity Web
Monica Weinheimer, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web

Distribution ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Butterflyfishes are primarily tropical, although some species can be found in temperate regions. Most species occur in the Indo- West Pacific, from Australia to Taiwan. Only four species occur in the eastern Pacific, and 13 species in the Atlantic.

Biogeographic Regions: palearctic (Native ); oriental (Native ); ethiopian (Native ); neotropical (Native ); australian (Native ); oceanic islands (Native ); indian ocean (Native )

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Jonna, R. 2003. "Chaetodontidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Chaetodontidae.html
R. Jamil Jonna, Animal Diversity Web
Monica Weinheimer, Animal Diversity Web
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site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Trophic Strategy ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Generally benthic feeders, many butterflyfishes eat small invertebrates, sponges or polychaete worms. Some feed on zooplankton, and others exist exclusively on coral polyps. Another feeding method is scraping the surface of live coral to obtain algae, attached invertebrates, and mucus from the coral. Some are herbivores, grazing on the filamentous algae covering coral reefs, and a few eat seagrasses and algae on reef flats. Butterflyfishes have long snouts, with the degree of elongation depending on the species and the type of food it consumes. Some, such as Forcipiger flavissimus, have extremely long jaws like tweezers that can grasp invertebrates from narrow crevices. Others, such as Chaetodon ornatissimus, have short jaws for nipping off live coral polyps. The jaws of some butterflyfishes can measure more than 25% of their body length.

Primary Diet: carnivore (Eats non-insect arthropods); herbivore ; omnivore ; planktivore

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Jonna, R. 2003. "Chaetodontidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Chaetodontidae.html
R. Jamil Jonna, Animal Diversity Web
Monica Weinheimer, Animal Diversity Web
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site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Associations ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Butterflyfishes, like many other reef fishes, have coevolved with other organisms in their environment. Benthic invertebrates on the reef have developed heavy armor, spines, toxins, and adherence to the substrate, and butterflyfishes have evolved a variety of jaw forms that allow them to penetrate narrow crevices, reach exposed parts of invertebrates, or nip off coral polyps. The herbivorous members of the family have an impact as well, for their grazing of algae is important for the well-being of the reef. They, and other herbivorous reef fishes, keep algae that might otherwise smother the coral cropped to a mat one to two mm thick.

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Jonna, R. 2003. "Chaetodontidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Chaetodontidae.html
R. Jamil Jonna, Animal Diversity Web
Monica Weinheimer, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web

Benefits ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Butterflyfishes are one of the most popular tropical fishes with divers and aquarists. Some do well in aquaria but those that eat only coral are almost impossible to keep successfully.

Positive Impacts: pet trade

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Jonna, R. 2003. "Chaetodontidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Chaetodontidae.html
R. Jamil Jonna, Animal Diversity Web
Monica Weinheimer, Animal Diversity Web
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site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Benefits ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

No specific information was found concerning any negative impacts to humans.

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Jonna, R. 2003. "Chaetodontidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Chaetodontidae.html
R. Jamil Jonna, Animal Diversity Web
Monica Weinheimer, Animal Diversity Web
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site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Chaetodontidae, or butterflyfishes, are among the most widely recognized coral reef fishes. Their vivid coloration and striking patterns make them popular in the aquarium trade, although some species are difficult to maintain in aquaria (see Economic Importance). The family contains 10 genera with 114 species, the majority in the genus Chaetodon. They occur mainly in tropical waters, most densely distributed in the Indo-West Pacific, but some occupy warm temperate waters (see Habitat). Members of this family vary considerably in terms of color, but all butterflyfishes share certain morphological traits such as a deep, laterally compressed body, ctenoid scales that extend onto the soft-rayed portions of the dorsal and anal fins, and jaws that may be slightly or extremely elongated (see Physical Description). Jaw shape and size correlates with the type of prey consumed; some butterflyfishes feed upon small invertebrates or algae, others solely on coral polyps (known as obligate corallivores), and still others upon zooplankton (see Food Habits). Butterflyfish are largely pair-forming, pelagic (in the water column) spawners (see Reproduction), and are unique among reef fishes in that the larvae pass through a stage termed tholychthys during which a bony sheath encases the head (see Development). As of 1994, five chaetodontid species were listed as vulnerable to extinction (see Conservation Status).

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Jonna, R. 2003. "Chaetodontidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Chaetodontidae.html
R. Jamil Jonna, Animal Diversity Web
Monica Weinheimer, Animal Diversity Web
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site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Life Cycle ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Butterflyfish eggs are spherical, buoyant, and transparent, and, for those species observed, hatch in 28 to 30 hours. A drop of oil behind the yolk suspends the newly-hatched fish upside down just beneath the surface. By the time an individual reaches 5.5 mm, it enters the tholichthys larval stage, unique among reef fishes, in which bony armor covers the head. The sheath of thin bony plates extends beyond the head to form spines dorsally and ventrally. The shape and form of the plates and spines varies from species to species, but in general tholichthys larvae are silver-colored, deep bodied, and laterally compressed. These pelagic larvae may be planktonic for two or more months. The bony plates are absorbed within a few weeks after the fish settle to the bottom. The larvae settle at night and transform quickly into juveniles. In many species of butterflyfish, juveniles have a color pattern that is quite distinct from their adult form. Butterflyfishes most likely reach sexual maturity when they are about a year old.

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Jonna, R. 2003. "Chaetodontidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Chaetodontidae.html
R. Jamil Jonna, Animal Diversity Web
Monica Weinheimer, Animal Diversity Web
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site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Reproduction ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Butterflyfishes, according to existing research, are characteristically monogamous and pair-forming. Occasionally pairs have been observed accompanied by a juvenile, which allows for the possibility that juveniles may be ambisexual, or able to mature into male or female depending on which sexually mature fish in a pair dies and needs to be replaced. However, there is no definitive research indicating whether this actually occurs or not. In many species pairs are stable for at least three years, and some butterflyfishes may pair for life.

Mating System: monogamous

Research on butterflyfish reproductive behavior has been limited to a few species, but available information suggests that tropical spawning activity peaks in winter and early spring, while species in more temperate areas spawn in midsummer. Some groups spawn throughout the year. Spawning usually occurs at dusk. Females are often visibly distended with eggs when they are ready to spawn. The male swims behind and below the female, and here he uses his snout to nudge her abdomen. Spawning pairs in Prognathodes aculeatus have been observed chasing each other around a large sponge. A common element among species seems to be an ascent into the water column to release gametes (eggs and sperm). After a few “false starts” the pair rises up into the water, the male’s snout against the female’s abdomen. They release a white cloud of gametes and rush back toward the bottom. In some species other males have been seen dashing over to a spawning pair to add their own sperm to the cloud.

Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; year-round breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; fertilization (External ); oviparous

No specific information on parental care in Chaetodontidae was found. However, it is unlikely that butterflyfishes care for their eggs or young, because eggs are released and fertilized in the water column 10 or 15 m above the fishes’ normal habitat, and the pelagic tholichthys larvae are well-equipped with their own protective armor.

Parental Investment: no parental involvement

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Jonna, R. 2003. "Chaetodontidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Chaetodontidae.html
R. Jamil Jonna, Animal Diversity Web
Monica Weinheimer, Animal Diversity Web
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site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Chaetodontidae ( Africâner )

fornecido por wikipedia AF

Die Vlindervisse (Chaetodontidae) is 'n vis-familie wat tot die orde Perciformes behoort. Daar is 11 genera (met minstens 124 spesies) in hierdie familie. Twintig van die soorte kom aan die Suid-Afrikaanse kus voor.


Die visse wat onder hierdie familie ressorteer, word tussen 10 tot 47 cm lank. Hulle word meestal op riwwe aangetref, in water van 1 tot 250 m diep. Vele van die soorte is beperk tot koraalriwwe. Hulle eet klein ongewerweldes soos wurms en slakke, alge en plankton. Hulle bly gewoonlik in pare saam, partykeer alleen en vorm soms groot skole. Hulle is daglewend en hulle helder kleure maak dit maklik vir skubaduikers om hulle op te spoor. Gedurende die nag verander hulle kleur en hulle kruip dan weg in grotte en gate. Hulle is wêreldwyd verspreid in tropiese en warm oseaanwaters.

Genera en spesies

Die volgende genera en gepaardgaande spesies kom aan die Suider-Afrikaanse kus voor:

  • Amphichaetodon
  • Chaetodon
  • Chelmon
  • Chelmonops
  • Coradion
  • Forcipiger
  • Hemitaurichthys
  • Heniochus
  • Johnrandallia
  • Prognathodes

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Wikipedia skrywers en redakteurs
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wikipedia AF

Chaetodontidae: Brief Summary ( Africâner )

fornecido por wikipedia AF

Die Vlindervisse (Chaetodontidae) is 'n vis-familie wat tot die orde Perciformes behoort. Daar is 11 genera (met minstens 124 spesies) in hierdie familie. Twintig van die soorte kom aan die Suid-Afrikaanse kus voor.

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Wikipedia skrywers en redakteurs
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wikipedia AF

Quetodòntid ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

Chaetodontidae és una família de peixos de l'ordre dels perciformes.


Aquesta família comprèn una gran part dels peixos anomenats "peixos papallona", petits i de colors sovint sorprenents. Es troben a la conca Indo-Pacífica i algunes zones tropicals de l'Atlàntic, com el mar del Carib. Llurs hàbitats preferits són generalment les aigües netes a la vora dels esculls de corall.


N'hi ha uns deu gèneres en l'actualitat, però la llista no está totalment fixada. Abans Chaetodontidae i Pomacanthidae es consideraven una sola família. Les divisions actuals encara són objecte de discussió:


  • Fessler, Jennifer L. & Westneat, Mark W. (2007): Molecular phylogenetics of the butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae): Taxonomy and biogeography of a global coral reef fish family. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 45(1): 50–68. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2007.05.018.
  • FishBase [2008]: Family Chaetodontidae – Butterflyfishes. Retrieved 2008-SEP-02.
  • Hsu, Kui-Ching; Chen, Jeng-Ping & Shao, Kwang-Tsao (2007): Molecular phylogeny of Chaetodon (Teleostei: Chaetodontidae) in the Indo-West Pacific: evolution in geminate species pairs and species groups. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement 14: 77-86. PDF fulltext.
  • Sepkoski, Jack (2002): [Chaetodon]. In: A compendium of fossil marine animal genera. Bulletins of American Paleontology 364: 560. HTML database excerpt.

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Quetodòntid: Brief Summary ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

Chaetodontidae és una família de peixos de l'ordre dels perciformes.

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Falterfische ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Die Falterfische (Chaetodontidae), auch Borstenzähner genannt, sind eine Familie auffälliger tropischer Meeresfische. Ihr Lebensraum sind die Korallenriffe im Atlantik, im Indischen Ozean und im Pazifischen Ozean. Die Familienbezeichnung Chaetodontidae leitet sich von den griechischen Wörtern chaite „Haar“ und odonto- „Zahn“ ab. Dies bezieht sich auf die kleinen, bürstenartigen Zähne ihres Mauls. Falterfische ähneln den Vertretern der Familie der Kaiserfische (Pomacanthidae), unterscheiden sich jedoch durch den Flossenaufbau.

Durch die Lesseps’sche Migration sind drei Falterfischarten inzwischen auch im Mittelmeer heimisch geworden. Dabei handelt es sich um den Rotmeer-Wimpelfisch (Heniochus intermedius), den Rotmeer-Rippelstreifen-Falterfisch (Chaetodon austriacus) und den Rotkopf-Falterfisch (Chaetodon larvatus).[1]


Tholichthys-Stadium einer Wimpelfischart

Falterfische sind verhältnismäßig kleine Fische. Die meisten Arten dieser Familie haben eine Körperlänge zwischen 12 und 22 Zentimeter. Der größte Vertreter, der Riesen-Falterfisch (Chaetodon lineolatus), erreicht eine Länge von bis zu 30 cm. Die Familie umfasst etwa 130 Arten in 12 Gattungen.

Falterfische sind häufig ausgesprochen farbige Fische – einige Arten tragen Farbmuster in Schwarz, Weiß, Blau, Rot, Orange und Gelb. Nur wenige Arten sind unauffällig gefärbt. Viele Arten haben auffällige Augenflecken im hinteren Bereich der Rückenflosse. Die Funktion dieses Augenflecks besteht in der Irritation optisch orientierter Fressfeinde; räuberische Fische schnappen nach diesen falschen Augen und täuschen sich in Hinblick auf die anvisierte Fluchtrichtung der Beute. Das echte Auge übernimmt bei den meisten Falterfischen das Muster des Fisches und wird somit für den Fressfeind unsichtbar, da ihm kein Auge erscheint. Also schnappt er nach dem Augenfleck auf der Rückenflosse. Falterfische haben auffällige hochrückige, seitlich abgeflachte Körper; die Afterflossen sind bei den meisten Arten rund. Keine der Arten hat eine gegabelte Afterflosse.

Nach dem Larvenstadium besitzen die Tiere für einige Zeit eine starke Kopfpanzerung (Tholichthys-Stadium).


Die meisten Arten der Familie der Falterfische leben in bis zu 18 Metern Wassertiefe. Einige wenige Arten sind auch bis zu 180 Meter Wassertiefe zu finden. Einige Arten wie beispielsweise der Kupferstreifen-Pinzettfisch sind territoriale Fische, die paarweise leben und ihr Territorium verteidigen. Die Arten, die sich von Plankton ernähren, bilden häufig kleine Schwärme. Nachtsüber verstecken sich Falterfische im Riff und zeigen dabei eine auffällig andere Färbung als während des Tages.

Äußere Systematik

Die Falterfische bilden mit 12 weiteren Familien, darunter auch die Kaiserfische (Pomacanthidae), die Ordnung der Doktorfischartigen (Acanthuriformes). Gemeinsames Merkmal, das als Synapomorphie gilt und zur Diagnose der Ordnung herangezogen wird, ist die einzigartige Methode des Ersatzes abgenutzter Zähne. Bei den Larven und adulten Exemplaren dieser Fische wachsen die nachwachsenden Zähne an den Außenseiten der Kiefer und ersetzen gruppenweise ihre Vorgänger.[2]

Innere Systematik

Die Gattungen der Falterfische lassen sich in zwei Hauptkladen zusammenfassen, die in der englischsprachigen Studie als "butterflyfishes" bezeichneten Falterfische i. e. S. und die "bannerfishes", wozu die Wimpel- und die Pinzettfische gehören.[3]

Die Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse zeigt folgendes Kladogramm[3]: Falterfische Wimpel- und Pinzettfische









Falterfische i. e. S.



Falterfischfossil im Geologiemuseum von Bologna


Die rezente Gattung Chaetodon hat mit Chaetodon ficheuri einen Vertreter aus dem oberen Miozän. Seine fossilen Überreste wurden bei Oran in Algerien gefunden.[4]


Aufgrund der attraktiven Färbung dieser Fische werden sie häufig in öffentlichen Aquarien gezeigt. Die meisten Arten sind jedoch aufgrund ihres Nahrungsverhaltens anspruchsvolle Pfleglinge. In Aquarien werden daher überwiegend die Arten gehalten, die Nahrungsgeneralisten sind. Für die heute bei privaten Meerwasserliebhabern üblichen Korallenriffaquarien sind sie mit Ausnahme des Kupferstreifen-Pinzettfischs (Chelmon rostratus) völlig ungeeignet, da sie die mühsam zum Wachsen gebrachten Stein- und Weichkorallen in kurzer Zeit auffressen würden.



  1. CIESM Atlas of Exotic Fishes in the Mediterranean Sea
  2. Anthony Gill & Jeffrey M. Leis (2019): Phylogenetic position of the fish genera Lobotes, Datnioides and Hapalogenys, with a reappraisal of acanthuriform composition and relationships based on adult and larval morphology. Zootaxa, 4680 (1): 1–81. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4680.1.1
  3. a b Fessler, J. L. & Westneat, M. W.: Molecular phylogenetics of the butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae): Taxonomy and biogeography of a global coral reef fish family. In: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. Bd. 45, Nr. 1, 2007, S. 50–68, doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2007.05.018.
  4. Karl Albert Frickhinger: Fossilien Atlas Fische, Mergus-Verlag, Melle, 1999, ISBN 3-88244-018-X
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wikipedia DE

Falterfische: Brief Summary ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Die Falterfische (Chaetodontidae), auch Borstenzähner genannt, sind eine Familie auffälliger tropischer Meeresfische. Ihr Lebensraum sind die Korallenriffe im Atlantik, im Indischen Ozean und im Pazifischen Ozean. Die Familienbezeichnung Chaetodontidae leitet sich von den griechischen Wörtern chaite „Haar“ und odonto- „Zahn“ ab. Dies bezieht sich auf die kleinen, bürstenartigen Zähne ihres Mauls. Falterfische ähneln den Vertretern der Familie der Kaiserfische (Pomacanthidae), unterscheiden sich jedoch durch den Flossenaufbau.

Durch die Lesseps’sche Migration sind drei Falterfischarten inzwischen auch im Mittelmeer heimisch geworden. Dabei handelt es sich um den Rotmeer-Wimpelfisch (Heniochus intermedius), den Rotmeer-Rippelstreifen-Falterfisch (Chaetodon austriacus) und den Rotkopf-Falterfisch (Chaetodon larvatus).

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Kepe-kepe ( Japonês )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages

Kepe-kepe punika nama kelompok iwak laut tropis kanti warna ingkang mencolok saking famili Chaetodontidae. Ulam punika ugi saged dipunsebut Chevroned Butterflyfish (Chaetodon trifascialis) [1].Ulam punika kathah kapanggih wonten terumbu karang ing Samudra Pasifik, samudra Hindia, lan Samudra Atlantik. Ulam kepe-kepe gadhah kirang langkung 120 spésies ing 10 genera. Wonten pasangan spésies ing samudra Pasifik lan samudra Hindia, anggota saking génus ingkang ageng, Chaetodon, lan taksonomi. panalitèn énggal-énggal punika ngginakaken data sekuensi DNA ingkang mangsuli kathah pitakenan. Kathah subgenera ingkang dipunusulaken kanggé mbagi Chaetodon lan sapunika dados jelas kados pundi kedahipun génus mau dipunpérang manawi kersa [2].

Kepe-kepe katingal kados versi alitipun iwak injel (Pomacanthidae), nanging boten kados iwak injel, kepe-kepe boten gadhah eri properkulum wonten ing tutup angsang. Sapérangan anggota génus Heniochus mirib Moorish Idol (Zanclus cornutus) saking famili monotipik Zanclidae. Ing antaraning Percoformes ingkang parafiletik , ulam injel boten tebih sanget kerabatipun kaliyan kepe-kepe, lajeng manawi Zanclidae langkung tebih [2].

Deskripsi dan ékologi

kelompok moorish idol palsu, Heniochus diphreutes

Ulam kepe-kepe padatanipun gadhah ukuran alit. Kathahipun dawa 12 cm dumugi 22 cm. Spesies paling ageng kepe-kepe bergaris lan kepe-kepe pelana, C.ephippium, tuwuh dumugi 30 cm. Namanipun adhédhasar awak ingang warninipun terang kanthi pola mencolok wonten ing kathah spésies. Kanthi warna ireng, putih, biru, abang, jingga, lan kuning. Sirip buntun bunder nanging radi kepotong lan boten gadhah cabang, wonten ugi spésies ulam kepe-kepe ingkang gadhah warni biyasa kemawon. Kathah ingkang bintik mata ing sisih awakipun saha pita peteng ingkang nglewati mata ulam mau, mirib pola ingkang katingal ing sayap kupu-kupu. Awakipun bunder pipih lan gampil anggènipun nepangi ulam punika ing terumbu karang, saéngga tiyang ngira warni mencolok punika kanggé komunikasi antar spesiès.


Nama famili ulam kepe-kepe asalipun saking Basa Yunani kuna chaite ingkang ateges rambut lan odontos ingkang ateges waja utawi untu. Punika merujuk dhateng larikan waja ingkang kados sikat ing lambenipun saged dupundamel monyong. Chaetodontidae saged kapérang malih dados kalih garis keturunan ingkang saged dipunwastani minangka subfamilia. Nanging nama subfamili Chaetodontinae boten kanggé amargi kalebet tilaran saking masa nalika Pomacanthidae lan Chaetodontinae kagabungaken dhateng Chaetodontidae dados satunggal famili. Awit saking punika Chaetodontinae dipunanggep sinonim junior saking Chaetodontidae.


Cathetan suku

  1. [1], (id) http://www.goblue.or.id (dipun-akses tanggal 15 November 2012).
  2. a b [2], (id) http://www.iftfishing.com (dipun-akses tanggal 15 November 2012).
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Kepe-kepe: Brief Summary ( Japonês )

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Kepe-kepe punika nama kelompok iwak laut tropis kanti warna ingkang mencolok saking famili Chaetodontidae. Ulam punika ugi saged dipunsebut Chevroned Butterflyfish (Chaetodon trifascialis) .Ulam punika kathah kapanggih wonten terumbu karang ing Samudra Pasifik, samudra Hindia, lan Samudra Atlantik. Ulam kepe-kepe gadhah kirang langkung 120 spésies ing 10 genera. Wonten pasangan spésies ing samudra Pasifik lan samudra Hindia, anggota saking génus ingkang ageng, Chaetodon, lan taksonomi. panalitèn énggal-énggal punika ngginakaken data sekuensi DNA ingkang mangsuli kathah pitakenan. Kathah subgenera ingkang dipunusulaken kanggé mbagi Chaetodon lan sapunika dados jelas kados pundi kedahipun génus mau dipunpérang manawi kersa .

Kepe-kepe katingal kados versi alitipun iwak injel (Pomacanthidae), nanging boten kados iwak injel, kepe-kepe boten gadhah eri properkulum wonten ing tutup angsang. Sapérangan anggota génus Heniochus mirib Moorish Idol (Zanclus cornutus) saking famili monotipik Zanclidae. Ing antaraning Percoformes ingkang parafiletik , ulam injel boten tebih sanget kerabatipun kaliyan kepe-kepe, lajeng manawi Zanclidae langkung tebih .

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तितलीमीन ( Hindi )

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तितलीमीन (Butterflyfish) या केटोडोंटीडाए (Chaetodontidae) उष्णकटिबंधीय समुद्री मछलियों का एक कुल है। इस कुल में १२ वंशों में १२९ जातियाँ सम्मिलित हैं, जो अधिकतर हिन्द, प्रशांत और अटलांटिक महासागरों में रीफ़ो के ऊपर पाई जाती हैं। आकृति से अधिकतर तितलीमीन छोटी एंजलमीन (पोमाकैन्थीडाए) जैसी लगती हैं लेकिन तितलीमीनों के क्लोम पर्दों पर कांटे नहीं होते।[1]

इन्हें भी देखें


  1. Pratchett, Morgan S. & Berumen, Michael L. & Kapoor, B.G. [Editors] : Biology of Butterflyfishes. CRC Press, 2014. ISBN 978-1-4665-8290-3
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तितलीमीन: Brief Summary ( Hindi )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages

तितलीमीन (Butterflyfish) या केटोडोंटीडाए (Chaetodontidae) उष्णकटिबंधीय समुद्री मछलियों का एक कुल है। इस कुल में १२ वंशों में १२९ जातियाँ सम्मिलित हैं, जो अधिकतर हिन्द, प्रशांत और अटलांटिक महासागरों में रीफ़ो के ऊपर पाई जाती हैं। आकृति से अधिकतर तितलीमीन छोटी एंजलमीन (पोमाकैन्थीडाए) जैसी लगती हैं लेकिन तितलीमीनों के क्लोम पर्दों पर कांटे नहीं होते।

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கீட்டோடொன்டைடீ ( Tâmil )

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கீட்டோடொன்டைடீ (Chaetodontidae), பேர்சிஃபார்மசு ஒழுங்கைச் சேர்ந்த ஒரு பட்டாம்பூச்சி மீன் [1] குடும்பம் ஆகும். இவை வெப்பவலயக் கடல் வாழ் மீன்கள். பொதுவாகப் பவளப்பாறைத் திட்டுக்களில் வாழும் இக் குடும்ப மீன்கள் அத்திலாந்திக் பெருங்கடல், இந்தியப் பெருங்கடல், பசிபிக் பெருங்கடல் ஆகிய பெருங்கடல்களில் காணப்படுகின்றன. இக் குடும்பத்தில் 10 பேரினங்களில் ஏறத்தாழ 120 இனங்கள் உள்ளன. இந்தியப் பெருங்கடலிலும், பசிபிக் பெருங்கடலிலும் பல இன இணைகள் (Species pair) காணப்படுகின்றன. மிகப் பெரிய கீட்டோண்டன் பேரினத்தின் உறுப்பினங்கள் உண்மையில் இனங்களா அல்லது சிற்றினங்களா என்பதில் குழப்பம் நிலவி வந்தது. அண்மைக் காலத்தில், டிஎன்ஏ க்களைப் பயன்படுத்திச் செய்யப்பட்ட ஆய்வுகள் மூலம் இத்தகைய குழப்பங்கள் பல தீர்ந்துள்ளன.

இவை ஓரளவு சிறிய மீன்களாகும். பெரும்பாலும் 12-22 சதம மீட்டர் (7-9 அங்குலம்) நீளம் கொண்டவை. இக் குடும்பத்தில் மிகப்பெரிதாக வளரும் கீ. எஃபிப்பியம் என்னும் இனத்தைச் சேர்ந்த மீன்கள், 30 சதம மீட்டர் நீளம் வரை வளர்கின்றன. கறுப்பு, வெள்ளை, நீலம், சிவப்பு, செம்மஞ்சள், மஞ்சள் எனப் பல நிறங்களைக் கொண்ட இம் மீன்களை ஆங்கிலத்தில் பட்டாம்பூச்சி மீன் எனப் பொருள்படும் பட்டர்ஃபிளை ஃபிஷ் (butterflyfish) என அழைப்பர்.

இவற்றையும் பார்க்கவும்



  1. அழிந்துவரும் பட்டாம்பூச்சி மீன்கள்: பவளப் பாறைகள் அழிவைத் தடுத்தால் பாதுகாக்கலாம்
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கீட்டோடொன்டைடீ: Brief Summary ( Tâmil )

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கீட்டோடொன்டைடீ (Chaetodontidae), பேர்சிஃபார்மசு ஒழுங்கைச் சேர்ந்த ஒரு பட்டாம்பூச்சி மீன் குடும்பம் ஆகும். இவை வெப்பவலயக் கடல் வாழ் மீன்கள். பொதுவாகப் பவளப்பாறைத் திட்டுக்களில் வாழும் இக் குடும்ப மீன்கள் அத்திலாந்திக் பெருங்கடல், இந்தியப் பெருங்கடல், பசிபிக் பெருங்கடல் ஆகிய பெருங்கடல்களில் காணப்படுகின்றன. இக் குடும்பத்தில் 10 பேரினங்களில் ஏறத்தாழ 120 இனங்கள் உள்ளன. இந்தியப் பெருங்கடலிலும், பசிபிக் பெருங்கடலிலும் பல இன இணைகள் (Species pair) காணப்படுகின்றன. மிகப் பெரிய கீட்டோண்டன் பேரினத்தின் உறுப்பினங்கள் உண்மையில் இனங்களா அல்லது சிற்றினங்களா என்பதில் குழப்பம் நிலவி வந்தது. அண்மைக் காலத்தில், டிஎன்ஏ க்களைப் பயன்படுத்திச் செய்யப்பட்ட ஆய்வுகள் மூலம் இத்தகைய குழப்பங்கள் பல தீர்ந்துள்ளன.

இவை ஓரளவு சிறிய மீன்களாகும். பெரும்பாலும் 12-22 சதம மீட்டர் (7-9 அங்குலம்) நீளம் கொண்டவை. இக் குடும்பத்தில் மிகப்பெரிதாக வளரும் கீ. எஃபிப்பியம் என்னும் இனத்தைச் சேர்ந்த மீன்கள், 30 சதம மீட்டர் நீளம் வரை வளர்கின்றன. கறுப்பு, வெள்ளை, நீலம், சிவப்பு, செம்மஞ்சள், மஞ்சள் எனப் பல நிறங்களைக் கொண்ட இம் மீன்களை ஆங்கிலத்தில் பட்டாம்பூச்சி மீன் எனப் பொருள்படும் பட்டர்ஃபிளை ஃபிஷ் (butterflyfish) என அழைப்பர்.

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Butterflyfish ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

The butterflyfish are a group of conspicuous tropical marine fish of the family Chaetodontidae; the bannerfish and coralfish are also included in this group. The approximately 129 species in 12 genera[1] are found mostly on the reefs of the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans. A number of species pairs occur in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, members of the huge genus Chaetodon.

Butterflyfish look like smaller versions of angelfish (Pomacanthidae), but unlike these, lack preopercle spines at the gill covers. Some members of the genus Heniochus resemble the Moorish idol (Zanclus cornutus) of the monotypic Zanclidae. Among the paraphyletic Perciformes, the former are probably not too distantly related to butterflyfish, whereas the Zanclidae seem far less close.

Description and ecology

Fish bearing two strong black stripes separated by one strong white stripe with long white tendril as dorsal fin
A school of false Moorish idols, Heniochus diphreutes

Butterflyfish mostly range from 12 to 22 cm (4.7 to 8.7 in) in length. The largest species, the lined butterflyfish and the saddle butterflyfish, C. ephippium, grow to 30 cm (12 in). The common name references the brightly coloured and strikingly patterned bodies of many species, bearing shades of black, white, blue, red, orange, and yellow. Other species are dull in colour. Butterflyfish are a boundless, different group of marine percoids with delegates on practically all coral reef frameworks and in every single tropical ocean. Their bright and color patterns have drawn in much consideration, creating an abundance of data about their conduct and environment. [2] Many have eyespots on their flanks and dark bands across their eyes, not unlike the patterns seen on butterfly wings.[3] Their deep, laterally narrow bodies are easily noticed through the profusion of reef life. The conspicuous coloration of butterflyfish may be intended for interspecies communication. Butterflyfish have uninterrupted dorsal fins with tail fins that may be rounded or truncated, but are never forked.

Generally diurnal and frequenting waters less than 18 m (59 ft) deep (though some species descend to 180 m (590 ft), butterflyfish stick to particular home ranges. These corallivores are especially territorial, forming pairs and staking claim to a specific coral head. Contrastingly, the zooplankton feeders form large conspecific groups. By night, butterflyfish hide in reef crevices and exhibit markedly different coloration.

Their coloration also makes them popular aquarium fish. However, most species feed on coral polyps and sea anemones. Balancing the relative populations of prey and predator is complex, leading hobby aquarists to focus on the few generalists and specialist zooplankton feeders.

Butterflyfish are pelagic spawners; that is, they release many buoyant eggs into the water, which become part of the plankton, floating with the currents until hatching. The fry go through a tholichthys stage, wherein the body of the postlarval fish is covered in large, bony plates extending from the head. They lose their bony plates as they mature.[3] Only one other family of fish, the scats (Scatophagidae) express such an armored stage.

Taxonomy, systematics and evolution

The Chaetodontidae can be, but are not usually, divided into two lineages that arguably are subfamilies. The subfamily name Chaetodontinae is a little-used leftover from the period when the Pomacanthidae and Chaetodontidae were united under the latter name as a single family. Hence, Chaetodontinae is today considered a junior synonym of Chaetodontidae. In any case, one lineage of Chaetodontidae (in the modern sense) contains the "typical" butterflyfish around Chaetodon, while the other unites the bannerfish and coralfish genera. As the Perciformes are highly paraphyletic, the precise relationships of the Chaetodontidae as a whole are badly resolved.[4]

Chaetodontidae is classified within the suborder Percoidei by the 5th edition of Fishes of the World, but they are placed in an unnamed clade which sits outside the superfamily Percoidea. This clade contains 7 families which appear to have some relationship to Acanthuroidei, Monodactylidae, and Priacanthidae.[5] Other authorities have paced the family in the order Chaetodontiformes alongside the family Leiognathidae.[6]

Before DNA sequencing, the taxonomy was confused about whether to treat these as species or subspecies. Also, numerous subgenera have been proposed for splitting out of Chaetodon, and it is becoming clear how to subdivide the genus if that is desired.[7]

The fossil record of this group is marginal. Their restriction to coral reefs means their carcasses are liable to be dispersed by scavengers, overgrown by corals, and any that do fossilize will not long survive erosion. However, Pygaeus, a very basal fossil from the mid- to late Eocene of Europe, dates from around the Bartonian 40–37 million years ago (Mya). Thus, the Chaetodontidae emerged probably in the early to mid-Eocene. A crude molecular clock in combination with the evidence given by Pygaeus allows placement of the initial split between the two main lineages to the middle to late Eocene, and together with the few other fossils, it allows the deduction that most living genera were probably distinct by the end of the Paleogene 23 Mya.[8]


The bannerfish-coralfish lineage can be further divided in two groups; these might be considered tribes, but have not been formally named. Genera are listed in order of the presumed phylogeny, from the most ancient to the youngest:[4][9]

Bannerfish/coralfish lineage 1:

Bannerfish/coralfish lineage 2:

The "typical" butterflyfishes may eventually come to contain more genera; see Chaetodon:



Further reading

  • Pratchett, Morgan S. & Berumen, Michael L. & Kapoor, B.G. [Editors] : Biology of Butterflyfishes. CRC Press, 2014. ISBN 978-1-4665-8290-3


Wikimedia Commons has media related to Chaetodontidae.
  • Fessler, Jennifer L. & Westneat, Mark W. (2007): Molecular phylogenetics of the butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae): Taxonomy and biogeography of a global coral reef fish family. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 45(1): 50–68. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2007.05.018 (HTML abstract)
  • FishBase [2008]: Family Chaetodontidae – Butterflyfishes. Retrieved 2008-SEP-02.
  • Hsu, Kui-Ching; Chen, Jeng-Ping & Shao, Kwang-Tsao (2007): Molecular phylogeny of Chaetodon (Teleostei: Chaetodontidae) in the Indo-West Pacific: evolution in geminate species pairs and species groups. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement 14: 77–86. PDF fulltext
  • Sepkoski, Jack (2002): [Chaetodon]. In: A compendium of fossil marine animal genera. Bulletins of American Paleontology 364: 560. HTML database excerpt
  1. ^ "FAMILY Details for Chaetodontidae - Butterflyfishes". www.fishbase.org.
  2. ^ Smith, W. (2003). The evolution of the laterophysic connection with a revised phylogeny and taxonomy of butterflyfishes (Teleostei: Chaetodontidae). Cladistics the International Journal of the Willi Hennig Society., 19(4), 287–306. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0748-3007(03)00070-7
  3. ^ a b Johnson, G.D.; Gill, A.C. (1998). Paxton, J.R.; Eschmeyer, W.N. (eds.). Encyclopedia of Fishes. San Diego: Academic Press. p. 184. ISBN 978-0-12-547665-2.
  4. ^ a b Fessler & Westneat (2007)
  5. ^ J. S. Nelson; T. C. Grande; M. V. H. Wilson (2016). Fishes of the World (5th ed.). Wiley. p. 453. ISBN 978-1-118-34233-6.
  6. ^ R. Betancur-Rodriguez; E. Wiley; N. Bailly; A. Acero; M. Miya; G. Lecointre; G. Ortí (2017). "Phylogenetic Classification of Bony Fishes – Version 4". BMC Evolutionary Biology. 17 (162): 162. doi:10.1186/s12862-017-0958-3. PMC 5501477. PMID 28683774.
  7. ^ Fessler & Westneat (2007), Hsu et al. (2007)
  8. ^ Sepkoski (2002), Fessler & Westneat (2007)
  9. ^ Froese, Rainer, and Daniel Pauly, eds. (2013). "Chaetodontidae" in FishBase. February 2013 version.
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Butterflyfish: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

The butterflyfish are a group of conspicuous tropical marine fish of the family Chaetodontidae; the bannerfish and coralfish are also included in this group. The approximately 129 species in 12 genera are found mostly on the reefs of the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans. A number of species pairs occur in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, members of the huge genus Chaetodon.

Butterflyfish look like smaller versions of angelfish (Pomacanthidae), but unlike these, lack preopercle spines at the gill covers. Some members of the genus Heniochus resemble the Moorish idol (Zanclus cornutus) of the monotypic Zanclidae. Among the paraphyletic Perciformes, the former are probably not too distantly related to butterflyfish, whereas the Zanclidae seem far less close.

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Chaetodontidae ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

La familia Chaetodontidae o peces mariposa son un grupo de peces conspicuos tropicales marinos. Encontrados mayormente en arrecifes del Atlántico, Índico y Pacífico, son algo pequeños, de 12 a 22 cm de longitud (las más grandes especies, como Chaetodon lineolatus, llegan a 3 dm). Hay aproximadamente 127 especies en doce géneros. No deben confundirse con Pantodon buchholzi, de la familia Pantodontidae.


Varias especies de pez mariposa.

Tienen brillantes colores y estriados patrones de manchas en negro, blanco, azul, rojo, naranja y amarillo (aunque hay algunas spp. de colores apagados). Muchos tienen círculos en los ojos, bandas a través de los flancos y marcas negras en los ojos, no muy distinto de los patrones vistos en mariposas.

Sus cuerpos son muy comprimidos lateralmente, y fácilmente visualizados en los arrecifes, creyéndose que esos colores son para la comunicación interespecies.


El nombre de la familia Chaetodontidae deriva del griego chaite, 'cabello' y odontos, 'diente'. Es una alusión a las filas de dientes como cepillos en su pequeña protrusil boca. Recuerdan al pez ángel (Pomacanthidae) pero se los distingue por la falta de preopérculos.

Uso por el hombre

Su coloración los vuelve atractivos para el hobby del acuario.


Son generalmente diurnos y de aguas superficiales de menos de 18 m (algunas sin embargo llegan hasta 180 m), y estos coralívoros son muy territoriales en el coral. En contraste, los que comen zooplancton forman grandes grupos conespecíficos. De noche permanecen en las hendeduras y grietas del arrecife y exhibe marcadas diferencias de coloración con el diurno.

Son pelágicos de freza; o sea, mantienen sus huevos boyantes en el agua convirtiéndose en parte del plancton, flotando en las corrientes hasta la eclosión. Los pequeños seres pasan por el estadio tolichtis, donde el cuerpo del pez postlarval se cubre de láminas extendiéndose en su cabeza. Este estadio curioso, armado ocurre solo en otra sola familia de peces, Scatophagidae. Luego el pez pierde esas láminas al madurar.

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Chaetodontidae: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

La familia Chaetodontidae o peces mariposa son un grupo de peces conspicuos tropicales marinos. Encontrados mayormente en arrecifes del Atlántico, Índico y Pacífico, son algo pequeños, de 12 a 22 cm de longitud (las más grandes especies, como Chaetodon lineolatus, llegan a 3 dm). Hay aproximadamente 127 especies en doce géneros. No deben confundirse con Pantodon buchholzi, de la familia Pantodontidae.

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Chaetodontidae ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU

Chaetodontidae arrain pertziformeen familia bata da, guztira 120 espeziek, 10 generotan banaturik, osatuta. Ozeano Atlantiko, Indiako eta Bareko uharrietan bizi dira.


Generoen bilakaera

Hona hemen genero batzuen bilakaera:[1]



  1. Sepkoski, Jack (2002) «A compendium of fossil marine animal genera» Bulletins of American Paleontology 364: 560.

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Chaetodontidae: Brief Summary ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU

Chaetodontidae arrain pertziformeen familia bata da, guztira 120 espeziek, 10 generotan banaturik, osatuta. Ozeano Atlantiko, Indiako eta Bareko uharrietan bizi dira.

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Perhokalat ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Perhokalat (Chaetodontidae) on eräs trooppisissa merissä elävien ahvenkalojen heimo. Siihen kuuluu noin 127 lajia, jotka jaetaan 10–14 sukuun.[1][2] Niitä ei pidä sekoittaa makeassa vedessä elävään perhoskirjoahveneen.

Perhokalat ovat saaneet nimensä kirkkaista väreistään ja monilla lajeilla esiintyvistä, perhosen siipikuvioita muistuttavista silmäkuvioistaan. Myös perhokalaparven liikkeessä voi nähdä jotain perhosmaista.

Vain harvat perhokalat sopivat akvaarioon, koska ne syövät useimmiten korallien polyyppejä ja pieniä, eläviä selkärangattomia, ja niiden on vaikea tottua purkkiruokiin.[2]


  1. ITIS Chaetodontidae
  2. a b Family Chaetodontidae (peilipalvelin) FishBase. Froese, R. & Pauly, D. (toim.). (englanniksi)
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wikipedia FI

Perhokalat: Brief Summary ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Perhokalat (Chaetodontidae) on eräs trooppisissa merissä elävien ahvenkalojen heimo. Siihen kuuluu noin 127 lajia, jotka jaetaan 10–14 sukuun. Niitä ei pidä sekoittaa makeassa vedessä elävään perhoskirjoahveneen.

Perhokalat ovat saaneet nimensä kirkkaista väreistään ja monilla lajeilla esiintyvistä, perhosen siipikuvioita muistuttavista silmäkuvioistaan. Myös perhokalaparven liikkeessä voi nähdä jotain perhosmaista.

Vain harvat perhokalat sopivat akvaarioon, koska ne syövät useimmiten korallien polyyppejä ja pieniä, eläviä selkärangattomia, ja niiden on vaikea tottua purkkiruokiin.

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Chaetodontidae ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Les poissons-papillons ou chétodontidés (Chaetodontidae) sont une famille de poissons qui se rencontrent dans l'océan Pacifique, l'océan Indien et l'océan Atlantique. Le nom de poisson-papillon peut s'appliquer à la famille entière, mais est utilisé plus spécialement pour le genre Chaetodon et les espèces de forme similaire.

Description et caractéristiques

Les poissons-papillons doivent leur nom poétique aux magnifiques couleurs qu'ils portent, éventuellement assorties d'une ocelle rappelant d'autant plus les lépidoptères. Leurs corps est généralement argenté avec des barres noires et des parties jaunes (notamment la nageoire dorsale). Souvent une barre noire leur maquille les yeux. Leur museau est tubulaire et semé de toutes petites dents (dont ils tirent leur nom). La nageoire dorsale est continue, et porte 6 à 16 épines et 15 à 30 rayons mous ; la nageoire anale compte 3 à 5 épines et 14 à 23 rayons mous ; la caudale comporte 15 rayons branchus[1]. Ces poissons connaissent un stade intermédiaire avant d'atteindre l'âge adulte. Au stade juvénile, les jeunes poissons différent de forme et de couleurs et il est fréquent qu'ils soient marqués par une tache sombre de part et d'autre de leur flanc dont la forme peut évoquer celle d'un œil. Cette tache aurait l'avantage d'effrayer les éventuels prédateurs. La forme typique de leur corps est ovale et aplatie, leur front dessine une courbure concave jusqu'à la bouche. Celle-ci est petite et légèrement allongée comme une trompe, de couleur grisâtre avec des lignes noires discontinues, et bordé de jaune à l'avant de la nageoire dorsale, sur la bouche, le ventre et les nageoires ventrale et anale. Il présente un cercle noir entouré de blanc près de la nageoire caudale.

La taille maximale des espèces est en général comprise entre 12 et 22 centimètres, le plus grand (Chaetodon lineolatus) pouvant atteindre 30 centimètres.

Ces poissons ont généralement des couleurs très attrayantes, et sont donc appréciés dans les aquariums d'eau de mer. Toutefois, beaucoup d'espèces sont très difficiles à nourrir, du fait de leur alimentation très spécialisée[1].

Il en existe environ 130 espèces, réparties en une douzaine de genres.


Les poissons-papillons vivent dans les mers chaudes du globe, préférentiellement dans les récifs de corail[1]. Ils se rencontrent généralement de 2 à 18 mètres de profondeur.

Ce sont des poissons inféodés aux milieux tropicaux : depuis l'ouverture du canal de Suez, des captures ont eu lieu en Méditerranée, mais elles demeurent tout à fait exceptionnelles (cas de migration lessepsienne).


Les poissons papillons se nourrissent au milieu des récifs de petits invertébrés tels que les polypes et les vers minuscules. Leur nourriture s'accompagne parfois de corail et d'autres cnidaires, comme les anémones de mer[2] ; certains sont des planctonivores facultatifs[3].

Les déjections des poissons-papillons sont pleines de microalgues vivantes, des microalgues dont les jeunes coraux en particulier ont besoin pour grandir. Ces déjections pourraient même aider à soigner le blanchiment dû au réchauffement climatique qui tue le corail et menace les trois quarts des récifs coralliens de la planète, des récifs qui abritent 25 % des espèces sous-marines connues[4].

Leur entretien est délicat en aquarium[1].

Utilisation scientifique

De nombreuses espèces sont considérées comme des bioindicateurs de l’état de santé des coraux, notamment les corallivores stricts, et la famille dans son ensemble est utilisée pour évaluer le statut écologique d’un récif[5].

Liste des genres

Selon World Register of Marine Species (26 mars 2014)[6] :

Selon ITIS (26 mars 2014)[7] :

Notes et références

  1. a b c et d FishBase, consulté le 26 mars 2014
  2. « Famille Chaetodontidae », sur aquasystematique.com.
  3. (en) Philip Jay Motta, « Tooth attachment, replacement and growth in the butterfly fish, Chaetodon miliaris, (Chaetodontidae, Perciformes) », Can. J. Zool., vol. 62,‎ 1984, p. 183-189 (lire en ligne).
  4. Camille Crosnier, « Les poissons-papillons sont bons pour le corail », sur franceinter.fr, 1er avril 2021
  5. (en) Michel Kulbicki et Y.M. Bozec, « The use of butterflyfish (Chaetodontidae) species richness as a proxy of total species richness of reef fish assemblages in the Western and Central Pacific », Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, vol. 15,‎ 2005, p. 127-141 (lire en ligne).
  6. World Register of Marine Species, consulté le 26 mars 2014
  7. Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS), www.itis.gov, CC0 https://doi.org/10.5066/F7KH0KBK, consulté le 26 mars 2014

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Chaetodontidae: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Les poissons-papillons ou chétodontidés (Chaetodontidae) sont une famille de poissons qui se rencontrent dans l'océan Pacifique, l'océan Indien et l'océan Atlantique. Le nom de poisson-papillon peut s'appliquer à la famille entière, mais est utilisé plus spécialement pour le genre Chaetodon et les espèces de forme similaire.

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Quetodóntidos ( Galego )

fornecido por wikipedia gl Galician
Chaetodon lunula

Os Quetodóntidos (Chaetodontidae), tamén chamados peixes bolboreta, son unha familia de peixes tropicais mariños, que habitan nos arrecifes do Atlántico, Índico e Pacífico.


Son peixes pequenos, de entre 12 e 22 cm de lonxitude (Chaetodon lineolatus chega a 30 cm). Presentan cores brillantes e patróns de manchas estriadas en negro, branco, azul, vermello, laranxa e amarelo, aínda que hai algunhas especies de cores apagadas. Moitas teñen círculos nos ollos, bandas a través dos flancos e marcas negras.

O corpo é moi comprimido lateralmente.

Son, normalmente, de hábitos diúrnos e de augas superficiais (aínda que algunhas especues poden chegar a 180 m). As especies que se alimentan de coral son moi territoriais pero os que o fan de zooplancto se moven en grandes grupos. De noite permanencen nas fendeduras e gretas do arrecife.


Diversos exemplares de peixes bolboreta

Divídense en doce xéneros con aproximadamente 127 especies.

  • Xénero Amphichaetodon
  • Xénero Chaetodon
  • Xénero Chelmon
  • Xénero Chelmonops
  • Xénero Coradion
  • Xénero Forcipiger
  • Xénero Hemitaurichthys
  • Xénero Heniochus
  • Xénero Johnrandallia
  • Xénero Parachaetodon
  • Xénero Prognathodes
  • Xénero Roa

Nas primeiras clasificacións da suborde Percoidei, esta familia incluíase dentro dos Pomacántidos (Pomacanthidae).

Véxase tamén

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Quetodóntidos: Brief Summary ( Galego )

fornecido por wikipedia gl Galician
 src= Chaetodon lunula

Os Quetodóntidos (Chaetodontidae), tamén chamados peixes bolboreta, son unha familia de peixes tropicais mariños, que habitan nos arrecifes do Atlántico, Índico e Pacífico.

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Kepe-kepe ( Indonésio )

fornecido por wikipedia ID

Kepe-kepe adalah kelompok ikan laut tropis yang berwarna mencolok dari famili Chaetodontidae; ikan bendera dan ikan koral juga termasuk ke dalam famili ini. Kebanyakan ditemukan di terumbu karang di samudra Pasifik, Hindia dan Atlantik, ikan kepe-kepe terdiri atas sekitar 120 spesies dalam 10 genera[1]. Sejumlah pasangan spesies ada di samudera Pasifik dan Hindia, anggota-anggota dari genus yang besar, Chaetodon, dan taksonomi mereka seringkali dirasa rancu oleh apakah spesies dari genus ini dianggap spesies atau subspesies. Penelitian baru-baru ini dengan menggunakan data sekuensi DNA menjawab banyak dari pertanyaan ini. Banyak subgenera juga telah diusulkan untuk membagi-bagi Chaetodon, dan sekarang menjadi jelas bagaimana seharusnya genus tersebut dibagi-bagi jika hal itu diinginkan.[2]

Kepe-kepe tampak seperti versi kecil dari ikan injel (Pomacanthidae), namun tidak seperti ikan injel, kepe-kepe tidak memiliki duri preoperkulum pada tutup insang. Beberapa anggota genus Heniochus mirip Moorish Idol (Zanclus cornutus) dari famili monotipik Zanclidae. Di antara "Perciformes" yang parafiletik, ikan injel mungkin tidak terlalu jauh berkerabat dengan kepe-kepe, sedangkan Zanclidae tampak lebih jauh.

Deskripsi dan ekologi

Sekumpulan moorish idol palsu, Heniochus diphreutes

Ikan kepe-kepe umumnya berukuran kecil, kebanyakan panjangnya 12 sampai 22 cm. Spesies terbesar, kepe-kepe bergaris dan kepe-kepe pelana, C. ephippium, tumbuh hingga 30 cm. Namanya merujuk pada tubuh yang berwarna terang dan berpola mencolok pada banyak spesies, dengan sentuhan warna hitam, putih, biru, merah, jingga, dan kuning. Namun beberapa spesies berwarna biasa saja. Banyak kepe-kepe yang 'bintik mata' di sisi tubuhnya serta pita gelap yang melewati mata mereka, mirip pola yang terlihat di sayap kupu-kupu.[3] Tubuhnya yang bulat pipih mudah dikenali di melimpahnya kehidupan terumbu karang, sehingga orang mengira bahwa warna mencolok itu dimaksudkan untuk komunikasi antarspesies. Ikan kepe kepe sirip punggung tidak terbagi-bagi, sirip ekornya membulat atau tampak terpotong tapi tidak bercabang.

Umumnya aktif di siang hari dan sering berada di air dangkal berkedalaman kurang dari 18 m (meskipun beberapa spesies turun hingga 180 m), kepe-kepe umumnya terikat pada rentang habitat tertentu. Kepe-kepe pemakan koral umumnya bersifat teritorial, membentuk pasangan-pasangan kawin dan mengklaim kepemilikan sendiri atas koral. Berlawanan dengan itu, pemakan zooplankton membentuk kelompok satu spesies berjumlah besar. Pada malam hari, kepe-kepe bersembunyi di antara celah-celah karang dan dan memperlihatkan warna tubuh yang berbeda dari warnanya di siang hari.

Warna mereka juga menjadikan ikan kepe-kepe ikan hias akuarium yang populer. Akan tetapi, banyak spesiesnya memakan koral, polip dan anemon. Ini menimbulkan masalah pada kebanyakan akuarium terumbu karang di mana keseimbangan yang rapuh harus dijaga. Oleh karena itu, spesies yang dipelihara pada hobi merupakan spesies yang makanannya umum ataupun spesialis pemakan zooplankton.

Ikan kepe-kepe merupakan ikan yang bertelur pelagis, yaitu mereka menghasilkan banyak telur yang mengapung yang kemudian menjadi bagian plankton, melayang-layang terbawa arus hingga menetas. Anaknya melalui tahap yang disebut tholichthys, di mana tubuh dari ikan pascalarva tertutup lempengan tulang besar yang meluas dari kepala. Lempengan tulang itu menghilang saat mereka beranjak dewasa.[3] Tahap yang dilindungi lempengan semacam itu hanya terlihat pada satu famili ikan lain, scat (Scatophagidae).

Taksonomi, sistematika dan evolusi

Nama familia ikan kepe-kepe berasal dari kata bahasa Yunani Kuno chaite ("rambut") dan odontos ("gigi"). Hal ini merujuk pada barisan gigi mirip sikat yang ada di mulutnya yang dapat dimonyongkan.

Chaetodontidae dapat dibagi menjadi dua garis keturunan yang mungkin dapat dianggap sebagai subfamilia. Namun hal ini tidaklah selesai, dan nama subfamili Chaetodontinae tidak dipakai karena ia adalah peninggalan dari masa saat Pomacanthidae dan Chaetodontidae digabungkan dalam Chaetodontidae sebagai satu famili. Oleh karena itu, Chaetodontinae sekarang dianggap sinonim junior dari Chaetodontidae. Dalam hal apapun, satu garis keturunan Chaetodontidae (dalam pengertian modern) terdiri dari kepe-kepe "khas" di sekitar Chaetodon, sedangkan yang lain menggabungkan genus ikan bendera dan ikan koral. Karena "Perciformes" sangat parafiletik, hubungan yang tepat dari Chaetodontidae secara keseluruhan kurang diketahui.[4]

Catatan fosil kelompok ikan ini sedikit. Hal ini dikarenakan terutama oleh fakta bahwa mereka terbatas tinggal di terumbu karang di mana bangkai binatang mudah dimakan oleh pemakan bangkai, tertutupi oleh tumbuh berlebihnya koral, bahkan jika mereka memfosil mungkin sekali cepat atau lambat erosi akan menghancurkan fosil mereka. Namun, ada Pygaeus, fosil yang sangat basal dari epoch Eosen akhir-tengah dari Eropa, berasal dari masa Bartonian 40-37 juta-tahun yang lalu. Sehingga Chaetodontidae mungkin berasal dari Eosen tengah-awal. Jam molekuler dikombinasikan dengan bukti yang diberikan Pygaeus memungkinkan penempatan pemisahan awal antara dua garis keturunan utama hingga Eosen akhir-tengah, bersama dengan beberapa fosil lain, memungkinkan untuk menyimpulkan bahwa kebanyakan genus yang hidup sekarang mungkin sudah berbeda pada akhir Paleogene 23 juta tahun lalu.[5]


Garis ikan bendera-ikan koral lebih jauh dapat dibagi menjadi dua kelompok; hal ini mungkin dianggap tribus namun belum dinamai secara resmi. Genera terdaftar berurutan atau berdasarkan filogenetik yang diperhitungkan, dari yang paling purba hingga yang termuda:[4]

Ikan bendera/ikan koral garis 1:

Ikan bendera/ikan koral garis 2:

Kepe-kepe "khas" mungkin terdiri atas lebih banyak genera; lihat artikel Chaetodon untuk rinciannya:


Catatan kaki

  1. ^ FishBase [2008]
  2. ^ Fessler & Westneat (2007), Hsu et al. (2007)
  3. ^ a b Johnson, G.D. & Gill, A.C. (1998). Paxton, J.R. & Eschmeyer, W.N., ed. Encyclopedia of Fishes. San Diego: Academic Press. hlm. 184. ISBN 0-12-547665-5.Pemeliharaan CS1: Banyak nama: authors list (link)
  4. ^ a b Fessler & Westneat (2007)
  5. ^ Sepkoski (2002), Fessler & Westneat (2007)


  • Fessler, Jennifer L. & Westneat, Mark W. (2007): Molecular phylogenetics of the butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae): Taxonomy and biogeography of a global coral reef fish family. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 45(1): 50–68.DOI:10.1016/j.ympev.2007.05.018 (HTML abstract)
  • FishBase [2008]: Family Chaetodontidae – Butterflyfishes. Retrieved 2008-SEP-02.
  • Hsu, Kui-Ching; Chen, Jeng-Ping & Shao, Kwang-Tsao (2007): Molecular phylogeny of Chaetodon (Teleostei: Chaetodontidae) in the Indo-West Pacific: evolution in geminate species pairs and species groups. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement 14: 77-86. PDF fulltext
  • Sepkoski, Jack (2002): [Chaetodon]. In: A compendium of fossil marine animal genera. Bulletins of American Paleontology 364: 560. HTML database excerpt
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Kepe-kepe: Brief Summary ( Indonésio )

fornecido por wikipedia ID

Kepe-kepe adalah kelompok ikan laut tropis yang berwarna mencolok dari famili Chaetodontidae; ikan bendera dan ikan koral juga termasuk ke dalam famili ini. Kebanyakan ditemukan di terumbu karang di samudra Pasifik, Hindia dan Atlantik, ikan kepe-kepe terdiri atas sekitar 120 spesies dalam 10 genera. Sejumlah pasangan spesies ada di samudera Pasifik dan Hindia, anggota-anggota dari genus yang besar, Chaetodon, dan taksonomi mereka seringkali dirasa rancu oleh apakah spesies dari genus ini dianggap spesies atau subspesies. Penelitian baru-baru ini dengan menggunakan data sekuensi DNA menjawab banyak dari pertanyaan ini. Banyak subgenera juga telah diusulkan untuk membagi-bagi Chaetodon, dan sekarang menjadi jelas bagaimana seharusnya genus tersebut dibagi-bagi jika hal itu diinginkan.

Kepe-kepe tampak seperti versi kecil dari ikan injel (Pomacanthidae), namun tidak seperti ikan injel, kepe-kepe tidak memiliki duri preoperkulum pada tutup insang. Beberapa anggota genus Heniochus mirip Moorish Idol (Zanclus cornutus) dari famili monotipik Zanclidae. Di antara "Perciformes" yang parafiletik, ikan injel mungkin tidak terlalu jauh berkerabat dengan kepe-kepe, sedangkan Zanclidae tampak lebih jauh.

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Chaetodontidae ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

I pesci farfalla (Chaetodontidae) sono una famiglia di pesci ossei marini appartenenti all'ordine Perciformes[1].

Distribuzione e habitat

i pesci farfalla Fanno parte della barriera corallina e preferiscono dei mari tropicali e subtropicali dove sono diffusi nell'Oceano Atlantico, Indiano e Pacifico.Sono generalmente diurni e prediligono i bassi fondali (di solito fino a 18 metri, anche se alcune specie sono state segnalate anche a 180 metri di profondità).Di notte si nascondono fra le madrepore e possono assumere una diversa colorazione della pelle.


I pesci farfalla sono così chiamati perché contraddistinti da una livrea variopinta, con bande o macchie orizzontali, verticali o diagonali, simili a quelle che si possono riscontrare sulle ali delle farfalle. La bocca è generalmente protesa in avanti. La pinna dorsale è unica e composta da 6 a 16 spine. La pinna anale è composta solitamente da 3 spine e la pinna caudale può avere forma rotonda o troncata, ma mai biforcuta.
Le dimensioni sono modeste e comprese tra 12 e 22 cm. L'esemplare che raggiunge le maggiori dimensioni è il Chaetodon lineolatus, che può raggiungere da adulto i 30 cm.



La maggior parte delle specie si nutre di coralli, microfauna recifale, uova di pesci e piccoli invertebrati. Altre specie invece prediligono le alghe filamentose o il plancton.


La famiglia comprende 128 specie, suddivise in 12 generi[2]:


Per le loro colorazioni vivaci, i pesci farfalla sono particolarmente apprezzati dagli acquariofili; le specie che si nutrono di plancton e quelle onnivore hanno maggiori possibilità di sopravvivere negli acquari.


  1. ^ Cahetodontidae: scheda su FishBase, su fishbase.org. URL consultato il 29 settembre 2015.
  2. ^ FishBase: elenco specie di Chaetodontidae, su fishbase.org. URL consultato il 29 settembre 2015.

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Chaetodontidae: Brief Summary ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

I pesci farfalla (Chaetodontidae) sono una famiglia di pesci ossei marini appartenenti all'ordine Perciformes.

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Šeriadantinės ( Lituano )

fornecido por wikipedia LT

Šeriadantinės, arba šeriadančiai ešeriai, žuvys plaštakės (lot. Chaetodontidae, angl. Butterflyfish, vok. Falterfische) – ešeržuvių (Perciformes) būrio žuvų šeima, kuriai priklauso spalvingos nedidelės koralinių rifų žuvys. Kūnas aukštas, iš šonų plokščias. Žvynai ktenoidiniai. Turi mažas žiotis ir smulkius dantis.

Šeimoje yra 11 genčių ir apie 127 rūšys.



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Šeriadantinės: Brief Summary ( Lituano )

fornecido por wikipedia LT

Šeriadantinės, arba šeriadančiai ešeriai, žuvys plaštakės (lot. Chaetodontidae, angl. Butterflyfish, vok. Falterfische) – ešeržuvių (Perciformes) būrio žuvų šeima, kuriai priklauso spalvingos nedidelės koralinių rifų žuvys. Kūnas aukštas, iš šonų plokščias. Žvynai ktenoidiniai. Turi mažas žiotis ir smulkius dantis.

Šeimoje yra 11 genčių ir apie 127 rūšys.

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Tauriņzivju dzimta ( Letão )

fornecido por wikipedia LV

Tauriņzivju dzimta (Chaetodontidae) ir tauriņzivjveidīgo kārtas (Chaetodontiformes) dzimta, kas iekļauj 12 ģintis un aptuveni 130 sugas. Dzīvo seklās dienvidu jūrās.

Lielākā daļa tauriņzivju ir košās krāsās. Plakanais un augstais ķermenis atgādina tauriņu, kas sēž ar izplestiem spārniem, un zivs pārvietojas ar zigzagveida kustībām starp krāsainajiem koraļļu rifiem kā tauriņi, kas lido no zieda uz ziedu.


Paarastais garums no 12 līdz 22 cm, lielākās zivis sasniedz 30 cm. Katrai sugai un, iespējams, arī katrai zivij ir savs neatkārtojams raksts. Ķermenis visbiežāk dažādās melnu, baltu, zilu, sarkanu, oranžu un dzeltenu krāsās, nokrāsās un toņos, ko rotā daudzkrāsainas svītras un plankumi. Dažas sugas ir blāvā krāsā, daudzām ir tumšs plankums pie astes pamatnes.

Mutes forma atkarīga no sugas. Dažām tauriņzivīm ir izstiepta mute — pincetes formā, ar kuru no klinšu spraugām izņemt barību. Citām mute ir īsāka, līdzīga putna knābim; šīs sugas pārsvarā ēd koraļļpolipus.


Dzīvo koraļļu rifos gar Atlantijas okeāna, Karību jūras, dažu Klusā okeāna arhipelāgu, Austrālijas, Āzijas dienvidaustrumu , Indijas okeāna un Sarkanās jūras tropisko reģionu krastiem. Vistālāk uz ziemeļiem sastopamas Japānas un Floridas dienvidos.


Heniochus diphreutes bars pie nogrimuša vraka Akabas līcī.

Saules staru sasildītās un apgaismotās seklās jūras ap ekvatoru ir piemērota vide koraļļiem, kas nodrošina tauriņzivis ar barību un patvērumu.

Koraļļu rifs ir slēgta pasaule, ko veido dažādu aļģu, koraļļu un dažādu jūras dzīvnieku spilgto krāsu pārbagātība. Koraļļu rifiem raksturīgas ļoti daudzveidīgas dzīvības formas. Saziedējošo koraļļu aizsegā dzīvo dzēlējzarndobumaiņi, sūkļi, gliemji, vēžveidīgie, tārpi, jūraszvaigznes un citi adatādaiņi, jūras čūskas, jūras bruņurupuči. Ūdeņi šajās teritorijās ir bagāti ar planktonu, kas ir pamatbarība dažādām zivīm.

Dzīvesveids un vairošanās

Peld pāros vai mazos baros, aktīvas parasti dienā. Katrs bars sargā savu teritoriju. Tēviņi cenšas izvairīties no sadursmēm un atbaida ienaidniekus, demonstrējot savas spilgtās "biedējošās" krāsas.

Katrs tauriņzivju pāris vispirms no gružiem attīra plakanu klints fragmentu, kur seko nārsts. Iznērstos ikrus uzmana abi partneri, līdz no tiem izšķiļas mazuļi. Lielākā daļa zivju mazuļu izšķiļas pēc četrām līdz astoņām dienām un nogrimst jūras dibenā. Vecāki seko saviem mazuļiem un uzmana viņus, līdz tie sāk patstāvīgi baroties. Jaunajām tauriņzivtiņām ir izstiepts ķermenis un tās pilnīgi nemaz neatgādina pieaugušos indivīdus.


Lielākoties koraļļu polipi, arī kailžaungliemeži un citi bezmugurkaulnieki.

Dažām sugām ir īsi, bet spēcīgi žokļi, kas atgādina knābi, un stipri, plakani zobi, ar kuriem zivis sasmalcina koraļļu kaļķa vai kaula apvalku. Citām sugām žokļi ir vāji un pagarināti, kas atgādina pinceti. Šīs zivis barojas ar dzīvniekiem, kas paslēpušies klinšu spraugās, vai arī izvelk no to apvalkiem.


Krāsainās tauriņzivis ir populāras akvāriju zivtiņas, un dažas populācijas apdraud pārmērīga nozveja akvārijiem, kā arī koraļļu rifu iznīcināšana.



  • Жизнь животных в 6-ти томах. Рыбы. М.: Просвещение. 1983.

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wikipedia LV

Tauriņzivju dzimta: Brief Summary ( Letão )

fornecido por wikipedia LV

Tauriņzivju dzimta (Chaetodontidae) ir tauriņzivjveidīgo kārtas (Chaetodontiformes) dzimta, kas iekļauj 12 ģintis un aptuveni 130 sugas. Dzīvo seklās dienvidu jūrās.

Lielākā daļa tauriņzivju ir košās krāsās. Plakanais un augstais ķermenis atgādina tauriņu, kas sēž ar izplestiem spārniem, un zivs pārvietojas ar zigzagveida kustībām starp krāsainajiem koraļļu rifiem kā tauriņi, kas lido no zieda uz ziedu.

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Koraalvlinders ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL


Koraalvlinders (Chaetodontidae) vormen een familie van opvallende, tropische, baarsachtige zeevissen. Men treft ze aan op de koraalriffen van de Atlantische, Indische en Stille Oceaan. Ze zijn vrij klein, meestal tussen 12 en 22 centimeter. De grootste soort Chaetodon lineolatus kan 30 centimeter worden. Er bestaan ongeveer 127 soorten, verenigd in 11 geslachten. De territoriale soorten zijn vaak agressief tegenover hun soortgenoten. Volwassen exemplaren vormen vaak paartjes voor het leven.


Sommige soorten voeden zich met koraalpoliepen, andere soorten met zoöplankton. Vooral de eerste soort is sterk territorium gericht, en claimt daarbij, vaak in paren, eigen stukken koraal als hun grondgebied.


De bijnaam koraalvlinder heeft te maken met de felle heldere kleuren en kleurschakeringen zoals zwart, wit, blauw, rood, geel en oranje. Hierdoor zijn zij ook geliefd onder aquariumhouders. Een probleem dat zich hier voordoet is dat vele soorten zich voeden met koraalpoliepen en dat deze moeilijk in tanks te kweken zijn. Vele soorten hebben een vlek achter de ogen en zwarte banden over de ogen, ongeveer zoals dit ook op de vleugels van vlinders voorkomt. De kleuren hebben vermoedelijk vooral een signaalfunctie naar andere soorten toe. Hun hoge en platte lichamen maakt hen geschikt om voedsel in nauwe rotsspleten op te sporen. Zij hebben doorlopende rugvinnen, waarbij de staartvin zowel rond of rechthoekig kan zijn, maar nooit een V-vorm heeft.

De familienaam Chaetodontidae is afgeleid van het Grieks woord chaite dat haar, en odous dat tand betekent. Dit slaat vooral op de borstelvormige tanden in hun smalle spitse bek. Koraalvlinders lijken op de keizersvissen van de familie Pomacanthidae maar kunnen hiervan worden onderscheiden door het ontbreken van de scherpe achterwaartse gerichte stekel achter de kieuwspleet.

Koraalvlinders leggen vele drijvende eieren die zich mengen met het plankton en met de stroom worden meegevoerd.


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wikipedia NL

Koraalvlinders: Brief Summary ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

Koraalvlinders (Chaetodontidae) vormen een familie van opvallende, tropische, baarsachtige zeevissen. Men treft ze aan op de koraalriffen van de Atlantische, Indische en Stille Oceaan. Ze zijn vrij klein, meestal tussen 12 en 22 centimeter. De grootste soort Chaetodon lineolatus kan 30 centimeter worden. Er bestaan ongeveer 127 soorten, verenigd in 11 geslachten. De territoriale soorten zijn vaak agressief tegenover hun soortgenoten. Volwassen exemplaren vormen vaak paartjes voor het leven.

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Skjellfinnefisker ( Norueguês )

fornecido por wikipedia NO

Skjellfinnefisker er en familie av fargerike fisker som lever på korallrev. Akvarister kaller dem sommerfuglfisker; dette er det vanlige navnet på mange språk: engelsk butterflyfish, tysk Falterfische, fransk poissons-papillons.

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Skjellfinnefisker: Brief Summary ( Norueguês )

fornecido por wikipedia NO

Skjellfinnefisker er en familie av fargerike fisker som lever på korallrev. Akvarister kaller dem sommerfuglfisker; dette er det vanlige navnet på mange språk: engelsk butterflyfish, tysk Falterfische, fransk poissons-papillons.

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Chetonikowate ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL
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Chetonikowate[2], ustnikowate[3], szczeciozębowate[4], szczeciozęby[5], ryby motyle[5] (Chaetodontidae) – rodzina morskich ryb okoniokształtnych (Perciformes). Niektóre gatunki spotykane są w hodowlach akwariowych.

Zasięg występowania

Ciepłe wody oceaniczne. Większość występuje w zachodniej części Oceanu Spokojnego, w Oceanie Indyjskim i Morzu Czerwonym.

Cechy charakterystyczne

Ciało mocno bocznie spłaszczone, niemal okrągłe w obrysie. Otwór gębowy mały, wysunięty, z drobnymi szczotkowatymi zębami, stąd nazwa szczeciozęby. Duże oczy z ciemną obwódką. Większość gatunków jest intensywnie ubarwiona, a różnorodność wzorów jest porównywalna do ubarwienia motyli, co przyczyniło się do potocznej nazwy ryby motyle. U wielu gatunków występuje motyw fałszywego oka - wzoru na skórze imitującego oko. Przypuszczalnie ten wzór - położony najczęściej w tylnej części ciała - ma dezorientować napastnika, co do kierunku spodziewanej ucieczki.

Tryb życia

Chetonikowate są związane ze środowiskiem raf koralowych. Przebywają zwykle pojedynczo, czasem w parach, rzadziej w większych grupach. Zjadają polipy lub czułki jamochłonów i wieloszczetów.


Rodzaje zaliczane do tej rodziny[6]:


Zobacz też


  1. Chaetodontidae, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. Stanisław Rutkowicz: Encyklopedia ryb morskich. Gdańsk: Wydawnictwo Morskie, 1982. ISBN 83-215-2103-7.
  3. G. Nikolski: Ichtiologia szczegółowa. Tłum. Franciszek Staff. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Rolnicze i Leśne, 1970.
  4. Załachowski 1992 ↓.
  5. a b Krystyna Kowalska, Jan Maciej Rembiszewski, Halina Rolik Mały słownik zoologiczny, Ryby, Wiedza Powszechna, Warszawa 1973
  6. Eschmeyer, W. N. & Fricke, R.: Catalog of Fishes electronic version (7 June 2012) (ang.). California Academy of Sciences. [dostęp 310 lipiec 2012].


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Chetonikowate: Brief Summary ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL

Chetonikowate, ustnikowate, szczeciozębowate, szczeciozęby, ryby motyle (Chaetodontidae) – rodzina morskich ryb okoniokształtnych (Perciformes). Niektóre gatunki spotykane są w hodowlach akwariowych.

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wikipedia POL

Chaetodontidae ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

Chaetodontidae é uma família de peixes da subordem Percoidei, superfamília Percoidea, encontrados ao redor de recifes de coral nos oceanos Atlântico, Índico e Pacífico, onde vivem geralmente aos pares ou pequenos cardumes. Outras espécies vivem vidas solitárias e em pequenos territórios. A ciência conhece ao redor de 129 espécies distribuídas em 12 gêneros, sendo que o maior número de espécies pertence ao gênero Chaetodon.

Os peixes-borboleta se assemelham muito aos bem maiores peixes-anjo, da família Pomacanthidae, mas ao contrário destes, os peixes-borboleta não dispõem dos espinhos do preopérculo que encontramos nos peixes-anjo.


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Chaetodontidae: Brief Summary ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

Chaetodontidae é uma família de peixes da subordem Percoidei, superfamília Percoidea, encontrados ao redor de recifes de coral nos oceanos Atlântico, Índico e Pacífico, onde vivem geralmente aos pares ou pequenos cardumes. Outras espécies vivem vidas solitárias e em pequenos territórios. A ciência conhece ao redor de 129 espécies distribuídas em 12 gêneros, sendo que o maior número de espécies pertence ao gênero Chaetodon.

Os peixes-borboleta se assemelham muito aos bem maiores peixes-anjo, da família Pomacanthidae, mas ao contrário destes, os peixes-borboleta não dispõem dos espinhos do preopérculo que encontramos nos peixes-anjo.

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Chaetodontidae ( Eslovaco )

fornecido por wikipedia SK

Chaetodontidae (neformálne koralovky, koralové ryby) je čeľaď rýb z radu ostriežotvaré (Perciformes).


Staršie sem patrila ako podčeľaď aj dnešná samostatná čeľaď Pomacanthidae.


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Chaetodontidae: Brief Summary ( Eslovaco )

fornecido por wikipedia SK

Chaetodontidae (neformálne koralovky, koralové ryby) je čeľaď rýb z radu ostriežotvaré (Perciformes).

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Fjärilsfiskar ( Sueco )

fornecido por wikipedia SV
Den här artikeln handlar om saltvattensfiskarna. För sötvattenfisken som också kallas "fjärilsfisk", se Pantodon buchholzi.

Fjärilsfiskar (Chaetodontidae) är en familj av saltvattenlevande tropiska fiskar som hittas i Indiska oceanen, Atlanten och Stilla havet. Sammanlagt finns det omkring 128 arter av fjärilsfiskar[2], alla med en längd mellan 12 och 22 cm. Flera av arterna är populära bland saltvattensakvarister.


  1. ^ ITIS – Standard Report Page: Chaetodontidae.
  2. ^ FishBaseFamily Chaetodontidae – Butterflyfishes. Ed. Ranier Froese and Daniel Pauly. May 2007 version. N.p.: FishBase, 2007.
Mört, Nordisk familjebok.png Denna fiskrelaterade artikel saknar väsentlig information. Du kan hjälpa till genom att tillföra sådan.
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wikipedia SV

Fjärilsfiskar: Brief Summary ( Sueco )

fornecido por wikipedia SV
Den här artikeln handlar om saltvattensfiskarna. För sötvattenfisken som också kallas "fjärilsfisk", se Pantodon buchholzi.

Fjärilsfiskar (Chaetodontidae) är en familj av saltvattenlevande tropiska fiskar som hittas i Indiska oceanen, Atlanten och Stilla havet. Sammanlagt finns det omkring 128 arter av fjärilsfiskar, alla med en längd mellan 12 och 22 cm. Flera av arterna är populära bland saltvattensakvarister.

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Щетинкозубі ( Ucraniano )

fornecido por wikipedia UK

Щетинкозубі (Chaetodontidae) — родина окунеподібних риб.


Дрібні і середньої величини риби з дуже стислим з боків високим тілом, маленьким кінцевим висувним ротом, що озброєний дрібними щетинкоподібними зубами, які іноді мають трьохвершинне вістря.

Довжина тіла зазвичай від 12 до 22 см, найбільші види (Chaetodon ephippium, Chaetodon litus, Heniochus singularius) досягають 30 см. Спинний плавець один, не розділений, з 6-16 колючими і 15-30 м'якими променями. В анальному плавці 3-5 (зазвичай 3) колючих і 14-23 м'яких променя. Хвостовий плавець з заокругленим або виїмчастим краєм, з 17 основними променями, з яких 15 розгалужені. Тіло вкрите дрібною ктеноїдною лускою, що заходить на спинний і анальний плавці.

Характерною рисою цих риб є повна відсутність вікового диморфізму. Мальки забарвлені точно так же, як дорослі особини, на відміну від риб-ангелів, у яких мальки мають інше забарвлення. Майже всі представники цієї групи відрізняються дуже яскравим, часто багатобарвним забарвленням.


Родина включає 128 видів у 12 родах:


  • Fessler, Jennifer L. & Westneat, Mark W. (2007): Molecular phylogenetics of the butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae): Taxonomy and biogeography of a global coral reef fish family. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 45(1): 50–68. DOI:10.1016/j.ympev.2007.05.018 (HTML abstract)
  • FishBase [2008]: Family Chaetodontidae – Butterflyfishes. Retrieved 2008-SEP-02.
  • Hsu, Kui-Ching; Chen, Jeng-Ping & Shao, Kwang-Tsao (2007): Molecular phylogeny of Chaetodon (Teleostei: Chaetodontidae) in the Indo-West Pacific: evolution in geminate species pairs and species groups. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement 14: 77-86. PDF fulltext
  • Sepkoski, Jack (2002): [Chaetodon]. In: A compendium of fossil marine animal genera. Bulletins of American Paleontology 364: 560. HTML database excerpt

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Щетинкозубі: Brief Summary ( Ucraniano )

fornecido por wikipedia UK

Щетинкозубі (Chaetodontidae) — родина окунеподібних риб.

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Họ Cá bướm ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Họ Cá bướm (tên khoa học Chaetodontidae) là một tập hợp các loài biển nhiệt đới dễ nhận rõ; cá bướm cờ (bannerfish) và cá san hô (coralfish) cũng được xếp vào họ này. Họ Cá bướm có khoảng 129 loài thuộc 12 chi, tập trung ở các rạn san hô thuộc Ấn Độ Dương, Đại Tây DươngThái Bình Dương.[1] Có nhiều cặp loài ở Ấn Độ Dương và Thái Bình Dương và là thành viên của một chi rất lớn là chi Cá bướm (Chaetodon).

Thoạt nhìn, cá bướm trong giống như phiên bản thu nhỏ của họ Cá bướm gai (Pomacanthidae) nhưng không giống như cá bướm gai, cá bướm không có gai tiền nắp mang ở các nắp mang. Một vài loài cá bướm thuộc chi Heniochus trông tương tự như cá thù lù (Zanclus cornutus), loài duy nhất của họ Zanclidae. Trong "bộ Cá vược" cận ngành thì cá bướm gai (Pomacanthidae) và cá bướm có mối quan hệ họ hàng không quá xa trong khi giữa cá thù lù (Zanclidae) và cá bướm thì quan hệ họ hàng có lẽ lại ít gần hơn rất nhiều.

Mô tả và sinh thái học

Một đàn Heniochus diphreutes

Cá bướm thường có chiều dài cơ thể từ 8 đến 30 cm. Chaetodon lineolatus, Chaetodon ephippiumHeniochus singularius là ba loài có cơ thể dài nhất trong họ; tổng chiều dài cơ thể của chúng có thể lên đến 30 cm. Tên gọi chung "cá bướm" ám chỉ những hoa văn có màu sắc tươi sáng và nổi bật trên cơ thể của nhiều loài trong họ này, từ màu đen, trắng, xanh dương đến đỏ, cam và vàng. Trong khi đó, cũng có những loài chỉ có màu sắc u ám. Nhiều loài cá bướm có những điểm mắt trên phần thân và những dải màu tối bao phủ vùng mắt, trông tương tự như những hoa văn trên đôi cánh của bướm ngày.[2] Lý do cá bướm có màu sắc sặc sỡ có thể là để nhằm giao tiếp giữa các loài với nhau. Cá bướm có dải vây lưng liên tục; vây đuôi tròn hoặc cụt nhưng không bao giờ có dạng chẻ.

Nhìn chung cá bướm sống về ban ngày tại vùng nước sâu dưới 18 m (mặc dù có một số loài sống ở độ sâu 180 m). Những loài ăn san hô phân chia lãnh địa, lập thành từng cặp bạn tình và giành cho mình một đầu san hô riêng. Ngược lại, những loài ăn động vật phù du thì tập trung thành từng đàn cá lớn cùng loài. Vào ban đêm, cá bướm ẩn nấp trong các kẽ nứt của rạn san hô.

Vì có màu sắc đẹp nên cá bướm xuất hiện phổ biến trong các hồ cá cảnh. Tuy nhiên, đa phần các loài thuộc họ này ăn pô-líp san hô và hải quỳ. Do sự phức tạp của việc cân bằng số lượng giữa con mồi và loài săn mồi trong hồ cá cảnh nên những người đam mê hồ cá thường chỉ tập trung vào một ít loài ăn động vật phù du.

Cá bướm đẻ trứng gần mặt biển, cụ thể là chúng đẻ nhiều búi trứng vào trong nước, rồi số trứng này trở thành một phần của đám sinh vật phiêu sinh trôi nổi cùng dòng nước cho đến khi nở thành cá bột. Cá con trải qua một giai đoạn có tên là tholichthys, trong đó cơ thể của những con cá non ở giai đoạn hậu ấu trùng được bao bọc bởi những lớp sừng cứng như xương. Khi cá thuần thục, lớp sừng này sẽ mất đi.[2] Ngoài cá bướm thì chỉ có họ Cá nâu (Scatophagidae) mới có giai đoạn lớp sừng bao bọc cơ thể như vừa nêu.

Từ nguyên

Tên của họ cá này bắt nguồn từ từ chaite ("tóc, lông") và odontos ("răng") trong tiếng Hi Lạp cổ. Điều này ám chỉ những hàm răng tựa như răng lược trong cái mõm dài và nhọn của cá bướm.

Phân loại và tiến hoá

Cá bướm dải đồng, Chelmon rostratus
Cá bướm mũi dài vàng, Forcipiger flavissimus
Heniochus acuminatus (cá chim cờ)

Họ này theo truyền thống xếp trong bộ Cá vược[1], nhưng gần đây được đề xuất tách ra và xếp cùng họ Leiognathidae trong bộ mới lập là bộ Cá bướm (Chaetodontiformes)[3].

Có thể chia họ Chaetodontidae thành hai dòng dõi (phân họ). Tên phân họ Chaetodontinae là tàn tích cũ của một thời kì khi mà Pomacanthidae và Chaetodontidae còn được xếp chung trong một họ là họ Chaetodontidae sensu lato. Vì vậy, ngày nay Chaetodontinae là tên đồng nghĩa muộn của Chaetodontidae. Trông bất kỳ trường hợp nào, một dòng dõi của Chaetodontidae (theo nghĩa hiện tại) chứa các loài cá bướm "điển hình" quanh chi điển hình Chaetodon (bao gồm Parachaetodon, Prognathodes, Roa), trong khi dòng dõi kia hợp nhất các loài cá bướm của các chi còn lại. Vì bộ Cá vược mang tính cận ngành cao nên mối quan hệ chính xác giữa các loài trong toàn thể họ Chaetodontidae chưa được giải thích rõ ràng.[4]

Trước khi có phương pháp Dideoxy thì ngành phân loại học gặp trở ngại trong vấn đề giải đáp câu hỏi rằng liệu nên xem những con cá này là loài hay phân loài. Ngoài ra, người ta còn đề xuất hàng loạt phân chi để chia chi Cá bướm (Chaetodon) ra, và càng ngày công việc chia nhỏ này càng trở nên rõ ràng hơn.[4][5]

Hoá thạch của nhóm cá này khá hiếm. Do chỉ giới hạn khu vực sống tại các rạn san hô nên xác chết của cá bướm có khả năng bị các loài ăn xác thối ăn, bị san hô "mọc" chồng lên hoặc các hoá thạch (nếu có) khó có thể tồn tại lâu do bị ảnh hưởng bởi hiện tượng xói mòn. Tuy vậy, hoá thạch của Pygaeus từ giai đoạn giữa-muộn của thế Eocen tại châu Âu có niên đại khoảng từ tầng Barton, 40-37 triệu năm về trước. Vì thế, hầu như chắc chắn là họ Cá bướm đã xuất hiện khoảng từ Eocen sớm-giữa.[4][6]

Các chi

Dòng dõi cá bướm cờ-cá san hô có thể được chia tiếp làm hai nhóm; và hai nhóm này có thể được xem là tông nhưng vẫn chưa được đặt tên chính thức. Dưới đây là danh sách các chi xếp theo thứ tự từ cổ nhất đến trẻ nhất:[4]

Dòng dõi cá bướm cờ/cá san hô 1:

Dòng dõi cá bướm cờ/cá san hô 2:

Cá loài cá bướm "điển hình" có thể thuộc nhiều chi; xem chi Cá bướm:

Khung thời gian

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ a ă “Family Chaetodontidae – Butterflyfishes” (bằng tiếng Anh). FishBase. Truy cập ngày 1 tháng 6 năm 2015. Kiểm tra giá trị ngày tháng trong: |accessdate= (trợ giúp)
  2. ^ a ă Johnson & Gill 1998, tr. 184
  3. ^ Betancur-R R., E. Wiley, N. Bailly, M. Miya, G. Lecointre, G. Ortí. 2014. Phylogenetic Classification of Bony Fishes – Phiên bản 3, ngày 30 tháng 7 năm 2014.
  4. ^ a ă â b Fessler & Westneat 2007, tr. 50-68
  5. ^ Hsu, Chen & Shao 2007, tr. 77-86
  6. ^ Sepkoski 2002, tr. 560

Tham khảo

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Họ Cá bướm: Brief Summary ( Vietnamita )

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Họ Cá bướm (tên khoa học Chaetodontidae) là một tập hợp các loài biển nhiệt đới dễ nhận rõ; cá bướm cờ (bannerfish) và cá san hô (coralfish) cũng được xếp vào họ này. Họ Cá bướm có khoảng 129 loài thuộc 12 chi, tập trung ở các rạn san hô thuộc Ấn Độ Dương, Đại Tây DươngThái Bình Dương. Có nhiều cặp loài ở Ấn Độ Dương và Thái Bình Dương và là thành viên của một chi rất lớn là chi Cá bướm (Chaetodon).

Thoạt nhìn, cá bướm trong giống như phiên bản thu nhỏ của họ Cá bướm gai (Pomacanthidae) nhưng không giống như cá bướm gai, cá bướm không có gai tiền nắp mang ở các nắp mang. Một vài loài cá bướm thuộc chi Heniochus trông tương tự như cá thù lù (Zanclus cornutus), loài duy nhất của họ Zanclidae. Trong "bộ Cá vược" cận ngành thì cá bướm gai (Pomacanthidae) và cá bướm có mối quan hệ họ hàng không quá xa trong khi giữa cá thù lù (Zanclidae) và cá bướm thì quan hệ họ hàng có lẽ lại ít gần hơn rất nhiều.

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Щетинозубые ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию

Щетинозубые, или рыбы-бабочки [1] (лат. Chaetodontidae) — семейство морских и солоноватоводных рыб из отряда окунеобразных.

Мелкие и средней величины рыбы с очень сжатым с боков высоким телом, маленьким конечным выдвижным ртом, вооруженным мелкими щетинковидными зубами, которые иногда имеют трехвершинные острия. Длина тела обычно от 12 до 22 см, самые крупные виды (Chaetodon ephippium, Chaetodon litus, Heniochus singularius) достигают 30 см. Спинной плавник один, не разделённый, с 6—16 колючими и 15—30 мягкими лучами. В анальном плавнике 3—5 (обычно 3) колючих и 14—23 мягких луча. Хвостовой плавник с закругленным или выемчатым краем, с 17 основными лучами, из которых 15 разветвлённые. Тело покрыто мелкой ктеноидной чешуей, заходящей на спинной и анальный плавники. У большинства видов очень яркая, часто многоцветная окраска, через глаза проходит тёмная полоса.

Распространены в Атлантическом (тропический и умеренный пояса), Индийском и Тихом океанах. Обитают чаще всего на коралловых рифах.

Большинство ведёт дневной образ жизни. Кормятся среди кораллов. Питаются мелкими беспозвоночными, коралловыми полипами, икрой рыб, нитчатыми водорослями, некоторые планктоном.

В период нереста большинство видов образует пары. Икру мечут прямо в воду, не прикрепляя её к какому-либо субстрату, после чего она становится частью морского планктона.

Древнейшие ископаемые щетинозубые найдены в отложениях нижнего эоцена (начало третичного периода). Считается, что произошли щетинозубые в Индийском и западной части Тихого океанов.

Некоторые планктоноядные виды хорошо содержатся в аквариумах, однако большинство видов трудны в содержании, а питающихся кораллами содержать в неволе практически невозможно.


В семействе рыб-бабочек 12 родов со 128 видами [2]:



  1. Нельсон Дж. С., 2009.
  2. FishBase: Specieslist of Chaetodontidae
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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Щетинозубые: Brief Summary ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию
 src= Косяк Heniochus diphreutes

Щетинозубые, или рыбы-бабочки (лат. Chaetodontidae) — семейство морских и солоноватоводных рыб из отряда окунеобразных.

Мелкие и средней величины рыбы с очень сжатым с боков высоким телом, маленьким конечным выдвижным ртом, вооруженным мелкими щетинковидными зубами, которые иногда имеют трехвершинные острия. Длина тела обычно от 12 до 22 см, самые крупные виды (Chaetodon ephippium, Chaetodon litus, Heniochus singularius) достигают 30 см. Спинной плавник один, не разделённый, с 6—16 колючими и 15—30 мягкими лучами. В анальном плавнике 3—5 (обычно 3) колючих и 14—23 мягких луча. Хвостовой плавник с закругленным или выемчатым краем, с 17 основными лучами, из которых 15 разветвлённые. Тело покрыто мелкой ктеноидной чешуей, заходящей на спинной и анальный плавники. У большинства видов очень яркая, часто многоцветная окраска, через глаза проходит тёмная полоса.

Распространены в Атлантическом (тропический и умеренный пояса), Индийском и Тихом океанах. Обитают чаще всего на коралловых рифах.

Большинство ведёт дневной образ жизни. Кормятся среди кораллов. Питаются мелкими беспозвоночными, коралловыми полипами, икрой рыб, нитчатыми водорослями, некоторые планктоном.

В период нереста большинство видов образует пары. Икру мечут прямо в воду, не прикрепляя её к какому-либо субстрату, после чего она становится частью морского планктона.

Древнейшие ископаемые щетинозубые найдены в отложениях нижнего эоцена (начало третичного периода). Считается, что произошли щетинозубые в Индийском и западной части Тихого океанов.

Некоторые планктоноядные виды хорошо содержатся в аквариумах, однако большинство видов трудны в содержании, а питающихся кораллами содержать в неволе практически невозможно.

direitos autorais
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

蝴蝶魚科 ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科













  • 緣鑽嘴魚(Chelmon marginalis):又稱緣管嘴魚。
  • 黑鰭鑽嘴魚(Chelmon muelleri):又稱黑鰭管嘴魚。
  • 鑽嘴魚(Chelmon rostratus):又稱長吻鉆嘴魚、長吻管嘴魚。















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wikipedia 中文维基百科

蝴蝶魚科: Brief Summary ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科


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wikipedia 中文维基百科

チョウチョウウオ科 ( Japonês )

fornecido por wikipedia 日本語
チョウチョウウオ科 Chaetodon semilarvatus by Konstanze Löwe.JPG
分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 条鰭綱 Actinopterygii : スズキ目 Perciformes 亜目 : スズキ亜目 Percoidei : チョウチョウウオ科 Chaetodontidae 下位分類群 本文参照

チョウチョウウオ科 (Chaetodontidae) はスズキ目スズキ亜目に属する。世界中の暖かい海のサンゴ礁などに100種以上が生息し、日本近海でも約50種が見られる。木の葉のように丸くて薄い体型をしており、鮮やかな色彩をもつものが多い。英語ではButterflyfish(バタフライ・フィッシュ)と呼ばれる。また、チョウチョウウオの名の由来は「さんご礁のなかをひらひらと泳ぐ様」を「お花畑をひらひらと飛ぶチョウ」の姿に準えたものである。この科は種類も多く、人気の高い観賞魚の仲間であり、今日では多くの種が観賞魚として流通している。

科の学名 Chaetodontidae は、ギリシア語のchaiteodous に由来し、それぞれ「髪の毛」、「歯」を意味する。本科の魚の口には毛のような歯が生えており、これを表したものであろう。キンチャクダイ科 Pomacanthidae に近縁だが、本科は鰓蓋に棘がないことで区別される。


本科の仲間は小型で、最大のニセフウライチョウチョウウオ Chaetodon lineolatus でも30cm 程度にしかならない。ほとんどの種がサンゴ礁や岩礁での生活に適応し、サンゴや岩の隙間を自在に遊泳できるよう左右に扁平(側扁体型)な体形を持つ。尖った口吻を持つ種類が多く、これは微小なプランクトンや狭い隙間に潜む小動物などを餌とする生態に対応する(下記「食性によるグループ分け」参照)。横から見た形は円盤形で、背鰭と臀鰭(しりびれ)が後方まで延長し、尾鰭と接近する。様々な模様のものが多く中には似たような模様のものまでいる。鮮やかに彩られた体の模様は、同種個体間でのコミュニケーションに役立っているという。また、多くの種では体の後方に目玉模様(アイ・スポット)を備え、捕食者に目(頭部)の位置を錯誤させることで生存上有利に作用していると考えられる。本当の眼は黒い帯状模様に隠れていることが多い。また、本科は食性により大きく3つに分けられる。

  1. 雑食性(小型の甲殻類、サンゴのポリプ、コケなどの植物質のものなど様々なものを口にする)
  2. ポリプ食性(主にサンゴのポリプを主食とする)
  3. プランクトン食性(プランクトンを主食とする)


浅瀬のサンゴ礁で一生を過ごすが、中にはウラシマチョウチョウウオ Prognathodes guyotensis など300m 以深の深海でしか見つかっていない種もいる。餌はサンゴのポリプや動物プランクトン海綿、その他の無脊椎動物などである。他の魚の体表についている寄生虫を食べるクリーニング行動を行う種も知られている(バーバーフィッシュ Johnrandallia nigrirostris)。昼行性で、夜はサンゴや岩の陰に隠れて眠る。また、昼夜で体色や模様が変化することが知られ、夜間の体色・模様は鮮やかではなく黒ずんでいる。



チョウチョウウオ科 Chaetodontidae は11 属約127 種を含む。中でもチョウチョウウオ属 Chaetodon は88 種を含み、本科最大の属である。



チョウチョウウオ属 Chaetodon 88種


ハタタテダイ属 Heniochus - 8種[1]


ハシナガチョウチョウウオ属 Chelmon - 3種[2]


タキゲンロクダイ属 Coradion - 3種[3]


フエヤッコダイ属 Forcipiger - 3種[4][5]


カスミチョウチョウウオ属 Hemitaurichthys - 4種[6]


テンツキチョウチョウウオ属 Parachaetodon -2種[7]


ウラシマチョウチョウウオ属 Prognathodes - 11種[8]


Amphichaetodon 属 - 2種[9]




Chelmonops 属 - 2種[10]



学名:Chaetodon auripes
学名:Chaetodon rafflesi
学名:Chaetodon lunula
学名:Chaetodon xanthurus
学名:Chaetodon melannotus
学名:Hemiaurichthys polylepis
学名: Chaetodon ephippium
学名:Chaetodon auriga
学名:Chaetodon ulietensis
学名:Chaetodon vagabundus
学名:Chaetodon citrinellus
学名:Chaetodon unimaculatus
学名:Chaetodon trifasciatus
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  1. ^ Froese, Rainer, and Daniel Pauly, eds. (2013). Species of Heniochus in FishBase. February 2013 version.
  2. ^ Froese, Rainer, and Daniel Pauly, eds. (2013). Species of Chelmon in FishBase. February 2013 version.
  3. ^ Froese, Rainer, and Daniel Pauly, eds. (2013). Species of Coradion in FishBase. February 2013 version.
  4. ^ Froese, Rainer, and Daniel Pauly, eds. (2013). Species of Forcipiger in FishBase. February 2013 version.
  5. ^ a b Allen, G.R. & Erdmann, M.V. (2012): Reef Fishes of the East Indies. Volumes I-III. Tropical Reef Research, Perth, Australia. 1292pp. Universitiy of Hawai'i Press. ISBN 978-0-9872600-0-0
  6. ^ Froese, Rainer, and Daniel Pauly, eds. (2013). Species of Hemitaurichthys in FishBase. February 2013 version.
  7. ^ Froese, Rainer, and Daniel Pauly, eds. (2013). Species of Parachaetodon in FishBase. February 2013 version.
  8. ^ Froese, Rainer, and Daniel Pauly, eds. (2013). Species of Prognathodes in FishBase. February 2013 version.
  9. ^ Froese, Rainer, and Daniel Pauly, eds. (2013). Species of Amphichaetodon in FishBase. February 2013 version.
  10. ^ Froese, Rainer, and Daniel Pauly, eds. (2013). Species of Chelmonops in FishBase. February 2013 version.


 src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、チョウチョウウオ科に関連するカテゴリがあります。  src= ウィキスピーシーズにチョウチョウウオ科に関する情報があります。 執筆の途中です この項目は、魚類に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めていますPortal:生き物と自然/プロジェクト:生物)。
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wikipedia 日本語

チョウチョウウオ科: Brief Summary ( Japonês )

fornecido por wikipedia 日本語

チョウチョウウオ科 (Chaetodontidae) はスズキ目スズキ亜目に属する。世界中の暖かい海のサンゴ礁などに100種以上が生息し、日本近海でも約50種が見られる。木の葉のように丸くて薄い体型をしており、鮮やかな色彩をもつものが多い。英語ではButterflyfish(バタフライ・フィッシュ)と呼ばれる。また、チョウチョウウオの名の由来は「さんご礁のなかをひらひらと泳ぐ様」を「お花畑をひらひらと飛ぶチョウ」の姿に準えたものである。この科は種類も多く、人気の高い観賞魚の仲間であり、今日では多くの種が観賞魚として流通している。

科の学名 Chaetodontidae は、ギリシア語のchaite とodous に由来し、それぞれ「髪の毛」、「歯」を意味する。本科の魚の口には毛のような歯が生えており、これを表したものであろう。キンチャクダイ科 Pomacanthidae に近縁だが、本科は鰓蓋に棘がないことで区別される。

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site do parceiro
wikipedia 日本語

나비고기과 ( Coreano )

fornecido por wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

나비고기과(Chaetodontidae)는 나비고기목에 속하는 조기어류 과의 하나이다.[1] 농어목에 속하는 농어아목농어상과에 포함시키기도 한다. 두동가리돔, 꼬리줄나비고기, 나비돔, 세동가리돔, 가시나비고기, 룰나비고기, 부전나비고기, 나비고기, 갈색띠돔, 돛대돔 등을 포함하고 있다. 주로 대서양인도양 그리고 태평양의 산호초 속에서 발견된다.

하위 속


  1. (영어) "Chaetodontidae". FishBase. Ed. Rainer Froese and Daniel Pauly. 2015년 4월 version. N.p.: FishBase, 2015년.
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Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자