
Klapperbos ( Africâner )

fornecido por wikipedia AF

Die klapperbos (Nymania capensis) is gewoonlik 'n struik wat soms ook 'n klein boompie word. In Engels staan dit bekend as die Chinese Lantern. Die plant kom voor in suidelike Namibië, die Richtersveld, Namakwaland, Ceres, die Tankwa Karoo, Boesmanland, Worcester - Robertson Karoo en die Klein Karoo. Dit het besonder roosrooi vrugte. Die vrugte is papieragtig en ballonvormig vierkantig en omtrent 4 x 4 cm groot.

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Klapperbos: Brief Summary ( Africâner )

fornecido por wikipedia AF

Die klapperbos (Nymania capensis) is gewoonlik 'n struik wat soms ook 'n klein boompie word. In Engels staan dit bekend as die Chinese Lantern. Die plant kom voor in suidelike Namibië, die Richtersveld, Namakwaland, Ceres, die Tankwa Karoo, Boesmanland, Worcester - Robertson Karoo en die Klein Karoo. Dit het besonder roosrooi vrugte. Die vrugte is papieragtig en ballonvormig vierkantig en omtrent 4 x 4 cm groot.

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wikipedia AF

Nymania ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Nymania capensis sprig, showing flowers, fascicled leaves and an unripe fruit capsule, still red
Nymania capensis in fruit

Nymania capensis is a species of plant known in English as "Chinese lantern" because of the shape of its bright, colourful fruit, and in Afrikaans as "klapper" (meaning "firecracker" because children sometimes pop the capsules for fun).[1] It is the only species in the genus Nymania. It is a spare, scrubby, woody shrub or small tree, typically ) 0.5–3 m tall. It is endemic to South Africa and some closely bordering territories, especially inland regions in central, northern and eastern parts. It grows mainly in Karooid regions, among the scrub of gorges, but also in open veld and river banks in the Great and Little Karoo, Namaqualand and Kalahari.[2] The leaves are alternate and fascicled. They are simple and more or less linear. The flowers are solitary, born on pedicels in axils. The corolla and calyx have four lobes each, with eight stamens inserted at the base of the disc, the filaments being connate at their base. The ovary is superior and sessile; it has four lobes and four locules, each containing two collateral ascending ovules. The stigma is simple and the style extends further than the stamens. The fruit is an inflated membranous capsule, 3–5 cm across, each locule forming a distinct lobe. The ripe seeds are hard and rounded, some 2–4 mm in diameter. A locule may contain less than two seeds, due to abortion.[3]

The capsules are too heavy to be windborne, but when ripe they sometimes are blown over the veld, bearing their seeds in the manner of miniature tumbleweeds.[1]

Carl Peter Thunberg originally described the species as Aitonia capensis in honour of William Aiton, but Sextus Otto Lindberg later renamed it to Nymania in honour of Carl Fredrik Nyman. Nymania capensis is the only species in the genus Nymania Lindb. Another species, "Nymania insignis K.Schum." (in the junior homonym genus Nymania K.Schum.; Euphorbiaceae) is a synonym of Phyllanthus clamboides. The genus has variously been assigned to the families Sapindaceae, Aitoniaceae, and Meliaceae. The correct assignment also is under review. Some characteristics, such as the pollen type, still are giving taxonomists pause.[1]

Though the plant currently is valued as an ornamental, it is not easy for the amateur to germinate and it does not seem to have been of much material importance in other respects; it has been reported to have been used in folk medicine for the treatment of convulsions.[4] Goats will browse it, but it is seldom plentiful enough to be important as a major source of forage.[1]


  1. ^ a b c d Palmer, Eve; Pitman, Norah (1972). Trees of Southern Africa. A. A. Balkema.
  2. ^ Marloth, Rudolf. The Flora of South Africa” 1932 Pub. Cape Town: Darter Bros. London: Wheldon & Wesley.
  3. ^ Dyer, R. Allen, The Genera of Southern African Flowering Plants”. ISBN 0 621 02854 1, 1975
  4. ^ Watt, John Mitchell; Breyer-Brandwijk, Maria Gerdina: The Medicinal and Poisonous Plants of Southern and Eastern Africa 2nd ed Pub. E & S Livingstone 1962

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wikipedia EN

Nymania: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN
Nymania capensis sprig, showing flowers, fascicled leaves and an unripe fruit capsule, still red Nymania capensis in fruit

Nymania capensis is a species of plant known in English as "Chinese lantern" because of the shape of its bright, colourful fruit, and in Afrikaans as "klapper" (meaning "firecracker" because children sometimes pop the capsules for fun). It is the only species in the genus Nymania. It is a spare, scrubby, woody shrub or small tree, typically ) 0.5–3 m tall. It is endemic to South Africa and some closely bordering territories, especially inland regions in central, northern and eastern parts. It grows mainly in Karooid regions, among the scrub of gorges, but also in open veld and river banks in the Great and Little Karoo, Namaqualand and Kalahari. The leaves are alternate and fascicled. They are simple and more or less linear. The flowers are solitary, born on pedicels in axils. The corolla and calyx have four lobes each, with eight stamens inserted at the base of the disc, the filaments being connate at their base. The ovary is superior and sessile; it has four lobes and four locules, each containing two collateral ascending ovules. The stigma is simple and the style extends further than the stamens. The fruit is an inflated membranous capsule, 3–5 cm across, each locule forming a distinct lobe. The ripe seeds are hard and rounded, some 2–4 mm in diameter. A locule may contain less than two seeds, due to abortion.

The capsules are too heavy to be windborne, but when ripe they sometimes are blown over the veld, bearing their seeds in the manner of miniature tumbleweeds.

Carl Peter Thunberg originally described the species as Aitonia capensis in honour of William Aiton, but Sextus Otto Lindberg later renamed it to Nymania in honour of Carl Fredrik Nyman. Nymania capensis is the only species in the genus Nymania Lindb. Another species, "Nymania insignis K.Schum." (in the junior homonym genus Nymania K.Schum.; Euphorbiaceae) is a synonym of Phyllanthus clamboides. The genus has variously been assigned to the families Sapindaceae, Aitoniaceae, and Meliaceae. The correct assignment also is under review. Some characteristics, such as the pollen type, still are giving taxonomists pause.

Though the plant currently is valued as an ornamental, it is not easy for the amateur to germinate and it does not seem to have been of much material importance in other respects; it has been reported to have been used in folk medicine for the treatment of convulsions. Goats will browse it, but it is seldom plentiful enough to be important as a major source of forage.

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wikipedia EN

Nymania ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Nymania est un genre monotypique appartenant à la famille des Meliaceae qui ne comprend qu'une seule espèce Nymania capensis, originaire d'Afrique, qui a été décrite par Carl Peter Thunberg sous le nom d'Aitonia capensis, puis par Otto Kuntze sous le nom de Carruthia capensis. Le nom de ce genre honore la mémoire du botaniste suédois Carl Fredrik Nyman (1820-1893).


Nymania capensis est un petit arbre de croissance lente qui peut atteindre 6 m de hauteur, mais qui fait plutôt 3 m de hauteur en moyenne. Ses feuilles sont lancéolées, rigides et coriaces. Ses fleurs solitaires, de nuance rouge, sont placées au bout des axiles. Les arbres du Richtersveld quant à eux possèdent des fleurs d'un rouge plus brillant.

Vue d'une capsule de Nymania capensis

Les graines de cette espèce se trouvent dans des capsules de forme gonflée qui ont donné le nom vernaculaire de cette plante en anglais Chinese lantern (Lanterne chinoise). Les graines de couleur marron sont en forme de pois.

Nymania capensis vit plus de vingt-cinq ans dans son habitat naturel.


Nymania capensis se rencontre dans les déserts de Richtersveld (Cap-du-Nord), dans le Namaqualand, au sud de la Namibie, dans le Bushmanland et le désert du Karoo.


Ce petit arbre xérophile apprécie les sols secs, arides et rocheux proches de causses sablonneuses, dans des zones où la précipitation hivernale ne dépasse pas 120 mm par an. Il tolère des températures comprises entre -4° et +44°.


Ce petit arbre est pollinisé par les abeilles et les graines sont disséminées par le vent à une certaine distance loin de la plante paternelle. Dans la majorité des cas, les graines germent sous d'autres petits arbres, dans des conditions climatiques favorables. La plante commence sa croissance à l'ombre d'un petit arbre, ce qui la protège du climat fort aride. Comme la plupart des espèces du désert, seul un petit nombre atteint l'âge adulte.

Notes et références

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wikipedia FR

Nymania: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Nymania est un genre monotypique appartenant à la famille des Meliaceae qui ne comprend qu'une seule espèce Nymania capensis, originaire d'Afrique, qui a été décrite par Carl Peter Thunberg sous le nom d'Aitonia capensis, puis par Otto Kuntze sous le nom de Carruthia capensis. Le nom de ce genre honore la mémoire du botaniste suédois Carl Fredrik Nyman (1820-1893).

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Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
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wikipedia FR

Нимания ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию
Царство: Растения
Подцарство: Зелёные растения
Отдел: Цветковые
Надпорядок: Rosanae
Семейство: Мелиевые
Подсемейство: Мелиевые
Род: Нимания
Международное научное название

Nymania Lindb. (1868)

Единственный вид
  • Nymania capensis (Thunb.) Lindb. (1868)Нимания капская
на Викивидах
на Викискладе
NCBI 43906EOL 5285616GRIN g:8328IPNI ???

Нимания (лат. Nymania) — монотипный род деревянистых растений семейства Мелиевые (Meliaceae). Единственный видНимания капская (Nymania capensis).


При первоописании растения, Карл Петер Тунберг назвал его в честь шотландского ботаника Уильяма Айтона как Aitonia, но такое название оказалось младшим омонимом (согласно статье 53.3 МКБН, из-за сходства с названием печёночного мха Aytonia J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. (1775), nom. rej.[2]), поэтому это название было изменено на Nymania в честь шведского ботаника Карла Фредрика Нюмана

Ботаническое описание

Ботаническая иллюстрация из журнала «Curtis's Botanical Magazine», 1792, vol. 5

Вечнозелёный кустарник. Листья простые, линейные, блестящие, собраны в пучки. Цветки красные. Плод — жёлтая ягода[3].

Хозяйственное значение и применение

Может быть использован в качестве декоративного оранжерейного растения[3].




  1. Об условности указания класса двудольных в качестве вышестоящего таксона для описываемой в данной статье группы растений см. раздел «Системы APG» статьи «Двудольные».
  2. Отвергнуто по причине предпочтения названия Plagiochasma Lehm. & Lindenb. (1832), nom. cons..
  3. 1 2 Аитония копензис // Энциклопедический словарь Брокгауза и Ефрона : в 86 т. (82 т. и 4 доп.). — СПб., 1890—1907.
direitos autorais
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Нимания: Brief Summary ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию

Нимания (лат. Nymania) — монотипный род деревянистых растений семейства Мелиевые (Meliaceae). Единственный вид — Нимания капская (Nymania capensis).

direitos autorais
Авторы и редакторы Википедии