fornecido por INOTAXA archive
Hab.GUATEMALA, Panajachel 5000 feet (Champion).
- licença
- cc-by-3.0
- direitos autorais
- Biologia Centrali-Americana
Latin Diagnosis
fornecido por INOTAXA archive
Brevior, testaceus, breviter pubescens, antennarum clava fuscescente; elytris profunde lateque striatis, striis dense et fortiter punctatis; capite prothoraceque crebrius fortiusque punctatis.
Long. cum rostro 4 millim.
- licença
- cc-by-3.0
- direitos autorais
- Biologia Centrali-Americana
Physical description
fornecido por INOTAXA archive
This differs from E. salvini in having a broader thorax and a more coarsely and less densely punctured head and thorax, and antennæ with fuscescent club. The only specimen obtained is no doubt a female; it has the rostrum quite as long as the thorax, the eyes rather large, widely separated. The species is really nearer to E. truncatus, but has a broader thorax and a more densely punctured head.
- licença
- cc-by-3.0
- direitos autorais
- Biologia Centrali-Americana