Die Towerghwarrie (Euclea divinorum) is 'n klein meerstammige struik of boom wat in bosveld groei, gewoonlik op plekke wat seisoenaal versuip en waar dit in stande groei. Die boom kom voor dwarsdeur KwaZulu-Natal tot in Zimbabwe en weswaarts tot in die Caprivi.
Die Towerghwarrie (Euclea divinorum) is 'n klein meerstammige struik of boom wat in bosveld groei, gewoonlik op plekke wat seisoenaal versuip en waar dit in stande groei. Die boom kom voor dwarsdeur KwaZulu-Natal tot in Zimbabwe en weswaarts tot in die Caprivi.
Euclea divinorum, called diamond leaf, diamond-leaved euclea, magic guarri, and toothbrush tree, is a species of flowering plant in the genus Euclea, native to eastern and southern Africa.[2] A shrub or small tree, it has many uses in Africa, including as a source for dye for wool, for tanning leather, and an ink, and as a preservative for milk (allowing it to keep for up to a year), and, by chewing on a twig, as a toothbrush.[3]
Euclea divinorum, called diamond leaf, diamond-leaved euclea, magic guarri, and toothbrush tree, is a species of flowering plant in the genus Euclea, native to eastern and southern Africa. A shrub or small tree, it has many uses in Africa, including as a source for dye for wool, for tanning leather, and an ink, and as a preservative for milk (allowing it to keep for up to a year), and, by chewing on a twig, as a toothbrush.
Euclea divinorum là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Thị. Loài này được Hiern mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1873.[1]
Euclea divinorum là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Thị. Loài này được Hiern mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1873.