Imagem de Alsophila dealbata (Forst.) Presl
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Alsophila dealbata (Forst.) Presl

Gümüş qıjı ( Azerbaijano )

fornecido por wikipedia AZ

Gümüş qıjı(lat. Cyathea dealbata)-Qıjı cinsinə aid bitki növü.Ağacın yüksəkliyi 10 m qədər yetişər.

Gümüş qıjının yarpağı, Yeni Zelandiyanın Milli Gülü dür.[1]


  1. "Story: Nation and government Page 9 – Nationhood and identity" (ingilis). The Encyclopedia of New Zealand. İstifadə tarixi: 10 fevral 2013. line feed character in |title= at position 29 (kömək); Check date values in: |accessdate= (kömək)

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Gümüş qıjı: Brief Summary ( Azerbaijano )

fornecido por wikipedia AZ

Gümüş qıjı(lat. Cyathea dealbata)-Qıjı cinsinə aid bitki növü.Ağacın yüksəkliyi 10 m qədər yetişər.

Gümüş qıjının yarpağı, Yeni Zelandiyanın Milli Gülü dür.

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Silberfarn ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Der Silberfarn (Cyathea dealbata) ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Familie der Cyatheaceae. Er ist in Neuseeland heimisch und ist die dortige Nationalpflanze, im Wappen Neuseelands sind seine Zweige abgebildet.


Die Sprossachse erreicht Wuchshöhen von bis zu 10 Metern, am Ansatz erreicht sie einen Durchmesser von bis zu 45 Zentimetern. Die starken Stiele der Farnblätter sind am Ansatz bis zu 4 Zentimeter dick, ihre Ansätze sind lang überdauernd. Die rund 5 Zentimeter langen Spreuschuppen sind glänzend und dunkelbraun. Die Behaarung ist gelbbraun.

Die doppelt bis dreifach gefiederten Blattspreiten sind bis zu 3 Meter lang und 1 Meter breit (gelegentlich auch größer), keilförmig zugespitzt und annähernd ledrig. Auf der Oberseite sind sie dunkelgrün, bei jungen Pflanzen auf der Unterseite hellgrün, spätere Wedel sind zunehmend weiß bis grau gefleckt, die Wedel erwachsener Pflanzen sind umseitig vollständig weiß oder grau.

Die länglich spitz zulaufenden Fiederblätter sind 30 bis 50 Zentimeter lang, die länglich-lanzettlichen, keilförmig spitz zulaufenden Fiedern 10 Zentimeter oder mehr, die Fiederchen bis zu 15 Millimeter. Letztere sind annähernd sichelförmig und spitz zulaufend. Die Ränder der oberen Hälfte sind gezähnt und schwach eingebogen.

Die rundlichen Sori haben einen Durchmesser von rund 1 Millimeter, die anfangs die Sori überdeckenden Indusien sind dünn und nicht hinfällig.


Die Art findet sich in Neuseeland auf der Nordinsel, der Südinsel sowie den Chatham-Inseln und den Lord-Howe-Inseln von Au- bis in Bergwälder sowie in Buschland. Auf Waldlichtungen temperater Regenwälder können die Pflanzen regelrechte Dickichte bilden[1].

Verwendung im Sport

Neuseeländisches Wappen mit den Zweigen des Silberfarns

Der Silberfarn wird von neuseeländischen Nationalmannschaften in verschiedenen Sportarten in mehreren Varianten verwendet, seitdem ihn die New Zealand Natives auf ihrer Großbritannientour erstmals verwendeten.[2] Silver Ferns ist der Spitzname der Netballnationalmannschaft und die meisten Frauennationalmannschaften haben einen von Ferns abgeleiteten Spitznamen, darunter Black Ferns (Frauen-Rugby-Union-Nationalmannschaft), Tall Ferns (Frauen-Basketball-Nationalmannschaft) und Football Ferns (Fußballnationalmannschaft der Frauen).[3]

Nationalmannschaften, die den Silberfarn verwenden:

Der Silberfarn wird auch häufig als Teil der offiziellen Symbole der neuseeländischen Olympiamannschaften verwendet.[4]



  • H. H. Allan: Flora of New Zealand Vol. 1 – Indigenous Tracheophyta: Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons, 1982, ISBN 0-477-01056-3, First electronic edition, Juni 2004, Online


  1. Richard Pott: Allgemeine Geobotanik: Biogeosysteme und Biodiversität, 2005, S. 517, ISBN 3-540-23058-0
  2. John Wilson: Nation and government – Nationhood and identity. Te Ara – the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, 16. September 2016, abgerufen am 12. Oktober 2018 (englisch).
  3. Government and nation – National animal and flower. Te Ara: The Encyclopedia of New Zealand, 3. März 2009, abgerufen am 16. Februar 2010 (englisch).
  4. Ben Strang: The history of black: Why do Kiwi sports teams wear black and when did it start? Stuff.co.nz, abgerufen am 11. Oktober 2018 (englisch).
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Silberfarn: Brief Summary ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Der Silberfarn (Cyathea dealbata) ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Familie der Cyatheaceae. Er ist in Neuseeland heimisch und ist die dortige Nationalpflanze, im Wappen Neuseelands sind seine Zweige abgebildet.

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Kaponga ( Maori )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages

Ko te Kaponga he momo rākau. Mā tonu a waho ō ngā rauhuru.Ko te ingoa huaota he Cyathea dealbata. He ingoa reo Māori anō tō tēnei rākau, he Ponga. Ko te ingoa reo Pākehā he punga, he Silver Fern rānei.


  • Metcalf, Laurie, 2002. A Photographic Guide to Trees of New Zealand. Tāmaki-makau-rau: New Holland.
  • Salmon, J.T., 1986. The Native Trees of New Zealand. Te Whanga-nui-a-Tara: Heinneman Reed.
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Kaponga: Brief Summary ( Maori )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages

Ko te Kaponga he momo rākau. Mā tonu a waho ō ngā rauhuru.Ko te ingoa huaota he Cyathea dealbata. He ingoa reo Māori anō tō tēnei rākau, he Ponga. Ko te ingoa reo Pākehā he punga, he Silver Fern rānei.

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Qullqi rakiraki ( Quíchua )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages
Qullqu rakiraki

Qullqi rakiraki (inlish simipi silver fern, mawri simipi punga) kan rikch'aq tinku mallki rakiraki Musuq Silandapi. Kan Musuq Silandaq uk chaniyuq unancha.

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Сребрена папрат ( Macedônio )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages

Сребрена дрвенеста папрат (науч. Cyathea dealbata) или понга (од маорски: ponga) — вид на дрвенеста папрат со средна големина ендемски на Нов Зеланд. Изразот понга се употребува како генерички израз за трупците од сребрена папрат кои се користат за уредување на земмјиште. На маорски ponga се однесува на дрвенестите папрати, особено од родот Кјатеа. На новозеландски англиски понга често се изговара како пунга.

Оваа папрат расте до височина од 10 м и повеќе. Крошната му е густа, а листовите долги околу 4 м и имаат сребреникаво-бела боја на опачината. Оваа карактеристична боја се користи за обележување на патеки ноќе. Крлушките му се темнокафени, често извртеии и светкави.

Вирее на главните новозеландски острови источно до Четемските Острови, обично во потканапни делови на посуви шуми и во грмушки на отворено. Добро вирее и во добро оцеден хумус, и откога ќе фати корен, трпи и суша. Не сака ветер и мраз. Оваа папрат не расте под густите канабиња на стари шуми.

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Silver fern ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Alsophila dealbata, synonym Cyathea dealbata,[1] commonly known as the silver fern[2] or silver tree-fern,[3] or as ponga /ˈpɒŋə/ or punga /ˈpʌŋə/ (from Māori kaponga or ponga),[note 1] is a species of medium-sized tree fern, endemic to New Zealand. The fern is usually recognisable by the silver-white colour of the under-surface of mature fronds. It is a symbol commonly associated with the country both overseas and by New Zealanders themselves.[4]


This fern is known to grow to heights of 10 metres (33 ft) or more (though it occasionally takes a rare creeping form). The crown is dense, and mature fronds tend to be about 4 metres (13 ft) long and have a silver-white colouration on the undersides. This distinctive silver colouration has made them useful for laying along tracks for night walking. The scales are a dark brown and are often twisted and glossy.[5] Rhizomes very rarely prostrate, usually erect, forming a woody trunk up to 12 metres (39 ft) tall, 160 to 450 millimetres (6.3 to 17.7 in) in diameter, covered in light brown or white projecting stipe bases; bearing scales near the apex.[6]


Arriving relatively late in New Zealand's history during the Pliocene epoch[7] (around 5.0–1.8 million years ago), the silver fern occurs on the main islands of New Zealand—although absent from the west and south regions of the South Island[8]—and on the Chatham Islands to the east. Its primary habitat is subcanopy areas of drier forests and in open scrub, although it is occasionally found on bush margins and in more open areas, and has been recorded from amongst rushes in a dune slack.

The fern is known to grow well in well-drained humus, and once established, it will tolerate drier conditions.[9] It does best when sheltered from winds and should be protected from frost.

In culture

Koru or unfurling frond of silver fern

The earliest use of the silver fern as an official emblem was by the New Zealand Army during the Second Boer War. Since then, the silver fern has been used by the New Zealand Expeditionary Force during both world wars, and all Commonwealth war graves of fallen New Zealand soldiers have the silver fern engraved on their tombstones.[8] During the 1956 Suez Crisis, Egyptians took exception to New Zealand and Canadian peacekeepers having the Union Flag on their uniforms. Canadian troops wore the Maple Leaf whereas the New Zealand contingent wore a silver fern symbol. New Zealand peacekeepers have since used both the silver fern and kiwi symbols for different deployments to differentiate from their Australian and British counterparts.

Additionally, several British Army units wear the silver fern, normally as a battle honour granted for serving with New Zealand troops. For example, the Queen’s Royal Hussars, the Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry and the Warwickshire Yeomanry, all of whom fought with 2nd New Zealand Division at the Second Battle of El Alamein.

The silver fern has long been used on dairy products, including the logo of New Zealand Natural, and was trademarked as early as 1885. It is a logo for many other organisations, such as (heavily stylised) the rail operator KiwiRail. The Silver Fern is also the name of a class of railcar.[10]

Silver fern fronds appear on the coat of arms of New Zealand.[11] Some alternative flags for New Zealand, such as the silver fern flag, utilise the fern. The official proposal of the 2015–2016 New Zealand flag referendums featured the silver fern.[12] The silver fern is also used extensively within politics and printed material, such as the logo of the New Zealand Labour Party.[13]

The Silver Fern was first discovered by the Māori people, who are the indigenous people of New Zealand. According to the legend of the Māori people, the Silver Fern “once lived in the sea” and the Māori hunters would “...use the silver underside of the fern leaves to find their way home…”. When bent at an angle, the leaves of the fern would catch the moonlight and “illuminate a path through the forest” [14]

The koru symbol is inspired by the shape of an unfurling silver fern frond. It is found extensively in Māori art, from carving to the official Māori flag, and is used in a stylised form as the logo for national airline Air New Zealand.[15] Its circular shape conveys the idea of perpetual movement, and its inward coil suggests a return to the point of origin.[16]

In short, the fern has become one of the most widely recognized symbols of New Zealand, next to the kiwi—however, it is not an official national symbol.[4]

Use in sport

The silver fern has been used as a symbol by New Zealand national sports teams, in various stylised forms, since it was first worn by players in the 1888–89 New Zealand Native football team which toured Britain.[17] "Silver Ferns" is the name of the national netball team, and most other national women's sports teams have nicknames based on the term "Ferns", such as Black Ferns (women's rugby union), Tall Ferns (women's basketball) and Football Ferns (women's association football).[4]

National sport teams using the silver fern include:

The silver fern is also extensively used as part of the official symbols of New Zealand Olympics teams.[18]


In 1991, the New Zealand Rugby Football Union obtained trade marks for the name “All Blacks” and its own stylised fern, however the scope of the application was broader because they sought to register any 'fern'. In 2005, after a legal case lasting four years, the union failed in its bid to stop anyone else using any fern logo on any black jersey.[19]


  1. ^ The Māori word ponga, pronounced [ˈpɔŋa], has been borrowed into New Zealand English as a generic term for tree ferns. It is also used to refer to tree fern logs when used for landscaping purposes. English speakers generally pronounce the word /ˈpʌŋə/ PUNG.


  1. ^ a b c Hassler, Michael & Schmitt, Bernd (June 2019). "Alsophila dealbata". Checklist of Ferns and Lycophytes of the World. Vol. 8. Retrieved 2019-08-20.
  2. ^ Brownsey, Patrick (24 September 2007). "Ferns and lycophytes - Ferns and lycophytes in New Zealand". Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand. Retrieved 12 October 2018.
  3. ^ BSBI List 2007 (xls). Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland. Archived from the original (xls) on 2015-06-26. Retrieved 2014-10-17.
  4. ^ a b c "Government and nation - National animal and flower". Te Ara: The Encyclopedia of New Zealand. 3 March 2009. Retrieved 16 February 2010.
  5. ^ Large, M. F.; Braggins, J. F. (2004). Tree Ferns. Timber Press, Inc. pp. 120–121. ISBN 0-88192-630-2.
  6. ^ "Flora of New Zealand | Taxon Profile | Cyathea dealbata". www.nzflora.info. Retrieved 11 October 2018.
  7. ^ Parsons, Stuart; et al. (2006). Biology Aotearoa. Pearson Education New Zealand. ISBN 1-877268-00-3.
  8. ^ a b "The significance of the silver fern". Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington, NZ. 6 June 2017. Retrieved 13 October 2018.
  9. ^ de Lange, P. J. (March 2004). "Cyathea dealbata | New Zealand Plant Conservation Network". www.nzpcn.org.nz. Retrieved 2019-05-17.
  10. ^ "Silver Fern railcar". NZHistory. Ministry for Culture and Heritage. 16 October 2014. Retrieved 12 October 2018.
  11. ^ Levine, Stephen (12 June 2012). "Coat of arms - Coat of arms overview". e Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand. Retrieved 12 October 2018.
  12. ^ "NZ confirms flag referendum candidate". BBC News. 15 December 2015. Retrieved 12 October 2018.
  13. ^ "Register of Political Parties". Electoral Commission. Retrieved 12 October 2018.
  14. ^ "New Zealand icon: Silver fern". TNZ Media. Retrieved 2021-03-26.
  15. ^ Wedde, Ian (2005). Making Ends Meet: Essays and Talks, 1992-2004. Victoria University Press. p. 187. ISBN 9780864735034.
  16. ^ Walrond, Carl. "The koru". Te Ara - The Encyclopedia of New Zealand. Retrieved 12 October 2018.
  17. ^ Wilson, John (16 September 2016). "Nation and government - Nationhood and identity". Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand. Retrieved 12 October 2018.
  18. ^ Strang, Ben. "The history of black: Why do Kiwi sports teams wear black and when did it start?". Stuff.co.nz. Retrieved 11 October 2018.
  19. ^ "NZRU bid for silver fern rights thrown out". The New Zealand Herald. 14 December 2005. Retrieved 11 April 2015.

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wikipedia EN

Silver fern: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Alsophila dealbata, synonym Cyathea dealbata, commonly known as the silver fern or silver tree-fern, or as ponga /ˈpɒŋə/ or punga /ˈpʌŋə/ (from Māori kaponga or ponga), is a species of medium-sized tree fern, endemic to New Zealand. The fern is usually recognisable by the silver-white colour of the under-surface of mature fronds. It is a symbol commonly associated with the country both overseas and by New Zealanders themselves.

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wikipedia EN

Cyathea dealbata ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Cyathea dealbata, o el árbol helecho plateado (silver tree fern) o helecho plateado (silver fern), Kaponga o Ponga en el idioma maorí), es una especie de helecho arborescente, endémico de Nueva Zelanda.[1]

Es conocido que el helecho crece a alturas de 10 m o más (sin embargo ocasionalmente toma una rara forma de trepadora). La corona es densa, y las frondas tienden a ser aproximadamente 4 m de largo y tienen una coloración blanco-plateado en el envés. La distintiva coloración plateada las ha convertido en idóneas colocarlas al lado de los caminos para que resalten en los paseos nocturnos. Las escamas son café oscuras y son con frecuencia oscuras y brillosas.

Llegaron relativamente tarde en la historia natural de Nueva Zelanda durante la época del Plioceno[2]​ (hace alrededor de 5 - 1.8 millones de años), el helecho plateado se desarrolla en las principales islas de Nueva Zelanda al este de las Islas Chatham, principalmente en las áreas debajo del dosel (subcanopy) de los bosques más secos y el matorral abierto. Se sabe que crece bien en terrenos bien drenados con humus, y una vez que se ha establecido, tolera condiciones más secas. Se desarrolla mejor si se le resguarda de los vientos y se aconseja protegerlo de las heladas.

El helecho plateado en la cultura


  1. La palabra maorí ponga (IPA:'poŋa) ha sido prestada al inglés de Nueva Zelanda como un término genérico para los helechos arborescentes También se le usa para referirse a helechos arborescentes recolectados usados para propósitos de paisajismo. Los angloparlantes generalmente pronuncian la palabra como ponga (IPA:'pʌŋə).
  2. Parsons, Stuart; et al. (2006). Biology Aotearoa. Pearson Education New Zealand. ISBN 1 877268 00 3.


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wikipedia ES

Cyathea dealbata: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Cyathea dealbata, o el árbol helecho plateado (silver tree fern) o helecho plateado (silver fern), Kaponga o Ponga en el idioma maorí), es una especie de helecho arborescente, endémico de Nueva Zelanda.​

Es conocido que el helecho crece a alturas de 10 m o más (sin embargo ocasionalmente toma una rara forma de trepadora). La corona es densa, y las frondas tienden a ser aproximadamente 4 m de largo y tienen una coloración blanco-plateado en el envés. La distintiva coloración plateada las ha convertido en idóneas colocarlas al lado de los caminos para que resalten en los paseos nocturnos. Las escamas son café oscuras y son con frecuencia oscuras y brillosas.

Llegaron relativamente tarde en la historia natural de Nueva Zelanda durante la época del Plioceno​ (hace alrededor de 5 - 1.8 millones de años), el helecho plateado se desarrolla en las principales islas de Nueva Zelanda al este de las Islas Chatham, principalmente en las áreas debajo del dosel (subcanopy) de los bosques más secos y el matorral abierto. Se sabe que crece bien en terrenos bien drenados con humus, y una vez que se ha establecido, tolera condiciones más secas. Se desarrolla mejor si se le resguarda de los vientos y se aconseja protegerlo de las heladas.

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wikipedia ES

Cyathea dealbata ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Cyathea dealbata est une espèce de fougère arborescente de la famille des Cyatheaceae, endémique de Nouvelle-Zélande.

Cette fougère peut mesurer 10 m et plus (toutefois elle prend de temps à autre une rare forme rampante). La couronne est dense, les frondes tendent à mesurer environ 4 m en longueur et sont argentées sous les feuilles.

Jeune koru.

En maori ses jeunes pousses sont appelées « koru » et la plante elle-même « ponga » ou « kaponga ». En anglais elle est communément appelée « silver fern », soit « fougère argentée », en raison de l'aspect argenté de la face inférieure de sa fronde.

Les Maoris l'utilisaient en forêt lors des nuits de pleine lune, en posant ses frondes à l'envers sur le sol pour retrouver leur chemin[1].

La fougère argentée est l'un des symboles nationaux de la Nouvelle-Zélande. Elle figure sur plusieurs symboles officiels, comme les armoiries de la Nouvelle-Zélande et la pièce de 1 dollar néo-zélandais. Elle constitue également l'emblème de nombre d'équipes sportives nationales dont la célèbre équipe de rugby à XV[2]. Sous sa forme développée ou sous celle de koru, elle figure sur la plupart des drapeaux alternatifs proposés pour la Nouvelle-Zélande, à l'instar du drapeau à la fougère argentée qui la représente en blanc sur fond noir.

Notes et références

  1. (en) David Hackett Fischer, Fairness and Freedom. A History of Two Open Societies : New Zealand and the United States, Oxford University Press, 2012, p. 17
  2. (en) John Wilson ; Government and nation: Nationhood and identity ; Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand


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wikipedia FR

Cyathea dealbata: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Cyathea dealbata est une espèce de fougère arborescente de la famille des Cyatheaceae, endémique de Nouvelle-Zélande.

Cette fougère peut mesurer 10 m et plus (toutefois elle prend de temps à autre une rare forme rampante). La couronne est dense, les frondes tendent à mesurer environ 4 m en longueur et sont argentées sous les feuilles.

 src= Jeune koru.

En maori ses jeunes pousses sont appelées « koru » et la plante elle-même « ponga » ou « kaponga ». En anglais elle est communément appelée « silver fern », soit « fougère argentée », en raison de l'aspect argenté de la face inférieure de sa fronde.

Les Maoris l'utilisaient en forêt lors des nuits de pleine lune, en posant ses frondes à l'envers sur le sol pour retrouver leur chemin.

La fougère argentée est l'un des symboles nationaux de la Nouvelle-Zélande. Elle figure sur plusieurs symboles officiels, comme les armoiries de la Nouvelle-Zélande et la pièce de 1 dollar néo-zélandais. Elle constitue également l'emblème de nombre d'équipes sportives nationales dont la célèbre équipe de rugby à XV. Sous sa forme développée ou sous celle de koru, elle figure sur la plupart des drapeaux alternatifs proposés pour la Nouvelle-Zélande, à l'instar du drapeau à la fougère argentée qui la représente en blanc sur fond noir.

NZ flag design Silver Fern (Black, White & Blue) by Kyle Lockwood.svg Mount Cook Airline ATR 72-600 at Rotorua Airport (cropped).jpg All Blacks 1905.JPG Queen Elizabeth II of New Zealand.jpg
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Cyathea dealbata ( Latin )

fornecido por wikipedia LA

Cyathea dealbata (Maorice: kaponga et ponga), vulgo pteridophytum argenteum (Anglice: silver fern), est species cyathealium staturae mediae, in Nova Zelandia endemica,[1] ubi ea est commune civitatis culturaeque signum, inter gentes externas et ab ipso populo Novae Zelandiae.[2]

Hoc pteridophytum ad 10 m altum vel plus crescit, quamquam ei aliquando est forma serpens. Corona est densa, et frontes circa 4 m longi crescere solent, colore argenteo in lateribus inferioribus. Ob hunc colorem proprium, homines frontes ad expediendam ambulationem nocturnam tramitibus imponunt. Squamae sunt brunneae, saepe tortae et nitidae.[3]

Planta in Novam Zelandiam aevo Pliocaeno (abhinc circa annorum 5–1.8 milliones) advenit.[4] Ea nunc in praecipuis Novae Zelandiae insulis et in Insulis Chatham ad orientem habitat, plerumque in regionibus sub tenue silvarum sicciorum aulaeo et in scrub aperto. Viget in humo bene siccato, et statuta circumiectus sicciores tolerat. Sub denso silvarum maturarum aulaeo non augetur.

In cultura

Summatim, hoc pteridophytum fit unum ex notissimis Novae Zelandiae signis, post Apterygem, quamquam revera non est signum civitatis rite ascitum.[2]

Manus athletici quibus Cyathea dealbata est signum


  1. Vocabulum Maorianum ponga in Anglica Novae Zelandiae sermone fit generale cyathealium nomen. Etiam ad ligna cyathealium spectat.
  2. 2.0 2.1 "Government and nation - National animal and flower". Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand. 3 March 2009 .
  3. Large, M. F.; Braggins, J. F. (2004). Tree Ferns. Timber Press, Inc.. pp. 120–121. ISBN 0-88192-630-2 .
  4. Parsons, Stuart; et al. (2006). Biology Aotearoa. Pearson Education New Zealand. ISBN 1 877268 00 3 .

Nexus externi

Commons-logo.svg Vicimedia Communia plura habent quae ad Cyatheam dealbatam spectant (Cyathea dealbata, Alsophila dealbata).
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wikipedia LA

Cyathea dealbata: Brief Summary ( Latin )

fornecido por wikipedia LA

Cyathea dealbata (Maorice: kaponga et ponga), vulgo pteridophytum argenteum (Anglice: silver fern), est species cyathealium staturae mediae, in Nova Zelandia endemica, ubi ea est commune civitatis culturaeque signum, inter gentes externas et ab ipso populo Novae Zelandiae.

Hoc pteridophytum ad 10 m altum vel plus crescit, quamquam ei aliquando est forma serpens. Corona est densa, et frontes circa 4 m longi crescere solent, colore argenteo in lateribus inferioribus. Ob hunc colorem proprium, homines frontes ad expediendam ambulationem nocturnam tramitibus imponunt. Squamae sunt brunneae, saepe tortae et nitidae.

Planta in Novam Zelandiam aevo Pliocaeno (abhinc circa annorum 5–1.8 milliones) advenit. Ea nunc in praecipuis Novae Zelandiae insulis et in Insulis Chatham ad orientem habitat, plerumque in regionibus sub tenue silvarum sicciorum aulaeo et in scrub aperto. Viget in humo bene siccato, et statuta circumiectus sicciores tolerat. Sub denso silvarum maturarum aulaeo non augetur.

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wikipedia LA

Cyathea dealbata ( Norueguês )

fornecido por wikipedia NN


Systematikk Rike: Plantae Rekkje: Pteridophyta Klasse: Polypodiopsida Orden: Cyatheales Familie: Cyatheaceae Slekt: Cyathea Art: C. dealbata Vitskapleg namn Cyathea dealbata
(G. Forster) Swartz, 1801

Cyathea dealbata er ei ei middelstor trebregne som er stadeigen (endemisk) på New Zealand. Bregna er nasjonalplanten til New Zealand.

Cyathea dealbata kan heita silver-fern ('sølvbregne') eller silver tree fern ('sølvtrebregne') på engelsk og kaponga eller pongamaori.[1]


  • Polypodium dealbatum G. Forster, 1786
  • Cyathea tricolor Colenso, 1883
  • Alsophila tricolor (Colenso) Tryon, 1970


Planten kan veksa seg over ti m høg (men kan ein sjeldan gong opptre som krypplante). Kruna er tett, og bregneblada kan verta om lag fire m lange. Dei har ein sølvkvit farge på undersidene og lysare grøn på oversidene. Denne klåre, sølvaktige fargen har gjort dei nyttige som markørar langsetter stiar, så ein kan sjå å gå i mørke. Skjella er mørkt brune, og er ofte vridde og glinsande.

Utvikling og vokster

Cyathea dealbata kom til New Zealand relativt seint, under pliocen[2] (kring 5-1,8 millionar år sidan). Bregna finst på dei newzealandske øyene og på Chatham Islands i aust, mest i nærleiken av tørrare skogar og i open krattskog. Ho er kjend for å veksa godt i vel drenert humus, og når ho først har slått rot, greier ho gjerne tørrare vokstervilkår. Ho veks best i ly frå vind, og bør vernast mot frost. Sølvbregna veks ikkje på skogbotnen under dei tette krunene til utvaksen skog.

Sølvbregna i bruk



  1. Maoriordet ponga (IPA:'poŋa) er eit låneord i newzealandsk engelsk som ei uspesifikk nemning på trebregner. Engelsktalande uttalar vanlegvis ordet som punga (IPA:'pʌŋə).
  2. Stuart Parsons; m.fl. (2006). Biology Aotearoa. Pearson Education New Zealand. ISBN 1 877268 00 3.CS1-vedlikehald: Eksplisitt bruk av m.fl. (link)


direitos autorais
Wikipedia authors and editors
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
wikipedia NN

Cyathea dealbata: Brief Summary ( Norueguês )

fornecido por wikipedia NN

Cyathea dealbata er ei ei middelstor trebregne som er stadeigen (endemisk) på New Zealand. Bregna er nasjonalplanten til New Zealand.

Cyathea dealbata kan heita silver-fern ('sølvbregne') eller silver tree fern ('sølvtrebregne') på engelsk og kaponga eller ponga på maori.

direitos autorais
Wikipedia authors and editors
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
wikipedia NN

Cyathea dealbata ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT
Cyathea dealbata

Cyathea dealbata é uma espécie de samambaia de tamanho médio, endêmica da Nova Zelândia. É um símbolo comumente associado ao país, tanto no exterior quanto pelos próprios neozelandeses.[1]


  1. «Government and nation - National animal and flower». Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand. 3 de março de 2009. Consultado em 16 de fevereiro de 2010

direitos autorais
Autores e editores de Wikipedia
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
wikipedia PT

Cyathea dealbata: Brief Summary ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT
 src= Cyathea dealbata

Cyathea dealbata é uma espécie de samambaia de tamanho médio, endêmica da Nova Zelândia. É um símbolo comumente associado ao país, tanto no exterior quanto pelos próprios neozelandeses.

direitos autorais
Autores e editores de Wikipedia
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
wikipedia PT

Alsophila dealbata ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Alsophila dealbata là một loài dương xỉ trong họ Cyatheaceae. Loài này được C.Presl mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1848.[1] Danh pháp khoa học của loài này chưa được làm sáng tỏ.

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Alsophila dealbata. Truy cập ngày 28 tháng 5 năm 2014.

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wikipedia VI

Alsophila dealbata: Brief Summary ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Alsophila dealbata là một loài dương xỉ trong họ Cyatheaceae. Loài này được C.Presl mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1848. Danh pháp khoa học của loài này chưa được làm sáng tỏ.

direitos autorais
Wikipedia tác giả và biên tập viên
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
wikipedia VI