Imagem de Beronaphaenops paphlagonicus B. V. Gueorguiev 2012
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Beronaphaenops paphlagonicus B. V. Gueorguiev 2012

Beronaphaenops paphlagonicus ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL


Beronaphaenops paphlagonicus is een keversoort uit de familie van de loopkevers (Carabidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 2012 door Gueorguiev.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. Anichtchenko A. et al., (editors): Carabidae of the World. www.carabidae.org[dode link] (bezocht: 20 tot 28 maart 2013)
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wikipedia NL

Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Zookeys
Medium sized, overall length (from the apex of longer mandible to the apices of elytra): 5.72–5.95 (mean 5.87) mm; maximum width: 1.88–1.98 (mean 1.91) mm. General shape as in Fig. 1. Integument thin, translucent, covered by short, rather sparse and uniform pubescence, tibiae and tarsi densely pubescent. Microsculpture distinct on the head and elytra, very fine, almost indistinct on the pronotum, consisting of isodiametric and transverse meshes on the head and isodiametric ones on the elytra. Colour reddish-brown on the head and pronotum to yellowish on the elytra and appendages. Head rather elongate, 1.49–1.59 (mean 1.56) times as long as wide, 1.6–1.74 (mean 1.68) times as long as the pronotum, slightly narrow than the pronotum: 0.88-0.93 (mean 0.91) times as wide as pronotum, clearly constricted at the neck; frontal grooves complete, extending onward onto the clypeus, deep along the apical three-fourth of the head where outwardly sinuate, somewhat shallow at the level of posterior supraorbital seta, and again deeper downhill along the collar constriction; genae convex. Antennae filiform, very long and slender, 0.63-0.65 times as long as overall body length, posteriad not exceeding middle of elytra. Pronotum cordate, 1.15–1.21 (mean 1.19) times as wide as long, constricted towards the base. Anterior margin 1.24–1.27 times as wide as the posterior margin, 0.78–0.83 times wide as the pronotal maximum width, gradually concave towards the middle, the fore angles prominent, round. Posterior margin 0.63–0.65 times wide as the pronotal maximum width, concave inwards as the hind angles projecting back. Sides convex, round anteriad, straight, convergent posteriorly, hardly sinuate before the acute hind angles, which slightly projecting outside and turned upwards. Lateral margins grooved throughout, less anteriorly, more posteriorly, their extremities reflexed upward throughout, less anteriorly, more posteriorly. Anterolateral setae present, with length exceeding two-thirds of the pronotal side length, situated at the place of maximal pronotum width, posterolateral setae absent. Disc smooth, slightly convex, midline well impressed, not reaching both the basal and apical margins; apical transverse impression less distinct, continuous, laterally reaching the anterior margin, basal transverse impression sharply impressed, continuous, laterally merging into the small, but distinct basal foveae. Scutellum small, triangular. Elytra subovate, 1.67–1.78 times longer than wide, 3.28–3.55 times as long as the pronotal maximum length, and 1.6–1.72 times wider than the pronotal maximum width. Sides narrow and slanting at the basis, becoming wider posteriorly, with maximal width at the third-fourth, round at the apex; lateral grooves reflexed moderately upward, becoming flat at the apical sixth; shoulders obtuse though still marked, basal border absent. Disc convex; striae superficial, more or less obliterated at the sides and apically, scutellar stria absent, apical recurrent one present; intervals flat, each one with single longitudinal row of hairs in the middle; stria 3 with single discal pore before the middle; apical triangle of pores complete; umbilicate series of elytra consisting of 8 pores, not aggregate. Legs long and slender; protibia straight, densely pubescent, without longitudinal groove on the external face; tarsi thin, densely pubescent, segments 1 and 2 in the males strongly dilated and inwardly denticulate at the apices. Male genitalia: as in Figs 13–15 (see also the genus description). Female genitalia: as in Fig. 16 (see also the genus description).
direitos autorais
Borislav V. Guéorguiev
citação bibliográfica
Guéorguiev B (2012) Beronaphaenops paphlagonicus, a new anophthalmous genus and species of Trechini (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from Turkey ZooKeys 255: 73–92
Borislav V. Guéorguiev
visite a fonte
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