Imagem de Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) Schleid.
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Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) Schleid.

Derivation of specific name ( Inglês )

fornecido por Flora of Zimbabwe
polyrhiza: with many roots
direitos autorais
Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten and Petra Ballings
citação bibliográfica
Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T. and Ballings, P. (2002-2014). Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) Schleid. Flora of Zimbabwe website. Accessed 28 August 2014 at http://www.zimbabweflora.co.zw/speciesdata/species.php?species_id=112080
Mark Hyde
Bart Wursten
Petra Ballings
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Flora of Zimbabwe

Spirodela polyrhiza ( Asturiano )

fornecido por wikipedia AST

La llenteya d'agua (Spirodela polyrhiza) ye una especie de planta acuática de la familia de les lemnacees.

Vista de la planta


Frondas flotantes, ovales a casi arrondaes, de 4-10 mm asimétriques y opaques, con 5-9 nervios planos en dambes cares, verdeoscuro nel fai y amoratáu el viesu, 5-15 raigaños procedentes de cada fronda Raramente flores en primavera.

Distribución y hábitat

Gran parte d'Europa, sacante Islandia, Albania y Grecia. Agües quietes, estanques, acequias.[1]


Spirodela polyrhiza describióse por (L.) Schleid. y espublizóse en Linnaea 13: 392. 1839.[2]

  • Lemna bannatica Waldst. & Kit. ex Schleid.
  • Lemna major Griff.
  • Lemna maxima Blatt. & Hallb.
  • Lemna obcordata P. Beauv.
  • Lemna orbicularis Kit. ex Schult.
  • Lemna orbiculata Roxb.
  • Lemna polyrrhiza L.
  • Lemna polyrrhiza var. concolor Kurz
  • Lemna thermalis P.Beauv. ex Nutt.
  • Lemna thermalis P. Beauv.
  • Lemna transsilvanica Schur
  • Lemna umbonata A.Br. ex Hegelm.
  • Lenticula polyrrhiza (L.) Lam.
  • Spirodela atropurpurea Montandon
  • Spirodela maxima (Blatt. & Hallb.) McCann
  • Spirodela polyrrhiza var. masonii Daubs
  • Telmatophace orbicularis (Kit. ex Schult.) Schur
  • Telmatophace polyrrhiza (L.) Godr.[3]

Ver tamién


  1. Polunin, O (1989). Guía fotográfica de les flores monteses d'España y d'Europa. Barcelona:Omega. ISBN 84-282-0857-3.
  2. «Spirodela polyrhiza». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultáu'l 7 de xunetu de 2014.
  3. «Spirodela polyrhiza». The Plant List. Consultáu'l 7 de xunetu de 2014.

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Spirodela polyrhiza: Brief Summary ( Asturiano )

fornecido por wikipedia AST
Spirodela polyrhiza

La llenteya d'agua (Spirodela polyrhiza) ye una especie de planta acuática de la familia de les lemnacees.

 src= Fueyes  src= Vista de la planta
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Adi üzgəcotu ( Azerbaijano )

fornecido por wikipedia AZ

Adi üzgəcotu (lat. Spirodela polyrhiza) — sugülükimilər fəsiləsinə aid bitki növü.

IUCN Qırmızı Siyahısına görə növün kateqoriyası və statusu "Nəsli kəsilməyə həssas olanlar" kateqoriyasına aiddir – VU D2. Azərbaycanda nadir növüdür. [1][2]


Lənkəran ovalığı (Lənkəran rayonunun Göyşaban kəndi, Mortso gölü), Lənkəran-Muğan (Masallı rayonu – Boradigah çayı), Kür düzənliyi, Naxçıvanın dağlıq hissəsi (Şahbuz Dövlət qoruğu Batabat gölünün sahilyanı zonalarında)[3] [4][5]

Spirodela polyrrhiza.jpg

Bioloji, ekoloji və fitosenoloji xüsusiyyətləri

Çiçəkləmə və meyvə əmələgətirmə dövrü iyun—avqust aylarına təsadüf edir. Toxumlarla və vegetativ yolla çoxalır. Kriptofit-hiqrofitdir. Arandan orta dağ qurşağınadək durğun və sakit axan sularda, göllərdə, hündür bitkilər areasında, külək və dalğalardan qorunan yerlərdə təmiz assosiasiyalar, eləcə də Lemna minor və L. Gibba növləri ilə qarışıq assosiasiyalar əməə gətirir. Dərman və çöl quşları üçün qida bitkisidir[3][6]

Spirodela polyrhiza sl3.jpg

Qısa morfoloji təsviri

Çoxillik su bitkisidir. Suyun səthində üzən gövdələri tərs –yumurtavari və ya dəyirmi, üst hissədən açıq –yaşıl, alt hissədən qırmızımtıl rngdə, yastı, 5 mm enindədir. Kökcükləri çox sayda, dəstələr şəklindədir. Payızda nohurun dibinə batmış qonur-qırmızı, hər iki tərəfdən qabarıq zoğlar inkişaf edir [3][5][7]

Sayı və tendensiyası

Populyasiyasının təbii bərpası azalır, mənfi iqlim və antropogen təsirlərə həssaslıq müşahidə olunur [8]

Məhdudlaşdırıcı amillər

Qlobal istiləşmə ilə əlaqədar yaranan quraqlıqların nəticəsində körfəz və göllərin suyunun azalması, əhali tərəfindən qida və dərman bitkisi kimi istifadə edilməsi.

Mühafizə tədbirləri

Xüsusi mühafizə tədbirləri aparılmalıdır. Süni göl və gölməçələrin yaradılması məqsədəuyğundur.


Lemna polyrrhiza L.


  1. Azərbaycan Respublikasının Qırmızı Kitabı. Nadir və nəsli kəsilməkdə olan bitki və göbələk növləri, II nəşr, Bakı-2013
  2. http://redbook.az/?options=project&id=Adi%20%C3%BCzg%C9%99cotu
  3. 3,0 3,1 3,2 Флора Азербайджана, 1952
  4. Алиев Д.А., 1969
  5. 5,0 5,1 Əsgərov A.M., 2005
  6. Мехтиева Н.П., 2006
  7. Musayev M.Q, 2012
  8. Tərtibçilərin məlumatları.
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wikipedia AZ

Adi üzgəcotu: Brief Summary ( Azerbaijano )

fornecido por wikipedia AZ

Adi üzgəcotu (lat. Spirodela polyrhiza) — sugülükimilər fəsiləsinə aid bitki növü.

IUCN Qırmızı Siyahısına görə növün kateqoriyası və statusu "Nəsli kəsilməyə həssas olanlar" kateqoriyasına aiddir – VU D2. Azərbaycanda nadir növüdür.

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wikipedia AZ

Llinad mawr ( Galês )

fornecido por wikipedia CY

Planhigyn blodeuol lluosflwydd, dyfroo ag iddo un had-ddeilen (monocotyledon) yw Llinad mawr sy'n enw gwrywaidd. Mae'n perthyn i'r teulu Araceae. Yr enw gwyddonol (Lladin) yw Spirodela polyrhiza a'r enw Saesneg yw Greater duckweed. Ceir enwau Cymraeg eraill ar y planhigyn hwn gan gynnwys Bwyd-hwyaid Mawr, Llinad y Dŵr Mwyaf a Llinhad y Dŵr Mwyaf.

Gwlyptiroedd yw ei gynefin a mae'r casgliad byw mwyaf o'r teulu hwn yn cael ei gadw yn Missouri Botanical Gardens.

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Llinad mawr: Brief Summary ( Galês )

fornecido por wikipedia CY

Planhigyn blodeuol lluosflwydd, dyfroo ag iddo un had-ddeilen (monocotyledon) yw Llinad mawr sy'n enw gwrywaidd. Mae'n perthyn i'r teulu Araceae. Yr enw gwyddonol (Lladin) yw Spirodela polyrhiza a'r enw Saesneg yw Greater duckweed. Ceir enwau Cymraeg eraill ar y planhigyn hwn gan gynnwys Bwyd-hwyaid Mawr, Llinad y Dŵr Mwyaf a Llinhad y Dŵr Mwyaf.

Gwlyptiroedd yw ei gynefin a mae'r casgliad byw mwyaf o'r teulu hwn yn cael ei gadw yn Missouri Botanical Gardens.

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Vielwurzelige Teichlinse ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Die Vielwurzelige Teichlinse (Spirodela polyrhiza, Syn.: Lemna polyrhiza L.) ist eine Art aus der Gattung Teichlinsen (Spirodela) in der Familie der Aronstabgewächse (Araceae).


Purpurrote Unterseite mit Wurzelfäden
Sprossglieder mit Turionen

Die Vielwurzelige Teichlinse ist eine frei flottierende Schwimmblattpflanze. Ihre Sprossglieder sind 4 bis 7 (selten 1,5 bis 10) Millimeter lang, rundlich bis verkehrt-eiförmig und auf beiden Seiten flach. Die Unterseite ist meist dunkel purpurrot gefärbt, die Oberseite ist grün bis rot. Je Sprossglied sind meist 8, selten 3 bis 16 Wurzeln vorhanden. Je 1 bis 3 (selten bis 5) Sprossglieder hängen zusammen. Sie bildet olive, nierenförmige, 2 bis 3 Millimeter breite Turionen aus. Im Vergleich zu den nahe verwandten Wasserlinsen (Lemna sp.) ist die Teichlinse größer, rundlicher geformt sowie stärker bewurzelt.

Die Chromosomenzahl beträgt 2n = 40.[1]

Die Blütezeit reicht vermutlich von Juni bis August. Aus Deutschland und Frankreich sind bisher keine blühenden Pflanzen bekannt.

Die Art wird durch Wasservögel (Hydroepizoochorie) und durch Wasserausbreitung (Hydrochorie) verbreitet.


Die Art ist weltweit verbreitet. Auch in Deutschland ist die Vielwurzelige Teichlinse verbreitet und recht häufig, in West- und Mittel-Thüringen, Sachsen-Anhalt und dem Bergland allerdings nur zerstreut. Die Art besiedelt flache, bis 150 Zentimeter tiefe[1], eutrophe stehende und langsam fließende Gewässer. Sie ist nur schwach tolerant gegenüber Salz. Spirodela polyrhiza ist eine Kennart der Assoziation Lemno-Spirodeletum aus dem Verband Lemnion minoris.[1] Im Allgäu steigt sie im Weidensee bei Remnatsried bei Stötten am Auerberg in Bayern bis zu 810 Metern Meereshöhe auf.[2]

Die Art kann im Aquarium kultiviert werden.[3]


  • Eckehart J. Jäger, Klaus Werner (Hrsg.): Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Begründet von Werner Rothmaler. 10., bearbeitete Auflage. Band 4: Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band. Elsevier, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, München/Heidelberg 2005, ISBN 3-8274-1496-2.
  • Vielwurzelige Teichlinse bei floraweb.de, Zugriff am 9. August 2009


  1. a b c Erich Oberdorfer: Pflanzensoziologische Exkursionsflora für Deutschland und angrenzende Gebiete. Unter Mitarbeit von Angelika Schwabe und Theo Müller. 8., stark überarbeitete und ergänzte Auflage. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart (Hohenheim) 2001, ISBN 3-8001-3131-5, S. 119.
  2. Erhard Dörr, Wolfgang Lippert: Flora des Allgäus und seiner Umgebung. Band 1, IHW, Eching 2001, ISBN 3-930167-50-6, S. 201.
  3. Christel Kasselmann: Aquarienpflanzen. Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart 1995; 2., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage 1999, ISBN 3-8001-7454-5, S. 424.
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wikipedia DE

Vielwurzelige Teichlinse: Brief Summary ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Die Vielwurzelige Teichlinse (Spirodela polyrhiza, Syn.: Lemna polyrhiza L.) ist eine Art aus der Gattung Teichlinsen (Spirodela) in der Familie der Aronstabgewächse (Araceae).

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wikipedia DE

Spirodela polyrhiza ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Spirodela polyrhiza (orth. var. S. polyrrhiza) is a species of duckweed known by the common names common duckmeat,[1] greater duckweed,[2] great duckmeat,[3] common duckweed, and duckmeat. It can be found nearly worldwide in many types of freshwater habitat.[4]


Spirodela polyrhiza is a perennial aquatic plant usually growing in dense colonies, forming a mat on the water surface. Each plant is a smooth, round, flat disc 0.5 to 1.0 cm wide. Its upper surface is mostly green, sometimes red, while the lower surface is dark red.[5] It produces several minute roots and a pouch containing male and female flowers. The top part dies in the fall and the plant often overwinters as a turion. The turion sinks to the bottom of the water body and stays in a dormant phase, until water temperature reaches 15 °C. The turions then germinate on the bottom of the water body and start a new life cycle.[6] As this species lives in ponds and slow-moving water bodies, differs developmentally from terrestrial plants in morphology and physiology. It undergoes mainly vegetative growth in spring and summer, forming new fronds. Spirodela polyrhiza rarely flowers.[7] In fall and winter it switches into a dormant phase represented by the turions due to nutrition starvation and freezing temperatures.

Because of its fast growth, direct contact with media and small genome size (~150 Mb), S. polyrhiza is an ideal system for biofuels, bioremediation, and carbon cycling.[4] A comprehensive genomic study of S. polyrhiza was published in February 2014. The results provide insights into how this organism is adapted to rapid growth and an aquatic lifestyle.[8]

Turion induction by abscisic acid

Turions were induced by the plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) in the lab. Researchers reported that turions were rich in anthocyanin pigmentation and had a density that submerged them in liquid media. Transmission electron microscopy of turions showed in comparison to fronds shrunken vacuoles, smaller intercellular space, and abundant starch granules surrounded by thylakoid membranes. Turions accumulated more than 60% starch in dry mass after two weeks of ABA treatment.[9]


Spirodela polyrhiza is found worldwide, namely in North America,[10] Asia,[11] more rarely in Central and South America, but also in Central Europe.[12] It grows in tropical and temperate climates.[12] It is not prevalent in New Zealand and only rarely in Australia.[5]


Large scale cultivation is done in outdoor water tanks, mostly in connection with wastewater treatment. Tanks are fed with wastewater and the floating duckweed is harvested from the surface. It is then further used as a biofuel from industrial wastewater or as animal feed from agricultural wastewater treatment facilities.[6]


Spirodela polyrhiza can be used for bioremediation, removing toxic substances from aquatic environment as well as cleaning eutrophic waters, especially in wastewater treatment plants. Its uses as biofuel and animal feed are also gaining importance. It is hardly used for human nutrition.


Because of its capability to hyperaccumulate heavy metals and its high uptake of nutrients from the water, S. polyrhiza is used for bioremediation. The main pollutants it can be used to remediate are arsenic (As) and mercury (Hg)[13] and common wastewater nutrients, like sulphate (SO42-), phosphate (PO43-) and nitrate (NO3).


Greater duckweed showed accumulation of arsenic in laboratory tests. Arsenic uptake was found to be negatively correlated with phosphate and positively correlated with iron uptake. This indicates that phosphate and arsenic compete for uptake by S. polyrhiza, while arsenic's absorption is facilitated by iron oxides, because it shows an affinity to the root surface of S. polyrhiza, where it is taken up. Greater duckweed is thought to detoxify the arsenic by reducing As (V) to the less toxic As (III). Difficulties arise with the management of the plants with high As contents. One possible use of the biomass containing As is production of charcoal and gas as a byproduct, which can be used as a fuel. The problems with this approach are low charcoal quality and high investments. Direct burning or burning of the coal is thought to release arsenic into the air, which would pollute the environment. Other options for fuel production would be hydrolysis and fermentation, which are economically not feasible. The biomass would have to be treated with strong acids and heat, which are both capital intensive. Briquetting is considered one of the best options, where the plants are dried and pressed into pellets of briquets. This raises the question of whether the arsenic is released back into the environment during the burning process. The production of biogas is also considered, but again, the redistribution of the As has to be avoided .[13]


Spirodela polyrhiza was found to be an efficient bio accumulator of mercuric chloride (HgCl2) in laboratory settings. Its plant biomass showed a 1000 times higher mercuric chloride concentration than its aquatic environment. Spirodela polyrhiza showed the highest accumulation factor compared to Lemna gibba and L. minor, which were also investigated.[14]

Urban wastewater treatment

dGreater duckweed has been used to remove common pollutants from wastewater. In a laboratory setting, S. polyrhiza showed a maximum of 90% removal efficiency of nitrate, 99.6% of phosphate and 69.8% of sulphate. The efficiency for all three pollutants combined was 85.6%, which makes it an environmentally and economically viable bioremediatory for wastewater treatment.[11]


Due to space-efficient starch production and good growth in animal wastewater, S. polyrhiza has great potential in bioethanol production.[15] Despite environmental problems associated with production and competition from human and animal feed, corn is the main raw material for bioethanol. Spirodela polyrhiza could produce up to 50% more bioethanol on the same area.[16] At the same time the production of bioethanol from S. polyrhiza is not in competition with human food. The production of bioethanol from S. polyrhiza is still in the development phase.

Animal feed

In small-scale agriculture S. polyrhiza is used as fish or poultry feed.[17] Due to its fast growth and high protein content, it is an interesting feedstuff. Because of sanitary problems and the risk of heavy metal accumulation, it is not yet used for feeding in larger animal husbandry systems.[18] For rainbow trout, poorer growth rates were found when S. polyrhiza was added to the feed.[19] For tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.), greater weight gains were found when 30% of the fish meal in the feed was replaced with S. polyrhiza.[20] A review has also shown that duckweed can be used in cattle, pig and poultry diets. However, the problems of heavy metals and pathogen contamination occur.[21]

Human nutrition

Although other duckweed species, such as Wolffia arrhiza, are consumed by people in rural areas, S.polyrhiza is not cultivated for human consumption.[22] This is because of high concerns about heavy metal accumulation and possible contamination with Escherichia coli or Clostridium botulinum.[18] In contrast to W. arrhiza, S. polyrhiza contains, like most duckweed species, calcium oxalate crystals which are known to cause kidney stones.[6]


  1. ^ Whisenant, Steven G. (2018). "Common Rangeland Plants of West Central Texas by George Clendenin, USDA–Natural Resources Conservation Service". Great Plains Research. 28 (2): 219. doi:10.1353/gpr.2018.0043. ISSN 2334-2463. S2CID 135339526.
  2. ^ Atkinson, R. (July 1998). "Dandelions of Great Britain and Ireland. BSBI Handbook No. 9. A. A. Dudman & A. J. Richards. Illustrations by Olga Stewart. Edited by P. H. Oswald. London: Botanical Society of the British Isles. 1997. 344 pp. ISBN 0 901158 25 9. £17.50 (paperback)". Edinburgh Journal of Botany. 55 (2): 321–322. doi:10.1017/s0960428600002249. ISSN 0960-4286.
  3. ^ 국립 수목원 (Korea) (August 2015). Hanbando chasaeng singmul yŏngŏ irŭm mongnokchip = English names for Korean native plants. Kungnip Sumogwŏn (Korea),, Korea (South). Sallimch'ŏng., 국립 수목원 (Korea),, Korea (South). 산림청. Kyŏnggi-do P'och'ŏn-si. ISBN 978-89-97450-98-5. OCLC 921358336.
  4. ^ a b Wang, Wenqin; Kerstetter, Randall A.; Michael, Todd P. (2011-07-28). "Evolution of Genome Size in Duckweeds (Lemnaceae)". Journal of Botany. 2011: 1–9. doi:10.1155/2011/570319. ISSN 2090-0120.
  5. ^ a b Oberdorfer, Erich 1905-2002. Pflanzensoziologische Exkursionsflora für Deutschland und angrenzende Gebiete (8., stark überarb. und erg. Aufl ed.). Stuttgart. ISBN 978-3-8001-3476-2. OCLC 50980051.
  6. ^ a b c Cao, Hieu X.; Fourounjian, Paul; Wang, Wenqin (2018), Hussain, Chaudhery Mustansar (ed.), "The Importance and Potential of Duckweeds as a Model and Crop Plant for Biomass-Based Applications and Beyond", Handbook of Environmental Materials Management, Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 1–16, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-58538-3_67-1, ISBN 978-3-319-58538-3, retrieved 2020-11-28
  7. ^ Landolt, Kandeler, Elias, Riklef (1987). Biosystematic investigations in the family of duckweeds (Lemnaceae) : (Vol. 4) : The family of Lemnaceae - a monographic study. Volume 2, (Phytochemistry ; physiology ; application ; bibliography). Zurich: Geobotanisches Institut der ETH.
  8. ^ Wang, W.; Haberer, G.; Gundlach, H.; Gläßer, C.; Nussbaumer, T.; Luo, M.C.; Lomsadze, A.; Borodovsky, M.; Kerstetter, R.A.; Shanklin, J.; Byrant, D.W. (May 2014). "The Spirodela polyrhiza genome reveals insights into its neotenous reduction fast growth and aquatic lifestyle". Nature Communications. 5 (1): 3311. Bibcode:2014NatCo...5.3311W. doi:10.1038/ncomms4311. ISSN 2041-1723. PMC 3948053. PMID 24548928.
  9. ^ Wang, Wenqin; Messing, Joachim (2012). "Analysis of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase expression during turion formation induced by abscisic acid in Spirodela polyrhiza (greater duckweed)". BMC Plant Biology. 12 (1): 5. doi:10.1186/1471-2229-12-5. ISSN 1471-2229. PMC 3268088. PMID 22235974. S2CID 5491282.
  10. ^ "Spirodela polyrrhiza (common duck-meal): Go Botany". gobotany.nativeplanttrust.org. Retrieved 2020-11-06.
  11. ^ a b Pandey, Neha; Gusain, Rita; Suthar, Surindra (August 2020). "Exploring the efficacy of powered guar gum (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) seeds, duckweed (Spirodela polyrhiza), and Indian plum (Ziziphus mauritiana) leaves in urban wastewater treatment". Journal of Cleaner Production. 264: 121680. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.121680. ISSN 0959-6526. S2CID 218792888.
  12. ^ a b "Spirodela polyrhiza". Flowgrow. Retrieved 2020-11-06.
  13. ^ a b Rahman, M. Azizur; Hasegawa, H. (April 2011). "Aquatic arsenic: Phytoremediation using floating macrophytes". Chemosphere. 83 (5): 633–646. Bibcode:2011Chmsp..83..633R. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2011.02.045. hdl:10453/18087. ISSN 0045-6535. PMID 21435676.
  14. ^ Yang, Jingjing; Li, Gaojie; Bishopp, Anthony; Heenatigala, P. P. M.; Hu, Shiqi; Chen, Yan; Wu, Zhigang; Kumar, Sunjeet; Duan, Pengfei; Yao, Lunguang; Hou, Hongwei (2018-04-16). "A Comparison of Growth on Mercuric Chloride for Three Lemnaceae Species Reveals Differences in Growth Dynamics That Effect Their Suitability for Use in Either Monitoring or Remediating Ecosystems Contaminated With Mercury". Frontiers in Chemistry. 6: 112. Bibcode:2018FrCh....6..112Y. doi:10.3389/fchem.2018.00112. ISSN 2296-2646. PMC 5911492. PMID 29713627.
  15. ^ Cui, W.; Cheng, J. J. (2014-07-01). "Growing duckweed for biofuel production: a review". Plant Biology. 17: 16–23. doi:10.1111/plb.12216. ISSN 1435-8603. PMID 24985498.
  16. ^ Xu, Jiele; Cui, Weihua; Cheng, Jay J.; Stomp, Anne-M. (October 2011). "Production of high-starch duckweed and its conversion to bioethanol". Biosystems Engineering. 110 (2): 67–72. doi:10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2011.06.007. ISSN 1537-5110.
  17. ^ Rusoff, Louis L.; Blakeney, Ernest W.; Culley, Dudley D. (1980-07-01). "Duckweeds (Lemnaceae family): a potential source of protein and amino acids". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 28 (4): 848–850. doi:10.1021/jf60230a040. ISSN 0021-8561. PMID 7462500.
  18. ^ a b van der Spiegel, M.; Noordam, M.Y.; van der Fels-Klerx, H.J. (2013-10-15). "Safety of Novel Protein Sources (Insects, Microalgae, Seaweed, Duckweed, and Rapeseed) and Legislative Aspects for Their Application in Food and Feed Production". Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety. 12 (6): 662–678. doi:10.1111/1541-4337.12032. ISSN 1541-4337. PMID 33412718.
  19. ^ Stadtlander, Timo; Förster, Svenja; Rosskothen, Dennis; Leiber, Florian (August 2019). "Slurry-grown duckweed (Spirodela polyrhiza) as a means to recycle nitrogen into feed for rainbow trout fry". Journal of Cleaner Production. 228: 86–93. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.04.196. ISSN 0959-6526.
  20. ^ Fasakin, E. A.; Balogun, A. M.; Fasuru, B. E. (May 1999). "Use of duckweed, Spirodela polyrrhiza L. Schleiden, as a protein feedstuff in practical diets for tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus L." Aquaculture Research. 30 (5): 313–318. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2109.1999.00318.x. ISSN 1355-557X.
  21. ^ Sońta, Marcin; Rekiel, Anna; Batorska, Martyna (2019-04-01). "Use of Duckweed (Lemna L.) in Sustainable Livestock Production and Aquaculture – A Review". Annals of Animal Science. 19 (2): 257–271. doi:10.2478/aoas-2018-0048. ISSN 2300-8733. S2CID 91812255.
  22. ^ Appenroth, Klaus-J.; Sree, K. Sowjanya; Bog, Manuela; Ecker, Josef; Seeliger, Claudine; Böhm, Volker; Lorkowski, Stefan; Sommer, Katrin; Vetter, Walter; Tolzin-Banasch, Karla; Kirmse, Rita (2018-10-29). "Nutritional Value of the Duckweed Species of the Genus Wolffia (Lemnaceae) as Human Food". Frontiers in Chemistry. 6: 483. Bibcode:2018FrCh....6..483A. doi:10.3389/fchem.2018.00483. ISSN 2296-2646. PMC 6215809. PMID 30420949.

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Spirodela polyrhiza: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Spirodela polyrhiza (orth. var. S. polyrrhiza) is a species of duckweed known by the common names common duckmeat, greater duckweed, great duckmeat, common duckweed, and duckmeat. It can be found nearly worldwide in many types of freshwater habitat.

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Spirodela polyrhiza ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

La lenteja de agua (Spirodela polyrhiza) es una especie de planta acuática de la familia de las lemnáceas.

Vista de la planta


Frondas flotantes, ovales a casi redondeadas, de 4-10 mm asimétricas y opacas, con 5-9 nervios planos en ambas caras, verdeoscuro en el haz y amoratado el envés, 5-15 raíces procedentes de cada fronda. Raramente flores en primavera.

Distribución y hábitat

Gran parte de Europa, excepto Islandia, Albania y Grecia. Aguas quietas, estanques, acequias.[1]


Spirodela polyrhiza fue descrita por (L.) Schleid. y publicado en Linnaea 13: 392. 1839.[2]

  • Lemna bannatica Waldst. & Kit. ex Schleid.
  • Lemna major Griff.
  • Lemna maxima Blatt. & Hallb.
  • Lemna obcordata P. Beauv.
  • Lemna orbicularis Kit. ex Schult.
  • Lemna orbiculata Roxb.
  • Lemna polyrrhiza L.
  • Lemna polyrrhiza var. concolor Kurz
  • Lemna thermalis P.Beauv. ex Nutt.
  • Lemna thermalis P. Beauv.
  • Lemna transsilvanica Schur
  • Lemna umbonata A.Br. ex Hegelm.
  • Lenticula polyrrhiza (L.) Lam.
  • Spirodela atropurpurea Montandon
  • Spirodela maxima (Blatt. & Hallb.) McCann
  • Spirodela polyrrhiza var. masonii Daubs
  • Telmatophace orbicularis (Kit. ex Schult.) Schur
  • Telmatophace polyrrhiza (L.) Godr.[3]

Véase también


  1. Polunin, O (1989). Guía fotográfica de las flores silvestres de España y de Europa. Barcelona:Omega. ISBN 84-282-0857-3.
  2. «Spirodela polyrhiza». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultado el 7 de julio de 2014.
  3. «Spirodela polyrhiza». The Plant List. Consultado el 7 de julio de 2014.

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wikipedia ES

Spirodela polyrhiza: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

La lenteja de agua (Spirodela polyrhiza) es una especie de planta acuática de la familia de las lemnáceas.

 src= Hojas  src= Vista de la planta
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Hulgajuurine vesilääts ( Estônio )

fornecido por wikipedia ET

Hulgajuurine vesilääts (Spirodela polyrhiza) on võhaliste sugukonda vesiläätse perekonda kuuluv mitmeaastane ujulehtedega veetaim.

Ujulehtede diameeter on kuni 10 millimeetrit. Sageli moodustavad veekogus kolooniaid. Taim õitseb – ehkki haruharva – juulist augustini.

Välisehituselt meenutab ta suuresti lemleid, kuid lehealuseid juuri pole tal mitte üks (nagu lemletel), vaid palju.

Hulgajuurist vesiläätse võib leida paljudest veekogudest. Eestis tavaline.

Vaata ka


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wikipedia ET

Hulgajuurine vesilääts: Brief Summary ( Estônio )

fornecido por wikipedia ET

Hulgajuurine vesilääts (Spirodela polyrhiza) on võhaliste sugukonda vesiläätse perekonda kuuluv mitmeaastane ujulehtedega veetaim.

Ujulehtede diameeter on kuni 10 millimeetrit. Sageli moodustavad veekogus kolooniaid. Taim õitseb – ehkki haruharva – juulist augustini.

Välisehituselt meenutab ta suuresti lemleid, kuid lehealuseid juuri pole tal mitte üks (nagu lemletel), vaid palju.

Hulgajuurist vesiläätse võib leida paljudest veekogudest. Eestis tavaline.

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wikipedia ET

Mnohokorjenaty křěk ( Sorábio superior )

fornecido por wikipedia HSB

Mnohokorjenaty křěk (Spirodela polyrhiza, syn.: Lemna polyrhiza) je rostlina z podswójby kačiznowych rostlinow (Lemnoideae) ze swójba aronowych rostlinow (Araceae).


Mnohokorjenaty křěk je trajne zelo, kotrež docpěje wysokosć wot 0,5 hač do 1 cm. Twori zelene přestrjency z 4 hač do 10 mm dołhich, łopjenojtych čłonkow na wodźe. Delni bok zwjetša je ćěmnopurpurowy.

Wurostkowe čłonki su wopak jejkojte abo kulojte, zwjetša płone maja na čłonk 2 abo wjace promjenjowych korjenjow.

Kćěje wot meje hač do junija.

Korjenje docpěja dołhosć wot 3 cm.

Twori nazymu małke zymske pupki, kotrež so na wodźiznowy spódk nurja a tam zymny počas přetraja. Wobsahuja škrob jako energisku rezerwu. Wone nalěto zaso wubija a přez tworjenje płuna horje wustupja.


Rosće w stejacych a pomału běžacych wutkatych, lochko přihrěwajomnych wodźinach, jězorach a zaliwach ze starej wodu.




  1. Pawoł Völkel: Prawopisny słownik hornjoserbskeje rěče. Hornjoserbsko-němski słownik. Ludowe nakładnistwo Domowina, Budyšin 2005, ISBN 3-7420-1920-1, str. 220.
  2. W internetowym słowniku: Teichlinse


  • Spohn, Aichele, Golte-Bechtle, Spohn: Was blüht denn da? Kosmos Naturführer (2008), ISBN 978-3-440-11379-0, strona 364 (němsce)
  • Brankačk, Jurij: Wobrazowy słownik hornjoserbskich rostlinskich mjenow na CD ROM. Rěčny centrum WITAJ, wudaće za serbske šule. Budyšin 2005.
  • Kubát, K. (Hlavní editor): Klíč ke květeně České republiky. Academia, Praha (2002)
  • Lajnert, Jan: Rostlinske mjena. Serbske. Němske. Łaćanske. Rjadowane po přirodnym systemje. Volk und Wissen Volkseigener Verlag Berlin (1954)
  • Rězak, Filip: Němsko-serbski wšowědny słownik hornjołužiskeje rěče. Donnerhak, Budyšin (1920)

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Mnohokorjenaty křěk: Brief Summary ( Sorábio superior )

fornecido por wikipedia HSB

Mnohokorjenaty křěk (Spirodela polyrhiza, syn.: Lemna polyrhiza) je rostlina z podswójby kačiznowych rostlinow (Lemnoideae) ze swójba aronowych rostlinow (Araceae).

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Spirodela polyrhiza ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

La lenticchia di palude o lenticchia d'acqua maggiore (Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) Schleid.) è una pianta acquatica della famiglia delle Araceae.[1]


È una pianta acquatica flottante che forma grandi colonie sulla superficie delle acque.
Le foglie arrotondato-ovali, larghe 5–10 mm, sono più grandi di quelle di Lemna minor, con cui spesso condivide gli habitat, di colore verde glauco e arrossate inferiormente e talora anche sui margini della faccia superiore, con 5-15 nervature ben evidenziate.
Le radici sono corte e a forma di pennello.

Distribuzione e habitat

Ha una distribuzione cosmopolita.[1]


  1. ^ a b (EN) Spirodela polyrhiza, su Plants of the World Online, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. URL consultato il 13 gennaio 2022.


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wikipedia IT

Spirodela polyrhiza: Brief Summary ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

La lenticchia di palude o lenticchia d'acqua maggiore (Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) Schleid.) è una pianta acquatica della famiglia delle Araceae.

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Daugiašakė maurė ( Lituano )

fornecido por wikipedia LT

Daugiašakė maurė (lot. Spirodela polyrrhiza) – plūdeninių (Lemnaceae) šeimos maurių (Spirodela) genties augalų rūšis.

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Spirodela polyrhiza ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT
Talos de S. polyrhiza.
Hábito da planta.

Spirodela polyrhiza é uma espécie de planta aquática da subfamília Lemnoideae (ex-família Lemnaceae) da família Araceae.


S. polyrhiza é uma minúscula planta talosa, de flutuação livre, com o corpo vegetativo reduzido a estruturas taloides ovais a quase arredondadas, de 4–10 mm de diâmetro máximo, assimétricas e opacas, com 5-9 nervuras planas em ambas as faces, verde-escuro na face superior e acinzentada na face inferior. Cada planta apresenta 5-15 raízes. Raramente floresce na primavera.

A espécie tem distribuição natural em grande parte da Europa, estando apenas ausenta da Islândia, Albânia e Grécia. Prefere habitats de águas paradas, pântanos e albufeiras pouco profundas.[1]


Spirodela polyrhiza foi descrita por (L.) Schleid. e publicado em Linnaea 13: 392. 1839.[2]

  • Lemna bannatica Waldst. & Kit. ex Schleid.
  • Lemna major Griff.
  • Lemna maxima Blatt. & Hallb.
  • Lemna obcordata P. Beauv.
  • Lemna orbicularis Kit. ex Schult.
  • Lemna orbiculata Roxb.
  • Lemna polyrrhiza L.
  • Lemna polyrrhiza var. concolor Kurz
  • Lemna thermalis P.Beauv. ex Nutt.
  • Lemna thermalis P. Beauv.
  • Lemna transsilvanica Schur
  • Lemna umbonata A.Br. ex Hegelm.
  • Lenticula polyrrhiza (L.) Lam.
  • Spirodela atropurpurea Montandon
  • Spirodela maxima (Blatt. & Hallb.) McCann
  • Spirodela polyrrhiza var. masonii Daubs
  • Telmatophace orbicularis (Kit. ex Schult.) Schur
  • Telmatophace polyrrhiza (L.) Godr.[3]


  1. Polunin, O (1989). Guía fotográfica de las flores silvestres de España y de Europa. [S.l.]: Barcelona:Omega. ISBN 84-282-0857-3
  2. «Spirodela polyrhiza». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultado em 7 de julho de 2014
  3. «Spirodela polyrhiza». The Plant List. Consultado em 7 de julho de 2014

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wikipedia PT

Spirodela polyrhiza: Brief Summary ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT
 src= Talos de S. polyrhiza.  src= Hábito da planta.

Spirodela polyrhiza é uma espécie de planta aquática da subfamília Lemnoideae (ex-família Lemnaceae) da família Araceae.

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개구리밥 ( Coreano )

fornecido por wikipedia 한국어 위키백과


개구리밥(학명: Spirodela polyrhiza, 공통명: common duckmeat,[1] greater duckweed,[2] great duckmeat,[3] common duckweed, duckmeat)은 천남성과에 속하는 여러해살이풀이다. 전 세계에 널리 분포하며 민물 위에서 빽빽하게 군생한다. 흔히 부평초라고 한다. 푸른 개구리밥은 녹빈(綠蘋), 청빈(靑蘋)으로 부른다.

개구리밥은 바이오연료, 생물복원(en:Bioremediation), 탄소순환(carbon cycling)에 굉장히 적합한데, 빨리 자라고, 배양액과 직접적으로 접촉하며, 게놈 사이즈가 제일 작기 때문이다(~150 Mb).[4] 2014년 2월에 수행된 개구리밥에 대한 포괄적인 게놈 연구를 통해 그 폭발적인 성장과 수중 생활 적응의 비결에 대해 많은 것을 알게 되었다.[5]

웅덩이에 서식하는 개구리밥은 형태학, 생리학적으로 지상의 식물과는 다른 식으로 발달한다. 봄과 여름에는 엽상체의 형태로 영양생장하며, 가을과 겨울에는 영양분이 모자라고 온도가 낮아지므로 겨울눈이라고 불리는 동면 형태로 변한다. 실험실에서 호르몬 ABA를 투여해도 겨울눈이 생겨난다. 연구자들은 겨울눈이 안토시아닌 색소가 풍부하며 배양액에서 가라앉을 정도의 밀도를 가진다고 보고하였다. 겨울눈을 transmission electron microscopy l 로 본 결과 엽상체에 비해 액포가 줄어들었고, 작은 세포 사이의 공간이 좁으며, 틸라코이드(en:thylakoid) 막으로 둘러싸인 녹말 알갱이가 많았다. 겨울눈에 2주 동안 ABA 처리를 한 결과 60% 이상의 건조질량 녹말을 축적하였다.[6]

꽃도 피지만 너무작아서 눈에는 안보인다.


늦가을에 겨울눈(en:turion (botany))이 식물체로부터 떨어져 나와 물 속에 가라앉아 겨울을 난 뒤 봄이 되면 물 위에 떠올라 번식한다. 식물체는 편평한 타원형 모양으로, 길이는 5~8mm 정도이며, 뒷면은 자색을 띠고 있다. 5~11개의 뿌리를 물 속에 내는데, 그 끝에는 모자 모양의 자루가 달려 있다. 뿌리가 나온 부분의 옆쪽에는 곁눈이 나와 새 식물체가 생긴다. 여름에 엷은 녹색의 잔 꽃이 피는데, 꽃차례도 뿌리가 나오는 부근의 패인 곳에 생기며, 작은 포엽에 싸이고 1개의 암꽃과 2개의 수꽃으로 이루어진다.

같이 보기


  1. Spirodela polyrrhiza. Natural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS Database. USDA. 2015년 11월 27일에 확인함.
  2. “BSBI List 2007”. Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland. 2015년 1월 25일에 원본 문서 (xls)에서 보존된 문서. 2014년 10월 17일에 확인함.
  3. Lee, Sangtae; Chang, Kae Sun, 편집. (2015). 《English Names for Korean Native Plants》 (PDF). Pocheon: Korea National Arboretum. 644쪽. ISBN 978-89-97450-98-5. 2019년 3월 14일에 확인함Korea Forest Service 경유.
  4. Wang W, Kerstetter RA, Michael TP (2011) Evolution of Genome Size in Duckweeds (Lemnaceae). Journal of Botany 2011.
  5. Wang, W. et al. The Spirodela polyrhiza genome reveals insights into its neotenous reduction fast growth and aquatic lifestyle. Nat. Commun. 5:3311 doi: 10.1038/ncomms4311 (2014).
  6. Wang W, Messing J (2012) Analysis of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase expression during turion formation induced by abscisic acid in Spirodela polyrhiza (greater duckweed). BMC Plant Biology 12: 5.
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개구리밥: Brief Summary ( Coreano )

fornecido por wikipedia 한국어 위키백과
 src= 개구리밥

개구리밥(학명: Spirodela polyrhiza, 공통명: common duckmeat, greater duckweed, great duckmeat, common duckweed, duckmeat)은 천남성과에 속하는 여러해살이풀이다. 전 세계에 널리 분포하며 민물 위에서 빽빽하게 군생한다. 흔히 부평초라고 한다. 푸른 개구리밥은 녹빈(綠蘋), 청빈(靑蘋)으로 부른다.

개구리밥은 바이오연료, 생물복원(en:Bioremediation), 탄소순환(carbon cycling)에 굉장히 적합한데, 빨리 자라고, 배양액과 직접적으로 접촉하며, 게놈 사이즈가 제일 작기 때문이다(~150 Mb). 2014년 2월에 수행된 개구리밥에 대한 포괄적인 게놈 연구를 통해 그 폭발적인 성장과 수중 생활 적응의 비결에 대해 많은 것을 알게 되었다.

웅덩이에 서식하는 개구리밥은 형태학, 생리학적으로 지상의 식물과는 다른 식으로 발달한다. 봄과 여름에는 엽상체의 형태로 영양생장하며, 가을과 겨울에는 영양분이 모자라고 온도가 낮아지므로 겨울눈이라고 불리는 동면 형태로 변한다. 실험실에서 호르몬 ABA를 투여해도 겨울눈이 생겨난다. 연구자들은 겨울눈이 안토시아닌 색소가 풍부하며 배양액에서 가라앉을 정도의 밀도를 가진다고 보고하였다. 겨울눈을 transmission electron microscopy l 로 본 결과 엽상체에 비해 액포가 줄어들었고, 작은 세포 사이의 공간이 좁으며, 틸라코이드(en:thylakoid) 막으로 둘러싸인 녹말 알갱이가 많았다. 겨울눈에 2주 동안 ABA 처리를 한 결과 60% 이상의 건조질량 녹말을 축적하였다.

꽃도 피지만 너무작아서 눈에는 안보인다.

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