Kanikehia is a monotypic moth genus of the family Tortricidae. Its only species, Kanikehia kanikehiana, is found on Seram Island in Indonesia. Both the genus and species were first described by Józef Razowski in 2013. The habitat consists of bamboo and secondary forests at altitudes of about 850 meters.
The wingspan is about 12 mm. The ground colour of the forewings is pale brownish, but creamish along the costa. The suffusions and strigulation (fine streaks) are brownish, as are the markings. The hindwings are also brownish.
The genus name is based on the type locality of the type species. The specific name also refers to the type locality, Kanikeh.[1]
Kanikehia is a monotypic moth genus of the family Tortricidae. Its only species, Kanikehia kanikehiana, is found on Seram Island in Indonesia. Both the genus and species were first described by Józef Razowski in 2013. The habitat consists of bamboo and secondary forests at altitudes of about 850 meters.
The wingspan is about 12 mm. The ground colour of the forewings is pale brownish, but creamish along the costa. The suffusions and strigulation (fine streaks) are brownish, as are the markings. The hindwings are also brownish.
Kanikehia is een vooralsnog monotypisch geslacht van vlinders uit de familie van de bladrollers (Tortricidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van geslacht is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 2013 door Józef Razowski.
De typesoort is Kanikehia kanikehiana Razowski, 2013
Kanikehia is een vooralsnog monotypisch geslacht van vlinders uit de familie van de bladrollers (Tortricidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van geslacht is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 2013 door Józef Razowski.
De typesoort is Kanikehia kanikehiana Razowski, 2013