
Billardiera scandens ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Billardiera scandens ist eine Pflanzenart in der Familie der Klebsamengewächse aus dem östlichen Australien. In Australien ist sie bekannt als Appleberry oder Snotberry.


Billardiera scandens wächst als kleiner, reich verzweigter, manchmal kletternder und immergrüner Zwergstrauch bis etwa 50 Zentimeter hoch. Die jungen Zweige sind dicht behaart und im Alter schuppig, rau.

Die wechselständigen, einfachen Laubblätter sind fast sitzend bis kurz gestielt. Die adulten Blätter sind schmal eiförmig, -lanzettlich bis verkehrt-eiförmig, -eilanzettlich oder elliptisch und ganzrandig sowie rundspitzig bis spitz. Sie sind bis etwa 3–6 Zentimeter lang und unterseits seidig behaart und oberseits nur leicht.

Billardiera scandens ist protandrisch, also vormännlich. Die gestielten Blüten erscheinen einzeln oder bis zu dritt, endständig. Die glockenförmigen, öfters nickenden und zwittrigen, fünfzähligen Blüten mit doppelter Blütenhülle sind anfänglich weiß-gelblich, dann gelb und später rosa bis rötlich. Die Blütenstiele und der kleine Kelch sind mehr oder weniger behaart. Die fast freien, aufrechten, bis etwa 1 Zentimeter langen, oft leicht ungleichen Kelchblätter sind schmal-eilanzettlich. Die freien, verkehrt-eilanzettlichen und aufrechten, bis etwa 2 Zentimeter langen Kronblätter mit kurzen, ausgebogenen, dachigen Zipfeln sind fast kahl. Beim „Geschlechtsphasenwechsel“ können farbliche Veränderungen (Flecken, Streifen) auftreten. Die 5 etwa gleichen Staubblätter sind knapp eingeschlossen. Der seidig behaarte Fruchtknoten ist oberständig mit kurzem Griffel mit leicht gelappter Narbe. Es sind rudimentäre Nektarien unten am Fruchtknoten vorhanden.

Es werden dicht, fein behaarte, ellipsoide oder verkehrt-eiförmig bis birnenförmige, rötlich-grüne bis gelbe, vielsamige, bis etwa 3 Zentimeter lange Beeren mit kleinen Griffelresten gebildet. Die kleinen, braunen, abgeflachten Samen liegen reihig in einer trockenen Pulpe und sind bis 3 Millimeter groß.


Die süß-sauren Früchte sind essbar. Sie schmecken angenehm nach getrockneten Äpfeln. Unreife Früchte können geröstet werden, die reifen Früchte können roh verzehrt werden. Ähnliche Früchte liefern z. B. Billardiera cymosa, Billardiera mutabilis und Billardiera longiflora. Die Früchte dieser Billardiera-Arten sind generell als Apfelbeeren bekannt.


  • L. W. Cayzer, M. D. Crisp, I. R. H. Telford: Cladistic analysis and revision of Billardiera (Pittosporaceae). In: Australian Systematic Botany. 17(1), 2004, S. 83–125, doi:10.1071/SB03028, online auf researchgate.net.


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Billardiera scandens: Brief Summary ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE
 src= Illustration  src= Früchte

Billardiera scandens ist eine Pflanzenart in der Familie der Klebsamengewächse aus dem östlichen Australien. In Australien ist sie bekannt als Appleberry oder Snotberry.

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Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
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wikipedia DE

Billardiera scandens ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Billardiera scandens, commonly known as apple berry or apple dumpling,[2] is a small shrub or twining plant of the Pittosporaceae family which occurs in forests in the coastal and tableland areas of all states and territories in Australia, apart from the Northern Territory and Western Australia.[3] It has a silky touch and appearance that becomes more brittle as the dense growth matures. The inflorescence consists of single or paired yellow flowers, pink-tinged yellow sepals and bright yellow petals and is attached to a hairy drooping peduncle. The summer flush produces fruit of oblong berries up to 30 mm long, initially green in colour and covered in fine hair - somewhat akin to a tiny kiwifruit in appearance.[4][5][6]

Taxonomy and naming

Billardiera scandens was first formally described in 1793 by James Edward Smith, and the description was published in his book A Specimen of the Botany of New Holland. In 1819 the genus was renamed Labillardiera by Josef August Schultes, but this was later declared illegal under the laws of botanical nomenclature. A cladistic analysis of the genus in 2004 resulted in an expanded circumscription of this species, encompassing material that was previously placed in B. angustifolia, B. brachyantha, B. daphnoides, B. latifolia and B. canariensis. All of these names are now considered taxonomic synonyms of B. scandens.[7]


The flowers and fruit of apple berry are attractive to both birds and people. The fruits, which only ripen after dropping to the ground, are valued as an Australian bush food and are variously described as tasting like stewed apples or kiwifruit. Aboriginal Australians eat these as bush food either in their ripened state or by roasting the unripened fruit. Botanist Joseph Maiden noted in 1898 that children of European settlers in the Port Jackson area, where it is commonly found, had been eating the berries since the foundation of the settlement in 1788.[8] He also noted in 1889 that it was commonly referred to as "Apple Berry" and that "The berries are acid and pleasant when fully ripe. From their shape children call them "dumplings." When unripe, a small quantity of the juice produces very disagreeable and persistent heartburn."[9]

Use in horticulture

Apple berry is a popular choice in Australian gardens, especially those favouring indigenous plants as a rambling yet non-dominant shrub, especially beneath eucalypts and between other native species. The species is also grown in gardens around the world and is easily propagated and maintained. It is an adaptable plant, and will withstand a wide range of conditions, including mild frost, semi-shade and periods of dryness although it performs best in moist conditions. It also tolerates a wide variety of soils, including clay.[10][6]


  1. ^ a b "Billardiera scandens". Australian Plant Census. Retrieved 5 March 2023.
  2. ^ "Australian Plant Common Names Database". Retrieved 2007-07-13.
  3. ^ Wrigley J.W. & Fagg M. (1979). Australian Native Plants. William Collins Publishers Sydney, Australia. ISBN 0-00-216416-7.
  4. ^ Conn, Barry J. "Billardiera scandens". Royal Botanic Garden Sydney. Retrieved 4 February 2018.
  5. ^ "Billardiera scandens". Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria. Retrieved 4 February 2018.
  6. ^ a b "Billardiera scandens". Australian Native Plants Society Australia. Retrieved 4 February 2018.
  7. ^ "Billardiera scandens Sm". Australian Plant Name Index (APNI), IBIS database. Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research, Australian Government.
  8. ^ Low,T. (1991). Wild Food Plants Of Australia. Australia: Angus & Robertson. ISBN 0-207-16930-6.
  9. ^ J. H. Maiden (1889). The useful native plants of Australia : Including Tasmania. Turner and Henderson, Sydney.
  10. ^ Greig, D. (1987). The Australian Gardener's Wildflower Catalogue. Australia: Angus & Robertson. ISBN 0-207-15460-0.
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wikipedia EN

Billardiera scandens: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Billardiera scandens, commonly known as apple berry or apple dumpling, is a small shrub or twining plant of the Pittosporaceae family which occurs in forests in the coastal and tableland areas of all states and territories in Australia, apart from the Northern Territory and Western Australia. It has a silky touch and appearance that becomes more brittle as the dense growth matures. The inflorescence consists of single or paired yellow flowers, pink-tinged yellow sepals and bright yellow petals and is attached to a hairy drooping peduncle. The summer flush produces fruit of oblong berries up to 30 mm long, initially green in colour and covered in fine hair - somewhat akin to a tiny kiwifruit in appearance.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Billardiera scandens ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Billardiera scandens là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Pittosporaceae. Loài này được Sm. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1807.[1]

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Billardiera scandens. Truy cập ngày 17 tháng 9 năm 2013.

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Billardiera scandens: Brief Summary ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Billardiera scandens là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Pittosporaceae. Loài này được Sm. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1807.

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애플베리 ( Coreano )

fornecido por wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

애플베리(apple-berry, 학명: Billardiera scandens 빌라르디에라 스칸덴스[*])는 미나리과소관목이다.[3] 원산지는 오스트레일리아이다.[2][4]



  1. Billardiera scandens Sm.”. 《The Plant List》 (영어). 2012년 3월 23일. 2019년 7월 4일에 확인함.
  2. Billardiera scandens Sm.”. 《Plants of the World Online》 (영어). Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 2019년 7월 4일에 확인함.
  3. Smith, James Edward. A Specimen of the Botany of New Holland 1: , t. 1. 1793.
  4. Billardiera scandens Sm.”. 《GRIN-Global Web v》 (영어). 2005년 2월 17일. 2019년 7월 4일에 확인함.
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