
Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por eFloras
Subshrubs or shrubs, 20–70 cm; internodes mostly 10–30 mm. Leaf blades linear to filiform, 20–50 × 1–5 mm. Phyllaries 5, oblong to linear, 9–15 mm. Florets (5–)12–30; corollas whitish to purplish, 6–9 mm. Cypselae 6–10 mm; pappi: longer bristles 7–9 mm. 2n = 48.
direitos autorais
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
citação bibliográfica
Flora of North America Vol. 21: 233, 234 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por North American Flora
Porophyllum junciforme Greene, Leaflets 2 : 154. 1911
Porophyllum Greggii A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 120, in part. 1852.
A shrub, 3-6 dm. high; stems with long and rush-like branches, sulcate, glaucous; leaves alternate, scattered, sessile, almost filiform, 2-4 cm. long; heads solitary at the ends of the branches; peduncles 2-3 cm. long; involucre oblong-campanulate, 10-12 mm. high; bracts 5, green and glaucous, slightly tinged with pink on the margins, broadly linear to oblong-oblanceolate, obtuse at the apex, slightly round-keeled on the back, and gibbous at the base, with two rows of elliptic glands; corolla nearly white with purplish streaks, 7-8 mm. long; tube longer than the elongate-funnelform or nearly trumpet-shaped throat; lobes narrowly lanceolate; achenes 9 mm. long, brown, hispidulous, tapering at the summit; pappus straw-colored, 7 mm. long; bristles hispidulous.
Type locality: Mescal Mountain, Arizona.
Distribution: Western Texas to southern California.
citação bibliográfica
Per Axel Rydberg. 1916. (CARDUALES); CARDUACEAE; TAGETEAE, ANTHEMIDEAE. North American flora. vol 34(3). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por North American Flora
Porophyllum confertum Greene, Leaflets 2 : 155. 1911
A suffrutescent perennial; stems 5 dm. high or more, green, terete, glabrous, striate, with ascending branches; leaves mostly alternate, subsessile; blades linear, narrow, 4-6 cm long, less than 2 mm. wide; heads short-peduncled, in dense corymbs; peduncles usually less than 1 cm. long; involucre narrowly campanulate, about 1 cm. high, 3 mm. broad; bracts 5, linear, obtuse, green, glabrous, with 2 rows of oblong glands; flowers 5-7; corollas ochroleucous, 7 mm. long; tube slender, about twice as long as the funnelform throat; lobes lanceolate; achenes 7 mm. long, minutely puberulent, tapering at the apex; pappus 5 mm. long, straw-colored, sometimes tinged with purplish; bristles hispidulous.
Type locality: Ceralvo Island, Gulf of California. Distribution: Known only from the type locality.
citação bibliográfica
Per Axel Rydberg. 1916. (CARDUALES); CARDUACEAE; TAGETEAE, ANTHEMIDEAE. North American flora. vol 34(3). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por North American Flora
Porophyllum pinifolium Rydberg, sp. nov
A low shrub, copiously branched at the base; branches slender, green, turning purple in age; leaves alternate, linear-filiforra, 2-4 cm. long, light-green; heads solitary at the ends of the branches; peduncles 1-2 cm. long; involucre cylindro-campanulate, about 1 cm. high; bracts 5, linear, acutish. Ught-green, rounded on the back and slightly gibbous at the base, with two rows of ellipsoid glands; corollas cream-colored, streaked with purple, 8 mm. long, glabrous; tube longer than the trumpet-shaped throat; lobes lanceolate; achenes 6 mm. long, hispidulous; pappus as in the preceding, but shorter.
Type collected in the vicinity of Alamos, Sonera, Rose, Standley &> Russell 1ZT57 (U. S. Nat. Herb, and herb. N. Y. Bot. Card.).
Distribution: Sonera and the Cape region of Lower California.
citação bibliográfica
Per Axel Rydberg. 1916. (CARDUALES); CARDUACEAE; TAGETEAE, ANTHEMIDEAE. North American flora. vol 34(3). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por North American Flora
Porophyllum gracile Benth. Bot. Voy. vSulph. 29. 1844
Foro/>AyHKm ca«ji«m Greene, Leaflets 2: 155. 1911.
A suffrutescent perennial, 2-5 dm. high; stems angled or sulcate, branched, scarcely glaucous; leaves scattered, filiform, 2-4 cm. long; heads solitary at the ends of the branches; peduncles 1-3 cm. long; involucre campanulate, 8-10 mm. high; bracts 5, broadly linear, mostly obtuse, purple and sometimes somewhat glaucous, rounded on the back and somewhat gibbous at the base, with few glands, usually in two rows; corollas 8 mm. long, strawcolored with purple streaks, puberulent; tube shorter than the elongate-funnelform or nearly tnunpet-shaped throat; lobes lanceolate; achenes 8-9 mm. long, hispidulous, dark-brown, tapering at the summit; pappus straw-colored, sometimes tinged with rose.
Type locality*: Bay of Magdalena, Lower California.
Distribution: Lower California and southern California.
citação bibliográfica
Per Axel Rydberg. 1916. (CARDUALES); CARDUACEAE; TAGETEAE, ANTHEMIDEAE. North American flora. vol 34(3). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por North American Flora
Porophyllum leucospermum Greene, Leaflets 2 : 155. 1911
An undershrub, about 3 dm. high; stem fastigiately branched from the base; branches stiff, sulcate, and decidedly glaucous: leaves almost filiform, 1-3 cm. long, with a few marginal glands; heads solitary at the ends of the branches; peduncles 1-4 cm. long; involucre campanulate, about 1 cm. high; bracts 5, broadly linear, somewhat round-keeled and gibbous at the base, with 2 rows of glands, green and glaucous, slightly tinged with pinkish; corollas 7 mm. long, white or nearly so, with purplish streaks; tube several times as long as the elongatefunnelform throat; lobes narrowly lanceolate; achenes 7 mm. long, straw-colored, hirsutulous, slightly tapering at the apex; pappus straw-colored or slightly tinged with rose, 6 mm. long; bristles hispidulous.
Type locality: Vegas Valley, Lincoln County, Nevada.
Distribution: Nevada.
citação bibliográfica
Per Axel Rydberg. 1916. (CARDUALES); CARDUACEAE; TAGETEAE, ANTHEMIDEAE. North American flora. vol 34(3). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por North American Flora
Porophyllum ochroleucum Rydberg, sp. nov
A shrubby perennial; stems 5 dm. high or more; branches green, terete, glabrous, striate, ascending; leaves short-petioled; blades narrowly oblanceolate, 3-5 cm. long, 2-4 mm. wide; heads in dense cymes; peduncles about 1 cm., rarely 1.5-2 cm. long; involucre campanulate, about 9 mm. high, 5-6 mm. broad; bracts 5, linear, with triangular acute tips, glabrous, with 2 rows of linear glands; flowers about 15; corollas ochroleucous, 6-7 mm. long; tube more than twice as long as the funuelform throat; achenes 7 mm. long, hispidulous; pappus yellowish, tinged with purple, about 6 mm. long; bristles hispidulous.
Type collected at Sancito, Lower California, October 14, 1893, T. S. Brandegee (herb. N. Y. Bot. Card.).
citação bibliográfica
Per Axel Rydberg. 1916. (CARDUALES); CARDUACEAE; TAGETEAE, ANTHEMIDEAE. North American flora. vol 34(3). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por North American Flora
Porophyllum cedrense Rose & Standley, sp. nov
A diffusely branched shrub, less than 5 dm. high; branches terete, slightly striate, often purplish; leaves alternate, sessile; blades flesh}% oblong, 1-2 cm. long, obtuse; heads usually soUtary, usually nodding; peduncles 3-5 cm. long; involucre campanulate, fully I cm. high, 6 mm. broad; bracts 5, oblong, more or less purplish, abruptly short-acuminate, with 2 rows of linear glands; corollas pale, 5 mm. long; tube longer than the funnelform throat; achenes hispidulous on the angles; pappus tawny, 5 mm. long; bristles hispidulous.
Type collected on Cedros Island, Lower California, March 10, 1911, J. N. Rose (U. S. Nat. Herb.).
citação bibliográfica
Per Axel Rydberg. 1916. (CARDUALES); CARDUACEAE; TAGETEAE, ANTHEMIDEAE. North American flora. vol 34(3). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Porophyllum gracile ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Porophyllum gracile is a species of flowering plant in the family Asteraceae known by the common names odora and slender poreleaf. It is native to northern Mexico and the southwestern United States from California to Texas, where it can be found in rocky and sandy desert scrub habitat.

This species grows into a small, short lived perennial shrub with branching slender stems measuring up to about 70 centimeters in maximum length. The stems are hairless and waxy in texture. The sparse waxy leaves are linear in shape and 1 to 5 centimeters in length. The herbage is glandular and aromatic with a strong scent.

Glands located in cavities in the leaves, stems and phyllaries produce several volatile chemicals that act in synergy to repel insect predators.[1][2]

The inflorescence produces narrow flower heads which may be nearly 3 centimeters long when in bloom. The flower head is enclosed in five waxy, gland-studded phyllaries. It bears 20 to 30 flowers, which are disc florets. Each flower is white or purplish and has a long, curling style protruding from it. The fruit is a cylindrical achene topped with a pappus of bristles, the whole unit measuring over one centimeter long. These plants have many branches with numerous thin, wiry, upright stems.


  • The Seri call this species xtisil and use a tea made from the stems as a remedy for colds and to aid in difficult childbirth. The roots are macerated and used to treat toothache.[3]
  • In some Mexican markets fresh and dried material is available for sale as a medicinal. It is commonly called "hierba del venado."[4]

These uses may have scientific validity as many members of the Tageteae tribe contain thiophenes which have proven bactericidal properties.[5]


  1. ^ Guillet, G., et al., (1998). Volatile monoterpenes in Porophyllum gracile and P. ruderale (Asteraceae): Identification, localization and insecticidal synergism with α-terthienyl. Phytochemistry 49:2 423-29.doi:10.1016/S0031-9422(98)00189-7
  2. ^ Guillet, G., et al. (1997). Production of glands in leaves of Porophyllum Spp. (Asteraceae): Ecological and genetic determinants, and implications for insect herbivores. Journal of Ecology 85:5 647-55.
  3. ^ Felger, R. S. and M. B. Moser, 1985. People of the Desert and Sea. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, AZ.
  4. ^ Soule, J. A. 1993. Systematics of Tagetes (Compositae). Ph. D. Dissertation. University of Texas at Austin. Austin, TX.
  5. ^ Soule, J. A. 1993. Systematics of Tagetes (Compositae). Ph. D. Dissertation. University of Texas at Austin. Austin, TX.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Porophyllum gracile: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Porophyllum gracile is a species of flowering plant in the family Asteraceae known by the common names odora and slender poreleaf. It is native to northern Mexico and the southwestern United States from California to Texas, where it can be found in rocky and sandy desert scrub habitat.

This species grows into a small, short lived perennial shrub with branching slender stems measuring up to about 70 centimeters in maximum length. The stems are hairless and waxy in texture. The sparse waxy leaves are linear in shape and 1 to 5 centimeters in length. The herbage is glandular and aromatic with a strong scent.

Glands located in cavities in the leaves, stems and phyllaries produce several volatile chemicals that act in synergy to repel insect predators.

The inflorescence produces narrow flower heads which may be nearly 3 centimeters long when in bloom. The flower head is enclosed in five waxy, gland-studded phyllaries. It bears 20 to 30 flowers, which are disc florets. Each flower is white or purplish and has a long, curling style protruding from it. The fruit is a cylindrical achene topped with a pappus of bristles, the whole unit measuring over one centimeter long. These plants have many branches with numerous thin, wiry, upright stems.

direitos autorais
Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Porophyllum gracile ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI
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Đây là một bài mồ côi vì không có hoặc có ít bài khác liên kết đến nó.
Xin hãy tạo liên kết đến bài này trong các bài của các chủ đề liên quan. (tháng 7 2018)

Porophyllum gracile là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Cúc. Loài này được Benth. miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1844.[1]

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Porophyllum gracile. Truy cập ngày 4 tháng 6 năm 2013.

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wikipedia VI

Porophyllum gracile: Brief Summary ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Porophyllum gracile là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Cúc. Loài này được Benth. miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1844.

direitos autorais
Wikipedia tác giả và biên tập viên
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wikipedia VI