
The Bee Flies (Diptera: Bombyliidae) of Ontario, with a Key to the Species of Eastern Canada ( Inglês )

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The Bee Flies (Diptera: Bombyliidae) of Ontario, with a Key to the Species of Eastern Canada Illustrated dichotomous keys to the 73 bee fly species of 25 genera occurring in or adjacent to eastern Canada are presented. Thirty-two of these species represent new or previously unrecognized records for Ontario. We review the distributions of these species in Ontario, focusing on rarely collected and habitat-restricted species, and summarize host use when known.
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Vızıldayanlar ( Azerbaijano )

fornecido por wikipedia AZ

Vızıldayanlar və ya vızıldayan milçəklər (lat. Bombyliidae) — ikiqanadlılar dəstəsinə aid cücü fəsiləsi.


  • Phthiriidae
  • Usiidae Becker, 1913
  • Systropodidae

Ümumi xüsusiyyətləri

Bədənlərinin uzunluğu 0,8-dan 30 mm-dək olur. 5000-dən çox növü məlumdur. Əsasən quru tropik və subtropik zonalarda geniş yayılmışdır. Qazıntı zamanı tapılmış qalıqlara əsasən onların Yura dövrünün ortalarından mövcudluğu məlumdur.


Yetkin fərd bitki nektarı ilə qidalanır. Sürfələri çəyirtkələrdə, kəpənəklərdə, arılarda parazitlik edir və hörümçəklərin yumurta baramalarının yırtıcısı hesab olunur.


Müasir təsnifata görə vızıldayanlar fəsiləsinə aid 15 yarımfəsilə (Yeates, 1994), 240-a yaxın cins və təqribən 5000 vızıldayan milçək növü aiddir. Fəsiləyə aid cinslərdən bəziləri aşağıda qeyd olunur:


  • Du Merle, P. D. 1975. Les hôtes et les stades pré-imaginaux des Diptères Bombyliidae: revue bibliographique annotée. // Bulletin. de. la. Section. Regionale. Ouest. Palearctique. (Organisation. Internationale. de. Lutte. Biologique). 4: 1-289.
  • Evenhuis, N. L. and Greathead, D. J. 1999. World Catalog of bee flies (Diptera: Bombyliidae). Backhuys Publishers Leiden.
  • Hull, F. M. 1973. Bee flies of the world. The genera of the family Bombyliidae. // Bulletin of the United States National Museum No. 286. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C.
  • Yeates, D. K., 1994. Cladistics and classification of the Bombyliidae (Diptera: Asiloidea). // Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 219: 1-191.
  • Zaytsev, V. F. 1986. Comparative morphological review of the thoracic sclerites in Diptera of the superfamily Bombylioidea. // Entomol. Rev. 65: 39-59.
  • Zaytsev, V. F. 1992. Contribution to the phylogeny and systematics of the superfamily Bombylioidea (Diptera). // Entomol. Rev. 71: 94-114.


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Vızıldayanlar: Brief Summary ( Azerbaijano )

fornecido por wikipedia AZ

Vızıldayanlar və ya vızıldayan milçəklər (lat. Bombyliidae) — ikiqanadlılar dəstəsinə aid cücü fəsiləsi.


Phthiriidae Usiidae Becker, 1913 Systropodidae
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Bombílids ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

Els bombílids (Bombyliidae) són una família de dípters braquícers de l'infraordre dels asilomorfs. Segons les darreres estimacions conté 275 gèneres i 5382 espècies.[1]

Se semblen morfològicament a les abelles. Els seus adults generalment s'alimenten de nèctar i pol·len, alguns són pol·linitzadors importants. Les larves generalment són parasitoides d'altres insectes.

Els bombílids comprenen centenars de gèneres, tanmateix el cicle vital de moltes de les seves espècies no està gaire dilucidat. La seva mida varia des molt petita (2 mm de llargada) a molt grossa per a un dípter (envergadura alar d'uns 40 mm).[2][3] Algunes espècies tenen la seva probòscide adaptada per a libar plantes com les del gènere Lapeirousia que tenen els tubs florals molt llargs i estrets.[3] Possiblement la seva similitud amb les abelles és aposemàtica, cosa que donaria als adults protecció davant els seus depredadors.

Clade mostrant les relacions dins els Asiloidea

Asiloidea N.N.

? Scenopinidae i Therevidae

? Mydidae i Apioceridae

? Asilidae




  1. Pape, T., Blagoderov, V., & Mostovski, M. B. (2011). Order Diptera Linnaeus, 1758. Animal biodiversity: An outline of higher-level classification and survey of taxonomic richness. Zootaxa, 3148(237), 222-229.
  2. Alan Weaving; Mike Picker; Griffiths, Charles Llewellyn. Field Guide to Insects of South Africa. New Holland Publishers, Ltd, 2003. ISBN 1-86872-713-0.
  3. 3,0 3,1 Hull, Frank Montgomery, Bee flies of the world: the genera of the family Bombyliidae Washington, Smithsonian Institution Press 1973 ISBN 0-87474-131-9. Downloadable from: http://www.archive.org/details/beefliesofworl2861973hull
  • Bowden, J.,1980 Family Bombyliidae. pp. 381–430. In R.W. Crosskey (ed.), Catalogue of the Diptera of the Afrotropical Region, 1437 pp., London: British Museum (Natural History)
  • Engel, E.O., 1932-1937. Bombyliidae. In: Die Fliegen der paläarktischen Region 4(3) (Erwin Lindner, ed.): 1-619, pl. 1-15. E. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart.). Old and outdated, not easy to get and expensive but some of the only keys to taxa in the Palaearctic Region.
  • Greathead & Evenhuis (Greathead, D.J., & N.L. Evenhuis, 1997. Family Bombyliidae. In: Contributions to a manual of Palaearctic Diptera Volume 2 (L. Papp & B. Darvas, eds.): 487-512. Science Herald, Budapest.) provide a key to the Palaearctic genera and (may) give references to available generic revisions.
  • Evenhuis, N.L. 1991. Catalog of genus-group names of bee flies (Diptera: Bombyliidae) Bishop Museum Bulletin of Entomology 5: 1–105.
  • Evenhuis, N.L. & Greathead, D.J. 1999. World catalog of bee flies (Diptera: Bombyliidae). Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, 756 pp. online
  • Hull, F.M. 1973. Bee flies of the world. The genera of the family Bombyliidae.Washington (Smithsonian Institution Press) 687 pp. Keys subfamilies, genera (many generic placements superseded by Evenhuis & Greathead, 1999).
  • Yeates, David K. 1994. The cladistics and classification of the Bombyliidae (Diptera: Asiloidea). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History; no. 219, 191 pp.

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Bombílids: Brief Summary ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

Els bombílids (Bombyliidae) són una família de dípters braquícers de l'infraordre dels asilomorfs. Segons les darreres estimacions conté 275 gèneres i 5382 espècies.

Se semblen morfològicament a les abelles. Els seus adults generalment s'alimenten de nèctar i pol·len, alguns són pol·linitzadors importants. Les larves generalment són parasitoides d'altres insectes.

Els bombílids comprenen centenars de gèneres, tanmateix el cicle vital de moltes de les seves espècies no està gaire dilucidat. La seva mida varia des molt petita (2 mm de llargada) a molt grossa per a un dípter (envergadura alar d'uns 40 mm). Algunes espècies tenen la seva probòscide adaptada per a libar plantes com les del gènere Lapeirousia que tenen els tubs florals molt llargs i estrets. Possiblement la seva similitud amb les abelles és aposemàtica, cosa que donaria als adults protecció davant els seus depredadors.

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Wollschweber ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Die Wollschweber (Bombyliidae), auch Trauerschweber, Hummelschweber oder seltener Trauerfliege, sind eine Familie der Zweiflügler (Diptera) und werden den Fliegen (Brachycera) zugeordnet. Weltweit sind etwa 6000 Arten dieser Gruppe bekannt, davon 34 in Deutschland.


Die Wollschweber sind meist mittelgroße Fliegen, die auffällig und hummelartig behaart sind. Einige der Arten sind dunkel gefärbt und haben schwarze, durchscheinende Flügel. Dies führte zu dem alternativen deutschen Namen Trauerschweber. Bei einigen Vertretern der Gruppe ist der Rüssel auffällig kurz oder vollständig verkümmert, andere besitzen einen sehr langen Rüssel, der zum Aufsaugen von Nektar verwendet wird. Bei der Art Bombylius medius ist der Rüssel fast so lang wie der Körper.


Einige Arten der Wollschweber sind bereits im Frühjahr zu finden, die meisten tauchen jedoch erst im Sommer auf. Dabei bevorzugen sie offene, sonnige und sandige Stellen. Die Tiere sind geschickte und schnelle Flieger, die wie die Schwebfliegen (Syrphidae) auch den Schwirrflug beherrschen. Die Hinterbeine werden im Flug nach hinten-oben gestreckt, während die anderen Beine nach vorn weisen. Die Adulten ernähren sich von Nektar und Blütenpollen, bei der Aufnahme dieser Nahrung stehen die Wollschweber häufig im Flug vor der Blüte und stützen sich nur mit den Vorderbeinen an der Blüte ab.

Die Partnerfindung erfolgt auf unterschiedliche Weise. Beispielsweise treffen sich beide Geschlechter an bestimmten Blüten oder am Eiablageort der Weibchen; bei manchen Arten kommt es auch zu Verfolgungsflügen, bei denen das Männchen das Weibchen jagt. Die Eiablage erfolgt entweder direkt in die späteren Wirte der Larven und in deren Gelege, wie dies zum Beispiel bei den Arten der Gattung Systoechus an Eigelege von Heuschrecken geschieht, oder in deren Nähe. Dabei können einige Arten ihre Eier gezielt aus dem Flug abschießen, wobei sie in oder dicht neben die Nesteingänge ihrer Wirte zielen. Dies sind häufig solitäre Wespen oder Bienen. Spongostylum tripunctatum legt auf diese Weise pro Weibchen etwa 2000 bis 3000 Eier, die sie auf das Nest der Schwarzen Mörtelbiene (Megachile parietina) schießt. Die Larve dringt später durch feine Haarrisse in das Nest ein.

Von einigen Arten ist bekannt, dass sie vor der eigentlichen Eiablage Sand mit dem Hinterleib (der sogenannten Sandkammer) aufnehmen und mit diesem die Eier verkleben. Die Eier sind dadurch wohl geschützter vor potentiellen Fraßfeinden und den hohen Temperaturen auf offenen Sandflächen. Auch unter den verwandten Raubfliegen finden sich zwei Arten, die ihre Eier mit Sand umgeben.


Die verlassene Puppenhülle von Anthrax anthrax mit den Zähnen zum Durchstoßen des Verschlusses

Die Larven leben als Parasitoide an verschiedenen anderen Insekten oder an deren Larven. Die Wirte sind dabei häufig artspezifisch verschieden, das Spektrum kann jedoch recht groß sein. So parasitiert Anthrax anthrax etwa bei verschiedenen solitären Bienen, darunter auch die Mauerbienen, andere Anthrax-Arten parasitieren bei Heuschrecken oder den Raupen von Eulenfaltern. Bei den Hemipenthes-Arten kommt es sogar zu einem Hyperparasitismus, bei dem die Larven die Eier von parasitischen Schlupfwespen (Ichneumonidae, etwa Banchus- und Ophion-Arten) sowie von Raupenfliegen (Tachinidae, Gattung Ernestia) ausfressen. Kommt es zu starkem Auftreten der Hemipenthes, können Raupenplagen mitunter sehr viel schwieriger natürlich unter Kontrolle gebracht werden, da die Parasitoide der Raupen fehlen.

Die Larven ändern während ihrer Entwicklung mehrfach ihr Aussehen (Polymetabolie). Die Erstlarve ist dabei sehr beweglich und begibt sich aktiv auf die Suche nach einem geeigneten Wirt. Sie ist zu diesem Zweck mit 5 Paar Stummelfüßen ausgestattet. Alle späteren Stadien besitzen keine Beine und haben entsprechend einen typisch madenartigen Habitus. In den Fällen, wo die Wirte solitäre Bienen oder Wespen sind, fressen die Larven erst den Futterbrei für die Wirtslarven, bevor sie sich an diesen festsaugen und diese verspeisen.

Die Überwinterung erfolgt meist als Larve, vor dem Verpuppen bilden diese nochmals ein bewegliches Vornymphenstadium aus. Die Puppe ist ebenfalls beweglich und besitzt am Vorderende Dornen und am Hinterleib Borsten, mit denen das Herausarbeiten aus Bodennestern der Wirte erleichtert wird. Die Imaginalhäutung erfolgt erst im Freien.

Im Bild rechts ist die Parasitierung eines Nistbrettes für Mauerbienen zu erkennen.

Fossile Belege

Der älteste fossile Beleg dieser Familie resultiert aus kreidezeitlichem Sibirischem Bernstein. Die meisten Arten sind jedoch aus tertiären Lagerstätten, insbesondere dem eozänen Baltischen Bernstein, beschrieben. Einige Arten sind darüber hinaus aus dem etwas jüngeren Dominikanischen Bernstein bekannt.[1][2]

Arten (Auswahl)



  1. George O. Poinar, Jr.: Life in Amber. 350 S., 147 Fig., 10 Tafeln, Stanford University Press, Stanford (Cal.) 1992. ISBN 0-8047-2001-0
  2. Wolfgang Weitschat und Wilfried Wichard: Atlas der Pflanzen und Tiere im Baltischen Bernstein, 256 S., zahlr. Abb., Pfeil-Verlag, München 1998. ISBN 3-931516-45-8
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Wollschweber: Brief Summary ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Die Wollschweber (Bombyliidae), auch Trauerschweber, Hummelschweber oder seltener Trauerfliege, sind eine Familie der Zweiflügler (Diptera) und werden den Fliegen (Brachycera) zugeordnet. Weltweit sind etwa 6000 Arten dieser Gruppe bekannt, davon 34 in Deutschland.

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Ызылдактар ( Quirguiz )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages
буларга ири ызылдак (Bombylius major).

Ызылдактар (лат. Bombyliidae) — түктүү тоголок чымындардын бир тукуму, буларга ири ызылдак (лат. Bombylius major), чаар ызылдак (B. stiticus) кирет.

Колдонулган адабияттар

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Ызылдактар: Brief Summary ( Quirguiz )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages
 src= буларга ири ызылдак (Bombylius major).

Ызылдактар (лат. Bombyliidae) — түктүү тоголок чымындардын бир тукуму, буларга ири ызылдак (лат. Bombylius major), чаар ызылдак (B. stiticus) кирет.

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Dhurde ( Somali )

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Grosser Wollschweber Bombylius major

Dhurde ama Dhuunyaale (Af-Ingiriis: Bombyliidae) waa Waa duqsi yaryar oo dheecaan malabkoo kale sameeyyaa, illowse aan u badneyn sida kan shinnida, waxaana loo yaqaanaa Surta,


Surta ayaan laga aqoon malabka balse aad bay uga yartahay wxuuna ku sameeyaa geedaha qaar sida Xagarka oo kale.

Dhurduhu wuxuu macaanka ka helaa ubaxa sida shinnidu samayso.

Soomaalidu maxay ka tiri

Abwaan Dhoodaan iyo gabaygiisii DHUGASHO meerisyo ka mid ah oo uu hawsha Dhurdaha ku tilmaamay wuxu yirir:

-Dhurde ma laha dhuuxiyo laf iyo dhiibsanow muruqe -Dhirtana waa ka miidduu ka dhuray lala dhamayaaye -Intaan ubuxu dhaarinee ku yaal laanta dhaladeeda -Ee uu mankuba dhaaddan yuu tacab dhiteystaaye -Hadhow buu se wuxu sii dhigtay malab ka dhuuqaaye -Haddaan eegno dhuunyaalihiyo aniga Dhoodaana -Bilow Aadmigii aan u dhashaan yara ku dhaamaaye -Geedaha dhulkiyo hawlkarnimo igaga dheereeye. 

Qaabsamayska Baalashiisa

Dhulka wax ka guranaya


Sidoo kale arag


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Dhurde: Brief Summary ( Somali )

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 src= Grosser Wollschweber Bombylius major

Dhurde ama Dhuunyaale (Af-Ingiriis: Bombyliidae) waa Waa duqsi yaryar oo dheecaan malabkoo kale sameeyyaa, illowse aan u badneyn sida kan shinnida, waxaana loo yaqaanaa Surta,

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Bombyliidae ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

The Bombyliidae are a family of flies, commonly known as bee flies. Adults generally feed on nectar and pollen, some being important pollinators. Larvae are mostly parasitoids of other insects.


The Bombyliidae are a large family of flies comprising hundreds of genera, but the life cycles of most species are known poorly, or not at all. They range in size from very small (2 mm in length) to very large for flies (wingspan of some 40 mm).[1][2] When at rest, many species hold their wings at a characteristic "swept back" angle. Adults generally feed on nectar and pollen, some being important pollinators, often with spectacularly long proboscises adapted to plants such as Lapeirousia species with very long, narrow floral tubes. Unlike butterflies, bee flies hold their proboscis straight, and cannot retract it. In parts of East Anglia, locals refer to them as beewhals, thanks to their tusk-like appendages. Many Bombyliidae superficially resemble bees and accordingly the prevalent common name for a member of the family is bee fly.[2] Possibly the resemblance is Batesian mimicry, affording the adults some protection from predators.

The larval stages are predators or parasitoids of the eggs and larvae of other insects. The adult females usually deposit eggs in the vicinity of possible hosts, quite often in the burrows of beetles or wasps/solitary bees. Although insect parasitoids usually are fairly host-specific, often highly host-specific, some Bombyliidae are opportunistic and will attack a variety of hosts.

The Bombyliidae include at least 4,500 described species, and certainly thousands more remain to be described. However, most species do not often appear in abundance, and compared to other major groups of pollinators they are much less likely to visit flowering plants in urban parks or suburban gardens. As a result, this is arguably one of the most poorly known families of insects relative to its species richness. The family has a patchy fossil record, with species being known from a handful of localities,[3] the oldest known species are known from the Middle Cretaceous Burmese amber, around 99 million years old.[4]

Euchariomyia dives, a Bombyliidae in India: Note the bright bands of coloured hair, the long and thin legs and upright posture, the "delta wings", the proboscis, and the forward-pointing antennae.



Although the morphology of beeflies varies in detail, adults of most bee flies are characterized by some morphological details that make recognition easy. The dimensions of the body vary, depending on the species, from 1.0 mm to 2.5 cm. The form is often compact and the integument is usually covered with dense and abundant hair. The coloration is usually inconspicuous and colours such as brown, blackish- grey, and light colors like white or yellow predominate. Many species are mimics of Hymenoptera Apoidea. In other species patches of flattened hairs occur that can act as silvery, gilded or coppertone reflecting mirrors; these perhaps serve as visual signals in conspecific mate/rival recognition, or perhaps imitate reflecting surface particles on bare soils with high content of materials like quartz, mica or pyrite.

Exoprosopa caliptera in Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado, US - note the silvery mirror stripes formed by patches of specialized hairs modified into reflecting scales

The head is round, with a convex face, often holoptic in males. The antennae are of the type aristate composed of three to six segments, with the third segment larger than the others; the stylus is absent (antenna of three segments) or is composed of one to three flagellomeres (antenna of four to six segments). The mouthparts are modified for sucking and adapted for feeding on flowers. The length varies considerably: for example, the Anthracinae have short mouthparts, with the labium terminating in a large fleshy labellum, in Bombyliinae; in Phthiriinae, the tube is considerably longer, and in Bombyliinae more than four times the length of the head.

The legs are long and thin and the front legs are sometimes smaller and more slender than the middle and rear legs. Typically, they are provided with bristles at the apex of the tibiae, without empodia and, sometimes, also without pulvilli. The wings are transparent, often hyaline or evenly colored or with bands. The alula are well developed and in the rest position the wings are kept open and horizontal in a V shape revealing the sides of the abdomen.

The abdomen is generally short and wide, subglobose-shaped, cylindrical, or conical, composed of six to eight apparent urites. The remaining urites are part of the structure of the external genitalia. The abdomen of the females often ends with spinous processes, used in ovideposition. In Anthracinae and Bombyliinae, a diverticulum is present in the eighth urite, in which the eggs are mixed with sand before being deposited.

A male of Hyperalonia morio patrolling a patch of vegetation near the visitor center of Quebrada de las Higueritas in Lujan, San Luis, Argentina
Bee Fly in a southern county in the UK

The wing venation, although variable within the family, has some common characteristics that can be summarized basically in the particular morphology of the branches of the radial sector and the reduction of the forking of the media. The costa is spread over the entire margin and the subcosta is long, often ending on the distal half of the costal margin. The radius is almost always divided into four branches, with fusion of the branches R 2 and R 3, and is characterized by the sinuosity of the end portions of the branches of the radial sector. The venation presents a marked simplification compared to other Asiloidea and, in general, to other lower Brachycera. M 1 is always present and converges on the margin or, sometimes, of R 5. M 2 is present and reaches the margin, or is absent. M 3 is always absent and merged with M 4. The discal cell is usually present. The branch M 3 +4 is separated from the discal cell at the distal posterior vertex, so the mid-cubital connects directly to the posterior margin of the discal cell. The cubital and anal veins are complete and end separately on the margin or converge joining for a short distance Consequently, the cell cup may be open or closed.

Hoverflies of the family Syrphidae often mimic Hymenoptera as well, and some syrphid species are hard to tell apart from Bombyliidae at first glance, especially for bee fly species that lack a long proboscis or long, thin legs. Such bombyliids can still be distinguished in the field by anatomical features such as:

- They usually have an evenly curved or sloping face (hoverflies often have prominent bulges of the facial cuticle and/or beak- to knob-like facial projections).

- The wings lack a "false rear edge" and often have large dark areas with sharp boundaries, or complex patterns of spots (hoverfly wings are often clear or have smooth gradients of tinting, and their veins merge posteriorly into a "false edge" rather than reaching the wing's true rear edge).

- The abdomen and thorax hardly ever have large glossy areas formed by exposed cuticle (hoverflies often have glossy cuticular body surfaces).


The larvae of most bee flies are of two types. Those of the first type are elongated and cylindrical in shape and have a metapneustic or amphipneustic tracheal system, provided with a pair of abdominal spiracles and, possibly, a thoracic pair. Those of the second type are stubby and eucephalic and have one pair of spiracles positioned in the abdomen.(ref needed)


Adults favour sunny conditions and dry, often sandy or rocky areas. They have powerful wings and are found typically in flight over flowers or resting on the bare ground exposed to the sun (watch video) They significantly contribute to cross pollination of plants, becoming the main pollinators of some plant species of desert environments. Unlike the majority of glyciphagous dipterans, the bee flies feed on pollen (from which they meet their protein requirements). A similar trophic behavior occurs among the hoverflies, another important family of Diptera pollinators.

As with hoverflies, bee flies are capable of sudden acceleration or deceleration, all but momentum-free high-speed changes of direction, superb control of position while hovering in mid-air, as well as a characteristically cautious approach of a possible feeding or landing site. Bombyliids are often recognizable by their stocky shapes, by their hovering behavior, and for the particular length of their mouthparts and/or legs as they lean forward into flowers. Unlike hoverflies, which settle on the flower as do bees and other pollinating insects, those bee fly species which have a long proboscis generally feed while continuing to hover in the air, rather like Sphingidae, or while touching the flower with their front legs to stabilize their position - without fully landing or ceasing oscillation of the wings.

Species with shorter proboscis do land and walk on flower heads, however, and can be much harder to distinguish from hoverflies in the field. As noted, many bee fly species spend regular time intervals at rest on or near the ground, while hoverflies hardly ever do so. It can therefore be informative to watch feeding individuals and see whether or not they move down to ground level after a few minutes. Close observation is often easier with feeding individuals than with flies on the ground, as the latter are especially quick to take flight at the first sight of moving silhouettes or approaching shadows.

Mating behavior has only been observed in a handful of species. It can vary from fairly generic swarming or unsolicited mid-air interception, as is common in many Diptera, to courtship behavior involving a context-specific flight pattern and wingbeat pitch of the male, with or without repeated proboscis contact between male and female.[5] Males often seek out smaller or larger clearings on the ground, presumably in vicinity of flowering plants or host nesting habitats that are likely attractive to females. They can return to their chosen perch or patch after every feeding bout or after pursuit of other insects flying over, or they can instead survey their chosen territory while hovering one or more meters above the bare patch.

Gravid females seek out nesting habitats of hosts, and can spend many minutes inspecting for example entrances of smaller burrows in soil. In some species this behavior consists of hovering and repeated split-second foreleg touches of soil near the edge of the burrow's entrance, presumably to detect biochemical clues about the burrow's constructor such as identity, recency of visiting etc. If a burrow passes scrutiny then the bee fly may proceed to land and insert its posterior abdomen into the soil, laying one or more eggs at the edge or in close vicinity to it. In nine subfamilies including the more frequently observable Bombyliinae and Anthracinae, the females often do not land at all during host burrow inspections, and will proceed to release their eggs from midair by quick flicks of the abdomen while hovering over the burrow's entrance.

This remarkable behavior has earned such species the colloquial name of Bomber flies, it can be seen in Roy Kleuker's online video clip in YouTube.[6] Female flies with this remarkable oviposition strategy typically have a ventral storage structure known as a sand chamber on the posterior end of the abdomen, which is filled with sand grains gathered before egg laying.[7][8] These sand grains are used to coat each egg just before their aerial release, which is assumed to improve the female's aim as well as the egg's survival chances by adding weight, slowing down egg dehydration, masking biochemical cues that could trigger host behavior such as nest cleaning or abandonment - or a combination of all three.

Villa sp. gathering sand grains
Lepidophora lepidocera, a Nearctic realm species

Despite the high number of species of this family, the biology of juveniles of most species is poorly understood. The postembryonic development is of the type hypermetamorphic, with parasitoid or hyperparasitoid larvae. Exceptions are the larvae of Heterotropinae, whose biology is similar to that of other Asiloidea, with predatory larvae that do not undergo hypermetamorphosis. Hosts of bee flies belong to different orders of insects, but mostly are among the holometabolous orders. Among these are Hymenoptera, in particular the superfamilies of Vespoidea and Apoidea, beetles, other flies, and moths. Larvae of some species including Villa sp. feed on ova of Orthoptera. Bombylius major larvae are parasitic on solitary bees including Andrena. Anthrax anale is a parasite of tiger beetle larvae, and A. trifasciata is a parasite of the wall bee. Several African species of Villa and Thyridanthrax are parasitic pupae of tsetse flies. Villa morio is parasitic on the beneficial ichneumonid species Banchus femoralis. The larvae of Dipalta are parasitic on antlions.[9]

The behavior of known forms is similar to that of the larvae of Nemestrinoidea: the first instar larva of is a planidium while the other stages have a parasitic habitus. The eggs are laid usually in a future host or at the nest where the host develops. The planidium enters the nest and undergoes changes before starting to feed.


The family is worldwide (Palearctic realm, Nearctic realm, Afrotropical realm, Neotropical realm, Australasian realm, Oceanian realm, Indomalayan realm), but has the greatest biodiversity in tropical and subtropical arid climates. In Europe, 335 species are distributed among 53 genera.

Species lists

A 4mm long female of Lepidanthrax in Cuyama Valley, California, showing the proportionally shorter wings and relatively larger head occurring in many of the smaller species in the family


Poecilanthrax apache in Sheldon National Antelope Refuge, Nevada, US
Macrocondyla chorista in a grassy border in San Luis province, Argentina, illustrating less common features for Bombyliidae such as a slender abdomen and white patches on the wings

The systematics of bee flies are the most uncertain of any family of lower Brachycera. Willi Hennig (1973) placed the bee flies in the superfamily of Nemestrinoidea, on the basis of analogies in the behaviour of the larvae, positioning the superfamily in Tabanomorpha inside the infraorder Homoeodactyla[10] Boris Rohdendorf (1974) dealt with the family in a separate superfamily (Bombyliidea), linking it to the superfamily of Asilidea.[11] Currently the close correlation either positions the bee-flies within the superfamily Asiloidea sensu Rohdendorf (Asilidea) or they are included with the families separated by Rohdendorf in the superfamily of Asiloidea.

Clade showing relationships within Asiloidea Asiloidea N.N.

? Scenopinidae and Therevidae

? Mydidae and Apioceridae

? Asilidae


The internal systematic of bee-flies is uncertain. In the past, 31 subfamilies were well defined, but the family is thought to be polyphyletic (sensu lato). In the 1980s and '90s, the family has undergone several revisions: Webb (1981)[12] finally moved the genus Hilarimorpha into their own family (Hilarimorphidae). Zaitzev (1991)[13] moved the genus Mythicomyia and several other minor genera in the family Mythicomyiidae, Yeates (1992, 1994)[14] shifted the entire subfamily of Proratinae, with the exception of Apystomyia, into the family of Scenopinidae and subsequently the genus Apystomyia into the family Hilarimorphidae. Nagatomi & Liu (1994) moved Apystomyia into a family of their own (Apystomyiidae. After these revisions, the bee flies sensu stricto have a greater morphological homogeneity, but the monophyly of the family still remains dubious.[15] Phylogenetic analysis of CAD and 28S rDNA gene sequences supports monophyly of only eight subfamilies out of fifteen included in the study, with the Bombyliinae resolving as a highly polyphyletic group.[16]

Overall, the family includes about 4700 described species, distributed among 270 genera. The internal arrangement varies according to the source, according to the different frameworks the authors attribute to tribes and subfamilies. To divide the family, often this scheme is used:[17]


Poecilanthrax eremicus nectaring on California Buckwheat near the visitor center of Devil's Punchbowl, Pearblossom, California
Pantarbes capito sunning in a dry wash in San Bernardino Mountains, California


In Popular Culture


  1. ^ Alan Weaving; Mike Picker; Griffiths, Charles Llewellyn (2003). Field Guide to Insects of South Africa. New Holland Publishers, Ltd. ISBN 1-86872-713-0.
  2. ^ a b Hull, Frank Montgomery, Bee flies of the world: the genera of the family Bombyliidae Washington, Smithsonian Institution Press 1973 ISBN 0-87474-131-9. Downloadable from: https://archive.org/details/beefliesofworl2861973hull
  3. ^ Wedmann, Sonja; Yeates, David K. (2008-01-17). "Eocene Records of Bee Flies (Insecta, Diptera, Bombyliidae, Comptosia): Their Palaeobiogeographic Implications and Remarks on the Evolutionary History of Bombyliids". Palaeontology. 51 (1): 231–240. doi:10.1111/j.1475-4983.2007.00745.x. S2CID 128576916.
  4. ^ Ye, Xiuna; Yao, Gang; Shih, Chungkun; Ren, Dong; Wang, Yongjie (August 2019). "New bee flies from the mid-Cretaceous Myanmar amber (Brachycera: Asiloidea: Bombyliidae)". Cretaceous Research. 100: 5–13. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2019.03.026. S2CID 135365568.
  5. ^ https://www.researchgate.net/publication/288683339_The_courtship_behavior_of_the_bee_fly_Meomyia_vetusta_Walker_Diptera_Bombyliidae Ferguson, D.J. and Yeates, D.K. 2013. The courtship behavior of the bee fly Meomyia vetusta Walker (Diptera: Bombyliidae). The Australian Entomologist 40, 89-92.
  6. ^ Archived at Ghostarchive and the Wayback Machine: Roy Kleukers (22 June 2013). "Gewone wolzwever Bombylius major, eieren droppend in een kolonie zandbijen" – via YouTube.
  7. ^ Yeates David K (1997). "The evolutionary pattern of host use in the Bombyliidae (Diptera): a diverse family of parasitoid flies". Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 60 (2): 149–185. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8312.1997.tb01490.x.
  8. ^ zoolstud.sinica.edu.tw/Journals/48.2/141.pdf Boesi, R., Polidori, C. and Andrietti, F. 2009. Searching for the Right Target: Oviposition and Feeding Behavior in Bombylius Bee Flies (Diptera: Bombyliidae). Zoological Studies 48: 141-150.
  9. ^ The evolutionary pattern of host use in the Bombyliidae (Diptera): a diverse family of parasitoid flies
  10. ^ Willi Hennig, 1973. Diptera (Zweiflüger). In J.G. Helmcke, D. Starck, H. Vermuth Hanbuch der Zoologie, Eine Naturgeschichte der Stämme des Tierreiches. IV. Band: Arthropoda - 2- Hälfte: Insecta. 2. Teil: Spezielles. Berlin, De Gruyter, 1973. pp. 1-337. ISBN 311004689X.
  11. ^ Boris B. Rohdendorf, Brian Hocking, Harold Oldroyd, George E. Ball. The Historical Development of Diptera. University of Alberta, 1974: 75-77. ISBN 088864003X.
  12. ^ Webb D.W., 1981 Hilarimorphidae. in: McAlpine J.F. (Ed.), Manual of Nearctic Diptera. Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, pp. 603-605.
  13. ^ Zaitzev, V.F., 1991 On the phylogeny and systematics of the dipteran superfamily Bombylioidea (Diptera). Entomol. Obozr. 70 [1991] : 716–36.
  14. ^ Yeates D.M. (1992). "Towards a monophyletic Bombyliidae (Diptera): the removal of the Proratinae (Diptera: Scenopinidae)". American Museum Novitates (3051): 1–30.
  15. ^ Yeates & Lambkin, The Tree of Life, op. cit..
  16. ^ Trautwein, Michelle D.; Wiegmann, Brian M.; Yeates, David K. (2011). "Overcoming the effects of rogue taxa: Evolutionary relationships of the bee flies". PLOS Currents. 3: RRN1233. doi:10.1371/currents.RRN1233. PMC 3088465. PMID 21686308.
  17. ^ Evenhuis, N.L.; Greathead, D.J. (2015). "World catalog of bee flies (Diptera: Bombyliidae)". Retrieved 2018-12-31.
  18. ^ a b Schiner, I.R. (1868). Diptera. vi In [Wullerstorf-Urbair, B. von (in charge)], Reise der osterreichischen Fregatte Novara. Zool. 2(1)B. Wien: K. Gerold's Sohn. pp. 388pp., 4 pls.
  • Bowden, J.,1980 Family Bombyliidae. pp. 381–430. In R.W. Crosskey (ed.), Catalogue of the Diptera of the Afrotropical Region, 1437 pp., London: British Museum (Natural History)
  • Engel, E.O., 1932-1937. Bombyliidae. In: Die Fliegen der paläarktischen Region 4(3) ( Erwin Lindner, ed.): 1-619, pl. 1-15. E. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart.). Old and outdated, not easy to get and expensive but some of the only keys to taxa in the Palaearctic Region.
  • Greathead & Evenhuis (Greathead, D.J., & N.L. Evenhuis, 1997. Family Bombyliidae. In: Contributions to a manual of Palaearctic Diptera Volume 2 (L. Papp & B. Darvas, eds.): 487-512. Science Herald, Budapest.) provide a key to the Palaearctic genera and (may) give references to available generic revisions.
  • Evenhuis N.L. (1991). "Catalog of genus-group names of bee flies (Diptera: Bombyliidae)". Bishop Museum Bulletins in Entomology. 5: 1–105.
  • Evenhuis, N.L. & Greathead, D.J. 1999. World catalog of bee flies (Diptera: Bombyliidae). Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, 756 pp. online
  • Hull, F.M. 1973. Bee flies of the world. The genera of the family Bombyliidae.Washington (Smithsonian Institution Press) 687 pp. Keys subfamilies, genera (many generic placements superseded by Evenhuis & Greathead, 1999).
  • Yeates, David K. 1994. The cladistics and classification of the Bombyliidae (Diptera: Asiloidea). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History ; no. 219, 191 pp.

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Bombyliidae: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

The Bombyliidae are a family of flies, commonly known as bee flies. Adults generally feed on nectar and pollen, some being important pollinators. Larvae are mostly parasitoids of other insects.

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Bombyliidae ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Los bombílidos (Bombyliidae) son una familia de dípteros braquíceros. Se trata de una familia muy grande con centenares de géneros. Su ciclo vital aún no se conoce bien. Los adultos se alimentan de néctar y polen de las flores y así son polinizadores. Mimetizan a las abejas y en inglés se los llama beeflies que quiere decir mosca abeja. Posiblemente esto les da cierta protección en contra de predadores que temen la picadura de la abeja. La mayoría son corpulentas, velludas y de tamaño hasta 40 mm; otras son delgadas y con poca vellosidad y unas pocas son pequeñas de no más de 1,2 mm. Algunas tienen marcas en las alas.[1][2]


La mayoría tiene una probóscide larga y delgada que en unas pocas especies llega a ser más larga que el cuerpo. No pueden retraerla como las mariposas. Suelen ser de vuelo rápido. A menudo se las ve visitando flores o volando cerca del suelo.


La mayoría de las especies tienen hipermetamorfismo, en que el primer estadio larval es un planidio, que puede buscar activamente a su huésped; los stadios siguientes son sedentarios. Las larvas son predadoras de los huevos y larvas de otros insectos, tales como orugas, abejas y escarabajos. Las hembras depositan sus huevos en la proximidad de los nidos de otros insectos, en especial de abejas solitarias. Algunas especies son muy especializadas con respecto al hospedante pero otras son oportunistas y parasitan a gran variedad de especies. El primer estadio larval es un planidio que es más activo que los otros estadios y capaz de encontrar a su huésped.[3][4]


Si bien es una familia con gran número de especies los individuos no son muy abundantes. Tal vez por esto es una familia muy poco estudiada. Se han descrito más de 5000 especies (en 230 géneros) y posiblemente queden miles por describir. Tal vez el género más conocido sea Bombylius, bien representado en Europa y Norteamérica con numerosas especies.


Poecilanthrax eremicus, Pearblossom, California
Pantarbes capito, San Bernardino Mountains, California
Villa fulviana. Cadillac Mountain, Acadia National Park, Hancock County, Maine, USA
Bombylius major, Austria



  1. Alan Weaving; Mike Picker; Griffiths, Charles Llewellyn (2003). Field Guide to Insects of South Africa. New Holland Publishers, Ltd. ISBN 1-86872-713-0.
  2. Hull, Frank Montgomery, Bee flies of the world: the genera of the family Bombyliidae Washington, Smithsonian Institution Press 1973 ISBN 0-87474-131-9. Downloadable from: https://archive.org/details/beefliesofworl2861973hull
  3. Immature Stages of Bombyliida
  4. The evolutionary pattern of host use in the Bombyliidae (Diptera): a diverse family of parasitoid flies
  • Borror, D. J., DeLong, D. M., Triplehorn, C. A.(1976) cuarta edición. An introduction to the study of insects. Holt, Rinehart and Winston. New York, Chicago. ISBN 0-03-088406-3
  • Bowden, J.,1980 Family Bombyliidae. pp. 381–430. In R.W. Crosskey (ed.), Catalogue of the Diptera of the Afrotropical Region, 1437 pp., London: British Museum (Natural History)
  • Engel, E.O., 1932-1937. Bombyliidae. In: Die Fliegen der paläarktischen Region 4(3) ( Erwin Lindner, ed.): 1-619, pl. 1-15. E. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart.). Old and outdated, not easy to get and expensive but some of the only keys to taxa in the Palaearctic Region.
  • Greathead & Evenhuis (Greathead, D.J., & N.L. Evenhuis, 1997. Family Bombyliidae. In: Contributions to a manual of Palaearctic Diptera Volume 2 (L. Papp & B. Darvas, eds.): 487-512. Science Herald, Budapest.) provide a key to the Palaearctic genera and (may) give references to available generic revisions.
  • Evenhuis N.L. (1991). «Catalog of genus-group names of bee flies (Diptera: Bombyliidae)». Bishop Museum Bulletin of Entomology 5: 1-105.
  • Evenhuis, N.L. & Greathead, D.J. 1999. World catalog of bee flies (Diptera: Bombyliidae). Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, 756 pp. online
  • Hull, F.M. 1973. Bee flies of the world. The genera of the family Bombyliidae.Washington (Smithsonian Institution Press) 687 pp. Keys subfamilies, genera (many generic placements superseded by Evenhuis & Greathead, 1999).
  • Yeates, David K. 1994. The cladistics and classification of the Bombyliidae (Diptera: Asiloidea). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History ; no. 219, 191 pp.

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wikipedia ES

Bombyliidae: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Los bombílidos (Bombyliidae) son una familia de dípteros braquíceros. Se trata de una familia muy grande con centenares de géneros. Su ciclo vital aún no se conoce bien. Los adultos se alimentan de néctar y polen de las flores y así son polinizadores. Mimetizan a las abejas y en inglés se los llama beeflies que quiere decir mosca abeja. Posiblemente esto les da cierta protección en contra de predadores que temen la picadura de la abeja. La mayoría son corpulentas, velludas y de tamaño hasta 40 mm; otras son delgadas y con poca vellosidad y unas pocas son pequeñas de no más de 1,2 mm. Algunas tienen marcas en las alas.​​

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wikipedia ES

Bombyliidae ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR


Bombyliidae (les bombyliidés) est une famille d'insectes diptères brachycères asilomorphes.


Cette famille regroupe des mouches très poilues qui semblent recouvertes de fourrure. Certaines espèces (comme celles du genre Bombylius) possèdent une trompe allongée qui leur permet de pomper le nectar en vol stationnaire.


Cette famille comprend entre autres les genres et espèces :

Liste des sous-familles et genres

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wikipedia FR

Bombyliidae: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Bombylidae • Bombyliidé

Bombyliidae (les bombyliidés) est une famille d'insectes diptères brachycères asilomorphes.

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wikipedia FR

Beach-chuil ( Irlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia GA

Is feithid í an bheach-chuil.

Is síol ainmhí é an t-alt seo. Cuir leis, chun cuidiú leis an Vicipéid.
Má tá alt níos forbartha le fáil i dteanga eile, is féidir leat aistriúchán Gaeilge a dhéanamh.

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Údair agus eagarthóirí Vicipéid
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wikipedia GA

Bombyliidae ( Indonésio )

fornecido por wikipedia ID

Bombyliidae adalah famili besar besar lalat dengan beratus-ratus genus, walaupun rentang hidupnya tidak diketahui sepenuhnya. Bombyliidae dewasa biasanya memakan nektar dan polen. Bombyliidae menyerupai lebah, sehingga sering disebut lalat lebah, dan ini mungkin melindunginya daripada predator.

Terdapat kira-kira 4.500 spesies Bombyliidae, dan mungkin masih ada beribu-ribu lagi yang belum diketahui.


Villa sp. menghisap nektar
Lalat Bombyliid pada Bidens laevis

Lihat pula

Pranala luar

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Bombyliidae: Brief Summary ( Indonésio )

fornecido por wikipedia ID

Bombyliidae adalah famili besar besar lalat dengan beratus-ratus genus, walaupun rentang hidupnya tidak diketahui sepenuhnya. Bombyliidae dewasa biasanya memakan nektar dan polen. Bombyliidae menyerupai lebah, sehingga sering disebut lalat lebah, dan ini mungkin melindunginya daripada predator.

Terdapat kira-kira 4.500 spesies Bombyliidae, dan mungkin masih ada beribu-ribu lagi yang belum diketahui.

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Penulis dan editor Wikipedia
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Bombyliidae ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

I Bombilidi o Bombiliidi (Bombyliidae Latreille, 1802) sono una vasta famiglia di insetti dell'ordine dei ditteri (Brachycera: Muscomorpha), comprendente circa 6.000 specie descritte, diffuse in tutto il mondo. Il gruppo, insieme agli Asilidae e ai Therevidae, è il più rappresentativo della superfamiglia degli Asiloidea ed è uno dei più importanti nell'ambito dei Brachiceri inferiori.

I Bombilidi si differenziano nettamente sia dagli Asilidae sia dai Therevidae per l'etologia degli adulti e delle larve. Gli adulti si nutrono infatti di polline e nettare e non hanno alcuna relazione trofica con altri animali. Le larve, invece, hanno un regime dietetico zoofago come nella maggior parte degli Asiloidea. A differenza delle larve delle due citate famiglie, però, quelle dei Bombilidi si comportano come parassitoidi, mostrando comportamenti analoghi a quelli dei Nemestrinoidea. In inglese sono noti con il nome comune bee flies ("mosche api") perché spesso imitano gli Apoidei sia nella livrea sia nel comportamento.


Insetti dalla morfologia eterogenea, gli adulti della maggior parte dei Bombilidi sono tuttavia caratterizzati da alcuni particolari morfologici che ne rendono abbastanza facile il riconoscimento. Le dimensioni del corpo variano, secondo la specie, da 1 mm a 2,5 cm. La forma è spesso compatta e il tegumento rivestito da una densa e abbondante peluria. La livrea è eterogenea, da colori poco appariscenti come il bruno, il nerastro, il grigio, a colori chiari come il bianco o il giallo. È molto diffuso il mimetismo batesiano, con l'imitazione di imenotteri apoidei.

Il capo è rotondo, con faccia convessa, spesso oloptico nei maschi. Le antenne sono di tipo aristato, composte da 3-6 segmenti, con terzo segmento più grande degli altri; lo stilo è assente (antenne di tre articoli) oppure composto da 1-3 flagellomeri (antenne di 4-6 articoli). L'apparato boccale è di tipo succhiante, adattato all'alimentazione sui fiori. La lunghezza varia considerevolmente: ad esempio, gli Anthracinae hanno un apparato boccale breve, con il labbro inferiore terminante in un ampio labello carnoso, nei Bombyliinae e nei Phthiriinae è notevolmente lungo, fino ad oltre il quadruplo della lunghezza del capo nei Bombyliinae.

Le zampe sono lunghe e sottili, quelle anteriori a volte più piccole e più gracili delle medie e delle posteriori. In genere sono provviste di setole all'apice delle tibie, prive di empodio e, a volte, anche di pulvilli. Le ali sono trasparenti, ialine o spesso colorate uniformemente o a bande. Hanno l'alula ben sviluppata e in posizione di riposo sono tenute aperte e orizzontali ai lati dell'addome.

L'addome è generalmente breve e largo, di forma subglobosa o cilindrica o conica, composto da 6-8 uriti apparenti, mentre i restanti entrano a par parte della struttura degli organi genitali esterni. L'addome delle femmine termina spesso con processi spinosi, sfruttati nel meccanismo dell'ovideposizione. Negli Anthracinae e nei Bombyliinae è presente un diverticolo nell'ottavo urite, nel quale le uova vengono frammiste a sabbia prima di essere deposte.

La nervatura alare pur con una certa variabilità nell'ambito della famiglia, presenta alcune caratteristiche frequenti che si riassumono fondamentalmente nella particolare morfologia delle ramificazioni del settore radiale e nella riduzione delle ramificazioni della media. La costa si sviluppa sull'intero margine e la subcosta è lunga, spesso terminante sulla metà distale del margine costale e confusa con la radio e il ramo anteriore della radio.

La radio è suddivisa quasi sempre in quattro ramificazioni, con fusione dei rami R2 e R3, ed è caratterizzata dalla sinuosità dei tratti terminali dei rami del settore radiale. Il ramo anteriore (R1) corre parallelamente alla subcosta e termina nel terzo medio distale. La vena R2+3 in genere tende a dirigersi verso l'apice dell'ala ma poi subisce una curvatura più o meno marcata e confluisce sul margine costale oppure, in molti Anthracinae, su R1; il ramo R4 è generalmente sinusoidale e subisce una netta curvatura in avanti, mantenendosi parallelamente all'apice dell'ala e confluendo nel margine costale. Il ramo R5, invece, confluisce sul margine posteriore. È spesso presente una nervatura trasversa settoriale che connette R4 a R2+3, interpretata a volte come ramo R3 prodotto dalla biforcazione R2+3. Talvolta sono presenti altre nervature trasverse sovrannumerarie fra R2+3 e R1 oppure una nervatura trasversa fra R4 e R5.

La media presenta una marcata semplificazione rispetto ad altri Asiloidei e, in generale, ad altri Brachiceri inferiori, presentando due o tre ramificazioni. M1 è sempre presente e confluisce sul margine oppure, a volte, su R5. M2 è presente e raggiunge il margine oppure è assente. M3 è invece sempre assente, fusa con M4. La cellula discale è in genere presente. Il ramo M3+4 si separa dalla cellula discale in corrispondenza del vertice distale posteriore, perciò la medio-cubitale si connette direttamente al margine posteriore della cellula discale.

La cubito e l'anale sono complete e terminano separatamente sul margine oppure convergono unendosi per un breve tratto terminale. Di conseguenza, la cellula cup è aperta o chiusa.

Bombyliidae wing veins-1.svg
Tipo Bombylius: 1ª cellula posteriore chiusa, 4 cellule posteriori, cup aperta.
Bombyliidae wing veins-2.svg
Tipo Anthrax: 1ª cellula posteriore aperta, 4 cellule posteriori, cup aperta.
Bombyliidae wing veins-3.svg
Tipo Usia: 1ª cellula posteriore aperta, 3 cellule posteriori, cup chiusa. Schemi delle nervature alari maggiormente ricorrenti.
Nervature longitudinali: C: costa; Sc: subcosta; R: radio; M: media; Cu: cubito; A: anale.

Nervature trasversali: h: omerale; r-m: radio-mediale; m-m: mediale; m-cu: medio-cubitale.
Cellule: d: discale; br: 1ª basale; bm: 2ª basale; r1: marginale; r3: 1ª submarginale; r5: 1ª posteriore; cup: cellula cup.

Le cellule chiuse sono rappresentate dalle due basali e dalla discale, alle quali si aggiungono la cup, in caso di convergenza della cubito sull'anale, la 1ª posteriore (r5) in caso di convergenza di M1 su R5 e la marginale (r1) in caso di convergenza del primo ramo del settore radiale sul ramo anteriore della radio. L'eventuale presenza di nervature trasverse fra i rami della radio (radiali e settoriali) possono ulteriormente complicare la morfologia della cellula marginale e delle submarginali.

La larva della maggior parte dei Bombilidi si differenzia, secondo lo stadio di sviluppo, in due tipi. Quelle del primo tipo sono allungate e di forma cilindrica ed hanno un sistema tracheale metapneustico o anfipneustico, ovvero provviste di un paio di stigmi addominali e, eventualmente, un paio toracico. Quello del secondo tipo sono tozze ed eucefale ed hanno un solo paio di stigmi posizionato nell'addome.


Gli adulti dei Bombilidi frequentano per la maggior parte ambienti soleggiati e aridi, spesso sabbiosi o rocciosi. Dotati di un potente volo, si rinvengono in genere in volo sopra i fiori oppure in riposo sul terreno nudo esposto al sole. Contribuiscono in modo non trascurabile all'impollinazione incrociata delle piante, diventando i principali impollinatori di alcune specie degli ambienti desertici. A differenza della maggior parte dei ditteri glicifagi, i Bombilidi si nutrono, oltre che di nettare, anche di polline, da cui vengono soddisfatti i fabbisogni proteici. Un comportamento trofico analogo ricorre, fra i Ditteri, per lo più fra i Sirfidi, un'altra importante famiglia di ditteri pronubi. Spesso sono riconoscibili per la forma tozza, per il volo stazionario e per la particolare lunghezza del loro apparato boccale, proteso in avanti.

A differenza dei Sirfidi, che si posano sul fiore come gli Apoidei ed altri insetti pronubi, i Bombilidi si comportano come gli Sfingidi e in genere si nutrono librando nell'aria sfruttando il volo stazionario e usando eventualmente le zampe anteriori per stabilizzare la posizione.

Nonostante l'elevato numero di specie di questa famiglia, la biologia degli stadi giovanili della maggior parte delle specie è poco conosciuta. Lo sviluppo postembrionale è di tipo ipermetabolico, con larve parassitoidi o iperparassitoidi. Fanno eccezione le larve degli Heterotropinae, la cui biologia è assimilabile a quella degli altri Asiloidei, con sviluppo postembrionale non ipermetabolico e comportamento trofico di tipo predatorio. Gli ospiti dei Bombilidi appartengono a diversi ordini di insetti, ma in prevalenza si annoverano fra gli olometaboli, di cui sono attaccati gli stadi preimmaginali. Fra questi ricorrono spesso imenotteri, in particolare delle superfamiglie dei Vespoidea e degli Apoidea, coleotteri, ditteri e lepidotteri. Sugli Ortotteri, invece, l'attività zoofaga si esercita principalmente sulle ovature.

Il comportamento delle forme conosciute è analogo a quello delle larve dei Nemestrinoidea: la larva di 1ª è di tipo planidiale, ovvero è libera e non si alimenta, mentre gli altri stadi hanno un habitus parassitico. Le uova sono deposte generalmente presso il futuro ospite o presso il nido dove si sviluppa l'ospite. Il planidio penetra nel nido e subisce la muta prima di iniziare l'attività trofica.

Sistematica e filogenesi

La sistematica dei Bombilidi è una delle più incerte nell'ambito dei Brachiceri inferiori. Lo stesso HENNIG (1973) inquadrò i Bombilidi nella superfamiglia dei Nemestrinoidea, sulla base delle analogie nell'etologia delle larve, posizionando la superfamiglia nei Tabanomorpha all'interno dell'infraordine Homoeodactyla[1]. Negli stessi anni, ROHDENDORF (1974) trattava la famiglia in una superfamiglia distinta (Bombyliidea), mettendola in relazione con la superfamiglia degli Asilidea[2]. Attualmente è condivisa la correlazione stretta con la superfamiglia Asiloidea sensu Rohdendorf (Asilidea) e l'inclusione dei Bombilidi e delle famiglie da essi scorporati nella superfamiglia degli Asiloidea.

Ancora incerta è la sistematica interna dei Bombilidi. In passato furono definite ben 31 sottofamiglie, ma gli approfondimenti in materia di filogenesi hanno messo in evidenza il carattere polifiletico della famiglia sensu lato.

Negli anni ottanta e novanta, la famiglia ha subito diverse revisioni: WEBB (1981) spostò definitivamente il genere Hilarimorpha in una famiglia propria (Hilarimorphidae), Zaitzev (1991) spostò il genere Mythicomyia e diversi altri generi minori nella famiglia Mythicomyiidae, YEATES (1992, 1994) spostò l'intera sottofamiglia dei Proratinae, ad eccezione di Apystomyia, nella famiglia degli Scenopinidae e successivamente il genere Apystomyia nella famiglia Hilarimorphidae, che NAGATOMI & LIU (1994) spostarono definitivamente in una famiglia propria (Apystomyiidae). Dopo queste revisioni, i Bombilidi sensu stricto presentano una maggiore omogeneità morfologica, ma resta ancora dubbia la monofilia della famiglia e, di conseguenza, la classificazione interna[3].

Nel complesso, la famiglia comprende circa 4700 specie descritte, ripartite fra 230 generi. La suddivisione interna varia secondo la fonte, in funzione dei differenti inquadramenti che gli Autori attribuiscono a tribù e sottofamiglie. Fra i taxa superiori in cui si ripartisce la famiglia ricorrono spesso i seguenti:


La famiglia dei Bombilidi è cosmopolita ma presenta il maggior grado di biodiversità nelle regioni tropicali e subtropicali a clima arido. In Europa sono censite 335 specie, ripartite fra 53 generi, di cui la maggior parte presenti anche in Italia.


  1. ^ Willi Hennig. Diptera (Zweiflüger). In J.G. Helmcke, D. Starck, H. Vermuth (a cura di) Handbuch der Zoologie, Eine Naturgeschichte der Stämme des Tierreiches. IV. Band: Arthropoda - 2- Hälfte: Insecta. 2. Teil: Spezielles. Berlin, De Gruyter, 1973. pp. 1-337. ISBN 311004689X (in tedesco).
  2. ^ Boris B. Rohdendorf, Brian Hocking, Harold Oldroyd, George E. Ball. The Historical Development of Diptera. University of Alberta, 1974: 75-77. ISBN 088864003X (in inglese).
  3. ^ Yeates & Lambkin, The Tree of Life.


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Bombyliidae: Brief Summary ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

I Bombilidi o Bombiliidi (Bombyliidae Latreille, 1802) sono una vasta famiglia di insetti dell'ordine dei ditteri (Brachycera: Muscomorpha), comprendente circa 6.000 specie descritte, diffuse in tutto il mondo. Il gruppo, insieme agli Asilidae e ai Therevidae, è il più rappresentativo della superfamiglia degli Asiloidea ed è uno dei più importanti nell'ambito dei Brachiceri inferiori.

I Bombilidi si differenziano nettamente sia dagli Asilidae sia dai Therevidae per l'etologia degli adulti e delle larve. Gli adulti si nutrono infatti di polline e nettare e non hanno alcuna relazione trofica con altri animali. Le larve, invece, hanno un regime dietetico zoofago come nella maggior parte degli Asiloidea. A differenza delle larve delle due citate famiglie, però, quelle dei Bombilidi si comportano come parassitoidi, mostrando comportamenti analoghi a quelli dei Nemestrinoidea. In inglese sono noti con il nome comune bee flies ("mosche api") perché spesso imitano gli Apoidei sia nella livrea sia nel comportamento.

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Musės zvimbeklės ( Lituano )

fornecido por wikipedia LT

Musės zvimbeklės (lot. Bombyliidae, vok. Wollschweber) – dvisparnių (Diptera) vabzdžių šeima, kuriai priklauso stambios ir vidutinio dydžio musės. Jų kūnas labai plaukuotas, todėl primena bites. Turi labai ilgą straublelį. Daugelio rūšių lervos yra vabzdžių parazitai.

Lietuvoje yra apie 20 rūšių. Aptinkamos ant žiedų ir ant žemės, dažniausiai smėlėtose vietose. Vikiteka

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Bombyliidae ( Malaio )

fornecido por wikipedia MS

Bombyliidae ialah keluarga besar lalat dengan beratus-ratus genus, walaupun kitaran hidupnya tidak diketahui sepenuhnya. Bombyliidae dewasa biasanya makan nektar dan debunga, jadi menjadi pendebunga untuk bunga. Bombyliidae menyerupai lebah, jadi dikenali sebagai lalat lebah, dan ini mungkin memberikannya perlindungan daripada pemangsa.

Terdapat kira-kira 4,500 spesies dikenalpasti, dan mungkin beribu-ribu lagi belum dikenalpasti.

Spesies termasuklah:


Villa sp. menghisap nektar
Lalat Bombyliid pada Bidens laevis

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Bombyliidae: Brief Summary ( Malaio )

fornecido por wikipedia MS

Bombyliidae ialah keluarga besar lalat dengan beratus-ratus genus, walaupun kitaran hidupnya tidak diketahui sepenuhnya. Bombyliidae dewasa biasanya makan nektar dan debunga, jadi menjadi pendebunga untuk bunga. Bombyliidae menyerupai lebah, jadi dikenali sebagai lalat lebah, dan ini mungkin memberikannya perlindungan daripada pemangsa.

Terdapat kira-kira 4,500 spesies dikenalpasti, dan mungkin beribu-ribu lagi belum dikenalpasti.

Spesies termasuklah:

Lalat lebah besar (Bombylius major) Lalat lebah Williston (Poecilanthrax willistoni) Lalat lebah alkali (Heterostylum robustum)
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Wolzwevers ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL


De wolzwevers (Bombyliidae) zijn een familie uit de orde van de tweevleugeligen (Diptera), onderorde vliegen (Brachycera). Wereldwijd omvat deze familie zo'n 275 genera en 5382 soorten[1][2]. Uit Nederland zijn slechts een twintigtal soorten bekend waarvoor een determinatietabel is uitgekomen[3]


Het harige lichaam van deze insecten is meestal bruin, rood of geel, soms met lichte vlekken. De lichaamslengte varieert van 20 tot 30 mm. Tot de wolzwevers behoren vliegen met een sterk verschillend uiterlijk. Zo is de gewone wolzwever sterk bruin behaard met een opvallend lange snuit. De muurrouwzwever (Anthrax anthrax) is voornamelijk zwart gekleurd en heeft een korte snuit.


Hun voedsel bestaat uit bloemenhoning, die ze met hun lange snuit opzuigen. Ze landen niet op de bloem, maar blijven er vóór zweven, zich daarbij in balans houdend met de voorpoten. De larven leven parasitair op kevers, nachtvlinders, wespen en andere vliegen.


De gewone wolzwever legt de eieren in de nesten van zandbijen. In de gangen komen de met zand gecamoufleerde eieren uit en de larve doet zich te goed aan het door de zandbijen verzamelde voedsel en later aan de larven zelf. Een dier dat dit gedrag vertoont heet een broedparasiet. De muurrouwzwever legt eieren in de nesten van bijvoorbeeld metselbijen. De roodbruine heiderouwzwever komt voor op heideterreinen bij nesten van graafwespen.

Verspreiding en leefgebied

Deze familie komt wereldwijd voor in open, (sub)tropische, semi-aride gebieden bij bloemen en op de grond.


Enkele minder zeldzame Nederlandse soorten :

Uitgebreide lijst van taxa
Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. Hull, Frank Montgomery, Bee flies of the world: the genera of the family Bombyliidae Washington, Smithsonian Institution Press 1973 ISBN 0-87474-131-9. Downloadable from: https://archive.org/details/beefliesofworl2861973hull
  2. Yeates D.K. (1994) : The cladistics and classification of the Bombyliidae (Diptera : Asiloidea). Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 219. AMNH, NewYork, NY, USA.
  3. Smit J.T. (2013): Veldtabel wolzwevers van Nederland. EIS-Nederland Kenniscentrum insecten [1]
  • David Burnie (2001) - Animals, Dorling Kindersley Limited, London. ISBN 90-18-01564-4 (naar het Nederlands vertaald door Jaap Bouwman en Henk J. Nieuwenkamp).
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Wolzwevers: Brief Summary ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

De wolzwevers (Bombyliidae) zijn een familie uit de orde van de tweevleugeligen (Diptera), onderorde vliegen (Brachycera). Wereldwijd omvat deze familie zo'n 275 genera en 5382 soorten. Uit Nederland zijn slechts een twintigtal soorten bekend waarvoor een determinatietabel is uitgekomen

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Humlefluer ( Norueguês )

fornecido por wikipedia NO

Humlefluer (Bombyliidae) er en gruppe (familie) av fluene (Brachycera), som sammen med mygg (Nematocera), utgjør tovingene (Diptera). De er fra 3 mm. til ca. 16 mm. Alle tovinger gjennomgår en fullstendig forvandling. Det er 12 arter i Norge. I verden er det ca. 4 000 arter.

Liv og utvikling

Humlefluer finnes på varme solrike lokaliteter, gjerne med blomster. De er i larvestadiet parasitter på andre insekter som solitære bier, gresshopper og sommerfugllarver. Som voksne lever de av nektar. De sitter med vingene ut, ikke foldet bakover kroppen, og gjerne på bakken eller i en blomst. Blir de forstyrret flyr de sjeldent langt.

Humlefluer omfatter noen arter i slekten Bombylius som ligner på humler. De er hårete (pelskledde), men kan skilles lett fra en humle fordi den bare har to vinger (ikke fire) og antennene er korte og rette (i forhold til en humle som har lengre og knekte antenner).

Stor humleflue er parasitt hos solitære bier (Andrena), her er inngangshull til biens larvekammer.

Stor humleflue, Bombylius major er vår vanligste art, og er den største av humlefluene, mellom 9 og 16 mm. Den finnes på Østlandet, rundt kysten, og nordover på Vestlandet til Trøndelag. Bombylius-artene har en lang fremoverrett sugesnabel (munn). De flyr til og med omtrent som en humle, i litt store sirkler og fra blomst til blomst for å suge nektar. Den står ofte stille i luften som en kolibri og suger nektar. Stor humleflue flyr tidlig om våren, når de første hestehovene blomstrer. Den er parasitt på en solitær bie i slekten Andrena (Apiodea, Hymenoptera). Den leter opp biens larvekammer der den kan legge sine egg. Humlefluen legger egget ved siden av. Til å begynne med lever humlefluelarven av det forråd av pollen som bien har lagret som larvemat. Etterhvert spiser den bielarven. Den overvintrer i larvekammeret som puppe og klekkes straks de første solstrålene varmer om våren.

Andre humlefluer ser mer ut som en vanlig flue, bortsett fra at de ofte har flekker på vingene. Artene i slekten Anthrax er slike hårløse humlefluer; de har også kortere snabel en stor humleflue. Kroppen er svart og flattrykt. Noen har lyse flekker på bakkroppen. Vingene kan være nesten fargeløse, men ofte har de et markert mørkere parti på vingene. Hemipenthes maurus er vår vanligste art.

Fossile arter

Familien er relativt godt dokumentert fra fossiler, og over 50 fossile arter er kjent. Disse går tilbake til Eocen, noe som kan tyde på at familien, til tross for at den står nær roten i fluenes slektskapstre, er forholdsvis ny.

Systematisk inndeling / noen norske arter

Humlefluer tilhører overfamilien Bombylioidea. Den andre familien i denne gruppen er Kulefluer (Acroceridae).

Bombylella atra (Bombyliinae)
Systoechus sp. (Bombyliinae)
Dischistus sp. (Bombyliinae)
Anthrax anthrax (Anthracinae) er en av ganske mange mørke arter
Dipalta sp. (Anthracinae)
Xenox tigrinus (Anthracinae)
Lepidophora lepidocera (Ecliminae)
Geron sp. (Gerontinae)
Comptosia insignis (Lomatiinae)
Usia bicolor (Usiinae)

Det er noen flere enn 12 norske arter humlefluer. Her er utbredelse til 12 av artene (unntatt slekten: Villa)



  • Evenhuis, N. og Greathead, D.J. 2003. World Catalog of Bee Flies (Diptera: Bombyliidae) web site. [1]
  • Falck, Morten 2009. The Norwegian species of Villa Lioy, 1864 (Diptera, Bombyliidae). Norwegian Journal of Entomology 56: 120-130.
  • Falck, Morten & Greve, Lita 1999 The distribution of bee flies (Diptera, Bombyliidae), except the genus Villa, in Norway, Norwegian Journal of Entomology, 46: 89-109

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Humlefluer: Brief Summary ( Norueguês )

fornecido por wikipedia NO

Humlefluer (Bombyliidae) er en gruppe (familie) av fluene (Brachycera), som sammen med mygg (Nematocera), utgjør tovingene (Diptera). De er fra 3 mm. til ca. 16 mm. Alle tovinger gjennomgår en fullstendig forvandling. Det er 12 arter i Norge. I verden er det ca. 4 000 arter.

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Bujankowate ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL
Commons Multimedia w Wikimedia Commons
Bujanka większa

Bujankowate (Bombyliidae) – rodzina owadów z rzędu muchówek licząca około 3000 gatunków. Owady z tej rodziny mają od 1 do 25 mm długości, krępe, pokryte włoskami ciało. Imagines żywią się nektarem pobieranym za pomocą ssawki, larwy są pasożytami innych owadów.


  • Władysław Strojny, 1981, Nasze zwierzęta, Państwowe Wydawnictwa Rolnicze i Leśne, ​ISBN 83-09-00045-6​.

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Bujankowate: Brief Summary ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL
Bujanka większa

Bujankowate (Bombyliidae) – rodzina owadów z rzędu muchówek licząca około 3000 gatunków. Owady z tej rodziny mają od 1 do 25 mm długości, krępe, pokryte włoskami ciało. Imagines żywią się nektarem pobieranym za pomocą ssawki, larwy są pasożytami innych owadów.

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Svävflugor ( Sueco )

fornecido por wikipedia SV

Svävflugor (Bombyliidae) är en familj i insektsordningen tvåvingar.

Familjen är mycket artrik (minst 4 500 arter) och spridd över större delen av världen. Särskilt många arter finns i varmare och torrare områden, som södra Afrika, centrala Asien och Nordamerikas stäpper och halvöknar, samt i Australien. I Sverige finns cirka 20 arter. Familjen är också mycket mångformig, med både från endast ett par millimeter långa och sparsamt behårade arter, till över en centimeter långa, kraftigt behårade arter.

Svävflugor har fullständig förvandling och genomgår utvecklingsstadierna ägg, puppa, larv och imago. Larverna livnär sig som parasiter på andra insekter, bland annat på larver och ägg i bon av solitära bin och myror och äggsamlingar av gräshoppor.

Som fullbildade insekter söker svävflugorna näring i blommor. En del arter har en lång sugsnabel, med vilken de kan suga nektar ur en blomma medan de svävar framför den. Andra arter har en kortare sugsnabel och måste slå sig ner på blomman.


  • Sandhall, Åke & Andersson, Sven. Flugor och myggor: naturguide i färg om tvåvingarnas utseende, utveckling, levnadssätt och beteende, Interpublishing AB, 1979. ISBN 91-534-0522-6

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Svävflugor: Brief Summary ( Sueco )

fornecido por wikipedia SV

Svävflugor (Bombyliidae) är en familj i insektsordningen tvåvingar.

Familjen är mycket artrik (minst 4 500 arter) och spridd över större delen av världen. Särskilt många arter finns i varmare och torrare områden, som södra Afrika, centrala Asien och Nordamerikas stäpper och halvöknar, samt i Australien. I Sverige finns cirka 20 arter. Familjen är också mycket mångformig, med både från endast ett par millimeter långa och sparsamt behårade arter, till över en centimeter långa, kraftigt behårade arter.

Svävflugor har fullständig förvandling och genomgår utvecklingsstadierna ägg, puppa, larv och imago. Larverna livnär sig som parasiter på andra insekter, bland annat på larver och ägg i bon av solitära bin och myror och äggsamlingar av gräshoppor.

Som fullbildade insekter söker svävflugorna näring i blommor. En del arter har en lång sugsnabel, med vilken de kan suga nektar ur en blomma medan de svävar framför den. Andra arter har en kortare sugsnabel och måste slå sig ner på blomman.


Art från släktet Villa


Exoprosopa italica


Lepidophora lutea

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Бренівкові ( Ucraniano )

fornecido por wikipedia UK


Посилання Commons-logo.svg Вікісховище: Bombyliidae EOL logo.svg EOL: 497 ITIS logo.svg ITIS: 134153 US-NLM-NCBI-Logo.svg NCBI: 50674 Fossilworks: 138883

Бренівкові (Bombyliidae) — родина двокрилих комах підряду коротковусих. Тіло має довжину близько 10 мм, вкрите густими волосками. Крила, ноги, а часто і хоботок довгі. Трапляються на квітах, живляться нектаром. Личинки більшості видів — паразити різних комах та їх личинок або лялечок (бджіл, метеликів, наїзників тощо). Відомо близько 3000 видів бренівкових, поширені переважно в сухих тропіках і субтропіках. В Україні понад 20 видів, переважно в Криму та інших південних областях, найчастіше в піщаних біотопах.


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Бренівкові: Brief Summary ( Ucraniano )

fornecido por wikipedia UK

Бренівкові (Bombyliidae) — родина двокрилих комах підряду коротковусих. Тіло має довжину близько 10 мм, вкрите густими волосками. Крила, ноги, а часто і хоботок довгі. Трапляються на квітах, живляться нектаром. Личинки більшості видів — паразити різних комах та їх личинок або лялечок (бджіл, метеликів, наїзників тощо). Відомо близько 3000 видів бренівкових, поширені переважно в сухих тропіках і субтропіках. В Україні понад 20 видів, переважно в Криму та інших південних областях, найчастіше в піщаних біотопах.

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Жужжала ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию
Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Первичноротые
Без ранга: Линяющие
Без ранга: Panarthropoda
Надкласс: Шестиногие
Класс: Насекомые
Надотряд: Antliophora
Отряд: Двукрылые
Подотряд: Короткоусые
Инфраотряд: Asilomorpha
Надсемейство: Asiloidea
Семейство: Жужжала
Международное научное название

Bombyliidae Latreille, 1802

  • Phthiriidae
  • Usiidae Becker, 1913
  • Systropodidae
Подсемейства Wikispecies-logo.svg
на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 134153NCBI 50674EOL 497FW 138883

Жужжа́ла[1][2], или мухи-жужжала[3] (лат. Bombyliidae) — семейство насекомых отряда двукрылых (Diptera).

Общая характеристика

Длина тела составляет от 0,8 до 30 мм. Всего насчитывается 5300 видов. Распространены широко, в основном в сухих тропических и субтропических зонах. Древнейшей находкой семейства в ископаемом состоянии считается вид †Palaeoplatypygus zaitzevi Kovalev, 1985, описанный из средней юры Сибири[4].


Имаго питаются нектаром. Личинки паразитируют на саранчовых, бабочках, наездниках, пчёлах или являются хищниками яйцевых коконов пауков.

Список родов

Смотрите основную статью Список родов мух-жужжал

Семейство мух-жужжал включает около 240 родов.


По современной классификации признаётся 15 подсемейств (Yeates, 1994), около 240 родов и примерно 5300 видов мух-жужжал. Некоторые рода семейства:


  1. Жизнь животных. Том 3. Членистоногие: трилобиты, хелицеровые, трахейнодышащие. Онихофоры / под ред. М. С. Гилярова, Ф. Н. Правдина, гл. ред. В. Е. Соколов. — 2-е изд. — М.: Просвещение, 1984. — С. 405. — 463 с.
  2. Определитель насекомых европейской части СССР. Т. V. Двукрылые, Блохи. Первая часть. / под общ.ред. Г. Я. Бей-Биенко. — Ленинград: «Наука», 1969. — С. 409-443. — 807 с. — (Определители по фауне СССР, издаваемые Зоологическим институтом АН СССР; вып.100.). — 5300 экз.
  3. Зайцев В. Ф. Мухи-жужжала рода Systropus Wiedemann (Diptera, Bombyliidae) фауны Дальнего Востока // Труды Зоологического ин-та РАН : Журнал. — 1977. — Т. 70. — С. 132—138. — ISSN 0206-0477.
  4. Wedmann, S. & Yeates, D. Eocene records of bee flies (Insecta, Diptera, Bombyliidae, Comptosia): Their paleobiogeographic implications and remarks on the evolutionary history of bombyliids // Palaeontology. — 2008. — Т. 51.
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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Жужжала: Brief Summary ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию

Жужжа́ла, или мухи-жужжала (лат. Bombyliidae) — семейство насекомых отряда двукрылых (Diptera).

direitos autorais
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

ツリアブ ( Japonês )

fornecido por wikipedia 日本語
ツリアブ科 Bombyliidae Insekt-silberblatt.jpg
ビロウドツリアブ Bombylius major
分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 節足動物門 Arthropoda : 昆虫綱 Insecta : ハエ目(双翅目) Diptera 亜目 : ハエ亜目(短角亜目) Brachycera 下目 : ムシヒキアブ下目 Asilomorpha 上科 : ムシヒキアブ上科 Asiloidea : ツリアブ科 Bombyliidae
Westwood, 1838 英名 Bee fly 亜科  src= ウィキスピーシーズにツリアブ科に関する情報があります。  src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、ツリアブ科に関連するカテゴリがあります。


英語での名称は"Bee fly"(「ハチのような飛ぶ虫」)。









執筆の途中です この項目は、動物に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めていますPortal:生き物と自然プロジェクト:生物)。
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site do parceiro
wikipedia 日本語

ツリアブ: Brief Summary ( Japonês )

fornecido por wikipedia 日本語


英語での名称は"Bee fly"(「ハチのような飛ぶ虫」)。

direitos autorais
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
wikipedia 日本語