
Tetrastichinae ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Tetrastichinae is a subfamily of the chalcid wasp family Eulophidae. It is one of the largest subfamilies of the Eulophidae containing over 100 genera and nearly 3,000 species. The species of the family Tetrastichinae are found in almost any type of terrestrial habitat and have a worldwide distribution, except Antarctica. They show a varied biology and hosts for Tetrastichinae wasps have been identified from over 100 different insect families, across 10 different orders and they have also been recorded as being parasitoids on nematodes, mites and spiders' eggs. Some species are even phytophagous, while others are inquilines and yet others are gall formers.


The Tetrastichinae contains species which are mainly parasitic, although some species are known to be phytophages. Phytophagy has so far been shown to be secondary, especially in species in which the larvae are inquilines with gall forming insects and primary phytophagy has not been demonstrated. Endoparasitism is more frequent than ectoparasitiusm and taxa of either parasitic type may be gregarious or solitary. In the gregarious forms a single host may support very few parasitoids or it may host many of them, for example in a single chrysalis parasitised by Aprostocetus xanthopus over 2000 larvae were found. Sometimes hyperparasitism is shown, with the species in the genus Eutetrastichus (now synonymised with Baryscapus[1]) in particular being hyperparasites, and hyperparasitism may be obligate but it can also occur opportunistically in response to circumstance.[2]

Some species are highly host specific while other species appear to be able to vary their hosts, this may be due to otherwise cryptic taxa which have not yet been identifies or described. The most common hosts are insects but arachnids are also hosts for some taxa. Some of the groups within the Tetrastchinae all share similar hosts, such as the genus Tamarixia which parasitise Psylloidea while the majority of the species in Aprostocetus solely parasitise Cecidomyiidae. In other genera it is the ecological or behavioural traits of the host which are important, the Minotetrastichus species parasitise leaf miners whether these are Coleoptera, Hymenoptera or Lepidoptera; while other groups target galls irrespective of the nature of the gall former.[2]

In many species reproduction is solely through thelytoky, i.e. female eggs are produced by parthenogenesis, while in others varying proportions of males are produced from unfertilised eggs while females are produced from fertilised eggs. This can differ within species, for example there are no records of males in North American specimens of Tetrastichus asparagi but are recorded in small numbers in European samples. Another reason for the scarcity of males is that in some taxa (e.g. Melittobia) they have been observed to stay within the host pupa on emergence and aggressively attack and kill each other until only a few survive. The surviving males then have to complete a complicated courtship ritual before they are able to copulate with the females.[2]


These small wasps are rather uniform in morphology and the difficulty of preserving specimens makes them difficult to study and classify and traditionally most species were placed in a single large genus Tetrastichus until a study in 1987 by M.W.R. de V. Graham split this large genus into a number of smaller, more natural groupings, fifteen of which were named as new genera. All subsequent taxonomic work on this subfamily has been based on Graham's revision.[3]



  1. ^ "Eutetrastichus bruchophagi (Gahan, 1913)". GBIF.org. Retrieved 2 June 2017.
  2. ^ a b c M.W.R. de V. Graham (1987). "A reclassification of the European Tetrastichinae (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), with a revision of certain genera". Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Entomology. 55 (1): 2–391.
  3. ^ John La Salle (1994). "North American genera of Tetrastichinae (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae)". Journal of Natural History. 28 (1): 109–236. doi:10.1080/00222939400770091.
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wikipedia EN

Tetrastichinae: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Tetrastichinae is a subfamily of the chalcid wasp family Eulophidae. It is one of the largest subfamilies of the Eulophidae containing over 100 genera and nearly 3,000 species. The species of the family Tetrastichinae are found in almost any type of terrestrial habitat and have a worldwide distribution, except Antarctica. They show a varied biology and hosts for Tetrastichinae wasps have been identified from over 100 different insect families, across 10 different orders and they have also been recorded as being parasitoids on nematodes, mites and spiders' eggs. Some species are even phytophagous, while others are inquilines and yet others are gall formers.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Tetrastichinae ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

Tetrastichinae Förster, 1956, è una sottofamiglia degli Eulofidi (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) comprendente specie parassitoidi.


I Tetrastichini hanno il mesoscuto provvisto di notauli ben delineati, stretti e profondi, con axille protese verso gli stessi. Tranne rare eccezioni, lo scutello è sempre percorso longitudinalmente da due solchi paralleli mediani.

Le ali anteriori hanno diverse setole sulla vena submarginale. Il raccordo fra la vena marginale e quella submarginale è brusco e la vena postmarginale è assente o marcatamente più breve di quella stigmale.


I Tetrastichini sono in genere endoparassiti che si sviluppano a spese di uova, larve o pupe di insetti olometaboli generalmente minatori o galligeni (Ditteri, Imenotteri e Lepidotteri. Caso poco frequente fra i parassitoidi è anche la parassitizzazione di Acari Eriofidi e Nematodi galligeni.

Fra i Tetrastichini si annoverano anche altri comportamenti: ectoparassiti, predatori oofagi, iperparassiti obbligati o facoltativi. Si riscontra anche il multiparassitismo con specie che possono arrivare a produrre centinaia o migliaia di individui su un solo ospite. Di particolare importanza è la frequenza di rapporti di parassitoidismo altamente specifici.


I Tetrastichini rappresentano il raggruppamento più numeroso nell'ambito degli Eulofidi, con oltre 1600 specie distribuite in circa 90 generi [1]:


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wikipedia IT

Tetrastichinae: Brief Summary ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

Tetrastichinae Förster, 1956, è una sottofamiglia degli Eulofidi (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) comprendente specie parassitoidi.

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wikipedia IT

Tetrastichinae ( Norueguês )

fornecido por wikipedia NO

Tetrastichinae er en gruppe som hører til blant parasittvepsene og er en underfamilie av årevingene. Gruppen omfatter rundt 1650 kjente arter fordelt på rundt 90 slekter. Det er funnet 524 arter i Europa-


Bittesmå til små (ca. 1 - 5 millimeter) snyltevepser av sterkt varierende farge (lyst oransje til svart) og kroppsbygning. Antennene er knebøyde. Vingene er vanligvis velutviklede.


Tetrastichinae er parasitoider som kan angripe både egg-, larve- og puppestadiene til sine vertsarter. De fleste angriper sommerfugler, biller og tovinger, men underfamilien snylter på minst 10 ulike insektordener. Noen få arter er planteetere som danner galler, eller rovdyr som angriper midd og nematoder.


Gruppen finnes i alle verdensdeler.

Systematisk inndeling



  • Natural History Museum, Universal Chalcidoidea Database [1]
  • Fauna Europaea, utbredelsesdatabase over europeiske dyr: [2]
  • Ottesen, P.S. (1993, revidert 1999) Norske insekter og deres artsantall. NINA utredning 55: 1-40. [3]
  • van Noort, Simon (uten dato) WaspWeb - Tetrastichine wasps of Africa and Madagascar [4]

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wikipedia NO

Tetrastichinae: Brief Summary ( Norueguês )

fornecido por wikipedia NO

Tetrastichinae er en gruppe som hører til blant parasittvepsene og er en underfamilie av årevingene. Gruppen omfatter rundt 1650 kjente arter fordelt på rundt 90 slekter. Det er funnet 524 arter i Europa-

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wikipedia NO

Tetrastichinae ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию

Латинское название Tetrastichinae Förster, 1856

на Викивидах

Поиск изображений
на Викискладе

NCBI 150276

Tetrastichinae (лат.) — подсемейство мелких хальциноидных наездников из семейства Eulophidae. Встречаются повсеместно. Около 1650 видов и 100 родов, в Европе около 500 видов[1]. В Неарктике 212 видов и 42 рода[2][3]. В России около 200 видов из 13 родов[4].


Мелкие наездники-эвлофиды, длина 1-2 мм. Передние крылья без без постмаргинальной жилки. Щит среднеспинки как правило имеет срединную продольную линию. Жвалы 3-зубчатые. Усики 12-члениковые (булава из 3 члеников, жгутик из 4 сегментов, аннелюс из 3 сегментов). Нижнечелюстные и нижнегубные щупики состоят из 1 членика. Паразитируют на яйцах, личинках и куколках различных беспозвоночных (экто- и эндопаразитоиды): их хозяева обнаружены в 100 семействах из 10 отрядов насекомых, а также среди пауков, клещей и даже круглых червей. Примерно треть видов паразитируют на галлообразователях (в основном на галлицах)[5][1].


  1. 1 2 Graham, M. W. R. de V. A reclassification of the European Tetrastichinae (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), with a revision of certain genera (англ.) // Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) (Entomology series) : Журнал. — London: British Museum (Natural History), 1987. — Vol. 55, no. 1. — P. 1-392. — ISBN 0-565-06027-9. isnn:0524-6431
  2. Family Eulophidae Архивировано 7 мая 2006 года.
  3. LaSalle, J. North American genera of Tetrastichinae (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) (англ.) // Journal of Natural History : Журнал. — 1994. — Vol. 5528. — P. 109-236.
  4. (Ефремова З. А.) Yefremova Z. A. Catalogue of the Eulophidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) of Russia. // Linzer biologische Beitrage. 2002. — Vol. 34. № 1. — P. 563—618.
  5. Костюков В. В. Подсем. Tetrastichinae. С.346-506. //Ефремова З. А., Сторожева Н. А., Костюков В. В. Семейство эвлофиды — Eulophidae //Определитель насекомых Дальнего Востока России. 1995. Т.4. 4.2. С.291-506.
  6. Qin Li, Chao Wang, Hong-ying Hu, Viktor V. Kostjukov, John LA Salle, Chao-dong Zhu. 2016: Descriptions of Three New Species of Dzhanokmenia (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) from China.Zootaxa, 4121(4): 447-457.
  7. LaSalle, J.; Boler, I. 1994: Hadranellus anomalus n. gen. et n. sp (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae): an example of extreme intraspecific variation in an endemic New Zealand insect. Архивировано 18 октября 2008 года. — New Zealand entomologist, 17: 37-46.
  8. Kim I.-k.; McDonald, M.; La Salle, J. 2005: Moona, a new genus of tetrastichine gall inducers (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) on seeds of Corymbia (Myrtaceae) in Australia.Zootaxa, 989: 1-10.
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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Tetrastichinae: Brief Summary ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию

Tetrastichinae (лат.) — подсемейство мелких хальциноидных наездников из семейства Eulophidae. Встречаются повсеместно. Около 1650 видов и 100 родов, в Европе около 500 видов. В Неарктике 212 видов и 42 рода. В России около 200 видов из 13 родов.

direitos autorais
Авторы и редакторы Википедии