Limacus maculatus, the green cellar slug or Irish yellow slug, is a species of slug native to the Caucasus and Black Sea coast.[2] It has also been introduced to a number of northern European countries. In its introduced range the species is often synanthropic. It is most likely to be confused with Limacus flavus, which it closely resembles externally.
Limax ecarinatus Boettger, 1881 is the appropriate name if Limacus is considered a subgenus of Limax.[3] The reason is that Nunneley already described a Limax maculatus in 1837; this turned out to be a synonym of Limax maximus, but nevertheless the combination Limax maculatus cannot be re-applied to a species described under the name maculatus at a later date (even though that 1851 description used a different genus, Krynickillus).
This species is believed to be native in parts of Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Turkey, southwestern Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia.[2][5] It has now spread to:
Limacus maculatus, the green cellar slug or Irish yellow slug, is a species of slug native to the Caucasus and Black Sea coast. It has also been introduced to a number of northern European countries. In its introduced range the species is often synanthropic. It is most likely to be confused with Limacus flavus, which it closely resembles externally.
Limax ecarinatus Boettger, 1881 is the appropriate name if Limacus is considered a subgenus of Limax. The reason is that Nunneley already described a Limax maculatus in 1837; this turned out to be a synonym of Limax maximus, but nevertheless the combination Limax maculatus cannot be re-applied to a species described under the name maculatus at a later date (even though that 1851 description used a different genus, Krynickillus).
Limacus maculatus is een slakkensoort uit de familie van de Limacidae.[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1851 door Kaleniczenko.
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