Ptychocylis obtusa from the Chukchi Sea
Ptychocylis obtusa from the Chukchi Sea
Ptychocylis obtusa from the Chukchi Sea (Station 18 of the Araon Cruise 003)
Ptychocylis obtusa from the Chukchi in 2012, Ara003 cruise St 50. This elongated morphotype was about half the population.
Specimen without teeth or serrations on the lorica oral opening. From the Canada Basin in August 2013, cruise Ara04, St. 13.
Specimen from the Canada Basin in August 2013, cruise Ara04, Station 15.
From the Canada Basin in August 2013, St 15 of the ARA04 cruise.
From the Canada Basin in August 2013, cruise ARA04, St 15
From Station 13 of the ARA04 cruise to the Canada Basin in August 2013
Specimen from the Canada Basin in August 2013. The lorica is slightlly longer than the average.
Drawing from the original description by Brandt (1896). The black arrow showing length of 120 m is the median of the length range given in the text (pg 59). The grey arrow showing lorica oral diameter of 70 m (not given in the text) is based on the length value.