Graellsia is a genus of small perennial sub-caespitose herbs in the family Brassicaceae.[1] Most of the species are found in Iran and Afghanistan, with one occurring in Turkey, and one in the High Atlas of Morocco.[1] They are typically found in shady crevices of calcareous rocks at altitudes of 1,000–3,600 metres (3,300–11,800 ft).[1]
The genus was erected in 1842 by Pierre Edmond Boissier, commemorating the Spanish zoologist Mariano de la Paz Graells y de la Agüera.[1] It initially contained only Graellsia saxifragifolia, which had previously been placed in Cochlearia. New species were gradually added, and G. hederifolia was moved to Graellsia, having previously been the only species in Draba sect. Helicodraba.[1] Subsequent investigations using molecular phylogenetics have questioned the grouping of G. hederifolia and G. saxifraga, and G. hederifolia may need to be restored to the genus Draba.[2]
It contains the following species:[3]
Graellsia is a genus of small perennial sub-caespitose herbs in the family Brassicaceae. Most of the species are found in Iran and Afghanistan, with one occurring in Turkey, and one in the High Atlas of Morocco. They are typically found in shady crevices of calcareous rocks at altitudes of 1,000–3,600 metres (3,300–11,800 ft).
The genus was erected in 1842 by Pierre Edmond Boissier, commemorating the Spanish zoologist Mariano de la Paz Graells y de la Agüera. It initially contained only Graellsia saxifragifolia, which had previously been placed in Cochlearia. New species were gradually added, and G. hederifolia was moved to Graellsia, having previously been the only species in Draba sect. Helicodraba. Subsequent investigations using molecular phylogenetics have questioned the grouping of G. hederifolia and G. saxifraga, and G. hederifolia may need to be restored to the genus Draba.
It contains the following species:
Graellsia chitralensis O.E.Schulz Graellsia davisiana Poulter Graellsia graellsiifolia (Lipsky) Poulter Graellsia hederifolia (Coss.) R.D.Hyam & Jury Graellsia hissarica Junussov Graellsia integrifolia (Rech.f.) Rech.f. Graellsia saxifragifolia (DC.) Boiss. Graellsia stylosa (Boiss. & Hohen.) PoulterGraellsia es un género de fanerógamas perteneciente a la familia Brassicaceae. Comprende ocho especies descritas y aceptadas. [2]
Son hierbas perennes, subcaespitosas con un poco de base leñosa, glabra, dispara muy escasamente hojas o deshojado. Las hojas radicales largo pecioladas, con lámina ovada a reniforme, ampliamente dentadas, las hojas caulinares si están presentes, pequeñas, lineales, sésiles o subsésiles. Racimos ebracteados, simples o ramificados, por lo general subcorimbosos. Flores pequeñas, blancas, con pedúnculos filiformes, flexuosas. El fruto es una silicua elíptica, glabras, por lo general en términos generales septadas (raramente tabique ventana o ausente), indehiscente a dehiscente, las semillas 1 a unoa pocas, sin alas o con margen.[3]
El género fue descrito por Pierre Edmond Boissier y publicado en Annales des Sciences Naturelles; Botanique, sér. 2, 16: 379. 1841.[3]
A continuación se brinda un listado de las especies del género Graellsia aceptadas hasta septiembre de 2013, ordenadas alfabéticamente. Para cada una se indica el nombre binomial seguido del autor, abreviado según las convenciones y usos.
Graellsia es un género de fanerógamas perteneciente a la familia Brassicaceae. Comprende ocho especies descritas y aceptadas.
Graellsia é um género botânico pertencente à família Brassicaceae[1].
Graellsia é um género botânico pertencente à família Brassicaceae.
Graellsia là chi thực vật có hoa trong họ Cải.[1]
Graellsia là chi thực vật có hoa trong họ Cải.