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Astragalus tephrodes var. brachylobus (A. Gray) Barneby

Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por North American Flora
Xylophacos pephragmenus (M. E. Jones) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 52: 151. 1925.
Astragalus pephragmenus M. E. Jones, Zoe 4: 267. 1893. Astragalus intermedins M. E. Jones, Proc. Calif. Acad. II. 5: 656. 1895. Astragalus Phoenicis M. E. Jones, Contr. W. Bot. 8: 12. 1898. Xylophacos lenophyllus Rydb. Fl. Rocky Mts. ed. 2. 1126. 1922. Astragalus remulcus M. E. Jones, Rev. Astrag. 209, in part. 1923. Astragalus argophyllus pephragmenus M. E. Jones, Rev. Astrag. 208. 1923.
A perennial, with a woody cespitose caudex; stems decumbent at the base, mostly less than 1 dm. long, eanescent-strigose; leaves 5-10 dm. long; stipules scarious, deltoid, acuminate, 3-4 mm. long; leaflets 15-31, oval or obovate, loosely strigose-canescent, densely so beneath, less so above, 5-10 mm. long; peduncles about 1 dm. long, overtopping the leaves; racemes 3-5 cm. long, 3-12-flowered; calyx white-hairy, the hairs short and loose, the tube 8 mm. long, the teeth lance-deltoid, 1.5-2 mm. long; corolla purple, 15-20 mm. long, similar to that of X. Shorlianus but paler; pod slightly curved, 22-25 mm. long, 8 mm. wide, eanescent with short kinked hairs, rounded at the base, acute at the apex.
Type locality: Pinal Mountains, Arizona. Distribution: Arizona, New Mexico, and southern Utah.
citação bibliográfica
Per Axel Rydberg. 1919. (ROSALES); FABACEAE; PSORALEAE. North American flora. vol 24(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por North American Flora
Xylophacos brachylobus (A. Gray) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 52: 154. 1925.
Astragalus amphioxys brachylobus A. Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 13: 367. 1878.
A perennial, with a cespitose caudex; stems less than 1 dm. high, strigose-canescent, much branched and leafy; leaves ascending, 5-8 cm. long; stipules deltoid, strigose, 3 mm. long; leaflets 9-21, oval, usually acute, 5-10 mm. long, 3-5 mm. wide, strigose-canescent on both sides; peduncles 2-5 cm. long; raceme 3-9-flowered; bracts lanceolate, 5 mm. long, strigose; calyx strigose-canescent, the tube 7—8 mm. long, the teeth subulate, less than 2 mm. long; corolla bluish-purple, fully 2 cm. long; banner obovate, notched at the apex, moderately arcuate; wings nearly as long, the blade falcate-oblong; keel-petals shorter, broadly lunate; pod lunate, strigose, somewhat arcuate, 2.5 cm. long, obtuse at the base, acuminate at the apex, suleate on the lower suture.
Type locality : Arizona.
Distribution: Southern Nevada to Arizona. New Mexico, and southern Colorado.
citação bibliográfica
Per Axel Rydberg. 1919. (ROSALES); FABACEAE; PSORALEAE. North American flora. vol 24(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora