
Taxonomic History ( Inglês )

fornecido por Antweb
Eciton rapax Smith, 1855c PDF: 163 (s.) BRAZIL. Neotropic. AntCat AntWiki HOL

Taxonomic history

[w. excluded from type-series, see: Borgmeier, 1955 PDF: 211.].[In the figure legends of Smith, 1855c PDF: 169 the name Eciton rapax is misspelled as Eciton raptor; incorrect subsequent spelling.].Mayr, 1886b PDF: 118 (w.); Wheeler & Wheeler, 1974c PDF: 169 (l.); Rettenmeyer, 1974: 297 (q.m.).See also: Borgmeier, 1955 PDF: 211; Wheeler & Wheeler, 1984a PDF: 270.
direitos autorais
California Academy of Sciences
citação bibliográfica
AntWeb. Version 8.45.1. California Academy of Science, online at https://www.antweb.org. Accessed 15 December 2022.
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Diagnostic Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Plazi (legacy text)

Eciton rapax, Smith , Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. iii. new ser.

Atta quadriglumis , Halid. Trans. Linn. Soc. xiv. 328.

Hab. Brazil (Para; Santarem; Ega).

This species is readily distinguished by its having the head, thorax, legs and nodes of the abdomen opake black, and the abdomen pale reddish yellow. Mr. Bates says, "This is the largest species of the genus that I have seen; its columns are narrower than those of the other species, in fact they generally run along in single file, and forage in the same way. I have found them carrying off great numbers of cocoons of a species of Formica ; I have searched the columns long and repeatedly without finding any individuals with large heads and long mandibles."

not applicable
citação bibliográfica
Smith, F., Catalogue of the hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae., pp. -
Smith, F.
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Plazi (legacy text)

Eciton rapax ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL


Eciton rapax is een mierensoort uit de onderfamilie van de Ecitoninae.[1][2] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1855 door Smith, F..

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wikipedia NL

Eciton rapax ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

Eciton rapax é uma espécie de formiga do gênero Eciton.[1]


  1. «Eciton rapax». Sistema Global de Informação sobre Biodiversidade (em inglês). Consultado em 27 de agosto de 2019
direitos autorais
Autores e editores de Wikipedia
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wikipedia PT

Eciton rapax: Brief Summary ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

Eciton rapax é uma espécie de formiga do gênero Eciton.

direitos autorais
Autores e editores de Wikipedia
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wikipedia PT