Due to it's broad geographic distribution and prevalence in disturbed habitats, according to the IUCN categories and classification structure, we consider the conservation status of this species as “Least Concern (LC)".
Eutropis rudis can be distinguished from congeners by the following combination of characters: (1) relatively large body size (85-92 mm SVL for mature adults); (2) dorsal and lateral scales with 3 strong keels; (3) head shields embossed or keeled; (4) 28-32 midbody scale rows; (5) 34-36 vertebral scale rows between the parietals and base of tail; (6) 18-21 lamellae beneath the 4th toe; (7) 5-7 lamellae beneath the 1st toe; (8) prefrontals usually separate; (9) interparietal large, separating parietals; (10) 6-7 upper and lower labials; (11) tympanum deeply sunk, ear with small lobules anteriorly (Brown & Alcala, 1980).
Coloration in life: Dorsal and lateral surfaces dark brown with some scales flecked with black, or with narrow longitudinal lines; sometimes anterior part of body with russet or orange; undersurface of head and throat bluish with black flecks and belly yellowish with dark spots on many scales (Brown & Alcala, 1980).
Eutropis rudis can be found in Indonesia and Malaysia (including Borneo, Sumatra, Mentawai Islands, Java, and Sulawesi) and in the Philippines in the Sulu Archipelago and on Mindanao Island.
This species is known only from the Sulu Archipelago in the extreme southern Philippines, as far east as Jolo Island.
Eutropis rudis can be found active in lowland rainforest and in open areas. Taylor also observed that individuals took refuge in burrows on the ground (Brown & Alcala, 1980).
Within the Philippines, Eutropis rudis is most similar to E. multifasciata. E. rudis can be distinguished by it's smaller size, smaller number of mid-body scale rows, and larger number of lamellae beneath the 4th toe.
This species is oviparous with females laying 2-4 eggs per clutch (Brown & Alcala, 1980).
85.0-92.0 mm SVL
Borneo; type in British Museum
Eutropis rudis, commonly known as the rough mabuya or brown mabuya, is a species of skink. It is found in the Maritime Southeast Asia: Indonesia (Borneo, Sumatra, Mentawai Islands, Java, and Sulawesi), Malaysia (Sabah and Sarawak), Philippine Islands, Sulu Islands, as well as on the Nicobar islands of India.[2]
Eutropis rudis, commonly known as the rough mabuya or brown mabuya, is a species of skink. It is found in the Maritime Southeast Asia: Indonesia (Borneo, Sumatra, Mentawai Islands, Java, and Sulawesi), Malaysia (Sabah and Sarawak), Philippine Islands, Sulu Islands, as well as on the Nicobar islands of India.
Eutropis rudis es una especie de lagartos escincomorfos de la familia Scincidae.[1]
Es endémica del sudeste Asiático, encontrándose en Indonesia (Borneo, Sumatra, islas Mentawai, Java, Sulawesi), Filipinas, isla de Joló e India (islas Nicobar).[1]
Eutropis rudis es una especie de lagartos escincomorfos de la familia Scincidae.
Eutropis rudis Eutropis generoko animalia da. Narrastien barruko Scincidae familian sailkatuta dago.
Eutropis rudis Eutropis generoko animalia da. Narrastien barruko Scincidae familian sailkatuta dago.
Eutropis rudis est une espèce de sauriens de la famille des Scincidae[1].
Cette espèce se rencontre[1] :
Kadal serasah cokelat (Eutropis rudis) adalah sejenis kadal dari familia Scincidae. Kadal ini termasuk kadal yang tinggal dekat dengan manusia, seperti halnya kadal kebun. Kadal serasah cokelat tersebar luas mulai dari Kepulauan Nikobar, Semenanjung Malaya, Sumatra, Kepulauan Mentawai, Jawa, Bali, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Kepulauan Sulu, dan sebagian Filipina.[2]. Dalam bahasa Inggris, kadal ini dinamai Rough Skink, Brown Skink, atau Black-banded Skink.
Kadal ini berukuran hampir sama dengan kadal kebun. Panjang tubuhnya sekitar 15 hingga 21 cm, termasuk ekor.[3][4] Punggungnya mengkilap dan berwarna dasar cokelat polos dengan sisi tubuh berwarna kehitaman yang dipisahkan dari warna punggung oleh garis tipis berwarna keputihan. Leher berwarna cokelat agak terang. Kepala dan ekor berwarna sama dengan punggung. Warna tubuh yang juga hampir sama dengan kerabatnya.[5]
Kadal serasah cokelat biasanya ditemui di dasar hutan atau perkebunan. Kadal ini biasanya berkeliaran di celah-celah di dasar pohon, di tumpukan dedaunan serasah atau dedaunan lain serta kayu lapuk untuk tempat tinggal, berjemur, atau mencari mangsa. Makanan utama kadal ini adalah serangga tanah dan cacing. Kadal serasah cokelat berkembangbiak dengan bertelur sebanyak 2-4 butir.[3]
Kadal serasah cokelat (Eutropis rudis) adalah sejenis kadal dari familia Scincidae. Kadal ini termasuk kadal yang tinggal dekat dengan manusia, seperti halnya kadal kebun. Kadal serasah cokelat tersebar luas mulai dari Kepulauan Nikobar, Semenanjung Malaya, Sumatra, Kepulauan Mentawai, Jawa, Bali, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Kepulauan Sulu, dan sebagian Filipina.. Dalam bahasa Inggris, kadal ini dinamai Rough Skink, Brown Skink, atau Black-banded Skink.
Eutropis rudis là một loài thằn lằn trong họ Scincidae. Loài này được Boulenger mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1887.[2]
Eutropis rudis là một loài thằn lằn trong họ Scincidae. Loài này được Boulenger mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1887.