Sphenomorphus indicus (Indian forest skink) is a species of skink.
Its habit is lacertiform; the distance between the end of the snout and the fore limb contained about 1.6 times in the distance between axilla and groin. Snout short, obtuse; loreal region nearly vertical. Lower eyelid scaly. Nostril pierced in a single nasal, or between a nasal and a postnasal; no supranasal; rostral convex, largely m contact with the frontonasal, which is broader than long, and forms a narrow suture with the frontal; the latter as long as frontoparietal and parietals together, in contact with the first, second, and third supraoculars; 4 large supraoculars, followed by 2 very small ones; first supraocular not much longer than second; 9 or 10 supracilianes, first largest; frontoparietals and interparietal distinct, former a little longer than latter; parietals forming a short suture behind the interparietal; no nuchals; fifth and sixth upper labials largest and below the eye. Ear-opening oval, smaller than eye-opening; no auricular lobules. 36 or 38 smooth scales round the middle of the body, laterals smallest. A pair of large pre-anals. When the limbs are pressed against the body, the hind limb reaches the elbow or not quite so far. Digits rather elongate, compressed; subdigital lamellae smooth or obtusely keeled, 17 to 20 under the fourth toe. Tail almost twice as long as head and body. Brown or olive above, uniform or with scattered darker dots; sides of head and body dark brown, light-margined above; usually with large light spots; lower surface whitish.[1] From snout to vent 3.5 inches; tail
S China (incl. Hainan, west to E Xizang = Tibet, and north to Henan, Shaanxi, and Gansu, Guangdong: Nan Ao Island), Bangladesh, Bhutan, Taiwan, Thailand (likely in Bilauk Tuang mountain fide Taylor 1963: 1020), Vietnam, India (Darjeeling, Sikkim) east to Indochina and south to W Malaysia
Type locality: Sikkim, Himalayas.
Sphenomorphus indicus Sphenomorphus generoko animalia da. Narrastien barruko Scincidae familian sailkatuta dago.
Sphenomorphus indicus Sphenomorphus generoko animalia da. Narrastien barruko Scincidae familian sailkatuta dago.
Sphenomorphus indicus est une espèce de sauriens de la famille des Scincidae[1].
Cette espèce se rencontre[1] :
Sphenomorphus indicus[5] este o specie de șopârle din genul Sphenomorphus, familia Scincidae, descrisă de Gray 1853.[6][7] Conform Catalogue of Life specia Sphenomorphus indicus nu are subspecii cunoscute.[6]
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Sphenomorphus indicus este o specie de șopârle din genul Sphenomorphus, familia Scincidae, descrisă de Gray 1853. Conform Catalogue of Life specia Sphenomorphus indicus nu are subspecii cunoscute.
Sphenomorphus indicus là một loài thằn lằn trong họ Scincidae. Loài này được Gray mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1853.[1]
Sphenomorphus indicus là một loài thằn lằn trong họ Scincidae. Loài này được Gray mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1853.
铜蜓蜥(学名:Sphenomorphus indicus)又名印度蜓蜥,为石龙子科蜓蜥属的爬行动物,俗名铜石龙子、石锡、山龙子、铜楔蜥、四脚蛇。分布于印度、锡金、缅甸、泰国、台湾岛以及中国大陆的上海、江苏、浙江、安徽、福建、江西、河南、湖北、湖南、广东、香港、广西、四川等地,该物种的模式产地在锡金喜马拉雅山。[1]
铜蜓蜥(学名:Sphenomorphus indicus)又名印度蜓蜥,为石龙子科蜓蜥属的爬行动物,俗名铜石龙子、石锡、山龙子、铜楔蜥、四脚蛇。分布于印度、锡金、缅甸、泰国、台湾岛以及中国大陆的上海、江苏、浙江、安徽、福建、江西、河南、湖北、湖南、广东、香港、广西、四川等地,该物种的模式产地在锡金喜马拉雅山。