El francolí del mont Elgon (Scleroptila elgonensis) és un ocell de la família dels fasiànids (Phasianidae) que habita praderies a les muntanyes del centre de Kenya i est d'Uganda.
Ha estat considerat una subespècie del francolí muntanyenc, però alternativament, alguns autors l'han considerat recentment una espècie de ple dret.[1]
El francolí del mont Elgon (Scleroptila elgonensis) és un ocell de la família dels fasiànids (Phasianidae) que habita praderies a les muntanyes del centre de Kenya i est d'Uganda.
Ha estat considerat una subespècie del francolí muntanyenc, però alternativament, alguns autors l'han considerat recentment una espècie de ple dret.
The Elgon francolin (Scleroptila elgonensis) is a francolin found in moorland at altitudes above 2,300 metres (7,500 ft) from eastern Uganda (Mount Elgon) to central Kenya.[2][3][4][5][6]
It was described by Ogilvie-Grant in 1891 as Francolinus elgonensis, and some authorities still use the genus Francolinus for all members otherwise placed in Scleroptila.[2][5] It was previously considered a subspecies of the moorland francolin (S. psilolaema), which is now thought to be endemic to Ethiopia.[2] Alternatively, it was suggested as a subspecies of the Shelley's francolin (S. shelleyi elgonensis),[2] or even a hybrid between the moorland and red-winged francolins.[7] However, it was split as a distinct species by the IUCN Red List and BirdLife International in 2014, and by the International Ornithological Congress in 2022 based on a 2019 study.[8][9] The Elgon francolin resembles the moorland francolin, but the latter is duller (less rufescent) and has a black-dotted throat, and also differs in vocalizations.[2]
The Elgon francolin (Scleroptila elgonensis) is a francolin found in moorland at altitudes above 2,300 metres (7,500 ft) from eastern Uganda (Mount Elgon) to central Kenya.
It was described by Ogilvie-Grant in 1891 as Francolinus elgonensis, and some authorities still use the genus Francolinus for all members otherwise placed in Scleroptila. It was previously considered a subspecies of the moorland francolin (S. psilolaema), which is now thought to be endemic to Ethiopia. Alternatively, it was suggested as a subspecies of the Shelley's francolin (S. shelleyi elgonensis), or even a hybrid between the moorland and red-winged francolins. However, it was split as a distinct species by the IUCN Red List and BirdLife International in 2014, and by the International Ornithological Congress in 2022 based on a 2019 study. The Elgon francolin resembles the moorland francolin, but the latter is duller (less rufescent) and has a black-dotted throat, and also differs in vocalizations.
Scleroptila elgonensis ("elgonfrankolin")[2] är en fågel i familjen fasanfåglar inom ordningen hönsfåglar.[1]
Fågeln återfinns i Afrika från östra Uganda till centrala Kenya.[3] Den betraktas i allmänhet som underart till höglandsfrankolin (Scleroptila psilolaema), men har getts artstatus av Birdlife International och IUCN.
IUCN kategoriserar arten som nära hotad.
Fågelns vetenskapliga artnamn syftar på berget Elgon i Kenya.[4]
Scleroptila elgonensis ("elgonfrankolin") är en fågel i familjen fasanfåglar inom ordningen hönsfåglar.