
Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por NMNH Antarctic Invertebrates

Cellarinella is proposed for some rather problematic species allied to Myriozoum, but without distinct opercula. In the species known there are rosette plates, and one or two avicularia below the aperture, having triangular or semicircular mandibles. Besides the C. foveolata nov., C. nodulata nov., C. dubia nov., the Myriozoum marionensis Busk (1) will have to be placed here, and the relationship is in certain points with Myriozoum, Haswellia and Tubucellaria, but probably most close with Systenopora gen. nov., and further knowledge may show Cellarinella to be superfluous. We may however find that a new suborder has to be made for forms without an operculum, but in which there are a group of strong muscles drawing a membrane over the oral aperture, which is situated low down some distance from the peristomial aperture; Systenopora and Cellarinella would be included, and probably some other forms, but this requires further elucidation with better specimens, and I hope to return to it when opportunity occurs.

(1) This is not the M. marionensis of JULLIEN and CALVET, Bryozoaires provenant de campagnes de l'Hirondelle, 1903." (Waters, 1904: 57)