
Diagnostic Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
The only Lethrinus with its 2nd dorsal spine the longest. The inner surface of the pectoral fin may be scaleless, partially covered with scales or densely covered with scales. Body color is tan or brown on the upper sides, white on the lower sides, with three tan or brown stripes. The sides often have scattered irregular black oblique bars and a square black blotch above the pectoral fin and bordering below the lateral line. The head is brown or tan sometimes with several broad, somewhat indistinct vertical and oblique bands (these bands are sometimes composed of fine reticulations). The fins are pale, speckled with small white blotches.
direitos autorais
Estelita Emily Capuli
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Life Cycle ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
A monandric species (Ref. 55367). Length at sex change = 18.0 cm TL (Ref. 55367). Also Ref. 103751.
direitos autorais
Susan M. Luna
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Morphology ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Dorsal spines (total): 10; Dorsal soft rays (total): 9; Analspines: 3; Analsoft rays: 8
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Estelita Emily Capuli
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Trophic Strategy ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Reportedly penetrates rivers in some areas (Ref. 2295). Occurs over shallow sandy and seagrass beds, in mangrove swamps, lagoons, channels and outer reef slopes. Feeds on crustaceans and small fishes.
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Pascualita Sa-a
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Biology ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Solitary or in groups (Ref. 90102). Occurs over shallow sandy and seagrass beds, in mangrove swamps, lagoons, channels and outer reef slopes. May enter rivers. Feeds on crustaceans and small fishes. A protogynous hermaphrodite (Ref. 55367). A protracted spawning peak from July to December is recorded in New Caledonia. Smaller and more numerous females than males have been confirmed in Australian populations. Marketed fresh (Ref. 9775).
direitos autorais
Susan M. Luna
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Importance ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
fisheries: minor commercial; price category: very high; price reliability: very questionable: based on ex-vessel price for species in this family
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Susan M. Luna
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分布 ( Inglês )

fornecido por The Fish Database of Taiwan
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The Fish Database of Taiwan

利用 ( Inglês )

fornecido por The Fish Database of Taiwan
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The Fish Database of Taiwan

描述 ( Inglês )

fornecido por The Fish Database of Taiwan
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The Fish Database of Taiwan

棲地 ( Inglês )

fornecido por The Fish Database of Taiwan
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The Fish Database of Taiwan

Lethrinus genivittatus ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

Lethrinus genivittatus és una espècie de peix pertanyent a la família dels letrínids.[4]


  • Pot arribar a fer 25 cm de llargària màxima (normalment, en fa 15).
  • 10 espines i 9 radis tous a l'aleta dorsal i 3 espines i 8 radis tous a l'anal.
  • El cos és de color canyella o marró a la part dorsal, blanc a la ventral i amb tres franges de color marró o canyella.
  • Les aletes són pàl·lides i esquitxades amb petites taques blanques.[5][6]


És hermafrodita.[7][8]


Menja crustacis i peixets.[5]


És un peix marí i d'aigua salabrosa (entra als rius), associat als esculls[9] i de clima tropical (35°N-30°S) que viu entre 5 i 25 m de fondària.[5][10]

Distribució geogràfica

Es troba a Indonèsia, el nord d'Austràlia,[11][12][13][14] les illes Filipines,[15][16][17][18] el sud del Japó,[19][20] Papua Nova Guinea[21] i les illes Carolines.[5][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40]


La seua esperança de vida és de 7 anys.[41]

Estat de conservació

Els hàbitats on viu es troben sotmesos a una sèrie d'amenaces com la contaminació de l'aigua, la desforestació dels manglars, la sobrepesca, el turisme, el desenvolupament costaner i l'augment de la temperatura del mar a causa de l'escalfament global.[42]


És inofensiu per als humans i es comercialitza fresc.[5]


  1. Cuvier G., 1829. Le Règne Animal, distribué d'après son organisation, pour servir de base à l'histoire naturelle des animaux et d'introduction à l'anatomie comparée. Edition 2. Règne Animal (ed. 2) v. 2. i-xv + 1-406.
  2. Cuvier, G. & A. Valenciennes, 1830. Historie naturelle des poissons. Tome Sixième. Livre sixième. Partie I. Des Sparoïdes; Partie II. Des Ménides. Historie naturelle des poissons. Tome Sixième. v. 6: i-xxiv + 6 pp. + 1-559, Pls. 141-169.
  3. Catalogue of Life (anglès)
  4. The Taxonomicon (anglès)
  5. 5,0 5,1 5,2 5,3 5,4 FishBase (anglès)
  6. Carpenter, K.E. i G.R. Allen, 1989. FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 9. Emperor fishes and large-eye breams of the world (family Lethrinidae). An annotated and illustrated catalogue of lethrinid species known to date. FAO Species Synop. Núm. 125(9):118 p.
  7. Allsop, D.J. i S.A. West, 2003. Constant relative age and size at sex change for sequentially hermaphroditic fish. J. Evol. Biol. 16(2003):921-929.
  8. Breder, C.M. i D.E. Rosen, 1966. Modes of reproduction in fishes. T.F.H. Publications, Neptune City, Nova Jersey, Estats Units. 941 p.
  9. Hardy, J.D. Jr., 2003. Coral reef fish species. NOAANational Oceanographic Data Center. NODC Coral Reef Data and Information Management System. Estats Units. 537 p.
  10. Myers, R.F., 1991. Micronesian reef fishes. Segona edició. Coral Graphics, Barrigada, Guam. 298 p.
  11. Ramm, D.C., P.J. Pender, R.S. Willing i R.C. Buckworth, 1990. Large-scale spatial patterns of abundance within the assemblage of fish caught by prawn trawlers in Northern Australian waters. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwater Res., 1990 (41):79-95.
  12. Johnson, J.W., 1999. Annotated checklist of the fishes of Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 43(2):709-762.
  13. Hoese, D.F., D.J. Bray, J.R. Paxton i G.R. Allen, 2006. Fishes. A Beasley, O.L. i A. Wells (eds.) Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Volum 35. ABRS & CSIRO Publishing: Australia Part 1, pp. xxiv 1-670; Part 2, pp. xxi 671-1472; Part 3, pp. xxi 1473-2178.
  14. Gloerfelt-Tarp, T. i P.J. Kailola, 1984. Trawled fishes of southern Indonesia and northwestern Australia. Australian Development Assistance Bureau, Austràlia, Directorate General of Fishes, Indonèsia i German Agency for Technical Cooperation, República Federal d'Alemanya. 407 p.
  15. Herre, A.W.C.T. i A.F. Umali, 1948. English and local common names of Philippine fishes. U. S. Dept. of Interior and Fish and Wildl. Serv. Circular Núm. 14, U. S. Gov't Printing Office, Washington. 128 p.
  16. Herre, A.W.C.T., 1953. Check list of Philippine fishes. Res. Rep. U.S. Fish Wild. Serv., (20): 977 p.
  17. Ganaden, S.R. i F. Lavapie-Gonzales, 1999. Common and local names of marine fishes of the Philippines. Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Filipines. 385 p.
  18. Dela Paz, R. i N. Aragones, 1985. Mangrove fishes of Pagbilao (Quezon Province, Luzon Island), with notes on their abundance and seasonality. Natural and Applied Sci. Bull. 37(2):171-190.
  19. Okiyama, M., 1988. An atlas of the early stage fishes in Japan. Tokai University Press, Tòquio, Japó. 1157 p.
  20. Masuda, H., K. Amaoka, C. Araga, T. Uyeno i T. Yoshino, 1988. The fishes of the Japanese Archipelago. Segona edició. Tokai University Press, Tòquio, Japó.
  21. Kailola, P.J., 1987. The fishes of Papua New Guinea: a revised and annotated checklist. Vol. II Scorpaenidae to Callionymidae. Research Bulletin Núm. 41, Research Section, Dept. of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Papua Nova Guinea.
  22. Allen, G.R. i M. Adrim, 2003. Coral reef fishes of Indonesia. Zool. Stud. 42(1):1-72.
  23. Baillon, N., 1991. Otolithometrie en milieu tropical: application a trois especes du lagon de Nouvelle-Caledonie. ORSTOM, Inst. Fr. Rech. Sci. Dév. Coop., Trav. Doc. 113. 296 p.
  24. Huang, Z., 2001. Marine species and their distribution in China's seas. p. 404-463. Vertebrata. Smithsonian Institution, Florida, Estats Units. 598 p.
  25. Kawamura, T., 1980. Seasonal occurrence of fishes at inshore rocky reefs in Shirahana, southern Japan. Jap. J. Ichthyol. 27(3):243-246.
  26. Kim, I.S., Y. Choi, C.L. Lee, Y.J. Lee, B.J. Kim i J.H. Kim, 2005. Illustrated book of Korean fishes. Kyo-Hak Pub Co. Seül, Corea del Sud. 615 p.
  27. Kulbicki, M. i J.T. Williams, 1997. Checklist of the shorefishes of Ouvea Atoll, New Caledonia. Atoll Res. Bull. 444: 26 p.
  28. Kulbicki, M., G. Mou Tham, P. Thollot i L. Wantiez, 1993. Length-weight relationships of fish from the lagoon of New Caledonia. Naga ICLARM Q. 16(2-3): 26-29.
  29. Kulbicki, M., N. Guillemot i M. Amand, 2005. A general approach to length-weight relationships for New Caledonian lagoon fishes. Cybium 29(3):235-252.
  30. Letourneur, Y., M. Kulbicki i P. Labrosse, 1998. Length-weight relationships of fish from coral reefs and lagoons of New Caledonia, southwestern Pacific Ocean: an update. Naga ICLARM Q. 21(4): 39-46.
  31. Lieske, E. i R. Myers, 1994. Collins Pocket Guide. Coral reef fishes. Indo-Pacific & Caribbean including the Red Sea. Haper Collins Publishers, 400 p.
  32. Masuda, H. i G.R. Allen, 1993. Meeresfische der Welt - Groß-Indopazifische Region. Tetra Verlag, Herrenteich, Melle. 528 p.
  33. Monkolprasit, S., S. Sontirat, S. Vimollohakarn i T. Songsirikul, 1997. Checklist of Fishes in Thailand. Office of Environmental Policy and Planning, Bangkok, Tailàndia. 353 p.
  34. Nguyen, N.T. i V.Q. Nguyen, 2006. Biodiversity and living resources of the coral reef fishes in Vietnam marine waters. Science and Technology Publishing House, Hanoi.
  35. Randall, J.E. i K.K.P. Lim (eds.), 2000. A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. Suppl. (8):569-667.
  36. Randall, J.E., G.R. Allen i R.C. Steene, 1990. Fishes of the Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, Hawaii. 506 p.
  37. Rau, N. i A. Rau, 1980. Commercial marine fishes of the Central Philippines (bony fish). German Agency for Technical Cooperation, Alemanya. 623 pp.
  38. Shen, S.C. (ed.), 1993. Fishes of Taiwan. Department of Zoology, National Taiwan University, Taipei. 960 p.
  39. Wantiez, L., 1993. Les poissons des fonds meubles du lagon Nord et de la Baie de Saint-Vincent de Nouvelle-Calédonie: Description des peuplements, structure et fonctionnement des communautés. Tesi doctoral, Université d' Aix-Marseille II, França.
  40. Yamada, U., S. Shirai, T. Irie, M. Tokimura, S. Deng, Y. Zheng, C. Li, Y.U. Kim i Y.S. Kim, 1995. Names and Illustrations of fishes from the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea. Overseas Fishery Cooperation Foundation, Tòquio, Japó.
  41. Loubens, G., 1980. Biologie de quelques espèces de poissons du lagon Néo-Calédonien. III. Croissance. Cah. Indo-Pac. 2:101-153.
  42. UICN (anglès)


  • Anònim, 2001. Base de dades de la col·lecció de peixos del National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution). Smithsonian Institution - Division of Fishes.
  • Anònim, 2002. Base de dades de la col·lecció de peixos del American Museum of Natural History. American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West, NY 10024-5192, Estats Units.
  • Coppola, S.R., W. Fischer, L. Garibaldi, N. Scialabba i K.E. Carpenter, 1994. SPECIESDAB: Global species database for fishery purposes. User's manual. FAO Computerized Information Series (Fisheries). Núm. 9. Roma, FAO. 103 p.
  • Wu, H.L., K.-T. Shao i C.F. Lai (eds.), 1999. Latin-Chinese dictionary of fishes names. The Sueichan Press, Taiwan.

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wikipedia CA

Lethrinus genivittatus: Brief Summary ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

Lethrinus genivittatus és una espècie de peix pertanyent a la família dels letrínids.

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Autors i editors de Wikipedia
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wikipedia CA

Lethrinus genivittatus ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU

Lethrinus genivittatus Lethrinus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Lethrinidae familian sailkatzen da.



  1. Froese, Rainer & Pauly, Daniel ed. (2006), Lethrinus genivittatus FishBase webgunean. 2006ko apirilaren bertsioa.

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wikipedia EU

Lethrinus genivittatus: Brief Summary ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU

Lethrinus genivittatus Lethrinus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Lethrinidae familian sailkatzen da.

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Wikipediako egileak eta editoreak
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wikipedia EU

Lethrinus genivittatus ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL


Lethrinus genivittatus is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van straatvegers (Lethrinidae).[2] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1830 door Valenciennes.

De soort staat op de Rode Lijst van de IUCN als niet bedreigd, beoordelingsjaar 2009.[1]

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. a b (en) Lethrinus genivittatus op de IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
  2. (en) Lethrinus genivittatus. FishBase. Ed. Ranier Froese and Daniel Pauly. 10 2011 version. N.p.: FishBase, 2011.
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丝棘裸颊鲷 ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科
二名法 Lethrinus nematacanthus
Bleeker, 1854[1]

丝棘裸颊鲷学名Lethrinus nematacanthus)为輻鰭魚綱鱸形目鱸亞目龍占魚科裸颊鲷属鱼类,俗名丝棘龙占、线棘裸颊鲷。分布于印度日本菲律宾印度尼西亚台湾岛以及中国南海等海域,棲息深度5-25公尺,體長可達25公分,属于热带底栖性鱼类,生活在沿岸沙泥底質海域、紅樹林沼澤、海草床,屬肉食性,以魚類甲殼類等為食,可作為食用魚。该物种的模式产地在長崎和日本。[1]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 中国科学院动物研究所. 丝棘裸颊鲷. 中国动物物种编目数据库. 中国科学院微生物研究所. [2009-04-16]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-05).


 src= 維基物種中有關丝棘裸颊鲷的數據

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wikipedia 中文维基百科

丝棘裸颊鲷: Brief Summary ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科

丝棘裸颊鲷(学名:Lethrinus nematacanthus)为輻鰭魚綱鱸形目鱸亞目龍占魚科裸颊鲷属鱼类,俗名丝棘龙占、线棘裸颊鲷。分布于印度日本菲律宾印度尼西亚台湾岛以及中国南海等海域,棲息深度5-25公尺,體長可達25公分,属于热带底栖性鱼类,生活在沿岸沙泥底質海域、紅樹林沼澤、海草床,屬肉食性,以魚類甲殼類等為食,可作為食用魚。该物种的模式产地在長崎和日本。

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wikipedia 中文维基百科

Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por World Register of Marine Species
Occurs over shallow sandy and seagrass beds, also found in mangrove swamps, lagoons, channels and outer reef slopes. Known to enter rivers in some areas. Feeds on crustaceans and small fish. A protracted spawning peak from July to December is recorded in New Caledonia. Smaller and more numerous females than males have been confirmed in Australian populations. Is of minor importance due to its small size (Ref. 2295).


Froese, R. & D. Pauly (Editors). (2023). FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. version (02/2023).

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WoRMS Editorial Board
Edward Vanden Berghe [email]