
Trophic Strategy ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Occur in inshore waters of the continental shelf (Ref. 75154). Inhabit offshore coral reefs and also inshore rocky and coral reefs (Ref. 30573). Juveniles frequent mangrove estuaries and lower reaches of freshwater streams (Ref. 30573, 48635). Adults on clear outer reefs at moderate depths, usually over 20 m, and is more common in about 50 m depth (Ref. 48635). Feed on benthic invertebrates and fish (Ref. 5213). Also feed on benthic invertebrates (Ref. 11889).
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Susan M. Luna
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Morphology ( Inglês )

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Dorsal spines (total): 10; Dorsal soft rays (total): 14; Analspines: 3; Analsoft rays: 8
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Susan M. Luna
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Diagnostic Description ( Inglês )

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This species is distinguished by the following characters: body moderately deep to somewhat slender, greatest body depth 2.6-2.8 in SL; preopercular notch and knob poorly developed; vomerine tooth patch triangular or diamond-shaped, with a medial posterior extension; tongue with a patch of granular teeth; gill rakers of first gill arch 6-7 + 7-11 = 13-18 (including rudiments); caudal fin truncate or slightly emarginate; scale rows on back rising obliquely above lateral line. Colour generally pink to whitish with a silvery sheen; a black spot, mainly above lateral line, below anterior rays of soft dorsal fin (adults from the Indian Ocean usually with 7-8 narrow golden brown stripes on sides); juveniles whitish with black stripes on sides and most Indo-Pacific fish with a pale-edged round black spot on upper back (Ref 9821, 90102).Description: Dorsal profile of head steeply to moderately sloped; preorbital width about equal to, or slightly less than eye diameter (Ref. 9821).
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Susan M. Luna
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Biology ( Inglês )

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Adults inhabit offshore coral reefs and also inshore rocky and coral reefs (Ref. 30573), at moderate depths, usually over 20 m, and is more common in about 50 m depth (Ref. 48635). Juveniles frequent mangrove estuaries and lower reaches of freshwater streams (Ref. 30573, 48635). They feed on benthic invertebrates and fish (Ref. 5213). Sold in Hong Kong live fish markets (Ref. 27253). A common market fish throughout its range; also a component of artisanal fisheries. Caught with handlines, traps, and bottom trawls and marketed mostly fresh (Ref. 9821).
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Susan M. Luna
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Importance ( Inglês )

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fisheries: commercial; aquaculture: commercial
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分布 ( Inglês )

fornecido por The Fish Database of Taiwan
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The Fish Database of Taiwan

利用 ( Inglês )

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The Fish Database of Taiwan

描述 ( Inglês )

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The Fish Database of Taiwan

棲地 ( Inglês )

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The Fish Database of Taiwan

Russell se snapper ( Africâner )

fornecido por wikipedia AF

Russell se snapper (Lutjanus russellii) is 'n vis wat voorkom in die Indiese-Pasifiese area, die Rooisee en aan die ooskus van Afrika vanaf die Persiese Golf tot by Durban. In Engels staan die vis bekend as Russel's snapper.


Die vis is geelbruin aan die bokant en geel of pienk aan die onderkant. Daar is 'n ovaalvormige swart kol op die lyf net bo die sylyn en onder die agterste gedeelte van die dorsale vin. Daar is 7-8 goudbruin horisontale strepe oor die lyf vanaf die kop tot voor die basis van die stertvin. Die vis word tot 45 cm lank.


Die vis leef in koraal- en rotsriwwe in water wat 3–80 m diep is. Die onvolwasse vissies leef in getypoele en wortelboom areas. Hulle vreet skaaldiere, hoofsaaklik krappe. Hulle leef in klein skole en broei gedurende die somer. Die vis kan oorleef in groot akwariums.

Sien ook



  1. Bloch M. E., 1790. Naturgeschichte der ausländischen Fische. Berlyn. Naturg. Ausl. Fische v. 4. i-xii + 1-128.
  2. BioLib (en)
  3. Catalogue of Life (en)

Eksterne skakel

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wikipedia AF

Russell se snapper: Brief Summary ( Africâner )

fornecido por wikipedia AF

Russell se snapper (Lutjanus russellii) is 'n vis wat voorkom in die Indiese-Pasifiese area, die Rooisee en aan die ooskus van Afrika vanaf die Persiese Golf tot by Durban. In Engels staan die vis bekend as Russel's snapper.

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wikipedia AF

Lutjanus russellii ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

Lutjanus russellii és una espècie de peix de la família dels lutjànids i de l'ordre dels perciformes que habita des de les costes de l'Àfrica Oriental[4][5] fins a Fiji, el sud del Japó[6] i Austràlia.[7][8][9][10][11][12][13] Els mascles poden assolir 50 cm de longitud total.[10][14] És un peix de clima tropical i associat als esculls de corall que viu entre 10-80 m de fondària.[10][15] Menja peixos i invertebrats bentònics .[16] És una espècie habitual dels mercats de peix viu de Hong Kong.[17]


  1. Bloch M. E., 1790. Naturgeschichte der ausländischen Fische. Berlín. Naturg. Ausl. Fische v. 4. i-xii + 1-128
  2. BioLib (anglès)
  3. «Lutjanus russellii». Catalogue of Life. (anglès) (anglès)
  4. Pereira, M.A.M., 2000. Preliminary checklist of reef-associated fishes of Mozambique. Maputo, Ministtry for the Coordination of Environmental Affairs (MICOA). 21 pp.
  5. Bianchi, G., 1985. FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Field guide to the commercial marine and brackish-water species of Tanzania. Prepared and published with the support of TCP/URT/4406 and FAO (FIRM) Regular Programme. FAO, Roma, Itàlia. 199 p.
  6. Sano, M., M. Shimizu i Y. Nose, 1984. Food habits of teleostean reef fishes in Okinawa Island, southern Japan. University of Tokyo Press, Tòquio, Japó. 128 p.
  7. Johnson, J.W., 1999. Annotated checklist of the fishes of Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 43(2):709-762.
  8. Hoese, D.F., D.J. Bray, J.R. Paxton i G.R. Allen, 2006. Fishes. A Beasley, O.L. i A. Wells (eds.) Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Volum 35. ABRS & CSIRO Publishing: Australia Part 1, pp. xxiv 1-670; Part 2, pp. xxi 671-1472; Part 3, pp. xxi 1473-2178.
  9. Gloerfelt-Tarp, T. i P.J. Kailola, 1984. Trawled fishes of southern Indonesia and northwestern Australia. Australian Development Assistance Bureau, Austràlia, Directorate General of Fishes, Indonèsia i German Agency for Technical Cooperation, República Federal d'Alemanya. 407 p.
  10. 10,0 10,1 10,2 FishBase (anglès)
  11. Allen, G.R. i P.L. Munday, 1994. Kimbe Bay rapid ecological assessment: the coral reefs of Kimbe Bay (West New Britain, Papua New Guinea), Volum 3: Fish diversity of Kimbe Bay. The Nature Conservancy, South Pacific program Office, Auckland, Nova Zelanda. 107 p.
  12. Werner, T.B i G.R. Allen, 1998. Reef fishes of Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea. A T. Werner i G. Allen (eds). A rapid biodiversity assessment of the coral reefs of Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea. RAP Working Papers 11, Conservation International, Washington DC.
  13. Werner, T.B. i G.R. Allen, 2000. A rapid marine biodiversity assessment of the Calamianes Islands, Palawan province, Philippines. RAP Bulletin of Biological Assessment 17. Washington DC, Estats Units:Conservation International.
  14. Allen, G. R. i F. H. Talbot, 1985: Review of the snappers of the genus Lutjanus (Pisces: Lutjanidae) from the Indo-Pacific, with the description of a new species. Indo-Pacific Fishes Núm. 11: 1-87, Col. Pls. 1-10.
  15. Lieske, E. i R. Myers, 1994. Collins Pocket Guide. Coral reef fishes. Indo-Pacific & Caribbean including the Red Sea. Haper Collins Publishers, 400 p.
  16. Fischer, W., I. Sousa, C. Silva, A. de Freitas, J.M. Poutiers, W. Schneider, T.C. Borges, J.P. Feral i A. Massinga, 1990. Fichas FAO de identificaçao de espécies para actividades de pesca. Guia de campo das espécies comerciais marinhas e de águas salobras de Moçambique. Publicaçao preparada em collaboraçao com o Instituto de Investigaçao Pesquiera de Moçambique, com financiamento do Projecto PNUD/FAO MOZ/86/030 e de NORAD. Roma, FAO. 1990. 424 p.
  17. Lee, C. i Y. Sadovy, 1998. A taste for live fish: Hong Kong's live reef fish market. Naga ICLARM Q. 21(2):38-42.


  • Allen, G.R., 1985. FAO species catalogue. Vol. 6. Snappers of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of lutjanid species known to date. FAO Fish. Synop. 125(6):208 p.
  • Allen, G.R., 1995. Lutjanidae. Pargos. p. 1231-1244. A W. Fischer, F. Krupp, W. Schneider, C. Sommer, K.E. Carpenter i V. Niem (eds.) Guía FAO para Identificación de Especies para los Fines de la Pesca. Pacífico Centro-Oriental. 3 Vols. FAO, Roma, Itàlia.
  • Anderson, W.D. Jr., 2002. Lutjanidae. Snappers. p. 1479-1504. A K.E. Carpenter (ed.) FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes. The living marine resources of the Western Central Atlantic. Vol. 3: Bony fishes part 2 (Opistognathidae to Molidae), sea turtles and marine mammals.
  • Bleeker, P., 1873: Révision des espèces indo-archipélagiques des genres Lutjanus et Aprion. Verslagen en Mededeelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. Afdeling Natuurkunde. v. 13: 1-102.
  • Coppola, S.R., W. Fischer, L. Garibaldi, N. Scialabba i K.E. Carpenter, 1994 SPECIESDAB: Global species database for fishery purposes. User's manual. FAO Computerized Information Series (Fisheries). Núm. 9. Roma, Itàlia, FAO. 103 p.
  • Eschmeyer, William N.: Genera of Recent Fishes. California Academy of Sciences. San Francisco, Califòrnia, Estats Units. iii + 697. ISBN 0-940228-23-8. Any 1990.
  • Eschmeyer, William N., ed. 1998. Catalog of Fishes. Special Publication of the Center for Biodiversity Research and Information, núm. 1, vol. 1-3. California Academy of Sciences. San Francisco, Califòrnia, Estats Units. 2905. ISBN 0-940228-47-5.
  • Helfman, G., B. Collette i D. Facey: The diversity of fishes. Blackwell Science, Malden, Massachusetts (Estats Units), 1997.
  • Lloris, D. i J. Rucabado, 1990. Lutjanidae. p. 773-779. A J. C. Quéro, J. C. Hureau, C. Karrer, A Post i L. Saldanha (eds.) Check-list of the fishes of the eastern tropical Atlantic (CLOFETA). JNICT, Lisboa, Portugal; SEI, París; i UNESCO, París, França. Vol. 2.
  • Moyle, P. i J. Cech.: Fishes: An Introduction to Ichthyology, 4a edició, Upper Saddle River, Nova Jersey, Estats Units: Prentice-Hall. Any 2000.
  • Nelson, J.: Fishes of the World, 3a edició. Nova York, Estats Units: John Wiley and Sons. Any 1994.
  • Wheeler, A.: The World Encyclopedia of Fishes, 2a edició, Londres: Macdonald. Any 1985.
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wikipedia CA

Lutjanus russellii: Brief Summary ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

Lutjanus russellii és una espècie de peix de la família dels lutjànids i de l'ordre dels perciformes que habita des de les costes de l'Àfrica Oriental fins a Fiji, el sud del Japó i Austràlia. Els mascles poden assolir 50 cm de longitud total. És un peix de clima tropical i associat als esculls de corall que viu entre 10-80 m de fondària. Menja peixos i invertebrats bentònics . És una espècie habitual dels mercats de peix viu de Hong Kong.

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wikipedia CA


fornecido por wikipedia emerging_languages
Eungkôt tanda-tanda

Tanda-tanda (nan Latèn: Lutjanus russelli) nakeuh saboh jeunèh eungkôt nyang na di la’ôt Acèh. Eungkôt nyoe kayém geudrop lé ureueng keumawé keu geupeubloe.[1]

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Tanda-tanda: Brief Summary

fornecido por wikipedia emerging_languages
 src= Eungkôt tanda-tanda

Tanda-tanda (nan Latèn: Lutjanus russelli) nakeuh saboh jeunèh eungkôt nyang na di la’ôt Acèh. Eungkôt nyoe kayém geudrop lé ureueng keumawé keu geupeubloe.

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Lutjanus russellii ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Lutjanus russellii, Russell's snapper, Moses snapper, fingermark bream, Moses seaperch or Russell's sea-perch, is a species of marine ray-finned fish, a snapper belonging to the family Lutjanidae. It is native to the western Pacific Ocean.


Lutjanus russellii was first formally described in 1849 as Mesoprion russellii by the Dutch physician, herpetologist and ichthyologist Pieter Bleeker with the type locality given as Jakarta, Java in Indonesia.[3] The specific name honours Patrick Russell the Scottish surgeon and herpetologist who described and depicted, without naming, this species in 1803.[4] Within the genus Lutjanus, L. russellii is closest to the Indian Ocean L. Indicus.[5]


Lutjanus russellii has a moderately deep body to slender, its standard length being 2.6-2.8 times its depth. The forehead can be steep or moderately sloped and the knob and incision on the preopercle are poorly developed. The vomerine teeth are arranged in a triangular patch with a rearwards extension or in a rhombus and there is a patch of tiny teeth on the tongue.[6] The dorsal fin has 10 spines and 14 soft rays and the anal fin has 3 spines and 8 soft rays,[2] the rear of the dorsal and anal fins is rounded, although the anal fin tip can be pointed. The pectoral fins contain 16-17 rays and the caudal fin is either truncate or weakly emarginate.[6] This species attains a maximum total length of 50 cm (20 in), although 30 cm (12 in) is more typical.[2] The overall colour of this fish is whitish to silvery greyish-pink with a brownish back. There is an indistinct black spot, sometimes very indistinct, on the lateral line below the front portion of the dorsal fin.[7] The dorsal and caudal fins have a reddish colour while the other fins are yellow.[8] Juveniles are white in colour with four brown to blackish longitudinal stripes along the flanks, although these may be interrupted, and a horizontally-elongated black spot or ocellus on the lateral line.[7]

Distribution and habitat

Lutjanus russellii is found mainly in the western Pacific Ocean from the Gulf of Thailand and Sumatra east to Tonga, north to southern Japan and south to Australia.[1] In Australian waters this species is found from Shark Bay and the offshore reefs in Western Australia, at Ashmore Reef in the Timor Sea, round the northern and eastern coasts as far south as Wollongong and maybe to Jervis Bay in New South Wales.[7] This species is found at depths between 3 and 80 m (9.8 and 262.5 ft) on offshore coral reefs as well as inshore rocky and coral reefs. The juveniles inhabit mangrove lined estuaries and the lower parts of freshwater streams.[1]


Lutjanus russellii is a predatory fish which preys on benthic fishes and invertebrates. They reach sexual maturity at 28.1 cm (11.1 in) fork length, when they are about 4 years of age. The average longevity is around 17 years.[8]


Lutjanus russellii is a target species for artisanal fisheries and is frequently sold in fish markets wherever it occurs. Fishers catch it using handlines, traps and bottom trawls. It is also taken live and sold within the Hong Kong live fish trade.[1] This species is also extensively cultured in aquaculture.[7]


  1. ^ a b c d Russell, B.; Lawrence, A.; Myers, R.; Carpenter, K.E.; Smith-Vaniz, W.F. (2016). "Lutjanus russellii". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2016: e.T194334A2313677. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-3.RLTS.T194334A2313677.en. Retrieved 20 November 2021.
  2. ^ a b c Froese, Rainer; Pauly, Daniel (eds.) (2021). "Lutjanus russellii" in FishBase. February 2021 version.
  3. ^ Eschmeyer, William N.; Fricke, Ron & van der Laan, Richard (eds.). "Species in the genus Lutjanus". Catalog of Fishes. California Academy of Sciences. Retrieved 22 June 2021.
  4. ^ Christopher Scharpf and Kenneth J. Lazara, eds. (5 January 2021). "Order LUTJANIFORMES: Families HAEMULIDAE and LUTJANIDAE". The ETYFish Project Fish Name Etymology Database. Christopher Scharpf and Kenneth J. Lazara. Retrieved 22 June 2021.
  5. ^ Jake Adams (13 March 2013). "Lutjanus indicus and L. papuensis, two new snapper species that are actually attractive". Reef Builders. Retrieved 22 June 2021.
  6. ^ a b Gerald R. Allen (1985). FAO species catalogue Vol.6. Snappers of the world An annotated and illustrated catalogue of lutjanid species known to date (PDF). FAO Rome. pp. 113–114. ISBN 92-5-102321-2.
  7. ^ a b c d Bray, D.J. (2020). "Lutjanus russellii". Fishes of Australia. Retrieved 22 June 2021.
  8. ^ a b "Russell's snapper". FishIDER. Retrieved 22 June 2021.

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wikipedia EN

Lutjanus russellii: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Lutjanus russellii, Russell's snapper, Moses snapper, fingermark bream, Moses seaperch or Russell's sea-perch, is a species of marine ray-finned fish, a snapper belonging to the family Lutjanidae. It is native to the western Pacific Ocean.

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wikipedia EN

Lutjanus russellii ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Lutjanus russellii es una especie de peces de la familia Lutjanidae en el orden de los Perciformes.


• Los machos pueden llegar alcanzar los 50 cm de longitud total.[1][2]


Come pescados y invertebrados bentónicos.


Es un pez de mar de clima tropical y asociado a los arrecifes de coral que vive entre 10-80 m de profundidad.

Distribución geográfica

Se encuentra desde el África Oriental hasta Fiyi, el sur del Japón y Australia.

Uso comercial

Es una especie habitual de los mercados de pescado vivo de Hong Kong.


  1. FishBase (en inglés)
  2. Allen, G. R. y F. H. Talbot, 1985: Review of the snappers of the genus Lutjanus (Pisces: Lutjanidae) from the Indo-Pacific, with the description of a new species. Indo-Pacific Fishes Núm. 11: 1-87, Col. Pls. 1-10.


  • Fenner, Robert M.: The Conscientious Marine Aquarist. Neptune City, Nueva Jersey, Estados Unidos : T.F.H. Publications, 2001.
  • Helfman, G., B. Collette y D. Facey: The diversity of fishes. Blackwell Science, Malden, Massachusetts, Estados Unidos , 1997.
  • Hoese, D.F. 1986: . A M.M. Smith y P.C. Heemstra (eds.) Smiths' sea fishes. Springer-Verlag, Berlín, Alemania.
  • Maugé, L.A. 1986. A J. Daget, J.-P. Gosse y D.F.E. Thys van den Audenaerde (eds.) Check-list of the freshwater fishes of Africa (CLOFFA). ISNB Bruselas; MRAC, Tervuren, Flandes; y ORSTOM, París, Francia. Vol. 2.
  • Moyle, P. y J. Cech.: Fishes: An Introduction to Ichthyology, 4a. edición, Upper Saddle River, Nueva Jersey, Estados Unidos: Prentice-Hall. Año 2000.
  • Nelson, J.: Fishes of the World, 3a. edición. Nueva York, Estados Unidos: John Wiley and Sons. Año 1994.
  • Wheeler, A.: The World Encyclopedia of Fishes, 2a. edición, Londres: Macdonald. Año 1985.

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wikipedia ES

Lutjanus russellii: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Lutjanus russellii es una especie de peces de la familia Lutjanidae en el orden de los Perciformes.

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wikipedia ES

Lutjanus russellii ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU

Lutjanus russellii Lutjanus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Lutjanidae familian sailkatzen da.


Espezie hau Agulhasko itsaslasterran aurki daiteke.


  1. Froese, Rainer & Pauly, Daniel ed. (2006), Lutjanus russellii FishBase webgunean. 2006ko apirilaren bertsioa.

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Lutjanus russellii: Brief Summary ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU

Lutjanus russellii Lutjanus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Lutjanidae familian sailkatzen da.

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wikipedia EU

Lutjanus russellii ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL


Lutjanus russellii is een straalvinnige vis uit de familie van snappers (Lutjanidae) en behoort derhalve tot de orde van baarsachtigen (Perciformes). De vis kan een lengte bereiken van 50 cm.


Lutjanus russellii komt in zeewater en brak water voor. De vis prefereert een tropisch klimaat en heeft zich verspreid over de Grote en Indische Oceaan. De diepteverspreiding is 0 tot 80 m onder het wateroppervlak.

Relatie tot de mens

Lutjanus russellii is voor de visserij van aanzienlijk commercieel belang. In de hengelsport wordt er weinig op de vis gejaagd.

Externe link

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  • Froese, R., D. Pauly. en redactie. 2005. FishBase. Elektronische publicatie. www.fishbase.org, versie 06/2005.
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Wikipedia-auteurs en -editors
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wikipedia NL

Lutjanus russellii: Brief Summary ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

Lutjanus russellii is een straalvinnige vis uit de familie van snappers (Lutjanidae) en behoort derhalve tot de orde van baarsachtigen (Perciformes). De vis kan een lengte bereiken van 50 cm.

direitos autorais
Wikipedia-auteurs en -editors
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wikipedia NL

Lutjanus russellii ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT
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wikipedia PT

Lutjanus russellii: Brief Summary ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

Lutjanus russellii - conhecido por babak bangkau em Língua indonésia - é uma espécie de peixe nativa do Oceano Pacífico, entre o Japão e Austrália..

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wikipedia PT

Russellsnapper ( Sueco )

fornecido por wikipedia SV

Russellsnapper[2] (Lutjanus russellii) är en fisk i familjen Lutjanidae, vars medlemmar ofta kallas snappers, som finns i Indiska oceanen och västra Stilla havet.


Russellsnappern har en tämligen slank kropp med sluttande panna samt en ryggfena som består av två delar, en styv med 10 taggstrålar, och en mjukare med 14 mjukstrålar. Även analfenan har liknande uppbyggnad, med 3 taggstrålar och 8 mjukstrålar. Stjärtfenan är endast svagt urgöpt. Ryggen och sidornas överdel är brunaktig, medan underdelen av sidorna och buken är silvrigt vitaktiga till skära. Nedanför ryggfenans bakre del har arten en tydlig, svart fläck. Vuxna individer från Indiska oceanen har vanligtvis 7 till 8 smala, gulbruna längsstrimmor på sidorna, medan ungfiskar från Stilla havet i stället är vitaktiga med 4 svarta längsstrimmor på sidorna.[3] Arten är vanligtvis upp till 30 cm lång, men kan som mest nå en längd av 50 cm.[4]


Russellsnappern uppehåller sig vid korallrev och undervattensklippor, vanligtvis på djup mellan 20 och 50 m, ävenom den kan gå så högt upp som 10 m och så djupt som 80 m. Ungfiskarna lever bland mangrove i brackvattensområden och går upp i sötvatten i flodernas nedre lopp.[4] Födan består av fisk, kräftdjur som räkor, krabbor och mantisräkor, samt blötdjur som bläckfiskar.[5]


Utbredningsområdet omfattar Indiska oceanen och västra Stilla havet från Östafrika till Fiji och vidare norrut till södra Japan samt söderut till Australien.[4]

Betydelse för människan

Arten är föremål för ett kommersiellt fiske, främst med långrev, mjärdar och bottentrål. Den saluförs i regel färsk.[3]


  1. ^ Lutjanus russellii (Bleeker, 1849)” (på engelska). ITIS. http://www.itis.gov/servlet/SingleRpt/SingleRpt?search_topic=TSN&search_value=643075. Läst 1 januari 2012.
  2. ^ Sven O Kullander (13 september 2008). ”Naturhistoriska riksmuseets databas över fisknamn”. Naturhistoriska riksmuseet. Arkiverad från originalet den 14 december 2013. https://web.archive.org/web/20131214095552/http://artedi.nrm.se/fishnames/namefind.php?FormData=Perciformes&Verbosity=Listing&Submit=Skicka&MaxRecs=1000&Category=cOrder&Precision=%3D&Ordering=default. Läst 30 december 2011.
  3. ^ [a b] G-R. Allen (6 oktober 2010). ”FAO Species Catalogue - Vol. 6. Snappers of the World: An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Lutjanid Species Known to Date” (på engelska) (FTP, 995 kB). FAO. sid. 2-3. http://www.fao.org/tempref/docrep/fao/009/ac481e/AC481E30.pdf. Läst 23 december 2017.
  4. ^ [a b c] Luna, Susan M. (15 november 2011). Lutjanus russellii Bleeker, 1849 Russell's snapper” (på engelska). Fishbase. http://www.fishbase.org/summary/speciessummary.php?id=176. Läst 1 januari 2012.
  5. ^ Sa-a, Pascualita (19 maj 1994). ”Food and Feeding Habits Summary Lutjanus russellii (på engelska). Fishbase. http://www.fishbase.org/trophiceco/DietCompoSummary.php?dietcode=273&genusname=Lutjanus&speciesname=russellii. Läst 1 januari 2012.
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wikipedia SV

Russellsnapper: Brief Summary ( Sueco )

fornecido por wikipedia SV

Russellsnapper (Lutjanus russellii) är en fisk i familjen Lutjanidae, vars medlemmar ofta kallas snappers, som finns i Indiska oceanen och västra Stilla havet.

direitos autorais
Wikipedia författare och redaktörer
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wikipedia SV

Cá hồng chấm đen ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Cá hồng chấm đen (Danh pháp khoa học: Lutjanus russelli) là một loài cá biển trong họ cá hồng Lutjanidae phân bố ở Đông Châu Phi, Ấn Độ dương, Phillippin, Nhật Bản, Trung Quốc, Việt Nam. Đây là loài cá có giá trị kinh tế và được khai thác quanh năm. Tên địa phương ở Việt Nam còn gọi chúng là cá hồng. Tên thường gọi tiếng Anh: Snapper, Russell's snapper. Tên gọi thị trường Úc: Snapper, Red Snapper, Red bream. Tên gọi thị trường Canada: Snapper.

Đặc điểm

Kích cỡ khai thác 450 – 600 mm. Thân cá hình bầu dục dài, dẹp bên, viền lưng cong đều, viền bụng thẳng từ ức đến hậu môn. Đầu lớn, dẹp bên. Mép sau xương nắp mang trước hình răng cưa, mép góc dưới có gai cứng. Miệng rộng, chếch, hàm dưới ngắn hơn hàm trên. Hàm trên có 1 hàng răng to khỏe ở phía ngoài và răng nhỏ mọc thành đai ở phái trong, trước cửa có 1 - 2 răng nanh rất lớn. Hàm dưới không có răng nanh.

Lược mang dài, dẹt và cứng. Thân phủ vảy lược yếu. Vây lưng, vây hậu môn và vây đuôi phủ vảy ở gốc vây. Vây lưng dài, liên tục, có 10 gai cứng khỏe. Vây ngực lớn, mút vây vượt đuôi. Mép màng vây lưng màu đen. Góc trên gốc vây ngực màu đen. Các vây màu vàng nhạt.

Chú thích

Tham khảo

  •  src= Dữ liệu liên quan tới Cá hồng chấm đen tại Wikispecies
  • Froese, R., D. Pauly. en redactie. 2005. FishBase. Elektronische publicatie. www.fishbase.org, versie 06/2005.
  • Fenner, Robert M.: The Conscientious Marine Aquarist. Neptune City, Nueva Jersey, Estados Unidos: T.F.H. Publications, 2001.
  • Helfman, G., B. Collette y D. Facey: The diversity of fishes. Blackwell Science, Malden, Massachusetts, Estados Unidos, 1997.
  • Hoese, D.F. 1986:. A M.M. Smith y P.C. Heemstra (eds.) Smiths' sea fishes. Springer-Verlag, Berlín, Alemania.
  • Maugé, L.A. 1986. A J. Daget, J.-P. Gosse y D.F.E. Thys van den Audenaerde (eds.) Check-list of the freshwater fishes of Africa (CLOFFA). ISNB Bruselas; MRAC, Tervuren, Flandes; y ORSTOM, París, Francia. Vol. 2.
  • Moyle, P. y J. Cech.: Fishes: An Introduction to Ichthyology, 4a. edición, Upper Saddle River, Nueva Jersey, Estados Unidos: Prentice-Hall. Año 2000.
  • Nelson, J.: Fishes of the World, 3a. edición. Nueva York, Estados Unidos: John Wiley and Sons. Año 1994.
  • Wheeler, A.: The World Encyclopedia of Fishes, 2a. edición, Londres: Macdonald. Año 1985.
direitos autorais
Wikipedia tác giả và biên tập viên
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site do parceiro
wikipedia VI

Cá hồng chấm đen: Brief Summary ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Cá hồng chấm đen (Danh pháp khoa học: Lutjanus russelli) là một loài cá biển trong họ cá hồng Lutjanidae phân bố ở Đông Châu Phi, Ấn Độ dương, Phillippin, Nhật Bản, Trung Quốc, Việt Nam. Đây là loài cá có giá trị kinh tế và được khai thác quanh năm. Tên địa phương ở Việt Nam còn gọi chúng là cá hồng. Tên thường gọi tiếng Anh: Snapper, Russell's snapper. Tên gọi thị trường Úc: Snapper, Red Snapper, Red bream. Tên gọi thị trường Canada: Snapper.

direitos autorais
Wikipedia tác giả và biên tập viên
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wikipedia VI

黑星笛鯛 ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科
二名法 Lutjanus russellii













direitos autorais
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
wikipedia 中文维基百科

黑星笛鯛: Brief Summary ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科


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visite a fonte
site do parceiro
wikipedia 中文维基百科