
Biology ( Inglês )

fornecido por Arkive
Bigeye tunas are excellent swimmers, with a number of remarkable adaptations which make them efficient predators of the ocean. Unlike many other fish, they cannot pump water over their gills, but instead, swim with their mouth open which forces water over their gills. While this is an efficient way of getting water over their gills, it means that if they stop swimming, they will suffocate. The gills of tuna cover a surface area up to 30 times larger than other fish, giving a large surface over which water can flow, enabling about half the oxygen present in the water to be absorbed. The hearts of tuna are also much larger than those of other fish; about ten times as large, relative to the size of the body. This, along with a high blood pressure, creates perfect conditions to rapidly transfer oxygen from the gills to other tissues (6). As well as adaptations to enhance the amount of oxygen reaching the muscles, a unique system to regulate their body temperature enables tuna to maintain their body temperature above that of the ocean. This system is called the rete mirabile; a counter-current heat exchange system which prevents heat from being lost to the surroundings. This maximises the efficiency of the muscles and maintains good brain and eye function, allowing the bigeye tuna to forage in cold water (6). Juvenile and small adult bigeye tunas school at the ocean's surface, sometimes together with yellowfin or skipjack tuna, and often associated with floating objects (2), while adult bigeye tunas are found in deeper water (5). The bigeye tunas migrate between feeding grounds in temperate waters and their spawning grounds in tropical waters; however, they are on the move almost all the time as they search for areas of plentiful food (6). Bigeye tunas feed on a variety of fish, cephalopods and crustaceans; which it searches for in the daytime and nighttime. Bigeye tunas become prey themselves for larger billfish and toothed whales (2). Mature bigeye tuna spawn at least twice a year; releasing between an incredible 2.9 million and 6.3 million eggs each time. In the eastern Pacific, spawning has been recorded between 10°N and l0° S throughout the year, peaking between April and September in the northern hemisphere and between January and March in the southern hemisphere (2).
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Conservation ( Inglês )

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In the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans there are commissions responsible for the conservation and management of the bigeye tuna; the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC), the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC), and the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC). However, a report by Traffic International and WWF Australia found that management of bigeye tuna stocks has been slow to respond to scientific advice, and have failed to initiate appropriate management measures. Unless this situation changes, all four bigeye tuna stocks will become overfished (5), and the collapse of bigeye tuna stocks would greatly impact many people reliant on the employment and income of the fishing, processing and trading industries (7). Hopefully more precautionary management measures will soon be implemented, before it is too late for this important and fascinating fish.
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Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Arkive
This large, fast-swimming tuna is an important target for numerous commercial fisheries around the world. The streamlined body of the bigeye tuna is dark metallic blue on the back, white on the undersides, and bears moderately long pectoral fins, used for balancing and breaking. The first dorsal fin is deep yellow, while the second dorsal fin and anal fin are pale yellow, and small fins just behind the dorsal and anal fins, called finlets, are bright yellow edged with black (2) (3). The length of the anal fin and the larger eyes of the bigeye tuna, after which it is named, distinguish this species from the similar yellowfin tuna (4).
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Habitat ( Inglês )

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The bigeye tuna inhabits oceanic waters from the surface down to a depth of 250 metres, in temperatures from 13° to 29° C (2)
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Range ( Inglês )

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Occurs in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans, but does not occur in the Mediterranean (2). Bigeye tunas are most commonly found in tropical and subtropical waters, but its distribution does extend into temperate waters. There are considered to be separate stocks in the Eastern Pacific, Western Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans (5).
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Status ( Inglês )

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Classified as Vulnerable (VU) on the IUCN Red List 2007. The Pacific stock is classified as Endangered (EN) (1).
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Threats ( Inglês )

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The bigeye tuna is an important target for fisheries in many parts of its range, and its flesh attracts high prices. All stocks of the bigeye tuna are now considered fully fished or over-fished, and overfishing is occurring in some areas, notably in the Endangered Pacific stock (5). The biological characteristics of the bigeye tuna, (it is relatively long-lived, late to spawn, and has a low productivity) make it more vulnerable to over-fishing than species such as skipjack tuna and yellowfin tuna. Without swift and effective management actions, populations of bigeye tuna are likely to go the same way as the Southern bluefin tuna (5), classified by the World Conservation Union (IUCN) as Critically Endangered (1).
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Diagnostic Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por FAO species catalogs
A large species, deepest near middle of first dorsal fin base. Gillrakers 23 to 31 on first arch. Pectoral fins moderately long (22 to 31% of fork length) in large individuals (over 110 cm fork length), but very long (as long as in T. alalunga ) in smaller individuals (though in fish shorter than 40 cm they may be very short). In fish longer than 30 cm, ventral surface of liver striated. Swimbladder present. Vertebrae 18 precaudal plus 21 caudal. Colour: lower sides and belly whitish; a lateral iridescent blue band runs along sides in live specimens; first dorsal fin deep yellow, second dorsal and anal fins light yellow, finlets bright yellow edged with black.


  • Alverson & Peterson, 1963 (Pacific)
  • Calkins, 1980 (Pacific)
  • Collette, 1978 (Species Identification Sheets, Western Central Atlantic), 1981 (Species Identification Sheets, Eastern Central Atlantic)
  • Mimura, et al. 1936a (Indian Ocean)

citação bibliográfica
FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 2. Scombrids of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of Tunas, Mackerels, Bonitos and related species known to date.Collette, B.B.  &  C.E. Nauen 1983..  FAO Fish. Synop., (125)Vol.2:137 p.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
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FAO species catalogs

Distribution ( Inglês )

fornecido por FAO species catalogs
Worldwide in tropical and subtropical waters of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans, but absent from the Mediterranean.
citação bibliográfica
FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 2. Scombrids of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of Tunas, Mackerels, Bonitos and related species known to date.Collette, B.B.  &  C.E. Nauen 1983..  FAO Fish. Synop., (125)Vol.2:137 p.
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FAO species catalogs

Size ( Inglês )

fornecido por FAO species catalogs
Maximum fork length over 200 cm; common to 180 cm (corresponding to an age of at least 3 years). The all-tackle angling record for the Pacific is a 197.3 kg fish from off Cabo Blanco, Peru in 1957. This fish was 236 cm long but it was not specified whether this pertained to fork length or total length. For the Atlantic, the all-tackle angling record is a 170.3 kg fish with a fork length of 206 cm taken off Ocean City, Maryland, USA in 1977. Maturity seems to be attained at 100 to 130 cm fork length in the eastern Pacific and in the Indian Ocean, and at about 130 cm in the central Pacific.
citação bibliográfica
FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 2. Scombrids of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of Tunas, Mackerels, Bonitos and related species known to date.Collette, B.B.  &  C.E. Nauen 1983..  FAO Fish. Synop., (125)Vol.2:137 p.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
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FAO species catalogs

Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por FAO species catalogs
Epipelagic and mesopelagic in oceanic waters, occurring from the surface to about 250 m depth.Temperature and thermocline depth seem to be the main environmental factors governing the vertical and horizontal distribution of bigeye tuna. Water temperatures in which the species has been found range from 13° to 29° C, but the optimum range lies between 17° and 22° C. This coincides with the temperature range of the permanent thermocline. In fact, in the tropical western and central Pacific, major concentrations of T. obesus are in occurrence of the species is closely related to seasonal and climatic changes in surface temperature and thermocline Juveniles and small adults of bigeye tuna school at the surface in mono-species groups or together with yellowfin tuna and/or skipjack. Schools may be associated with floating objects. In the eastern Pacific some spawning is recorded between 10° N and 10° S throughout the year, with a peak from April through September in the northern hemisphere and between January and March in the southern hemisphere. Kume (1967) found a correlation between the occurrence of sexually inactive bigeye tuna and a decrease of surface temperature below 23° or 24° C. Mature fish spawn at least twice a year; the number of eggs per spawning has been estimated at 2.9 million to 6.3 million. The food spectrum of bigeye tuna covers a variety of fish species, cephalopods and crustaceans, thus not diverging significantly from that of other similar-sized tunas. Feeding occurs in daytime as well as at night.The main predators are large billfish and toothed whales.
citação bibliográfica
FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 2. Scombrids of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of Tunas, Mackerels, Bonitos and related species known to date.Collette, B.B.  &  C.E. Nauen 1983..  FAO Fish. Synop., (125)Vol.2:137 p.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
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FAO species catalogs

Benefits ( Inglês )

fornecido por FAO species catalogs
Catch statistics are reported by 17 countries for 14 fishing areas. Yearly catches of more than 10 000 metric tons are taken in Fishing Areas 34, 51, 61, 71) and 77 with more than two thirds of the total taken in the Pacific up to 1980. Among the countries reporting bigeye tuna catches Japan ranks first, followed by the Republic of Korea with much lower landings. The world catch increased from about 164 000 t in 1974 to 201 000 metric tons in 1980 reaching a peak of 214 000 t in 1977 (FAO, 1981). For 1981 a decrease to about 167 000 t was estimated (FAO, 1983). In the Indian Ocean, the bigeye tuna fishery was dominated by Japanese fleets up to the end of the sixties, but subsequently operations of vessels from the Republic of Korea became more important, and have accounted for more than 60% of the catch in the late seventies. The most important fishing technique is Industrial tuna longlining and the fishing gear longlines, comprise some 400 "baskets" (consisting of 5 branch lines, each with a baited hook) extending over up to 130 km. Species commonly used as bait include (frozen) Pacific saury (Cololabis saira ), chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus ), jack mackerel (Trachurus ) and squid. Day- and night-time operations are common throughout the year, but there are seasonal variations in apparent abundance reflected in changes of fishing effort. In the seventies, deep longlines employing between 10 and 15 branch lines per basket were introduced. This new type of gear is theoretically capable of fishing down to 300 m depth, as compared to the usual 170 m reached by traditional longline gear. Catch rates increased for about 3 years and then declined to previous levels again, suggesting that only a portion of the bigeye resources are exploited. Bigeye tuna is exploited in increasing quantities as associated catch of the spring and summer pole and lines fishery in the northwestern Pacific, and of the purse seines fishery in the eastern Pacific, both directed primarily at skipjack and yellowfin tuna. In Japan, its meat is highly priced and processed into sashimi in substitution for bluefin tuna.The total catch reported for this species to FAO for 1999 was 399 628 t. The countries with the largest catches were Japan (79 742 t) and Other nei (70 597 t).
citação bibliográfica
FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 2. Scombrids of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of Tunas, Mackerels, Bonitos and related species known to date.Collette, B.B.  &  C.E. Nauen 1983..  FAO Fish. Synop., (125)Vol.2:137 p.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
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FAO species catalogs

Diagnostic Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
This large species is distinguished by the following characters: robust, fusiform body, slightly compressed from side to side; total gill rakers on first gill arch 23-31; dorsal fins separated only by a narrow interspace, the second followed by 8-10 finlets; anal fin followed by 7-10 finlets; pectoral fins moderately long (22 to 31% of fork length) in large specimens (over 110 cm FL), but very long (as long as in Thunnus alalunga) in smaller specimens; 2 flaps (interpelvic process) between pelvic fins; very small scales on body; corselet of larger and thicker scales developed, but not very distinct; caudal peduncle very slender, with a strong lateral keel between 2 smaller keels; ventral surface of liver striated; swimbladder present. Colour of back metallic dark blue, lower sides and belly whitish; a lateral iridescent blue band runs along sides in live specimens; first dorsal fin deep yellow, second dorsal and anal fins light yellow, finlets bright yellow edged with black (Ref. 9684).
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Rodolfo B. Reyes
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Sphyriocephalus Infestation 1. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Sphyriocephalus Disease. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Brachiella Infestation. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Caligus Infestation 17. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Caligus Infestation 18. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Euryphorous Infestation 1. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Euryphorous Infestation 2. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Hexostoma Disease. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Didymosulcus Infestation 3. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Didymozoon Infestation 2. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Caballerocotyla Infestation 4. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Caballerocotyla Infestation 8. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Caballerocotyla Infestation 9. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Capsala Infestation 3. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Hexostoma grossum Disease. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Hexostoma acutum Disease. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Nasicola Infestation 2. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Neohexostoma Infestation 3. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Sibitrema Infection. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Tristomella Infestation 3. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Botulus Infection. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Cardicola Infestation 1. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Dermatodidymocystis indicus Infection. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Dermatodidymocystis vivipira Infection. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Dermatodidymocystis Infestation. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Didymocystis Infestation18. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Didymocystis Infestation 20. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Didymocystis Infestation 23. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Didymocystoides Infestation 5. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Didymocystoides Infestation 7. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Koellikerioides Infestation 2. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Koellikerioides Infestation 3. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Koellikerioides Infestation 4. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Köllikeria Infestation 5. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Köllikeria Infestation 7. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Köllikeria Infestation 8. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Neonematobothrioideis Infection. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Orbitonematobothrium Infection. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Univietellodidymocytis Infestation 2. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Dasyrhynchus Infestation 2. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Kudoa Infestation 3. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Koellikerioides Infestation 6. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Pseudocycnus Disease. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Hexostoma thynni Disease. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Caligus Infestation 7. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Dinurus Infestation. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Metazoan Infection 1. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Hexostoma sibi Disease. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Areotestis Infection. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Tristomella Infestation 1. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Didymocystis Infestation 1. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Didymocystis Infestation 2. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Didymocystis Infestation 7. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Didymocystis Infestation 8. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Didymocystis Infestation 9. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
direitos autorais
Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Didymocystis Infestation 10. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Didymocystoides Infestation 4. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Nematobothrium Disease. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

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Opisthorchinematobothrium Infestation 2. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Univietellodidymocytis Infestation. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Life Cycle ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Are multiple spawners that may spawn every 1 or 2 days over several months (Ref. 30330). They spawn over periods of the full moon (Ref. 6390). Spawn throughout the year in tropical waters (Ref. 6390).
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Liza Q. Agustin
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Migration ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Oceanodromous. Migrating within oceans typically between spawning and different feeding areas, as tunas do. Migrations should be cyclical and predictable and cover more than 100 km.
direitos autorais
Susan M. Luna
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Morphology ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Dorsal spines (total): 13 - 14; Dorsal soft rays (total): 14 - 15; Analspines: 0; Analsoft rays: 14; Vertebrae: 39
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Rodolfo B. Reyes
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Trophic Strategy ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Temperature and thermocline depth seem to be the main environmental factors governing the vertical and horizontal distribution of this species (Ref. 168). Bigeye tuna are more tolerant of lower temperatures and lower dissolved oxygen concentration than are other tunas and tend to occupy deeper waters (Ref. 30326). For example, during the day, adult bigeye tuna inhabit the thermocline zone at about 150-250 m in tropical waters where temperatures descend to almost 10°C, provided dissolved oxygen concentration is more than 1 mg per l (Ref. 28952, 30327). The tuna make occassional short ascents to 100 m or shallower (Ref. 6390).Young bigeye tuna have not been reported outside tropical waters (Ref. 30326). In Australia, bigeye tuna smaller than 20 kg may form surface-dwelling schools of similar sized fish with other species such as yellowfin tuna and skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis). Schools of only bigeye tuna are less common (Ref. 30328). In tropical waters, young bigeye tuna are often caught 50-100 m below floating objects such as logs and fish aggregating devices (Ref. 30326). Adults tend to be solitary (Ref. 6390). Behavioural studies in Hawaiian waters using ultrasonic tags (Ref. 30329) found that the distribution of adult bigeye tuna was closely correlated with the 15°C isotherm during the day (Ref. 6390). Like yellowfin tuna, bigeye tuna move into the warmer surface waters (within 50 m of the surface) at night. Feed during the day and at night. In Hawaii, more abundant in late fall through late spring.
direitos autorais
Susan M. Luna
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Biology ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Occur in areas where water temperatures range from 13°-29°C, but the optimum is between 17° and 22°C. Variation in occurrence is closely related to seasonal and climatic changes in surface temperature and thermocline. Juveniles and small adults school at the surface in mono-species groups or mixed with other tunas, may be associated with floating objects. Adults stay in deeper waters (Ref. 5377). Eggs and larvae are pelagic (Ref. 6390). Feed on a wide variety of fishes, cephalopods and crustaceans during the day and at night (Ref. 9340). Meat is highly prized and processed into sashimi in Japan. Marketed mainly canned or frozen (Ref. 9684), but also sold fresh (Ref. 9340).
direitos autorais
Susan M. Luna
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Importance ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
fisheries: highly commercial; gamefish: yes; price category: very high; price reliability: reliable: based on ex-vessel price for this species
direitos autorais
Susan M. Luna
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Distribution ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por IABIN
Chile Central
direitos autorais
Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Pablo Gutierrez
site do parceiro

分布 ( Inglês )

fornecido por The Fish Database of Taiwan
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The Fish Database of Taiwan

利用 ( Inglês )

fornecido por The Fish Database of Taiwan
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The Fish Database of Taiwan

描述 ( Inglês )

fornecido por The Fish Database of Taiwan
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The Fish Database of Taiwan

棲地 ( Inglês )

fornecido por The Fish Database of Taiwan
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The Fish Database of Taiwan

Grootoog-tuna ( Africâner )

fornecido por wikipedia AF

Die Grootoog-tuna (Thunnus obesus) is 'n roofvis wat voorkom in warm water van die Atlantiese-, Indiese- en Stille oseane, verkieslik 17° tot 22 °C. In Engels staan die vis bekend as Bigeye tuna.

Sien ook


  1. Collette B and 30 others (2011). "Thunnus obesus". IUCN Rooilys van Bedreigde Spesies. Weergawe 2011.2. Internasionale Unie vir die Bewaring van die Natuur. Besoek op 13 Januarie 2012.

Eksterne skakel

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Wikipedia skrywers en redakteurs
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wikipedia AF

Grootoog-tuna: Brief Summary ( Africâner )

fornecido por wikipedia AF

Die Grootoog-tuna (Thunnus obesus) is 'n roofvis wat voorkom in warm water van die Atlantiese-, Indiese- en Stille oseane, verkieslik 17° tot 22 °C. In Engels staan die vis bekend as Bigeye tuna.


Visserman wat 'n grootoog gevang het


'n Vangs grootoog-tuna


Op ys

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Wikipedia skrywers en redakteurs
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wikipedia AF

İrigöz tunes ( Azerbaijano )

fornecido por wikipedia AZ

İrigöz tunes (lat. Thunnus obesus), Xanıkimilər dəstəsinin Skumbrlar fəsiləsinə aid balıq növü.

Əhəmiyyətli bir ticari balıq olan İrigözlü tunes , isti və ilıq dənizlərin açıqlarında tapılar, amma Aralıq dənizidə tapılmaz. Boyu 60-250 sm olar. Başı və gözləri digər tunes böyükdür. Bədənlərinin üst qisimi tünd əmtəəlik mavi, qarınına doğru boz ya da ağlaşar. Kürək və anal üzgəcləri sarı rəngdir.

İrigözlü tunes bir çox fərqli balıq növləri yumşaqcalar və qabıqlılar ilə bəslənər.

Pink salmon FWS.jpg Balıq ilə əlaqədar bu məqalə qaralama halındadır. Məqaləni redaktə edərək Vikipediyanı zənginləşdirin.
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Vikipediya müəllifləri və redaktorları
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wikipedia AZ

Tonyina d'ulls grossos ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA
Diagrama de la cua

La tonyina d'ulls grossos (Thunnus obesus) és una espècie de peix de la família dels escòmbrids i de l'ordre dels perciformes.


Els mascles poden assolir els 250 cm de longitud total i els 210 kg de pes.[3]

Distribució geogràfica

Es troba a l'Atlàntic, a l'Índic i al Pacífic. Absent a la Mediterrània.[3]


  1. South J. F. 1845. Encyclopedia Metropolitana; or, Universal Dictionary of Knowledge. Edition for 1845. Encycl. Metrop. v. 25.
  2. BioLib
  3. 3,0 3,1 FishBase (anglès)


  • Baillie, J. i Groombridge, B., 1996. Llista Vermella d'Animals Amenaçats de la UICN 1996. UICN, Gland, Suïssa.
  • Collette, B.B. i C.E. Nauen, 1983. FAO species catalogue. Vol. 2. Scombrids of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of tunas, mackerels, bonitos and related species known to date. FAO Fish. Synop. 125(2). 137 p.
  • Helfman, G., B. Collette i D. Facey: The diversity of fishes. Blackwell Science, Malden, Massachusetts (Estats Units), 1997.
  • Lowe, R. T. 1839. A supplement to a synopsis of the fishes of Madeira. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1839 (pt 7): 76-92.
  • Moyle, P. i J. Cech.: Fishes: An Introduction to Ichthyology, 4a edició, Upper Saddle River (Nova Jersey, Estats Units): Prentice-Hall. Any 2000.
  • Nelson, J.: Fishes of the World, 3a edició. Nova York, Estats Units: John Wiley and Sons. Any 1994.
  • Wheeler, A.: The World Encyclopedia of Fishes, 2a edició, Londres: Macdonald. Any 1985.

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Tonyina d'ulls grossos: Brief Summary ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA
 src= Diagrama de la cua

La tonyina d'ulls grossos (Thunnus obesus) és una espècie de peix de la família dels escòmbrids i de l'ordre dels perciformes.

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Autors i editors de Wikipedia
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wikipedia CA

Großaugen-Thun ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Der Großaugen-Thun (Thunnus obesus) ist eine Fischart aus der Gattung der Thunfische. Er erreicht eine Gesamtlänge von bis zu 2,50 Metern, ein Gewicht von bis zu 210 Kilogramm und ein Alter von 5 bis 7 Jahren, nach manchen Quellen auch bis zu 11 Jahre. Man nimmt an, dass sie mit 3 bis 4 Jahren die Geschlechtsreife erreichen. Großaugenthune leben meist in größeren Tiefen als andere Thunfischarten. Deshalb ist ihr Fleisch sehr fetthaltig (zur Wärmeisolierung) und in Japan sehr gefragt für die Zubereitung von Sashimi.

Junge Großaugenthune schwimmen oft in gemischten Schwärmen mit Gelbflossenthunen und Skipjack-Thunfischen. Die Schwärme assoziieren sich oft mit an der Meeresoberfläche treibenden Objekten. Daher sind junge Großaugenthune besonders durch Ringwadennetz-Fischereien gefährdet, die ein so genanntes Fish Aggregating Device (FAD) verwenden (Gerät zum Anlocken großer Fischschwärme). Ausgewachsene Großaugenthune scheinen dagegen weitaus weniger von FADs angezogen zu werden.


Großaugenthune leben in subtropischen und tropischen Gewässern im Atlantik, Pazifik und Indischen Ozean, nicht aber im Mittelmeer.

Wirtschaftliche Bedeutung

Der Großaugenthunfisch ist ein wichtiger Speisefisch. Die Bestände im Atlantik gelten als überfischt, die im Pazifik als massiv überfischt und vom Aussterben bedroht.[1] Ausgewachsene Tiere werden mit Langleinen und Schleppangeln gefangen, kleinere mit Ringwaden. Hauptabsatzmarkt ist Japan (für Sashimi), in Südamerika werden Baby-Großaugenthune auch zu Dosenthunfisch[2] verarbeitet und als "helles Rindfleisch" verkauft (der Geschmack soll dem von Rindfleisch ähneln).


  1. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (engl.)
  2. Die Dosen-Thunfischindustrie und ihre Auswirkungen auf Thunfischbestände. Gesellschaft zur Rettung der Delphine e. V., abgerufen am 26. Juni 2017.


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wikipedia DE

Großaugen-Thun: Brief Summary ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Der Großaugen-Thun (Thunnus obesus) ist eine Fischart aus der Gattung der Thunfische. Er erreicht eine Gesamtlänge von bis zu 2,50 Metern, ein Gewicht von bis zu 210 Kilogramm und ein Alter von 5 bis 7 Jahren, nach manchen Quellen auch bis zu 11 Jahre. Man nimmt an, dass sie mit 3 bis 4 Jahren die Geschlechtsreife erreichen. Großaugenthune leben meist in größeren Tiefen als andere Thunfischarten. Deshalb ist ihr Fleisch sehr fetthaltig (zur Wärmeisolierung) und in Japan sehr gefragt für die Zubereitung von Sashimi.

Junge Großaugenthune schwimmen oft in gemischten Schwärmen mit Gelbflossenthunen und Skipjack-Thunfischen. Die Schwärme assoziieren sich oft mit an der Meeresoberfläche treibenden Objekten. Daher sind junge Großaugenthune besonders durch Ringwadennetz-Fischereien gefährdet, die ein so genanntes Fish Aggregating Device (FAD) verwenden (Gerät zum Anlocken großer Fischschwärme). Ausgewachsene Großaugenthune scheinen dagegen weitaus weniger von FADs angezogen zu werden.

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Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
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wikipedia DE

பெரிய கண் சூரை ( Tâmil )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages

பெரிய கண் சூரை (Big eye tuna) (துன்னஸ் ஒபஸஸ்) என்பது சூரையின் துன்னஸ் இன மீன் ஆகும். கானாங்கொளுத்தி குடும்பத்தைச் சேர்ந்தது. ஹவாயின் அகி எனப்படும் இரண்டு சூரை இனங்களில் மஞ்சள் துடுப்புச் சூரை, பெரிய கண் சூரை ஆகியன உள்ளடங்கும்.[1] பெரிய கண் சூரை மத்திய தரைக்கடலை தவிர்த்து அனைத்து வெப்பமண்டல மற்றும் மிதமான சமுத்திரங்களில் திறந்த நீரில் வாழ்கின்றது.


பெரிய கண் சூரை 250 செ.மீ (98 அங்குலங்கள்) அல்லது 8 அடி வரை நீளமாக வளரக்கூடியது. மீனொன்றின் அதிகபட்ச எடை 180 கிலோ கிராமை விட அதிகமாகும். சீரான பெரிய உடலுடன், பெரிய கண்களுடனான தலையைக் கொண்டது. நீளமான மார்புச் செட்டைகள் இரண்டாவது முதுகுச் செட்டை ஆரம்பிக்கும் இடத்திற்கு அப்பால் வரை காணப்படுகின்றன. இளம் மற்றும் முதிர்ந்த மீன்களில் முதலாவது, இரண்டாவது முதுகுச் செட்டைகளுக்கு இடையில் 13 அல்லது 14 முதுகெலும்புகள் அமைந்துள்ளன.

பெரிய கண் சூரை ஆக்சிசன் குறைந்த நீரையையும் பொறுத்துக் கொள்ளக் கூடிய தனித்துவமான உடலியலை உடையது. இவற்றின் கண்கள் நன்கு வளர்ச்சியடைந்துள்ளன. பெரிய கோள வடிவ கண்வில்லை குறைந்த ஒளி நிலைகளிலும் பார்வை நன்றாக செயற்பட உதவுகின்றது.[5]


பெரிய கண் சூரை மீன்கள் 2 - 4 ஆண்டுகளில் முதிர்ந்த பருவத்தை அடைகின்றன. முதிர்ந்த பருவத்தில் இவற்றின் நீளம் புவியியல் ரீதியாக வேறுபடுகிறது. 50% வீதமான மீன்கள் கிழக்கு பசிபிக் பெருங்கடலில் 135 செ.மீ நீளத்திலும், மேற்கு பசிபிக் பெருங்கடலில் 102-105 செ.மீ நீளத்திலும் முதிர்ச்சியடைகின்றன.[6] ஆண்டின் பெரும்பாலான மாதங்களில் பசிபிக் பெருங்கடலின் வெப்பமண்டல பகுதிகளில் வெப்பநிலை 24 °C க்கு மேல் இருக்கும்போது முட்டையிடுதல் நடைபெறுகிறது. வடமேற்கு வெப்பமண்டல அத்திலாந்திக்கில் சூன், சூலை மாதங்களிலும், கினியா வளைகுடாவில் சனவரி, பெப்ரவரி மாதங்களிலும் இனப்பெருக்கம் நடைப்பெறுகின்றது.


இவை மீன்கள், ஓட்டுமீனகள் மற்றும் தலைக்காலிகளை உணவாக உட்கொள்கின்றன.[7][8]

வணிக மீன் பிடிப்பு

பெரிய கண் சூரைகள் 2012 ஆம் ஆண்டில் உலகளவில், ஏறக்குறைய 450,500 மெட்ரிக் தொன் வணிகக் கப்பல்களால் பிடிக்கப்பட்டது.[9] வணிக மீன்பிடிப்பானது பிராந்திய ரீதியாக நிர்வகிக்கப்படுகின்றது. பசுபிக் பெருங்கடலுக்குள் மேற்கு மற்றும் மத்திய பசுபிக் மீன்வள கமிசன்[10], அமெரிக்க வெப்ப மண்டல துனா கமிசன் (ஐஏடிடிசி)[11] என்பவற்றாலும், இந்திய பெருங்கடலில் மீன் பிடிப்பானது இந்திய பெருங்கடல் துனா கமிசனினாலும் (ஐஓடிசி)[12], அத்திலாந்திக் கடலில் அத்திலாந்திக் துனாக்களை பாதுகாப்பதற்கான சர்வதேச ஆணையத்தினாலும் (ஐசிசிஏடி) நிர்வகிக்கப்படுகின்றன.[13]

பெரிய கண் சூரைகளின் பிடிபடும் விகிதம் கடந்த அரை நூற்றாண்டில் திடீரென குறைந்துவிட்டது. இதற்கான காரணம் பெரும்பாலும் தொழில்துறை மீன் பிடிப்பு, கடல் வெப்பமயமாதல் என்பனவாக இருக்கலாம் என்று கருதப்படுகின்றது.[14]


  1. "Yellowfin Tuna - Ahi" (2009-03-31).
  2. Collette, B.; Acero, A.; Amorim, A.F. et al. (2011). "Thunnus obesus". செம்பட்டியல் 2011: e.T21859A9329255. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2011-2.RLTS.T21859A9329255.en.
  3. "Thunnus obesus". ஒருங்கிணைந்த வகைப்பாட்டியல் தகவல் அமைப்பு (Integrated Taxonomic Information System). பார்த்த நாள் 9 December 2012.
  4. Froese, Rainer and Pauly, Daniel, eds. (2018). "Thunnus obesus" in FishBase. February 2018 version.
  5. "Archived copy". மூல முகவரியிலிருந்து 2014-10-07 அன்று பரணிடப்பட்டது.
  6. "Reproductive Biology of Bigeye Tuna (Thunnus Obesus) in the Eastern and Central Pacific Ocean".
  7. Young, Jock W. (2010). "Feeding ecology and niche segregation in oceanic top predators off eastern Australia". Marine Biology. 157 (11): [[1]]. doi:10.1007/s00227-010-1500-y.
  8. Potier, M.; F. Marsac; V. Lucas; R. Sabatie; J-P Hallier; F. Menard (2004). "Feeding partitioning among tuna taken in surface and mid--water layers: the case of yellowfin and bigeye in the western tropical indian ocean". Western Indian Ocean J. Mar. Sci. 3 (1): 51–62.
  9. "FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department. FAO yearbook. Fishery and Aquaculture Statistics. 2012/FAO annuaire. Statistiques des pêches et de l'aquaculture. 2012/FAO anuario. Estadísticas de pesca y acuicultura. 2012".
  10. "Home | WCPFC".
  11. "Inter-American-Tropical-Tuna-Commission".
  12. "ICCAT".
  14. "A reduction in marine primary productivity driven by rapid warming over the tropical Indian Ocean".
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பெரிய கண் சூரை: Brief Summary ( Tâmil )

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பெரிய கண் சூரை (Big eye tuna) (துன்னஸ் ஒபஸஸ்) என்பது சூரையின் துன்னஸ் இன மீன் ஆகும். கானாங்கொளுத்தி குடும்பத்தைச் சேர்ந்தது. ஹவாயின் அகி எனப்படும் இரண்டு சூரை இனங்களில் மஞ்சள் துடுப்புச் சூரை, பெரிய கண் சூரை ஆகியன உள்ளடங்கும். பெரிய கண் சூரை மத்திய தரைக்கடலை தவிர்த்து அனைத்து வெப்பமண்டல மற்றும் மிதமான சமுத்திரங்களில் திறந்த நீரில் வாழ்கின்றது.

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Surèe raya mata

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Surèe raya mata (nan Latèn: Thunnus obesus) nakeuh saboh jeunèh eungkôt surèe nyang na di la’ôt Acèh. Eungkôt nyoe lam basa Indônèsia geuturi ngön nan tongkol mata besar.[4]

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Surèe raya mata: Brief Summary

fornecido por wikipedia emerging_languages

Surèe raya mata (nan Latèn: Thunnus obesus) nakeuh saboh jeunèh eungkôt surèe nyang na di la’ôt Acèh. Eungkôt nyoe lam basa Indônèsia geuturi ngön nan tongkol mata besar.

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Bigeye tuna ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

The bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) is a species of true tuna of the genus Thunnus, belonging to the wider mackerel family Scombridae. In Hawaiian, it is one of two species known as ʻahi, the other being the yellowfin tuna.[4] Bigeye tuna are found in the open waters of all tropical and temperate oceans, but not in the Mediterranean Sea.


Bigeye tuna can grow up to 2.5 m (98 in; 8.2 ft) in length. Maximum weight of individuals probably exceeds 180 kg (400 lb), with the all-tackle angling record standing at 178 kg (392 lb). They are large, deep-bodied, streamlined fish with large heads and eyes. The pectoral fins are very long, reaching back beyond the start of the second dorsal fin in juveniles and the space between the first and second dorsal fin in adults. They have 13 or 14 dorsal spines.


Bigeye tuna have a unique physiology which allows them to forage in deeper colder waters and tolerate oxygen-poor waters. Bigeye tuna are reported to tolerate ambient oxygen levels of 1.0 mL/L and routinely reach depths where ambient oxygen content is below 1.5 mL/L,[5] largely due to the presence of blood with a high oxygen affinity.[6] Vascular counter-current heat exchangers maintain body temperatures above ambient water temperature. These heat exchangers are engaged to conserve heat in deeper colder waters and are disengaged to allow rapid warming as the tuna ascend from cold water into warmer surface waters, providing short-latency, physiological thermoregulation.[7] The eyes of bigeye tuna are well developed and with a large spherical lens allowing their vision to function well in low light conditions.[5]

Life history

Conventional tagging data and counts of growth increments in otoliths (ear bones) of bigeye tuna have recorded a maximum age of 16 years.[8] Recorded lengths at which sexual maturity is attained varies geographically with a length at which 50% of fishes sampled are mature of 135 cm in the eastern Pacific Ocean and 102–105 cm in the western Pacific Ocean.[8][9] This translates to an age of maturity of 2 – 4 years. Differences in methods of studies may contribute to this variability. Spawning takes place across most months of the year in tropical regions of the Pacific Ocean, becoming seasonal at higher latitudes when sea surface temperatures are above 24 °C. In the northwestern tropical Atlantic spawning occurs in June and July, and in January and February in the Gulf of Guinea, which is the only known Atlantic nursery area.


Vertical movement

Bigeye tuna undertake a distinct diel shift in vertical behaviour, generally descending at dawn to deeper, cooler waters and returning to shallower, warmer waters at dusk. During the day they can undertake vertical movements into waters of 300–500 m depth that can be as much as 20 °C cooler than surface waters.[10][11][12] Individuals undertake thermoregulatory behaviour whilst at depth, periodically returning from deeper, cooler waters to shallower, warmer waters to re-warm.[10][11] Across the Pacific Ocean the depths at which bigeye tuna spend the majority of their time during the day vary: in the eastern Pacific the majority of time is spent at 200–350 m; around Hawaii the majority of time is spent at 300–400 m and in the Coral Sea the majority of time is spent at 300–500 m. These suggest that bigeye tuna (or their prey) are tracking an optimum temperature (10-15 °C) which is shallower in the eastern Pacific Ocean than in the western Pacific Ocean.[13] The diel shift in the vertical behaviour of bigeye tuna has been suggested to be associated with the diel migration of their prey.[14] This is supported by the identification of a number of diurnally migrating species from the stomachs of bigeye tuna [15] and observations of close associations between bigeye tuna and the sound scattering layer both during the day and at night.[16]

Typical vertical behaviour of bigeye tuna shifts when fish associate with seamounts, buoys and fish aggregating devices, with individuals remaining in surface waters. Association with objects has been observed to occur over periods of approximately 10–30 days.[17] This associative behaviour of bigeye tuna (and also other species of tuna) is taken advantage of by fisheries with approximately 27% of all catches of tunas by purse seine vessels in the western and central Pacific Ocean derived from fish aggregating devices.[18]


Results from tagging studies show that bigeye tuna are capable of traversing ocean basins, but can also show a high degree of site fidelity to some regions.[13][19][20][21][22] One study suggested an annual migration influenced by water temperature, specifically that near the surface. Central Pacific bigeye migrate from subtropical waters in September to tropical waters in March. The fish also briefly travel outside these thermal ranges. Other data indicate similar Pacific-wide variations.[23]


Bigeye tuna primarily feed on epipelagic and mesopelagic fish, crustaceans and cephalopods.[15][24]

Commercial fishery

Bigeye tuna caught with three-pole one-line rig

Globally, approximately 450,500 metric tonnes of bigeye tuna were caught by commercial vessels in 2012.[25] Commercial fisheries for bigeye tuna are regionally managed within the Pacific Ocean by the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) [26] and the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC).[27] In the Indian Ocean catches are managed by the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) [28] and in the Atlantic Ocean by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT).[29] Regular stock assessments are carried out for bigeye tuna by each of the regional fisheries management organisations with bigeye tuna currently regarded as overfished in the western and central Pacific Ocean [30] and eastern Pacific Ocean,[31] close to or being overfished in the Atlantic Ocean [32] and not overfished in the Indian Ocean.[33] The majority of commercial catches across the Pacific Ocean is by purse seine fleets, while catches are dominated by longline fleets in the Indian and Atlantic Oceans. Various conservation measures have been introduced by the regional fisheries management organisations which apply to particular sized vessels and fleets and include measures such as spatial and temporal closures, trip duration limits, observer requirements and limits on catches [34][35][36][37]



The bigeye tuna catch rates have also declined abruptly during the past half century, mostly due to increased industrial fisheries, with the ocean warming adding further stress to the fish species.[38]

Research indicates that increasing ocean temperatures are taking a toll on the tuna in the Indian Ocean, where rapid warming of the ocean has resulted in a reduction of marine phytoplankton.[38]


Most seafood sustainability guides encourage consumption of other types of tuna. In 2010, Greenpeace International added bigeye tuna to its seafood red list. "The Greenpeace International seafood red list is a list of fish that are commonly sold in supermarkets around the world, and which have a very high risk of being sourced from unsustainable fisheries."[39]


  1. ^ Collette, B.; Acero, A.; Amorim, A.F.; et al. (2011). "Thunnus obesus". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2011: e.T21859A9329255. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2011-2.RLTS.T21859A9329255.en.
  2. ^ "Thunnus obesus". Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Retrieved 9 December 2012.
  3. ^ Froese, Rainer; Pauly, Daniel (eds.) (2018). "Thunnus obesus" in FishBase. February 2018 version.
  4. ^ [1] Archived March 31, 2009, at the Wayback Machine
  5. ^ a b "Archived copy" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2015-06-05. Retrieved 2014-10-07.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  6. ^ Lowe, T. E. (2000). "Blood oxygen-binding characteristics of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus), a high-energy-demand teleost that is tolerant of low ambient oxygen". Marine Biology. 136 (6): 1087–1098. doi:10.1007/s002270000255. S2CID 84769358.
  7. ^ Holland, Kim N. (1992). "Physiological and behavioural thermoregulation in bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus)". Nature. 358 (6385): 410–412. Bibcode:1992Natur.358..410H. doi:10.1038/358410a0. PMID 1641023. S2CID 4344226.
  8. ^ a b Farley, Jessica H.; Clear, Naomi P.; Leroy, Bruno; Davis, Tim L. O.; McPherson, Geoff (2006). "CSIRO PUBLISHING - Marine & Freshwater Research". Csiro.au. 57 (7): 713–724. doi:10.1071/MF05255.
  9. ^ Schaefer, Kurt M.; Fuller, Daniel W.; Miyabe, Naozumi (2005). "Reproductive Biology of Bigeye Tuna (Thunnus Obesus) in the Eastern and Central Pacific Ocean" (PDF) (Bulletin). 23 (1). La Jolla, California: Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission: 7–8. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2015-12-22. Retrieved 2014-10-07. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  10. ^ a b Schaefer, Kurt M. (2010). "Vertical movements, behavior, and habitat of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the equatorial eastern Pacific Ocean, ascertained from archival tag data". Marine Biology. 157 (12): 2625–2642. doi:10.1007/s00227-010-1524-3. S2CID 85941049.
  11. ^ a b Arrizabalaga, H. (2008). "Bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) vertical movements in the Azores Islands determined with pop-up satellite archival tags". Fisheries Oceanography. 17 (2): 74–83. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2419.2008.00464.x.
  12. ^ Howell, Evan A. (2010). "Spatiotemporal variability in bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) dive behavior in the central North Pacific Ocean". Progress in Oceanography. 86 (1–2): 81–93. Bibcode:2010PrOce..86...81H. doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2010.04.013.
  13. ^ a b Evans, Karen (2008). "Behaviour and habitat preferences of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) and their influence on longline fishery catches in the western Coral Sea". Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 65 (11): 2427–2443. doi:10.1139/F08-148.
  14. ^ Dagorn, L. (2000). "Movement patterns of large bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the open ocean, determined using ultrasonic telemetry". Marine Biology. 136 (2): 361–371. doi:10.1007/s002270050694. S2CID 84674342.
  15. ^ a b Young, Jock W. (2010). "Feeding ecology and niche segregation in oceanic top predators off eastern Australia". Marine Biology. 157 (11): 2347–2368. doi:10.1007/s00227-010-1500-y. S2CID 85067043.
  16. ^ Josse, Erwan (1998). "Simultaneous observations of tuna movements and their prey by sonic tracking and acoustic surveys". Hydrobiologia. 371/372: 61–69. doi:10.1023/A:1017065709190. S2CID 42568333.
  17. ^ Musyl, Michael K. (2003). "Vertical movements of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) associated with islands, buoys, and seamounts near the main Hawaiian Islands from archival tagging data". Fisheries Oceanography. 12 (3): 152–169. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2419.2003.00229.x.
  18. ^ "Cambridge Journals Online - Aquatic Living Resources - Abstract - A critique of the ecosystem impacts of drifting and anchored FADs use by purse-seine tuna fisheries in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean". Archived from the original on 2014-10-10. Retrieved 2013-10-31.
  19. ^ Sibert, John R. (2003). "Horizontal movements of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) near Hawaii determined by Kalman filter analysis of archival tagging data". Fisheries Oceanography. 12 (3): 141–151. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2419.2003.00228.x.
  20. ^ Hampton, John; Gunn, John (1998). "CSIRO PUBLISHING - Marine & Freshwater Research". Csiro.au. 49 (6): 475–489. doi:10.1071/mf97210.
  21. ^ "Archived copy" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2016-03-04. Retrieved 2014-10-07.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  22. ^ Schaefer, Kurt (2015). "Movements, dispersion, and mixing of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) tagged and released in the equatorial Central Pacific Ocean, with conventional and archival tags" (PDF). Fisheries Research. 161: 336–355. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2014.08.018.
  23. ^ Hyder, Patrick; Bigelow, Keith; Brainard, Russell; Seki, Michael; Firing, June; Flament, Pierre. "Migration and Abundance of Bigeye Tuna (Thunnus obesus), and Other Pelagic Species, Inferred from Catch Rates and Their Relation to Variations in the Ocean Environment" (PDF). Retrieved August 26, 2016.
  24. ^ Potier, M.; F. Marsac; V. Lucas; R. Sabatie; J-P Hallier; F. Menard (2004). "Feeding partitioning among tuna taken in surface and mid--water layers: the case of yellowfin and bigeye in the western tropical indian ocean". Western Indian Ocean J. Mar. Sci. 3 (1): 51–62.
  25. ^ "FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department. FAO yearbook. Fishery and Aquaculture Statistics. 2012/FAO annuaire. Statistiques des pêches et de l'aquaculture. 2012/FAO anuario. Estadísticas de pesca y acuicultura. 2012". fao.org.
  26. ^ "Home - WCPFC". wcpfc.int.
  27. ^ "Inter-American-Tropical-Tuna-Commission". iattc.org.
  28. ^ "IOTC - Indian Ocean Tuna Commission / Commission des Thons de l'Océan Indien". iotc.org.
  29. ^ "ICCAT". iccat.int.
  30. ^ "Stock assessment of bigeye tuna in the western and central Pacific Ocean Rev 1 (25 July 2014)". wcpfc.int.
  31. ^ "Archived copy" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2014-10-14. Retrieved 2014-10-07.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  32. ^ "Archived copy" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2014-07-27. Retrieved 2014-10-07.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  33. ^ "Stock assessment of bigeye tuna in the Indian Ocean for 2012". iotc.org.
  34. ^ "Archived copy" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2014-10-14. Retrieved 2014-10-07.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  35. ^ "Archived copy" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2013-07-15. Retrieved 2014-10-07.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  36. ^ "Conservation and Management Measures (CMMs)". iotc.org.
  37. ^ "Conservation and Management Measure for bigeye, yellowfin and skipjack tuna in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean". wcpfc.int.
  38. ^ a b Roxy, Mathew Koll; Modi, Aditi; Murtugudde, Raghu; Valsala, Vinu; Panickal, Swapna; Prasanna Kumar, S.; Ravichandran, M.; Vichi, Marcello; Lévy, Marina (2016-01-28). "A reduction in marine primary productivity driven by rapid warming over the tropical Indian Ocean" (PDF). Geophysical Research Letters. 43 (2): 2015GL066979. Bibcode:2016GeoRL..43..826R. doi:10.1002/2015GL066979. ISSN 1944-8007.
  39. ^ Greenpeace International Seafood Red list Archived February 5, 2010, at the Wayback Machine

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Bigeye tuna: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

The bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) is a species of true tuna of the genus Thunnus, belonging to the wider mackerel family Scombridae. In Hawaiian, it is one of two species known as ʻahi, the other being the yellowfin tuna. Bigeye tuna are found in the open waters of all tropical and temperate oceans, but not in the Mediterranean Sea.

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Thunnus obesus ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Thunnus obesus, también llamado patudo o atún de ojo grande en algunas partes de España, es una especie de peces de la familia Scombridae en el orden de los Perciformes.


Los machos pueden llegar alcanzar los 250 cm de longitud total y los 210 kg de peso.[2]

Distribución geográfica

Se encuentra en el Atlántico, el Índico y en el Pacífico. Ausente en el Mediterráneo.


  1. Uozumi, Y. (1996). «Thunnus obesus». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN 2010.3 (en inglés). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado el septiembre de 2010.
  2. "Thunnus obesus". En FishBase (Rainer Froese y Daniel Pauly, eds.). Consultada en octubre de 2011. N.p.: FishBase, 2011.


  • Fenner, Robert M.: The Conscientious Marine Aquarist. Neptune City, Nueva Jersey, Estados Unidos : T.F.H. Publications, 2001.
  • Helfman, G., B. Collette y D. Facey: The diversity of fishes. Blackwell Science, Malden, Massachusetts, Estados Unidos , 1997.
  • Hoese, D.F. 1986: . A M.M. Smith y P.C. Heemstra (eds.) Smiths' sea fishes. Springer-Verlag, Berlín, Alemania.
  • Maugé, L.A. 1986. A J. Daget, J.-P. Gosse y D.F.E. Thys van den Audenaerde (eds.) Check-list of the freshwater fishes of Africa (CLOFFA). ISNB Bruselas; MRAC, Tervuren, Flandes; y ORSTOM, París, Francia. Vol. 2.
  • Moyle, P. y J. Cech.: Fishes: An Introduction to Ichthyology, 4a. edición, Upper Saddle River, Nueva Jersey, Estados Unidos: Prentice-Hall. Año 2000.
  • Nelson, J.: Fishes of the World, 3a. edición. Nueva York, Estados Unidos: John Wiley and Sons. Año 1994.
  • Wheeler, A.: The World Encyclopedia of Fishes, 2a. edición, Londres: Macdonald. Año 1985.

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Autores y editores de Wikipedia
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wikipedia ES

Thunnus obesus: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Thunnus obesus, también llamado patudo o atún de ojo grande en algunas partes de España, es una especie de peces de la familia Scombridae en el orden de los Perciformes.

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Autores y editores de Wikipedia
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wikipedia ES

Atun moja ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU

Atun moja (Thunnus obesus) Scombridae familiako ur gaziko arraina da, munduko itsaso tropikal eta epeletan (Mediterraneoan izan ezik) bizi dena[1]. Batzuetan ahi izenaz ere saltzen dute, hawaieraz ʻahi izena duelako.



  1. Tony Ayling & Geoffrey Cox, Collins Guide to the Sea Fishes of New Zealand, (William Collins Publishers Ltd, Auckland 1982) ISBN 0-00-216987-8
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Atun moja: Brief Summary ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU

Atun moja (Thunnus obesus) Scombridae familiako ur gaziko arraina da, munduko itsaso tropikal eta epeletan (Mediterraneoan izan ezik) bizi dena. Batzuetan ahi izenaz ere saltzen dute, hawaieraz ʻahi izena duelako.

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Isosilmätonnikala ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Isosilmätonnikala (Thunnus obesus) on tonnikalojen ryhmään kuuluva makrilliheimon kala. Havaijilla se tunnetaan nimellä ahi. Isosilmätonnikalaa kalastetaan liikaa, ja laji on suuressa vaarassa kuolla sukupuuttoon. Isosilmätonnikalasta tehdään sushia ja sashimia.

Koko ja ulkonäkö

Isosilmätonnikalan tunnistaa pulskasta vartalosta, isosta päästä ja epätavallisen suurista silmistään joista se on saanut nimensä. Isosilmätonnikalan pituus vaihtelee välillä 60–250 cm. Isosilmätonnikalojen selkä on kirkkaan tummansininen ja vatsa vaaleansininen. Pyrstö on musta ja selkä- ja vatsaevät sekä eväkkeet ovat keltaiset. Kyljet ovat harmaat.


Isosilmätonnikalaa tavataan kaikissa trooppisissa ja subtrooppisissa merissä paitsi Välimeressä. Isosilmätonnikalojen on havaittu oleilleen pitkiä aikoja jopa yli 500 m:n syvyydessä.


  1. Collette, B., Acero, A., Amorim, A.F., Boustany, A., Canales Ramirez, C., Cardenas, G., Carpenter, K.E., Chang, S.-K., Chiang, W., de Oliveira Leite Jr., N., Di Natale, A., Die, D., Fox, W., Fredou, F.L., Graves, J., Viera Hazin, F.H., Hinton, M., Juan Jorda, M., Minte Vera, C., Miyabe, N., Montano Cruz, R., Nelson, R., Oxenford, H., Restrepo, V., Schaefer, K., Schratwieser, J., Serra, R., Sun, C., Teixeira Lessa, R.P., Pires Ferreira Travassos, P.E., Uozumi, Y. & Yanez, E.: Thunnus obesus IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.1. 2011. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. Viitattu 09.08.2013. (englanniksi)

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wikipedia FI

Isosilmätonnikala: Brief Summary ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Isosilmätonnikala (Thunnus obesus) on tonnikalojen ryhmään kuuluva makrilliheimon kala. Havaijilla se tunnetaan nimellä ahi. Isosilmätonnikalaa kalastetaan liikaa, ja laji on suuressa vaarassa kuolla sukupuuttoon. Isosilmätonnikalasta tehdään sushia ja sashimia.

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Thunnus obesus ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Thunnus obesus, communément appelté thon obèse ou patudo, est une espèce de thons de la famille des Scombridae. On le trouve dans les eaux tropicales et tempérées mais il n'y en a pas en mer Méditerranée.

Il mesure entre 60 et 250 cm de longueur. Les nageoires pectorales, très longues, remontent aussi loin que la seconde nageoire dorsale. Il y a 13 ou 14 épines dorsales.

Son corps est d'un bleu métallique foncé sur le dos avec un ventre gris-blanc et des bandes de bleu irisé longeant chaque flanc. Les nageoires dorsale et anale sont jaunes

Il se nourrit d'un large variété de poissons, de céphalopodes et de crustacés durant le jour et la nuit.

Les pêcheurs d'espadons de l'est des États-Unis en remontent parfois sur leurs lignes. Les capitaines de bateau les apprécient, vu la grande valeur de ces poissons.

Dans l'océan Pacifique la population de thon obèse a décliné d'au moins 84 %[1].

Voir aussi

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wikipedia FR

Thunnus obesus: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Thunnus obesus, communément appelté thon obèse ou patudo, est une espèce de thons de la famille des Scombridae. On le trouve dans les eaux tropicales et tempérées mais il n'y en a pas en mer Méditerranée.

Il mesure entre 60 et 250 cm de longueur. Les nageoires pectorales, très longues, remontent aussi loin que la seconde nageoire dorsale. Il y a 13 ou 14 épines dorsales.

Son corps est d'un bleu métallique foncé sur le dos avec un ventre gris-blanc et des bandes de bleu irisé longeant chaque flanc. Les nageoires dorsale et anale sont jaunes

Il se nourrit d'un large variété de poissons, de céphalopodes et de crustacés durant le jour et la nuit.

Les pêcheurs d'espadons de l'est des États-Unis en remontent parfois sur leurs lignes. Les capitaines de bateau les apprécient, vu la grande valeur de ces poissons.

Dans l'océan Pacifique la population de thon obèse a décliné d'au moins 84 %.

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wikipedia FR

Atún patudo ( Galego )

fornecido por wikipedia gl Galician

O atún patudo (Thunnus obesus) é unha especie de peixe da orde dos perciformes, suborde dos escombroideos e familia dos túnidos, pertencente ao xénero Thunnus.[1][2]


É un peixe corpulento, que chega a acadar un peso de 210 kg.

Ten a primeira aleta dorsal de cor amarela forte, mentres que a segunda alerta dorsal e a anal son só amareladas.

O corpo é claro cunha faixa azul iridescente nos lados (visíbel só en exemplares vivos).



Aliméntase de peixes, crustáceos e cefalópodos, tanto de día, como durante a noite.

Reprodución e desenvolvemento

Tanto os ovos como as larvas forman parte do plancto. Son peixes de crecemento rápido, a alcanzan unha idade máxima estimada de once anos.


Ten un comportamento peláxico, cos peixes de tamaños pequenos formando cardumes na superficie, mentres os adultos se concentran en augas profundas.


Atópase nas augas tropicais e subtropicais de todos os océanos, mais preferindo o intervalo de temperaturas entre os 17º e os 22 °C.[3]



Esta especie foi descrita por primeira en 1839 vez polo clérigo anglicano, escritor, botánico, ictiólogo e malacólogo inglés, especializado na flora, e máis na fauna (mariña) do arquipélago de Madeira Richard Thomas Lowe, baixo o nome de Thynnus obesus.[1] Poesteriormente, cando o xénero Thynnus foi considerado como Thunnus foi reclasificado neste.


Ao longo da historia, a especie foi tamén coñecida polos sinónimos seguintes:[1]

  • Germo obesus (Lowe, 1839)
  • Germo sibi (Temminck & Schlegel, 1844)
  • Neothunnus obesus (Lowe, 1839)
  • Orcynus sibi (Temminck & Schlegel, 1844)
  • Parathunnus mebachi (Kishinouye, 1915)
  • Parathunnus obesus (Lowe, 1839)
  • Parathunnus obesus mebachi (Kishinouye, 1915)
  • Parathunnus sibi (Temminck & Schlegel, 1844)
  • Thunnus abesus (Lowe, 1839) (incorrecto gramaticalmente)
  • Thunnus mebachi Kishinouye, 1915
  • Thunnus obesus mebachi Kishinouye, 1915
  • Thunnus obesus sibi (Temminck & Schlegel, 1844)
  • Thunnus sibi (Temminck & Schlegel, 1844)
  • Thunus obesus (Lowe, 1839) (incorrecto gramaticalmente)
  • Thynnus obesus Lowe, 1839 (basónimo)
  • Thynnus sibi Temminck & Schlegel, 1844

Importancia económica

Ten grande importancia para a pesca, sendo comercializado principalmente conxelado e enlatado; adquire un valor elevado para a produción de sashimi. É considerado unha especie vulnerable pola IUCN.[4]

As capturas aumentaron liñalmente (aínda que con flutuacións) dende mediados do século XX até o ano 2000, cando se chegou a preto de 400 000 t en todo o mundo; os países que rexistran maiores capturas son o Xapón e Corea do Sur.[5].


  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 Thunnus obesus (Lowe, 1839) no WoRMS.
  2. Thunnus obesus (Lowe, 1839) no ITIS.
  3. ?Thunnus obesus? no sitio web FishBase.org (en inglés) consultado o 17 de xuño de 2009.
  4. Uozumi, Y. (1996): Thunnus obesus. En: IUCN 2009. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2009.1. (en inglés). Consultada o 18 de xuño de 2009.
  5. Thunnus obesus no sitio web da FAO (en inglés). Consultado o 18 de xuño de 2009.

Véxase tamén


  • Burton, Maurice & Robert Burton (1984): Encyclopedia of Fish. Saint Louis, EE.UU.: BPC Publishing. ISBN 0-7064-0393-2.
  • Nelson, Joseph S. (2006): Fishes of the World. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN 0-471-25031-7.
  • Van der Land, J.; Costello, M. J.; Zavodnik, D.; Santos, R. S.; Porteiro, F. M.; Bailly, N.; Eschmeyer, W. N.; Froese, R. (2001): "Pisces", en: Costello, M. J. et al. (Eds.) European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification. Paris: Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle. Collection Patrimoines Naturels, 50. ISBN 2-85653-538-0, pp. 357–374.

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Atún patudo: Brief Summary ( Galego )

fornecido por wikipedia gl Galician

O atún patudo (Thunnus obesus) é unha especie de peixe da orde dos perciformes, suborde dos escombroideos e familia dos túnidos, pertencente ao xénero Thunnus.

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Tuna mata besar ( Indonésio )

fornecido por wikipedia ID

Tuna mata besar (Thunnus obesus) adalah spesies ikan dari golongan tuna sejati dari genus Thunnus, dan termasuk familia Skombride. Ikan ini adalah ikan konsumsi tangkapan penting dalam industri perikanan ataupun sebagai target penangkapan ikan rekreasi. Ikan ini dikenal dalam berbagai nama di Indonesia, yaitu tuna mata lebar, tuna mata belo, sisiak bonta, bet, jabrig, bungkulis, atau kadang disebut tuna saja.[4] Dalam bahasa Hawaii ikan ini dikenal sebagai salah satu spesies ʻahi; yang lain adalah tuna sirip kuning.[5]

Tuna mata besar ditemukan hampir di semua perairan terbuka samudra tropis dan iklim sedang, tetapi tidak ditemukan di Laut Tengah. Di perairan Indonesia, daerah penyebaran tuna mata besar terutama di Laut Banda, Laut Flores, Laut Sulawesi, Samudra Hindia, perairan di utara Papua (Samudra Pasifik).[4]

Deskripsi anatomi

Ikan muda, lk. 22 cm FL

Badan memanjang dan kekar, seperti torpedo. Ukuran dapat mencapai panjang 236 cm (FL, fork length), tetapi umumnya antara 60–180 cm.[4] Sisik-sisiknya halus, amat kecil. Sisik-sisik yang agak besar dan tebal tumbuh pada korselet, tetapi tidak begitu nyata.[6]

Busur insang kiri yang pertama, dengan sisir saring di bagian atasnya

Sisir saring pada busur insang yang pertama 23-31 buah. Sirip punggung dua buah, dipisahkan oleh suatu celah sempit; sirip punggung yang pertama tersusun oleh 12-16 jari-jari keras (duri); yang kedua diikuti oleh 8-10 sirip-sirip kecil (finlet). Sirip dada cukup panjang; lk. 22-31% FL pada spesimen berukuran besar (> 110 cm FL), tetapi dapat lebih panjang (seperti pada Thunnus alalunga) pada spesimen yang kecil. Sirip perut sepasang dengan dua buah cuping di antara keduanya. Sirip dubur diikuti oleh 7-10 buah finlet. Sirip ekor bercabang kuat; dengan 'tangkai' (peduncle) yang ramping, dilengkapi dengan lunas samping yang kuat yang diapit dua lunas kecil pada ujung belakangnya.[6][7]

Hati (liver) menyerabut; lobus yang tengah lebih panjang daripada kedua lobus di sampingnya. Memiliki gelembung udara.[7]

Punggung berwarna biru gelap metalik, sisi tubuh dan perut keputihan; semacam pita pelangi kebiru-biruan tampak membujur sepanjang sisi badan pada spesimen yang masih hidup. Sirip punggung pertama berwarna kuning padam (abu-abu kekuningan). Sirip punggung kedua dan sirip dubur kekuningan. Sirip-sirip kecil berwarna kuning terang dengan pinggiran kehitaman.[6]


Hati tuna mata besar yang menyerabut
Posisi finlet dan lunas samping di pangkal sirip ekor

Tuna mata besar termasuk golongan ikan buas (karnivora, predator), yang memangsa pelbagai jenis ikan, cumi-cumi dan sebangsanya, serta krustasea. Ikan ini tergolong ikan pelagis, hidup di perairan lepas pantai, mulai dari lapisan permukaan sampai kedalaman 250 m. Suhu yang dapat ditoleransi antara 13-29° C, tetapi umumnya tuna ini menyukai suhu sekitar 17-22° C.[7]

Ikan-ikan muda (yuwana, dan dewasa berukuran kecil) biasa bergerombol dekat permukaan, berenang bersama sesama jenisnya, atau bercampur dengan madidihang dan atau cakalang. Ikan dewasa memijah setidaknya dua kali setahun; di perairan Pasifik timur di antara garis lintang 10°U dan 10° S, ikan ini tercatat memijah di sepanjang tahun, dengan puncaknya sekitar bulan April-September di belahan bumi utara dan bulan Januari-Maret di belahan bumi selatan. Ikan betina mengeluarkan antara 2,9 juta-6,3 juta butir telur sekali memijah.[7]

Pemangsa utama tuna mata besar adalah setuhuk dan paus bergigi.[7]


  1. ^ Collette B and 30 others (2011). "Thunnus obesus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2011.2. International Union for Conservation of Nature. Diakses tanggal 13 January 2012.
  2. ^ Lowe, R.T. 1839. "A supplement to a synopsis of the fish of Madeira". Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. Vol. VII: 78. London :Academic Press, [etc.], 1833-1965.
  3. ^ "Thunnus obesus". Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Diakses tanggal 9 December 2012.
  4. ^ a b c "Tuna mata besar". Pusat Informasi Pelabuhan Perikanan, Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan Republik Indonesia. Diakses tanggal 5 Februari 2014.
  5. ^ http://www.hawaii-seafood.org/yellowfin.html?ref=Hawaii
  6. ^ a b c Carpenter, Kent E. & Volker H. Niem. 2001. FAO Species Identification Guide: The Living Marine Resources of The Western Pacific. Vol. 6: 3755. Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome. ISBN 92-5-104587-9
  7. ^ a b c d e Collette, B.B. and C.E. Nauen. 1983. FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 2. Scombrids of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of tunas, mackerels, bonitos and related species known to date. FAO Fish. Synop. , (125) Vol. 2: 10-24 (key), 88-90 (T. obesus).

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Tuna mata besar: Brief Summary ( Indonésio )

fornecido por wikipedia ID

Tuna mata besar (Thunnus obesus) adalah spesies ikan dari golongan tuna sejati dari genus Thunnus, dan termasuk familia Skombride. Ikan ini adalah ikan konsumsi tangkapan penting dalam industri perikanan ataupun sebagai target penangkapan ikan rekreasi. Ikan ini dikenal dalam berbagai nama di Indonesia, yaitu tuna mata lebar, tuna mata belo, sisiak bonta, bet, jabrig, bungkulis, atau kadang disebut tuna saja. Dalam bahasa Hawaii ikan ini dikenal sebagai salah satu spesies ʻahi; yang lain adalah tuna sirip kuning.

Tuna mata besar ditemukan hampir di semua perairan terbuka samudra tropis dan iklim sedang, tetapi tidak ditemukan di Laut Tengah. Di perairan Indonesia, daerah penyebaran tuna mata besar terutama di Laut Banda, Laut Flores, Laut Sulawesi, Samudra Hindia, perairan di utara Papua (Samudra Pasifik).

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Glápari ( Islandês )

fornecido por wikipedia IS

Glápari einnig kallaður Stórauga túnfiskur (fræðiheiti: Thunnus obesus) er túnfiskur af makrílaætt. Túnfiskar eru hraðsyndir og eru til tegundir sem eru með heitara blóð en umhverfið. Hold túnfiska er rauðleitt á lit og blóðríkt sem sýnir fram á að þeir hafa mikið sundþol. Túnfiskar eru með verðmætustu fiskitegundum í heimi og hefur það valdið ofveiði á sumum stofnum.


Glápari er stór, straumlínulaga og með mjög stór augu og höfuð. Eyruggarnir geta orðið mjög stórir og náð alveg að rótum aftari bakuggans, að auki hafa þeir 13 til 14 stirtluhnúða. Glápari getur náð allt að 250 cm lengd en algengasta lengd hans er í kringum 180 cm eða eins og meðalhæð karlmanns. Hann getur náð allt að 210 kg á þyngd og um 11 ára aldri en elsti fiskurinn sem fundist hefur var 16 ára.[2]

Glápari er í öllum höfum heims þar sem er hitabeltisloftslagi, þ.e. Atlantshafi, Indlandshafi og Kyrrahafi, en ekki í Miðjarðarhafi. Glápari er mikilvægur fyrir sjávarútveg víða um heim. Veiðum á tegundinni er stjórnað með góðum árangri í Vestur- og Mið-Kyrrahafi en annars staðar eru veiðarnar stjórnlitlar. Að undanskildum Vestur-Kyrrahafsþjóðum veiða margar þjóðir gláparann niður fyrir sjálfbærnimörk stofnanna. Komið hefur í ljós, þegar talið er út frá heildarstofnstærð og stærð hrygningarstofna, að stofninn hefur rýrnað um 42% á 15 ára tímabili eða frá árunum 1992-2007 og er stofninn því skráður viðkvæmur.[3] Glápari er aðeins veiddur í sjó og ekkert ræktaður í eldi.


Glápari flokkast sem uppsjávarfiskur en hann getur bæði lifað á grunnsævi og rökkursævi þar sem hann finnst bæði alveg við yfirborðið og líka niðri á 250 metra dýpi. Hitastig og hitaskiladýpi virðast ráða miklu um bæði lóðrétta og lárétta dreifingu fisksins. Hitastig þess sjávar sem hann hefur fundist í nær frá 13°C upp í 29°C en talið er að ákjósanlegasta hitastigið sé frá 17°C upp í 22°C. Á hitabeltissvæðum Vestur- og Mið-Kyrrahafs ræðst þéttleiki torfa helst af árstíðum og loftslagsbreytingum sem breyta yfirborðshita og hitaskilum. Seiði og ungir fiskar eiga það til að halda sig við yfirborð sjávar þá annaðhvort einir eða í hópum og stundum með öðrum tegundum eins og gulugga túnfiskum og röndóttum túnfiskum og eiga þessir hópar til að halda til í kringum hluti sem fljóta á yfirborðinu.

Í Austur-Kyrrahafi hefur hrygning gláparans verið skráð á frá 10. breiddargráðu norður og suður að 10. breiddargráðu suður, og virðist miðbaugur vera miðgildi þegar hrygning er skráð eftir breiddargráðum. Hrygning hefur verið skráð allt árið um kring en fyrir norðan miðbaug nær hámarkið frá apríl til september og sunnan miðbaugs frá janúar til mars. Maður að nafni Kume komst að þeirri niðurstöðu árið 1967 að tenging væri á milli hitastigs og þess hversu kynferðislega virkur fiskurinn væri. Komst hann að því að fiskurinn virðist ólíklegri til þess að hrygna ef yfirborðshiti sjávarins fer niður fyrir 23°C til 24°C. Gláparinn verður kynþroska í kringum þriggja ára aldur.[4] Fiskur sem hefur náð kynþroska er talinn hrygna að minnsta kosti tvisvar á ári og er talið að í hverri hrygningu gjóti fiskurinn 2,9 milljónum til 6,3 milljónum hrogna.[5]


Fæða glápara er fjölbreytileg. Fiskurinn nærist aðallega á öðrum fiskitegundum, smokkfiskum og krabbadýrum og gerir það tegundina ekki svo frábrugðna öðrum túnfiskstegundum af svipaðri stærð. Hann nærist bæði á nóttu sem degi en tvö helstu rándýr sem ógna honum sjálfum eru stórir tannhvalir og sverðfiskstegund sem finnst bæði í Kyrrahafi og Atlantshafi og nefnist seglfiskur. [6]

Markaðir, menning og afurðir


Glápari er mikilvægur í menningu Japans og Hawaii. Orðið fyrir túnfisk á Hawaii er „Ahi“ og þýðir það bæði glápari og guli túnfiskur. Gláparinn er mikilvægasti túnfiskurinn fyrir línuflotann á Hawaii, sigla þeir hátt upp í 1.500 km til þess að komast á miðin og er veiðitímabilið frá október fram í apríl. Fiskurinn er fluttur út annaðhvort hausskorinn og slægður eða í bitum en allur fiskur sem fisksalar á Hawaii selja er ferskur. Veiðimenn vilja reyna að veiða fiskinn á eins miklu dýpi og hægt er og í kaldari sjó. Þeir vilja meina að svoleiðis fiskur hafi hærri fituprósentu heldur en guluggi túnfiskurinn sem gerir hann betri. Glápari er mikið notaður í sashimi í Japan og er þar tekinn fram yfir gulugga túnfiskinn því að rauði liturinn í holdinu oxast ekki jafn hratt og verður brúnleitt eins og gengur og gerist með túnfisk þegar hann eldist og þýðir það að glápari hefur lengri hillutíma. Því geta veiðimenn sótt svo langt að þeir séu allt að 16 daga á veiðum en samt, með réttri meðhöndlun, komið með fiskinn í land í góðu ástandi. Glápari er næstvinsælasti túnfiskurinn í Japan í sashimi, á eftir bláuggatúnfisk.[7]

Veiði á glápara

Línuritið sýnir veiddan afla af glápara.

Samkvæmt FAO, Matvæla- og landbúnaðarstofnun Sameinuðu þjóðanna eru helstu veiðiþjóðirnar Japan, Tævan, Suður Kórea, Indónesía, Spánn, Ekvador, Frakkland, Filippseyjar, Kína og Portúgal.

Helsta veiðiþjóðin í gegnum tíðina hefur verið Japan en frá árunum 1950 til 1967 voru þeir nær einir um að veiða þennan fisk. Eftir það fóru einkum tvær þjóðir að auka veiðar sínar, Tævan og Suður Kórea. Þrjú Evrópulönd eru á listanum yfir 10 mestu veiðiþjóðirnar og eru það Spánn, Frakkland og Portúgal. Spánverjar veiða langmest Evrópuþjóða, þrátt fyrir að vera ekki að vera veiða nærri jafn mikið og Kyrrahafsþjóðirnar.

Stofn glápara rýrnaði um 42% á árunum 1992 - 2007 en eftir 1992 stækkaði stofninn á ný. Rýrnunin var tengd ofveiði og þar sem svo virðist sem veiðar fari ekki minnkandi má búast við því að frá árinu 2007 til 2013 hafi rýrnunin hafist aftur og má búast við því að stofninn muni verða í mikilli hættu ef ekkert verður aðhafst.

Íslendingar hafa veitt glápara þótt ekki hafi það verið í miklu mæli. Sem dæmi þá veiddu þeir eitt tonn árið 1999 og árið 2000 var veiðin fimm tonn. Gera má ráð fyrir því að þetta hafi verið íslensk skip að veiða í hlýjum höfum utan lögsögu Íslands.


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Glápari: Brief Summary ( Islandês )

fornecido por wikipedia IS

Glápari einnig kallaður Stórauga túnfiskur (fræðiheiti: Thunnus obesus) er túnfiskur af makrílaætt. Túnfiskar eru hraðsyndir og eru til tegundir sem eru með heitara blóð en umhverfið. Hold túnfiska er rauðleitt á lit og blóðríkt sem sýnir fram á að þeir hafa mikið sundþol. Túnfiskar eru með verðmætustu fiskitegundum í heimi og hefur það valdið ofveiði á sumum stofnum.

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Thunnus obesus ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT
Particolare della testa
Pesca del tonno obeso

Il tonno obeso[2] (Thunnus obesus Lowe, 1839) è un pesce osseo marino della famiglia Scombridae.


Il tonno obeso è abbastanza simile al tonno rosso da cui si distingue soprattutto per l'occhio più grande e la sagoma più a barilotto (da cui il nome) dato che l'altezza massima del corpo è raggiunta al centro della prima pinna dorsale. La colorazione è blu scuro sul dorso mentre sui lati e sul ventre è biancastra. Lungo i fianchi corre una banda bluastra iridescente visibile solo negli esemplari viventi. La prima pinna dorsale è di color giallo acceso, la seconda, così come la pinna anale, è giallo pallido, le pinnule sono giallo vivo bordate di nero. Raggiunge 250 cm di lunghezza, la taglia media è di circa 180 cm. Il peso massimo noto è di 210 kg[3].

Distribuzione e habitat

È una specie cosmopolita e migratrice, è diffuso nelle parti tropicali e subtropicali dell'Oceano Atlantico, dell'Oceano Pacifico e dell'Oceano Indiano[3]. Risulta completamente assente nel Mar Mediterraneo[3][4]. Pelagico, frequenta profondità tra 0 e 250 metri, gli adulti più in profondità dei giovani[3].


Può vivere fino a 11 anni. La specie è altamente migratoria, gli spostamenti sono dovuti soprattutto alle condizioni climatiche stagionali. La temperatura dell'acqua che può sopportare va da 13 a 29 °C ma preferibilmente tra 17 e 22 °C. Gregario in tutti gli stadi vitali tranne l'adulto, forma banchi sia monospecifici che associati ad altri tonni, talvolta in prossimità di oggetti galleggianti[3].


Caccia sia di giorno che di notte. Le sue prede sono pesci, cefalopodi e crostacei[3].


La deposizione delle uova avviene con la luna piena. Depone una parte delle uova ogni pochi giorni, per un periodo di mesi (o tutto l'anno nei mari tropicali). Uova e larve sono pelagiche[3].


Questa specie ha grande importanza commerciale e viene pescato con varie tecniche in tutto l'areale. Viene catturato anche dai pescatori sportivi. In Giappone è molto apprezzato per la preparazione del sashimi[3].


Le popolazioni sono in decrescita, quelle dell'Oceano Pacifico (soprattutto lungo le coste asiatiche) sono le più colpite dalla sovrapesca, principale minaccia per questa specie. Il numero di individui è calato del 40% in 15 anni. Per questo motivo la IUCN considera questa specie come vulnerabile. Lungo le coste pacifiche delle Americhe sono stati presi provvedimenti per la tutela degli stock in Ecuador, Colombia, Perù e Stati Uniti[1].


  1. ^ a b (EN) Uozumi, Y. 1996, Thunnus obesus, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020.
  2. ^ Decreto Ministeriale n°19105 del 22 settembre 2017 - Denominazioni in lingua italiana delle specie ittiche di interesse commerciale, su politicheagricole.it.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h Thunnus obesus, bigeye fish su Fishbase.org, su fishbase.org. URL consultato il 29 ottobre 2014.
  4. ^ Species Fact Sheets - Thunnus obesus, su fao.org. URL consultato il 29 ottobre 2014.

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wikipedia IT

Thunnus obesus: Brief Summary ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT
 src= Particolare della testa  src= Pesca del tonno obeso

Il tonno obeso (Thunnus obesus Lowe, 1839) è un pesce osseo marino della famiglia Scombridae.

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wikipedia IT

Ikan Aya Mata Besar ( Malaio )

fornecido por wikipedia MS
Thunnus obesus.png

Ikan Aya Mata Besar atau juga dikenali sebagai ikan Tongkol/Kayu/Tuna Mata Besar merupakan sejenis ikan laut yang penting untuk pasaran makanan. Ia mempunyai isi yang tebal dan bersaiz agak besar, dan hidup berkawan. Nama saintifiknya adalah P Thunnus obesus.


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wikipedia MS

Ikan Aya Mata Besar: Brief Summary ( Malaio )

fornecido por wikipedia MS
Thunnus obesus.png

Ikan Aya Mata Besar atau juga dikenali sebagai ikan Tongkol/Kayu/Tuna Mata Besar merupakan sejenis ikan laut yang penting untuk pasaran makanan. Ia mempunyai isi yang tebal dan bersaiz agak besar, dan hidup berkawan. Nama saintifiknya adalah P Thunnus obesus.

Ikan Aya P Katsuwonus pelamis. Ikan Aya Hitam P Thunnus tonggol. Ikan Aya Kurik P Euthynnus affinis. Ikan Aya Mata Besar P Thunnus obesus. Ikan Aya Sirip Kuning P Thunnus albacares.
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Grootoogtonijn ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL


De grootoogtonijn (Thunnus obesus) is een straalvinnige vis uit de familie van makrelen (Scombridae) en behoort derhalve tot de orde van baarsachtigen (Perciformes). De vis kan een lengte bereiken van 250 cm. De hoogst geregistreerde leeftijd is 11 jaar.


De grootoogtonijn is een zoutwatervis. De vis prefereert een subtropisch klimaat en heeft zich verspreid over de drie belangrijkste oceanen van de wereld (Grote, Atlantische en Indische Oceaan). De grootoogtonijn is afwezig in de Middellandse Zee. De diepteverspreiding is 0 tot 250 m onder het wateroppervlak.

Relatie tot de mens

De grootoogtonijn is voor de visserij van groot commercieel belang. Als gevolg van te hoge visserij druk zijn de bestanden sterk geslonken en worden deze gekwalificeerd als 'overbevist'. In de hengelsport wordt er weinig op de vis gejaagd. De IUCN geeft de kwalificatie 'kwetsbaar'.

Externe link

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  • Froese, R., D. Pauly. en redactie. 2005. FishBase. Elektronische publicatie. www.fishbase.org, versie 06/2005.
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wikipedia NL

Grootoogtonijn: Brief Summary ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

De grootoogtonijn (Thunnus obesus) is een straalvinnige vis uit de familie van makrelen (Scombridae) en behoort derhalve tot de orde van baarsachtigen (Perciformes). De vis kan een lengte bereiken van 250 cm. De hoogst geregistreerde leeftijd is 11 jaar.

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Wikipedia-auteurs en -editors
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wikipedia NL

Storøyd tunfisk ( Norueguês )

fornecido por wikipedia NO

Storøyd tunfisk (Thunnus obesus) er en tunfiskart med uvanlig store øyne.

Den er en stor art med den dypeste delen av kroppen under midten av første ryggfinne. Brystfinnene er moderate lange hos store individer, men svært lange hos mindre individer. Buksiden er hvitaktig. Maksimal lengde er 127 cm. Vanlig lengde i Det indiske hav er 40–100 cm, men større eksemplarer er ikke uvanlige i Atlanterhavet.

Et langsgående bånd med iriserende blå farge går langs kroppsiden av levende eksemplarer. Den første ryggfinnen er mørk gul, og andre ryggfinne og gattfinnen er lys gul. Småfinnene er skinnende gule med svart kant. Arten har svømmeblære.

Storøyd tunfisk lever epi- og mesopelagisk ute på åpent hav fra overflaten ned til 250 m. Den er blitt funnet i vann med en temperatur mellom 13 og 29 °C, men optimal temperatur er 17 til 22 °C. Dette er temperaturen ved termoklinen, og arten er vanligere ved termoklinen enn nærmere overflaten der det er mest planteplankton.

Små individer svømmer i stim ved overflaten. Stimene kan bestå av bare denne arten, eller også omfatte bukstripet bonitt og gulfinnetun. Arten har en kosmopolitisk utbredelse i subtropiske og tropiske farvann i alle hav, men finnes ikke i Middelhavet.

Storøyd tunfisk eter mange ulike arter fisk, bløtdyr og krepsdyr. Den jakter både om dagen og natta. Selv er den bytte for store seilfisker og tannhvaler.

Det drives kommersielt fiske etter arten i hele utbredelsesområdet. Fangstene økte fram til 2004 da det ble tatt en rekordfangst på 468 035 tonn. I det vestlige Stillehavet er arten blitt overfisket og i 2010 var fangsten redusert til 358 682 tonn.


Eksterne lenker

Nærbilde av Thunnus obesus
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wikipedia NO

Storøyd tunfisk: Brief Summary ( Norueguês )

fornecido por wikipedia NO

Storøyd tunfisk (Thunnus obesus) er en tunfiskart med uvanlig store øyne.

Den er en stor art med den dypeste delen av kroppen under midten av første ryggfinne. Brystfinnene er moderate lange hos store individer, men svært lange hos mindre individer. Buksiden er hvitaktig. Maksimal lengde er 127 cm. Vanlig lengde i Det indiske hav er 40–100 cm, men større eksemplarer er ikke uvanlige i Atlanterhavet.

Et langsgående bånd med iriserende blå farge går langs kroppsiden av levende eksemplarer. Den første ryggfinnen er mørk gul, og andre ryggfinne og gattfinnen er lys gul. Småfinnene er skinnende gule med svart kant. Arten har svømmeblære.

Storøyd tunfisk lever epi- og mesopelagisk ute på åpent hav fra overflaten ned til 250 m. Den er blitt funnet i vann med en temperatur mellom 13 og 29 °C, men optimal temperatur er 17 til 22 °C. Dette er temperaturen ved termoklinen, og arten er vanligere ved termoklinen enn nærmere overflaten der det er mest planteplankton.

Små individer svømmer i stim ved overflaten. Stimene kan bestå av bare denne arten, eller også omfatte bukstripet bonitt og gulfinnetun. Arten har en kosmopolitisk utbredelse i subtropiske og tropiske farvann i alle hav, men finnes ikke i Middelhavet.

Storøyd tunfisk eter mange ulike arter fisk, bløtdyr og krepsdyr. Den jakter både om dagen og natta. Selv er den bytte for store seilfisker og tannhvaler.

Det drives kommersielt fiske etter arten i hele utbredelsesområdet. Fangstene økte fram til 2004 da det ble tatt en rekordfangst på 468 035 tonn. I det vestlige Stillehavet er arten blitt overfisket og i 2010 var fangsten redusert til 358 682 tonn.

direitos autorais
Wikipedia forfattere og redaktører
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wikipedia NO

Thunnus obesus ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

Patudo ou atum-patudo, albacora, albacora-cachorra, atum, atum-cachorro, atum-de-olhos-grandes (do inglês "bigeye"), atum-fogo (São Tomé e Príncipe) e atum obeso (Cabo Verde) são alguns dos nomes vulgares em português para a espécie Thunnus obesus (Lowe, 1839). Esta espécie encontra-se nas águas tropicais e subtropicais de todos os oceanos, mas preferindo o intervalo de temperaturas entre 17º e 22°C.[1]

É um peixe corpulento, atingindo um peso de 210 kg, mas de crescimento rápido, com uma idade máxima estimada em onze anos. Tem um comportamento pelágico, com os peixes de tamanhos pequenos formando cardumes à superfície, enquanto os adultos se concentram em águas profundas. Ovos e larvas planctónicas. Alimenta-se de peixes, crustáceos e cefalópodes, tanto de dia, como durante a noite.

Tem a primeira barbatana dorsal e as aletas amarelo-fortes, enquanto que a segunda dorsal e a anal são apenas amareladas. O corpo é claro com uma faixa azul iridescente nos lados (visível apenas em exemplares vivos).

Tem grande importância para a pesca, sendo comercializado principalmente congelado e enlatado; atinge um valor elevado para a produção de sashimi. É considerada uma espécie vulnerável pela IUCN.[2]

As capturas aumentaram linearmente (embora com flutuações) desde meados do século XX até 2000, quando atingiram cerca de 400 mil toneladas mundialmente; os países que registam maiores capturas são o Japão e a Coreia do Sul.[3]


  1. “Thunnus obesus” no site FishBase.org (em inglês) acessado a 17 de junho de 2009
  2. Uozumi, Y. 1996. Thunnus obesus. In: IUCN 2009. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2009.1. (em inglês) acessado a 18 June 2009
  3. “Thunnus obesus” no site da FAO (em inglês) acessado a 18 de junho de 2009
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wikipedia PT

Thunnus obesus: Brief Summary ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

Patudo ou atum-patudo, albacora, albacora-cachorra, atum, atum-cachorro, atum-de-olhos-grandes (do inglês "bigeye"), atum-fogo (São Tomé e Príncipe) e atum obeso (Cabo Verde) são alguns dos nomes vulgares em português para a espécie Thunnus obesus (Lowe, 1839). Esta espécie encontra-se nas águas tropicais e subtropicais de todos os oceanos, mas preferindo o intervalo de temperaturas entre 17º e 22°C.

É um peixe corpulento, atingindo um peso de 210 kg, mas de crescimento rápido, com uma idade máxima estimada em onze anos. Tem um comportamento pelágico, com os peixes de tamanhos pequenos formando cardumes à superfície, enquanto os adultos se concentram em águas profundas. Ovos e larvas planctónicas. Alimenta-se de peixes, crustáceos e cefalópodes, tanto de dia, como durante a noite.

Tem a primeira barbatana dorsal e as aletas amarelo-fortes, enquanto que a segunda dorsal e a anal são apenas amareladas. O corpo é claro com uma faixa azul iridescente nos lados (visível apenas em exemplares vivos).

Tem grande importância para a pesca, sendo comercializado principalmente congelado e enlatado; atinge um valor elevado para a produção de sashimi. É considerada uma espécie vulnerável pela IUCN.

As capturas aumentaram linearmente (embora com flutuações) desde meados do século XX até 2000, quando atingiram cerca de 400 mil toneladas mundialmente; os países que registam maiores capturas são o Japão e a Coreia do Sul.

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wikipedia PT

Tonul cu ochii mari ( Romeno; moldávio; moldavo )

fornecido por wikipedia RO
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wikipedia RO

Tonul cu ochii mari: Brief Summary ( Romeno; moldávio; moldavo )

fornecido por wikipedia RO

Tonul cu ochii mari, Thunnus obesus, este un pește important în comerț. Este un ton de genul Thunnus, aparținând familiei mai mari Scombriade.

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wikipedia RO

Velikooki tun ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia SL

Velikooki tun (znanstveno ime Thunnus obesus) je vrsta tunov iz družine Scombridae, ki poseljuje odprte tropske in zmerno tople vode oceanov (Atlantski ocean, Tihi ocean in Indijski ocean).


Velikooki tun je med 60 in 250 cm velika riba, ki lahko doseže preko 200 kg. Življenjska doba teh rib je med 10 in 12 let, spolno pa dozorijo v petem letu starosti. V severozahodnem Atlantiku se drstijo v juniju in juliju, v vzhodnem Atlantiku in Gvinejskem zalivu pa drstitev poteka januarja in februarja.

Velikooka tuna je svoje ime dobila po velikih očeh, ki jih ima na dokaj veliki glavi. Oblika telesa teh rib je izredno hidrodinamična, kar nakazuje odličnega plavalca. Prsne plavuti so pri tej vrsti dolge in lahko segajo vse do druge hrbtne plavuti. Pred repno plavutjo ima velikooki tun med 13 in 14 koščenih resic.

Jate velikookih tunov se v med lovom lahko potopijo tudi do 500 metrov globoko, s satelitskim spremljanjem pa so ugotovili, da se potapljajo predvsem v nočnem času, kar povezujejo z nočnim umikanjem njihovega plena v varnejše globinske vode.

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Wikimedijina zbirka ponuja več predstavnostnega gradiva o temi: Velikooki tun Wikivrste vsebujejo še več podatkov o temi: Thunnus obesus
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wikipedia SL

Velikooki tun: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia SL

Velikooki tun (znanstveno ime Thunnus obesus) je vrsta tunov iz družine Scombridae, ki poseljuje odprte tropske in zmerno tople vode oceanov (Atlantski ocean, Tihi ocean in Indijski ocean).

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Avtorji in uredniki Wikipedije
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wikipedia SL

Storögd tonfisk ( Sueco )

fornecido por wikipedia SV

Storögd tonfisk (Thunnus obesus) är en art i tonfisksläktet. Den lever i öppna vatten i alla tropiska och tempererade hav, men inte i Medelhavet, och blir mellan 60 och 250 cm lång.

Mört, Nordisk familjebok.png Denna fiskrelaterade artikel saknar väsentlig information. Du kan hjälpa till genom att tillföra sådan.
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wikipedia SV

Storögd tonfisk: Brief Summary ( Sueco )

fornecido por wikipedia SV

Storögd tonfisk (Thunnus obesus) är en art i tonfisksläktet. Den lever i öppna vatten i alla tropiska och tempererade hav, men inte i Medelhavet, och blir mellan 60 och 250 cm lång.

Mört, Nordisk familjebok.png Denna fiskrelaterade artikel saknar väsentlig information. Du kan hjälpa till genom att tillföra sådan.
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wikipedia SV

Kocagözlü orkinos ( Turco )

fornecido por wikipedia TR

Kocagözlü orkinos (Thunnus obesus), uskumrugiller (Scombridae) familyasına ait bir balık türü.

Önemli bir ticari balık olan kocagözlü orkinos, sıcak ve ılıman denizlerin açıklarında bulunur, ama Akdeniz'de bulunmaz. Boyu 60–250 cm olur. Kafası ve gözleri diğer orkinoslardan büyüktür. Vücutlarının üst kısmı koyu metalik mavi, karnına doğru gri ya da beyazlaşır. Sırt ve anal yüzgeçleri sarı renktir.

Kocagözlü orkinos birçok farklı balık türleri, yumuşakçalar ve kabuklular ile beslenir.


  • Tony Ayling & Geoffrey Cox, Collins Guide to the Sea Fishes of New Zealand, (William Collins Publishers Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand 1982) ISBN 0-00-216987-8
direitos autorais
Wikipedia yazarları ve editörleri
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wikipedia TR

Kocagözlü orkinos: Brief Summary ( Turco )

fornecido por wikipedia TR

Kocagözlü orkinos (Thunnus obesus), uskumrugiller (Scombridae) familyasına ait bir balık türü.

Önemli bir ticari balık olan kocagözlü orkinos, sıcak ve ılıman denizlerin açıklarında bulunur, ama Akdeniz'de bulunmaz. Boyu 60–250 cm olur. Kafası ve gözleri diğer orkinoslardan büyüktür. Vücutlarının üst kısmı koyu metalik mavi, karnına doğru gri ya da beyazlaşır. Sırt ve anal yüzgeçleri sarı renktir.

Kocagözlü orkinos birçok farklı balık türleri, yumuşakçalar ve kabuklular ile beslenir.

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wikipedia TR

Cá ngừ mắt to ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Cá ngừ mắt to (Danh pháp khoa học: Thunnus obesus) là một loài cá ngừ trong họ Cá thu ngừ với đặc trưng là có con mắt lớn so với kích thước cơ thể trong tương quan với các loại cá ngừ khác. Cá phân bố ở vùng nhiệt đới và cận nhiệt đới Ấn Độ Dương, Thái Bình Dương tới 30oS. Ở Việt Nam, phân bố chủ yếu ở vùng biển xa bờ miền Trung và Đông Nam Bộ.[3]

Tên thường gọi tiếng Việt là: Cá Ngừ mắt to. Tên địa phương Ngừ Đại dương, Cá Ngừ mắt. Tên thường gọi tiếng Anh: là Bigeye tuna, Bigeye, Tuna, Thon, Thon Obèse, Patudo, Big Eye Tuna, Big Eye, Ahi-b. Tên gọi tiếng Nhật: Mebachi Mebuto. Tên gọi tiếng Tây Ban Nha: Patudo. Tên gọi tiếng Ý: Tonno obeso. Tên gọi tiếng Đức: Großaugenthun, Großaugen-Thun, Großaugen-Thunfisch, Thunfisch.

Đặc điểm

Kích cỡ khai thác 600 - 1.800 mm. Cá ngừ có thân hình thoi, dài, hai bên hơi dẹt. Hai vây lưng gần nhau, sau vây lưng thứ hai có 8-10 vây phụ. Vây ngực khá dài đặc biệt là ở cá thể còn nhỏ. Vây lưng thứ hai và vây hậu môn không dài như cá Ngừ Vây vàng. Vảy trên thân rất nhỏ. Mắt to và rất bổ dưỡng. Lưng màu xanh sẫm ánh kim loại. Nửa thân dưới và bụng màu trắng nhạt. Vây lưng thứ nhất màu vàng sẫm, vây lưng thứ hai và vây hậu môn màu vàn nhạt. Vây phụ màu vàng tươi có viền đen.

Giá trị

Đây là một trong loài cá được khai thác và xuất khẩu nhất là ở thị trường Nhật Bản,[4] cá ngừ mắt to của Nhật Bản trong tháng 3 năm 2014 đạt 7.032 tấn, trị giá 5.509 triệu yên, tăng 32% về khối lượng và 29% về giá trị so với tháng trước, còn so với cùng kỳ năm trước giảm 5% về khối lượng và 16% về giá trị.[5] Ở Việt Nam, Năm 2013, sản lượng cá ngừ vây vàng, mắt to đạt gần 16.000 tấn, giá trị xuất khẩu đạt 526 triệu USD.[6]

Mắt cá ngừ

Mắt cá ngừ được bày bán

Ở Việt Nam, Cá ngừ đại dương là tên địa phương để chỉ loại cá ngừ mắt to và cá ngừ vây vàng[7] đôi mắt của loại cá này trông được rất xa, có thể thấy được con mồi cách đó vài ba trăm mét để rượt bắt.[8] Mắt cá ngừ đại dương hay cá ngừ mắt to là món ăn được ưa chuộng tại Nhật Bản, cá ngừ được đánh bắt, lấy mắt và bày bán phổ biến ở những siêu thị, cửa hàng tạp hóa ở cả Trung Quốc và Nhật Bản. Nguyên liệu độc đáo này được dùng để chế biến rất nhiều món ăn, như súp, lẩu hay kể cả món gỏi

Mắt cá ngừ đại dương được xem là món ăn mang lại cảm giác máu me và rùng rợn do vẻ ghê rợn toát ra từ thực phẩm. Nguyên liệu được xem là đạt chuẩn khi nó được tách khỏi cơ thể cá nhưng vẫn giữ nguyên phần nhãn cầu, bao quanh là một loại chất béo và chỉ vài cơ mắt được phép cắt đứt. Quá trình khai thác mắt cá ngừ công phu thì việc chế biến lại được giảm thiểu và chỉ cần đun sôi một chút nước sạch rồi đưa mắt cá ngừ vào trần qua là có thể thưởng thức. Khi chín, các cơ quanh mắt và phần mỡ được xem là hấp dẫn nhất. Dù rất bổ dưỡng nhưng mắt cá ngừ lại không phù hợp với những người có dạ dày yếu.

Ở Việt Nam, đôi mắt cá ngừ đại dương rất quý, người kém thị lực, hay có các bệnh về mắt, được chuyên nên ăn nhiều mắt cá ngừ đại dương kèm với gan cá ngừ để chữa khỏi các bệnh về mắt,[8] mắt cá ngừ đại dương hầm thuốc bắc là một trong những đặc sản nổi tiếng tại các nhà hàng lớn.[7] Mắt cá ngừ được chế biến thành món mắt cá ngừ (đèn pha, đèn biển) chưng cách thủy. Mắt cá thường to bằng nắm tay hoặc quả trứng gà, được lấy từ con cá ngừ, chế biến, ướp gia vị bảo quản. Khi chế biến, một con mắt cá được ướp cùng với nhiều gia vị như thuốc bắc, sả, ớt, tiêu... sau đó đặt vào một cái thố (om đất) rồi chưng cách thủy hơn nửa giờ, mắt cá đã chín, thấm gia vị thì có thể ăn được. Món này có vị béo ngậy của mắt cá và ngoài thành phần dinh dưỡng bổ cho cơ thể sẽ có một lượng vitamin.[9][10]

Chú thích

  1. ^ Collette B and 30 others (2011). Thunnus obesus. Sách Đỏ IUCN các loài bị đe dọa. Phiên bản 2011.2. Liên minh Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên Quốc tế. Truy cập ngày 13 tháng 1 năm 2012.
  2. ^ Thunnus obesus (TSN 172428) tại Hệ thống Thông tin Phân loại Tích hợp (ITIS).
  3. ^ [http://www.khafa.org.vn/privateres/htm/cbts/cangu.htm “C� NỔI LỚN”].
  4. ^ “Hoạt động khai thác cá ngừ đại dương tại Nhật Bản — Portal Directorate of Fisheries”. Truy cập 22 tháng 7 năm 2014.
  5. ^ “Tháng 3: giá cá ngừ mắt to nhập khẩu vào Nhật Bản giảm”. Truy cập 22 tháng 7 năm 2014.
  6. ^ “Việt Nam đặt mục tiêu xuất khẩu cá ngừ đạt 560 triệu USD - VnExpress Kinh doanh”. VnExpress - Tin nhanh Việt Nam. Truy cập 22 tháng 7 năm 2014.
  7. ^ a ă “Những con cá ngừ đại dương nửa tạ trên biển Phú Yên”. Zing.vn. 5 tháng 4 năm 2014. Truy cập 22 tháng 7 năm 2014.
  8. ^ a ă “Mắt cá ngừ đại dương”. Báo Bình Định. Truy cập 22 tháng 7 năm 2014.
  9. ^ “Những món ăn ngon từ cá ngừ đại dương - VnExpress Đời sống”. VnExpress - Tin nhanh Việt Nam. Truy cập 22 tháng 7 năm 2014.
  10. ^ “Mắt cá ngừ chưng cách thủy”. Thanh Niên Online. Truy cập 22 tháng 7 năm 2014.

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Cá ngừ mắt to: Brief Summary ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Cá ngừ mắt to (Danh pháp khoa học: Thunnus obesus) là một loài cá ngừ trong họ Cá thu ngừ với đặc trưng là có con mắt lớn so với kích thước cơ thể trong tương quan với các loại cá ngừ khác. Cá phân bố ở vùng nhiệt đới và cận nhiệt đới Ấn Độ Dương, Thái Bình Dương tới 30oS. Ở Việt Nam, phân bố chủ yếu ở vùng biển xa bờ miền Trung và Đông Nam Bộ.

Tên thường gọi tiếng Việt là: Cá Ngừ mắt to. Tên địa phương Ngừ Đại dương, Cá Ngừ mắt. Tên thường gọi tiếng Anh: là Bigeye tuna, Bigeye, Tuna, Thon, Thon Obèse, Patudo, Big Eye Tuna, Big Eye, Ahi-b. Tên gọi tiếng Nhật: Mebachi Mebuto. Tên gọi tiếng Tây Ban Nha: Patudo. Tên gọi tiếng Ý: Tonno obeso. Tên gọi tiếng Đức: Großaugenthun, Großaugen-Thun, Großaugen-Thunfisch, Thunfisch.

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Wikipedia tác giả và biên tập viên
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wikipedia VI

Большеглазый тунец ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию
Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Вторичноротые
Подтип: Позвоночные
Инфратип: Челюстноротые
Группа: Рыбы
Группа: Костные рыбы
Подкласс: Новопёрые рыбы
Инфракласс: Костистые рыбы
Надотряд: Колючепёрые
Серия: Перкоморфы
Подотряд: Скумбриевидные
Семейство: Скумбриевые
Род: Тунцы
Вид: Большеглазый тунец
Международное научное название

Thunnus obesus (Lowe, 1839)

  • Germo obesus (Lowe, 1839)
  • Germo sibi (Temminck & Schlegel, 1844)
  • Neothunnus obesus (Lowe, 1839)
  • Orcynus sibi (Temminck & Schlegel, 1844)
  • Parathunnus mebachi (Kishinouye, 1915)
  • Parathunnus obesus
  • Parathunnus obesus mebachi (Kishinouye, 1915)
  • Parathunnus sibi (Temminck & Schlegel, 1844)
  • Thunnus abesus (Lowe, 1839)
  • Thunnus mebachi Kishinouye, 1915[1]
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Большеглазый тунец[2] (лат. Thunnus obesus) — вид морских пелагических лучепёрых рыб из семейства скумбриевых отряда окунеобразных.


См. также Особенности физиологии тунцов

Тело веретенообразное, удлинённое, высокое в средней части и резко сужается к хвостовому стеблю. Максимальная длина тела 250 см, а масса —210 кг [3]. Голова и глаза большие, нижняя челюсть выдаётся вперёд. В первом спинном плавнике 13—15 жёстких лучей, а во втором спинном плавнике 13—16 мягких лучей. Между вторым спинным и хвостовым плавниками расположено 8—10 маленьких дополнительных плавничков. В анальном плавнике 11—15 мягких лучей. Между анальным и хвостовым плавниками расположено 7—10 дополнительных плавничков. Хвостовой плавник сильно выемчатый, месяцеобразный[4]. Грудные плавники очень длинные, у молоди достигают начала второго спинного плавника, а у взрослых — несколько короче. Спина тёмно-синего цвета, а брюхо светлое. Первый спинной плавник тёмно-жёлтого цвета, а второй спинной и анальный плавники светло-жёлтые. Дополнительные плавнички ярко-жёлтые с тёмными краями. На первой жаберной дуге 23—31 жаберных тычинок. В боковой линии 190 чешуй. Плавательный пузырь есть. У рыб длиннее 30 см нижняя поверхность печени радиально исчерчена [5].

Голова большеглазого тунца

Продолжительность жизни большеглазых тунцов варьируется в зависимости от региона и составляет 16 лет в западной Пацифике, 8 лет в Индийском океане и 9 лет в Атлантическом океане [6][7][8].


Встречаются в тропических и субтропических водах Атлантического, Тихого и Индийского океанов при температуре от 13 до 29 °С от поверхности до глубины 300 м. Отсутствуют в Средиземном море. Оптимальные температуры для большеглазых тунцов лежат между 17 и 22 °С. Колебания встречаемости и численности тесно связаны с сезонными и климатическими изменениями температуры поверхностных вод и расположением термоклина. Молодь и мелкие неполовозрелые особи концентрируются ближе к поверхности и образуют стаи, моновидовые или смешанные с другими видами тунцов. Агрегации большеглазых тунцов часто связаны с плавающими в океане объектами[9].

Размножение и развитие

Половой зрелости достигают на втором или третьем году жизни. Плодовитость колеблется от 1,5 до 9,0 млн икринок. Икрометание порционное, с интервалом до 1 месяца. Размеры икринок колеблются от 0,7 до 0,9 мм. В восточной части Тихого океана нерест наблюдается между 10° с. ш. и 10° ю. ш. с пиком с апреля по сентябрь в северном полушарии и с января по март в южном полушарии при температуре 27—30 °С. При понижении температуры поверхностных вод ниже 23 °С. интенсивность нереста существенно снижается[5]. Икра развивается в приповерхностных слоях воды, вылупление личинок наблюдается через 20 дней при температуре выше 23 °С. Длина личинок составляет около 1,5 мм. Годовалые особи большеглазых тунцов достигают длины 60 см, а к концу второго года жизни – 100 см[4]. По сравнению с желтопёрым и полосатым тунцами это более долгоживущий вид (более 15 лет)[10].


Основу рациона составляют рыбы, головоногие моллюски и ракообразные. Большое значение в пище этого вида имеют глубоководные и полуглубоководные рыбы — живоглоты, алепизавры, веретенники, гемпиловые, а также кальмары, осьминоги и креветки[11].

Взаимодействие с человеком

Ценная промысловая рыба. Светло-серый цвет мяса делает этот вид неподходящим для консервирования. Цвет и вкус крупных особей похож на говядину. Основной рынок сбыта — Япония. Употребляется в основном для сашими[12]. Большеглазые тунцы сильнее накапливают ртуть по сравнению с желтопёрыми, полосатыми и длиннопёрыми тунцами[13][14]. Популярный объект спортивной рыбалки. Рекордная масса трофейного большеглазого тунца, пойманного в Атлантическом океане составляет 178 кг, а в Тихом — 197 кг[15].

Промысловое значение

См. также Коммерческий промысел тунцов

Промысел ведётся круглый год, в основном ярусами. Мировые уловы большеглазых тунцов в 2004—2013 гг. варьировали от 394,7 до 513,2 тыс. т[5].

Промышленный промысел большеглазого тунца в Индийском океане начался в 1952 г. и стабильно увеличивался, достигнув пика в 1999 г. В 2000—2009 гг. уловы снизились. Наибольший общий вылов в последнее десятилетие всеми орудиями лова достиг пика в 2002 году и составил 141 тыс. т в 2009 году общий вылов составил 71 тыс. т. Большеглых тунцов ловят ярусами и кошельковыми неводами. Ярусный промысел ведут Япония, Индонезия, Тайвань и Китай. К настоящему времени кошельковыми неводами добывается основная масса большеглазых тунцов. Подавляющая часть улова кошельковых неводов представлена неполовозрелыми особями весом менее 10 кг. Крупные особи массой свыше 30кг добываются ярусами. Значительная часть улова большеглазого тунца (до 30 %) добывается в восточной части Индийского океана, в отличие от желтопёрого и полосатого тунцов, промысел которых ведётся в основном в западной части океана. Научный комитет Комиссии по тунцам Индийского океана оценил состояние запасов большеглазого тунца как стабильное[10].

Меры по сохранению вида

Гринпис внёс большеглазого тунца в «Красный список продуктов», от употребления которых рекомендовано воздерживаться, чтобы не усугублять вред, наносимый экосистеме[16]. Международный союз охраны природы присвоил виду охранный статус «Уязвимый»[9].

  • Thunnus obesus (bigeye tuna).jpg
  • Bigeye tuna.jpg
  • Fishermen with bigeye tuna.jpg
  • Thunnus obesus.jpg


  1. Систематика и синонимия (англ.). BioLib.
  2. Решетников Ю. С., Котляр А. Н., Расс Т. С., Шатуновский М. И. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Рыбы. Латинский, русский, английский, немецкий, французский. / под общей редакцией акад. В. Е. Соколова. — М.: Рус. яз., 1989. — С. 365. — 12 500 экз.ISBN 5-200-00237-0.
  3. Thunnus obesus (англ.) в базе данных FishBase.
  4. 1 2 Промысловые рыбы России. В двух томах / Под ред. О. Ф. Гриценко, А. Н. Котляра и Б. Н. Котенёва. — М.: изд-во ВНИРО, 2006. — Т. 2. — С. 880—882. — 624 с. — ISBN 5-85382-229-2.
  5. 1 2 3 Thunnus obesus (Lowe, 1839) FAO, Species Fact Sheet
  6. Farley J.H., Clear N.P., Leroy B., Davis T.L.O., McPherson G. 2006. Age, growth and preliminary estimates of maturity of bigeye tuna, Thunnus obesus, in the Australian region // Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. — 2006. — Vol. 57, № 7. — P. 713—324. — DOI:10.1071/MF05255.
  7. Танкевич П.Б. Рост и возраст большеглазого тунца Thunnus obesus (Lowe) (Scombridae) в Индийском океане // Вопр. ихтиологии. — 1982. — Т. 22, № Вып. 4. — С. 562—567.
  8. Hallier, J.P., Stéquert, B., Maury, O. and Bard, F.X. Growth of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the eastern Atlantic Ocean from tagging recapture data and otolith readings // Col. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT. — 2005. — Vol. 57. — P. 181—194.
  9. 1 2 Thunnus obesus (англ.). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
  10. 1 2 www.megafishnet.com. О промысле тунцов в Индийском океане (неопр.). www.fishnet.ru. Проверено 26 февраля 2016.
  11. Жизнь животных. Том 4. Ланцетники. Круглоротые. Хрящевые рыбы. Костные рыбы / под ред. Т. С. Расса, гл. ред. В. Е. Соколов. — 2-е изд. — М.: Просвещение, 1983. — С. 459. — 300 000 экз.
  12. Маркетинговое исследование мирового рынка консервированного тунца. Vigor Consult (неопр.). www.vigorconsult.ru. Проверено 26 февраля 2016.
  13. Минздрав Канады (Health Canada). Справочник по употреблению в пищу рыбы для женщин, детей и семей (неопр.) (недоступная ссылка). Архивировано 30 января 2016 года.
  14. Рыба рыбе рознь. (неопр.). www.vedomosti.ru.
  15. IGFA World Record Search | AllTackle (неопр.). wrec.igfa.org. Проверено 26 февраля 2016.
  16. Greenpeace Seafood Red list (неопр.). Greenpeace International. Проверено 26 февраля 2016.
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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Большеглазый тунец: Brief Summary ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию

Большеглазый тунец (лат. Thunnus obesus) — вид морских пелагических лучепёрых рыб из семейства скумбриевых отряда окунеобразных.

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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

短鮪 ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科
二名法 Thunnus obesus
Lowe, 1839

短鮪學名Thunnus obesus),俗稱大目鮪,又叫短墩、大目串、大眼金槍魚,為輻鰭魚綱鱸形目鯖亞目鯖科的其中一,被IUCN列為次級保育類動物,分布於全球熱帶至亞熱帶海域,棲息深度可達250公尺,體長可達250公分。為大洋性洄游魚類,屬肉食性,以魚類頭足類等為食,是可食用的魚類之一,在日本,常做成生魚片。參見鮪魚




 src= 维基共享资源中相关的多媒体资源:短鮪  src= 维基物种中的分类信息:短鮪
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wikipedia 中文维基百科

短鮪: Brief Summary ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科

短鮪(學名Thunnus obesus),俗稱大目鮪,又叫短墩、大目串、大眼金槍魚,為輻鰭魚綱鱸形目鯖亞目鯖科的其中一,被IUCN列為次級保育類動物,分布於全球熱帶至亞熱帶海域,棲息深度可達250公尺,體長可達250公分。為大洋性洄游魚類,屬肉食性,以魚類頭足類等為食,是可食用的魚類之一,在日本,常做成生魚片。參見鮪魚

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wikipedia 中文维基百科

メバチ ( Japonês )

fornecido por wikipedia 日本語
メバチ Thunnus obesus (bigeye tuna).jpg
メバチ Thunnus obesus
保全状況評価[1] VULNERABLE (IUCN Red List Ver. 3.1 (2001))
Status iucn3.1 VU.svg
分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 条鰭綱 Actinopterygii : スズキ目 Perciformes 亜目 : サバ亜目 Scombroidei : サバ科 Scombridae 亜科 : サバ亜科 Scombrinae : マグロ族 Thunnini : マグロ属 Thunnus South,1845 亜属 : マグロ亜属 Thunnus South,1845 : メバチ T.(T.) obesus 学名 Thunnus obesus
(Lowe,1839) 和名 メバチ(目鉢)
メバチマグロ(目鉢鮪) 英名 Bigeye tuna  src= ウィキスピーシーズにメバチに関する情報があります。

メバチ(目鉢、学名 Thunnus obesus)は、スズキ目・サバ科に分類される魚の一種。全世界の熱帯・温帯海域に広く分布する。マグロの中でも漁獲量が多く、重要な食用魚となっている。日本ではメバチマグロ(目鉢鮪)、バチマグロとも呼ばれる[2]。このほか地方名としてバチ(東北・関東)、メブト(九州)などがある。また、若魚は各地でダルマとも呼ばれる。


成魚は全長250 cm・体重210 kgに達し、マグロ属8種の中ではミナミマグロキハダと並ぶ中型種である。ただし日本近海産は熱帯産より小型で、2 m以上の個体は少ない。


体は太い紡錘形で、マグロの中では最も体高が高くずんぐりした体型をしている。またが大きいのも特徴で、和名「メバチ」や英名"Bigeye tuna"もここに由来する。胸鰭はクロマグロより長いが、ビンナガほどではない。体色は背中が藍色、体側から腹面が銀白色をしている。若魚は成魚よりも体が前後に細長く、体側に白い数本の横しま模様があり、キハダの若魚に似る。



暖かい海域の中層に生息し、群れで回遊する。日中は他のマグロより深い層を泳ぎ、水深300 mの深海にも達するが、夜は表層に現れる。



身は赤くて柔らかい。脂肪の多い「トロ」の量はクロマグロより少ないものの、刺身寿司種に使われる。 春から夏にかけてはクロマグロの味が落ちるとされており、この時期にはメバチの需要が高まる。

食料として見た場合、メバチの体内に含まれる微量の水銀に注意する必要がある。 厚生労働省は、メバチを妊婦が摂食量を注意すべき魚介類の一つとして挙げており、2005年11月2日の発表では、1回に食べる量を約80 gとした場合、メバチの摂食は週に1回まで(1週間当たり80 g程度)を目安としている[3]


  1. ^ Uozumi, Y. 1996. Thunnus obesus. In: IUCN 2007. 2007 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. . Downloaded on 29 April 2008.
  2. ^ 魚介類の名称表示等について(別表1)”. 水産庁. オリジナルよりアーカイブ。^ 厚生労働省医薬食品局食品安全部基準審査課 (妊婦への魚介類の摂食と水銀に関する注意事項の見直しについて(Q&A)(平成17年11月2日)”. 魚介類に含まれる水銀について. 厚生労働省. オリジナルよりアーカイブ。FishBase - Thunnus obesus(英語)
  3. 本田崇・魚住雄二・熊井英水『マグロはいつまで食べられるか』Newton2007年3月号
  4. 藍澤正宏ほか『新装版 詳細図鑑 さかなの見分け方』講談社 ISBN 4-06-211280-9
  5. 檜山義夫監修 『野外観察図鑑4 魚』改訂版 旺文社 ISBN 4-01-072424-2
  6. 永岡書店編集部『釣った魚が必ずわかるカラー図鑑』 ISBN 4-522-21372-7
  7. 内田亨監修『学生版 日本動物図鑑』北隆館 ISBN 4-8326-0042-7

  8. 関連項目[編集]

     src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、メバチに関連するカテゴリがあります。
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wikipedia 日本語

メバチ: Brief Summary ( Japonês )

fornecido por wikipedia 日本語

メバチ(目鉢、学名 Thunnus obesus)は、スズキ目・サバ科に分類される魚の一種。全世界の熱帯・温帯海域に広く分布する。マグロの中でも漁獲量が多く、重要な食用魚となっている。日本ではメバチマグロ(目鉢鮪)、バチマグロとも呼ばれる。このほか地方名としてバチ(東北・関東)、メブト(九州)などがある。また、若魚は各地でダルマとも呼ばれる。

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visite a fonte
site do parceiro
wikipedia 日本語

눈다랑어 ( Coreano )

fornecido por wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

눈다랑어(Thunnus Obesus)는 고등어목 고등어과에 속하는 어류이다. 다랑어속의 일종이며 몸 길이는 보통 1.8m이나 최대 2.3m인 경우도 있으며 몸무게는 평균 120kg가 나가는 거대 어류이다.

특징과 먹이 활동

눈다랑어는 다랑어속 중에서 유난히 눈의 크기가 크기에 눈다랑어라는 이름이 붙었다. 눈은 머리 앞쪽에 위치하고 있으며 이빨은 위와 아래로 촘촘히 나 있으며 이빨이 날카로운 편이다. 양턱의 이빨이 강하고 날카로운게 특징이며 제1등지느러미에서 꼬리지느러미까지의 기저가 가장 가늘다. 또한 가슴지느러미는 상당히 길어 제2등지느러미 기부에 위와 아래로 용돌돌기가 있으며 제2등지느러미와 뒷지르러미의 뒤쪽에 각각 8개의 토막지느러미가 있는게 눈다랑어의 특징이다. 먹이로는 어류, 갑각류, 오징어류를 주로 먹는 포식성 어류이다.

산란기와 서식지

눈다랑어의 산란기는 동부태평양에선 연중 산란하나 북반구에선 4 ~ 9월, 남반구에선 1 ~ 3월이 주 산란기이다. 성어는 1년에 2회 산란하며 290 ~ 630만 개의 알을 산란한다. 몸 길이가 1.2m가 됐을 때부터 산란이 가능하며 산란수는 300 ~ 600만개로 여러번 산란한다. 서식지는 태평양, 대서양, 인도양온대열대 해역에 널리 분포하고 수심 0 ~ 250m의 표해수층에 주로 서식한다. 서식 수온대는 13 ~ 29°C이다.

direitos autorais
Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자

눈다랑어: Brief Summary ( Coreano )

fornecido por wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

눈다랑어(Thunnus Obesus)는 고등어목 고등어과에 속하는 어류이다. 다랑어속의 일종이며 몸 길이는 보통 1.8m이나 최대 2.3m인 경우도 있으며 몸무게는 평균 120kg가 나가는 거대 어류이다.

direitos autorais
Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자

Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por World Register of Marine Species
Occurs in areas where water temperatures range from 13°-29°C, but the optimum is between 17° and 22°C. Variation in occurrence is closely related to seasonal and climatic changes in surface temperature and thermocline. Juveniles and small adults school at the surface in mono-species groups or mixed with other tunas, may be associated with floating objects. Feeds on a wide variety of fishes, cephalopods and crustaceans during the day and at night (Ref. 9340). Spawning occurs in waters between 10°N and 10°S throughout the year but occurs most often from April up to the end of September (Ref. 9340). Meat is highly prized and processed into sashimi in Japan. Marketed mainly canned or frozen (Ref. 9684), but also sold fresh (Ref. 9340).


Froese, R. & D. Pauly (Editors). (2023). FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. version (02/2023).

direitos autorais
WoRMS Editorial Board
Edward Vanden Berghe [email]

Diet ( Inglês )

fornecido por World Register of Marine Species
Feed on a wide variety of fishes, cephalopods and crustaceans during the day and at night


North-West Atlantic Ocean species (NWARMS)

direitos autorais
WoRMS Editorial Board
Kennedy, Mary [email]

Distribution ( Inglês )

fornecido por World Register of Marine Species
Atlantic, Indian and Pacific: in tropical and subtropical waters. Absent in the Mediterranean


North-West Atlantic Ocean species (NWARMS)

direitos autorais
WoRMS Editorial Board
Kennedy, Mary [email]

Habitat ( Inglês )

fornecido por World Register of Marine Species
Occur in areas where water temperatures range from 13°-29°C, but the optimum is between 17° and 22°C. Variation in occurrence is closely related to seasonal and climatic changes in surface temperature and thermocline.


North-West Atlantic Ocean species (NWARMS)

direitos autorais
WoRMS Editorial Board
Kennedy, Mary [email]

Habitat ( Inglês )

fornecido por World Register of Marine Species


North-West Atlantic Ocean species (NWARMS)

direitos autorais
WoRMS Editorial Board
Kennedy, Mary [email]

Habitat ( Inglês )

fornecido por World Register of Marine Species
Known from seamounts and knolls


Stocks, K. 2009. Seamounts Online: an online information system for seamount biology. Version 2009-1. World Wide Web electronic publication.

direitos autorais
WoRMS Editorial Board