Life Cycle
fornecido por Fishbase
Oviparous, distinct pairing during breeding (Ref. 205). Eggs are demersal and adhere to the substrate (Ref. 205). Males guard and aerate the eggs (Ref. 205).
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- FishBase
fornecido por Fishbase
Dorsal spines (total): 13; Dorsal soft rays (total): 12; Analspines: 2; Analsoft rays: 12
- licença
- cc-by-nc
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- FishBase
Trophic Strategy
fornecido por Fishbase
Generally lives in relatively shallow water along the outer periphery of individual reef complexes (Ref. 7247). Feeding aggregations of a hundred or more individuals are often seen swimming high above the substratum. Diurnal species (Ref. 54980; 113699).
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- FishBase
- Recorder
- Drina Sta. Iglesia
fornecido por Fishbase
Generally live in relatively shallow water along the outer periphery of individual reef complexes. Feeding aggregations of a hundred or more individuals are often seen swimming high above the substratum. Oviparous, distinct pairing during breeding (Ref. 205). Eggs are demersal and adhere to the substrate (Ref. 205). Males guard and aerate the eggs (Ref. 205).
- licença
- cc-by-nc
- direitos autorais
- FishBase
fornecido por Fishbase
aquarium: public aquariums
- licença
- cc-by-nc
- direitos autorais
- FishBase
Abudefduf whitleyi
Catalão; Valenciano
fornecido por wikipedia CA
Abudefduf whitleyi és una espècie de peix de la família dels pomacèntrids i de l'ordre dels perciformes.
Els mascles poden assolir els 14 cm de longitud total.[2]
Distribució geogràfica
Es troba a Austràlia, Mar del Corall i Nova Caledònia.[2]
- Allen, G. R. & D. R. Robertson. 1974. Description of four new damselfishes (Pomacentridae) from Papua New Guinea and eastern Australia. Rec. Aust. Mus. v. 29 (núm. 4): 153-167, Pls. 1-5.
- Allen, G.R., 1991. Damselfishes of the world. Mergus Publishers, Melle, Alemanya. 271 p.
- Helfman, G., B. Collette i D. Facey: The diversity of fishes. Blackwell Science, Malden, Massachusetts (Estats Units), 1997.
- Moyle, P. i J. Cech.: Fishes: An Introduction to Ichthyology, 4a edició, Upper Saddle River (Nova Jersey, Estats Units): Prentice-Hall. Any 2000.
- Nelson, J.: Fishes of the World, 3a edició. Nova York, Estats Units: John Wiley and Sons. Any 1994.
- Wheeler, A.: The World Encyclopedia of Fishes, 2a edició, Londres: Macdonald. Any 1985.
Enllaços externs
- licença
- cc-by-sa-3.0
- direitos autorais
- Autors i editors de Wikipedia
Abudefduf whitleyi: Brief Summary
Catalão; Valenciano
fornecido por wikipedia CA
Abudefduf whitleyi és una espècie de peix de la família dels pomacèntrids i de l'ordre dels perciformes.
- licença
- cc-by-sa-3.0
- direitos autorais
- Autors i editors de Wikipedia
Abudefduf whitleyi
fornecido por wikipedia EN
Abudefduf whitleyi,[1] known as Whitley's sergeant,[2] is a species of damselfish in the family Pomacentridae. It is native to the tropical southwestern Pacific Ocean, where it is known from Australia, New Caledonia, and the Coral Sea. The species is generally found in shallow reef environments at depths of 1 to 5 m (3 to 16 ft), where feeding aggregations of more than a hundred individuals are frequently seen swimming in the water column relatively high above the substrate. It is oviparous, with individuals forming distinct pairs during breeding and males guarding and aerating eggs. Abudefduf whitleyi reaches 14 cm (5.5 inches) in standard length.[3]
- licença
- cc-by-sa-3.0
- direitos autorais
- Wikipedia authors and editors
Abudefduf whitleyi: Brief Summary
fornecido por wikipedia EN
Abudefduf whitleyi, known as Whitley's sergeant, is a species of damselfish in the family Pomacentridae. It is native to the tropical southwestern Pacific Ocean, where it is known from Australia, New Caledonia, and the Coral Sea. The species is generally found in shallow reef environments at depths of 1 to 5 m (3 to 16 ft), where feeding aggregations of more than a hundred individuals are frequently seen swimming in the water column relatively high above the substrate. It is oviparous, with individuals forming distinct pairs during breeding and males guarding and aerating eggs. Abudefduf whitleyi reaches 14 cm (5.5 inches) in standard length.
- licença
- cc-by-sa-3.0
- direitos autorais
- Wikipedia authors and editors
Abudefduf whitleyi
Espanhol; Castelhano
fornecido por wikipedia ES
Abudefduf whitleyi es una especie de peces de la familia Pomacentridae en el orden de los Perciformes.
Los machos pueden llegar alcanzar los 14 cm de longitud total.[1]
Es un pez de mar.
Distribución geográfica
Se encuentra en Australia, Mar del Coral y Nueva Caledonia.
- Eschmeyer, William N., ed. 1998. Catalog of Fishes. Special Publication of the Center for Biodiversity Research and Information, núm. 1, vol. 1-3. California Academy of Sciences. San Francisco, California, Estados Unidos. 2905. ISBN 0-940228-47-5.
- Fenner, Robert M.: The Conscientious Marine Aquarist. Neptune City, Nueva Jersey, Estados Unidos : T.F.H. Publications, 2001.
- Helfman, G., B. Collette y D. Facey: The diversity of fishes. Blackwell Science, Malden, Massachusetts, Estados Unidos, 1997.
- Hoese, D.F. 1986: . A M.M. Smith y P.C. Heemstra (eds.) Smiths' sea fishes. Springer-Verlag, Berlín, Alemania.
- Maugé, L.A. 1986. A J. Daget, J.-P. Gosse y D.F.E. Thys van den Audenaerde (eds.) Check-list of the freshwater fishes of Africa (CLOFFA). ISNB, Bruselas; MRAC, Tervuren, Flandes; y ORSTOM, París, Francia. Vol. 2.
- Moyle, P. y J. Cech.: Fishes: An Introduction to Ichthyology, 4a. edición, Upper Saddle River, Nueva Jersey, Estados Unidos: Prentice-Hall. Año 2000.
- Nelson, J.: Fishes of the World, 3a. edición. Nueva York, Estados Unidos: John Wiley and Sons. Año 1994.
- Wheeler, A.: The World Encyclopedia of Fishes, 2a. edición, Londres: Macdonald. Año 1985.
- licença
- cc-by-sa-3.0
- direitos autorais
- Autores y editores de Wikipedia
Abudefduf whitleyi: Brief Summary
Espanhol; Castelhano
fornecido por wikipedia ES
Abudefduf whitleyi es una especie de peces de la familia Pomacentridae en el orden de los Perciformes.
- licença
- cc-by-sa-3.0
- direitos autorais
- Autores y editores de Wikipedia
Abudefduf whitleyi
fornecido por wikipedia EU
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- licença
- cc-by-sa-3.0
- direitos autorais
- Wikipediako egileak eta editoreak
Abudefduf whitleyi: Brief Summary
fornecido por wikipedia EU
Abudefduf whitleyi Abudefduf generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Pomacentridae familian sailkatzen da.
- licença
- cc-by-sa-3.0
- direitos autorais
- Wikipediako egileak eta editoreak
Abudefduf whitleyi
Neerlandês; Flamengo
fornecido por wikipedia NL
- licença
- cc-by-sa-3.0
- direitos autorais
- Wikipedia-auteurs en -editors