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Length of illicium 33–38% SL; length of distal escal appendage 92–100% SL; length of posterior side branch of each distal escal appendage 9–10% SL, emerging 42–49% SL above base of distal escal appendage (paratype with an additional side branch, length 3.8% SL, emerging 22% SL above left primary branch of distal escal appendage); all side branches fusiform, lengths 3–5 times their greatest diameter; diameter of escal bulb 9.8–10% SL; distal escal appendage and its side branches black except for distal tips; holotype with a transparent, window-like spot at base of white tip of primary branches; illicium and distal escal appendage of holotype naked, small scattered spinules present on escal bulb and base of distal escal appendage of paratype; 5 or 6 large spines on each pectoral lobe; holotype and paratype with about 16 and 50 large spines, respectively, on each side of body; papillae of snout and chin well developed; papillated area and median part of the back of holotype somewhat more lightly pigmented than brownish-black sides of body and fin rays; paratype uniformly brownish black; dorsal-fin rays 5; anal-fin rays 4; pectoral-fin rays 16 or 17.
Metamorphosed females of H. macroceratoides differ from those of other species of the H. cornifer-group in having the following combination of character states: length of illicium 33–38% SL; each primary branch of distal escal appendage with a posterior side branch emerging 42–49% SL from base (left primary branch of 180-mm specimen with an additional small side branch at 22% SL from base); total length of distal appendage 92–100% SL, length of side branches 9–10% SL (length of small additional side branch 3.8% SL); all side branches fusiform; small dermal spinules on distal appendage absent or restricted to base.
The holotype of H. macroceratoides was taken in the Eastern Tropical Atlantic off the coast of West Africa in an open pelagic net with a maximum fishing depth of 256 m; the paratype is from the Western Equatorial Indian Ocean, collected in a bottom trawl at 800–900 m.
Pietsch TW. 2009. Oceanic Anglerfishes: Extraordinary Diversity in the Deep Sea. Berkley: University of California Press. 638 p.
Metamorphosed females of the H. cornifer-group differ from those of the other species of the genus in lacking a posterior escal appendage and in having the following combination of character states: The distal escal appendage is bifurcated at or very close to its base, each primary branch bearing a single unbranched appendage emerging from the posterior margin (with two exceptions, the paratype of H. macroceratoides and the holotype of H. azurlucens). The total length of the distal escal appendage is 16–214% SL in specimens greater than 30 mm. A more-or-less distinct pair of swellings are present just posterior to the base of the distal escal appendage. No additional appendages are present on the esca or on the stem of the illicium. Small dermal spinules are present on the esca and on the distal escal appendage in specimens greater than about 55 mm. The papillae of the snout and chin are well developed. “White patches” on the body are present or absent. The caudal-fin rays are unpigmented distally, spotted proximally in juveniles less than about 50 mm, but black in larger specimens.
Known from two metamorphosed females at 50 and 180 mm SL.
WALTER HERWIG station 482-II/71, 4°36'N, 19°40'W, MT, 0–256 m, 13 April 1971.
Holotype of Himantolophus macroceratoides: ISH 2400/71, 50 mm SL.
Himantolophus macroceratoides is a species of footballfish, a type of anglerfish. The fish is bathypelagic and has been found at depths ranging from 800 to 900 metres (2,600 to 3,000 ft). It is endemic to the east central Atlantic Ocean.[1]
Himantolophus macroceratoides is a species of footballfish, a type of anglerfish. The fish is bathypelagic and has been found at depths ranging from 800 to 900 metres (2,600 to 3,000 ft). It is endemic to the east central Atlantic Ocean.
Himantolophus macroceratoides Himantolophus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Himantolophidae familian sailkatzen da.
Himantolophus macroceratoides Himantolophus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Himantolophidae familian sailkatzen da.
Himantolophus macroceratoides is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van voetbalvissen (Himantolophidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1988 door Bertelsen & Krefft.
Bronnen, noten en/of referenties擬大角鞭冠鮟鱇為輻鰭魚綱鮟鱇目棘茄魚亞目鞭冠鮟鱇科的其中一種,為深海魚類,分布於中東大西洋4°36'N,19°40'W海域,棲息深度800-900公尺,生活習性不明,不具經濟價值。