Body fusiform; mouth moderate, oblique; pseudobranch present; gill rakers on first arch 22–31 (geographical variation). Branchiostegal rays 10, 3 on epihyal. Dorsal-fin rays 11 (9–12); pectoral-fin rays 17–19; pelvic fin-rays 7; anal finrays 22–28; dorsal origin in advance of anal-fin origin; anus near anal fin origin; dorsal adipose fin present. Vertebrae 33–35. Swimbladder well developed, gas–filled, euphysoclistous. Scales deciduous.
Photophores (adult): ORB l; OP 3, OP3 single; BR (6); IP (6); VAV (6); AC in 3 groups as 2 long groups preceded by a single, elevated photophore: 1 + (14–17) + (89) = 23–27; PV (12–13); OA (2) + 5; SO present.
Body silver with dark back bearing light brown dorso–lateral undulating strip and a pigment extension ventrally at procurrent rays; anterior two dorsal-fin rays, dorsalmost pectoral-fin ray and outer 2 or 3 caudal-fin rays pigmented; snout and bones of jaw transparent with characteristic pigment spots.
Vertebrae 33–34, usually 33. Gill rakers 27–29, usually 28–29. AC photophores 24–26, usually 25–26. Pectoral-fin rays 17–19. Head 27–29% SL, eye 8.5–10% SL, upper jaw 15.5–17% SL, maximum body depth well behind pectoral fin base 23–25% SL. Stomach and hind portion of intestine not pigmented.
Western South Atlantic along continental slope of South America between 34°–40°S.
Mesopelagic to benthopelagic, upper continental slopes. A diel vertical migrator.
Parin N, Kobyliansky S. 1996. Diagnoses and distribution of fifteen species recognized in genus Maurolicus Cocco (Sternoptychidae, Stomiiformes) with a key to their identification. Cybium 20(2):185–195.
To at least 46 mm SL.
What little data exists for species of the genus suggest that copepods and euphausiids are the predominant prey item.
Maurolicus stehmanni és una espècie de peix pertanyent a la família dels esternoptíquids.[4]
Al Brasil és depredat per Beryx splendens, Lophius gastrophysus, Caelorinchus marinii, Polymixia lowei, Helicolenus lahillei, Trichiurus lepturus i Zenopsis conchifera.[7]
És un peix marí i batipelàgic que viu entre 0-200 m de fondària.[5]
Es troba a l'Atlàntic sud-occidental: l'Argentina i el Brasil.[5][8][9][10]
És inofensiu per als humans.[5]
Maurolicus stehmanni és una espècie de peix pertanyent a la família dels esternoptíquids.
Maurolicus stehmanni is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Maurolicus. It is found in the Southwest Atlantic.[1]
Maurolicus stehmanni is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Maurolicus. It is found in the Southwest Atlantic.
Maurolicus stehmanni Maurolicus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Sternoptychidae familian sailkatzen da.
Maurolicus stehmanni Maurolicus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Sternoptychidae familian sailkatzen da.
Maurolicus stehmanni is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van diepzeebijlvissen (Sternoptychidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1993 door Parin & Kobyliansky.
Bronnen, noten en/of referenties斯特穆氏暗光鱼(学名:Maurolicus stehmanni)为輻鰭魚綱巨口魚目褶胸鱼科的其中一種。分布於西南大西洋的巴西及阿根廷海域,棲息深度可達200公尺,體長可達5.2公分,為深海魚類,會進行垂直性洄游。
斯特穆氏暗光鱼(学名:Maurolicus stehmanni)为輻鰭魚綱巨口魚目褶胸鱼科的其中一種。分布於西南大西洋的巴西及阿根廷海域,棲息深度可達200公尺,體長可達5.2公分,為深海魚類,會進行垂直性洄游。