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The following description of characters, from Mukhacheva (1980), includes an average value followed by range in parentheses: dorsal-fin rays 14 (14, 15); anal-fin rays 16 (15, 16); pectoral-fin rays 8 (8); pelvic-fin rays 7 (7, 7). branchiostegal rays 12 (12, 12), gill rakers on first arch 34 (31, 32).
Body relatively shallow. Greatest body depth 4.4 to 6.4 times into SL. Head length 4.4 (4.4;4.0) times in SL. Interorbital distance wide, 9.5 (10.0; 9.6) times into head length. Supraorbital crests similar in position to those of I. elongatus. Ventral adipose fin absent.
Photophores. ORB 2 (2); OP 3 (3); SO 1(1); BR 12 (11–12); OA 33–34 (33, 34); IV 28 (28, 28), 8th displaced upward and laterally, others in straight row; VAV 16 (16, 16), AC 14 (14, 14), of which 8 (8–9) along base of rays of anal fin and 6 (5, 5–6) on caudal peduncle, last 2–3 smaller than previous ones. IC 58 (58, 58).
For a key to photophore terminology, click here.
This species is very similar to I. elongatus, from which it is distinguished by greater ventroanal distance (26.3–28.8% of SL, vs 20.9–26.0), fewer gill rakers on average on first arch (32 vs. 34) and more photophores in the series OA (33–34, VB 30–32) and IC (58, vs, 54–57), due in the latter case to their greater number of IV (28, vs. 27) and VAV photophores (16, vs. 13–15).
Temperate latitudes of the western South Pacific, off Australia and New Zealand.
The following description from Mukhacheva (1980) applies to all species of Ichthyococcus.
Eye large, telescopic, directed obliquely or dorsally. Interorbital distance less than snout length and eye diameter, thin supraorbital crest above each orbit. Snout short, blunt. Mouth small, straight or slightly oblique; anterior part of lower jaw contained in upper jaw with mouth closed. Teeth on both jaws very small, closely set, of uniform size, in a single row. Vomer lacking teeth, or with few, barely perceptible teeth; palatine, pterygoid and tongue lacking teeth. Gill rakers short, smooth, 19–37 on first arch. Pseudobranchia absent. Body covered with large deciduous scales. Origin of dorsal fin equidistant from end of snout and base of caudal fin or nearer former. Origin of anal fin far beyond vertical through end of dorsal fin. Origin of dorsal adipose fin on vertical through anus. Bases of pelvic fins above middle of dorsal fin. Ventral adipose fin small or absent. Anus immediately in front of anal fin.
Dorsal-fin rays 10–16; Anal-fin rays 12–17; Pectoral-fin rays 7–8; V 6–8; lateral line scales 32–44; vertebrae 38–42 . Photophores. SO 0-1, ORB 2, in front of eyes and beneath center of orbit: OP 3, upper on same level as center of eye or slightly higher, lower anterior approximately on same level as end of maxillary, lower posterior behind it, nearer margin of operculum, BR 11-13. Body with 2 rows of photophores: IV 23-28, 1–7 in straight row, 8th displaced upward and outward, others in straight row, or partly on broken line from 8th to 14th, others in straight row; VAV 9–16; AC 11–15, in unbroken row or with hiatus above last few anal-fin rays. OA 23–34, not reaching anal fin.
Mukhacheva V. 1980. A review of the genus Ichthyococcus Bonaparte (Photichthyidae). Voprosy Ikhtiologii 20(6):771–786.
To at least 120 mm SL.
West of Tasmania, Australia, 42°07'S, 138°34'E, station 1354, 500-0 meters.
Holotype: ZIN 44081.
Ichthyococcus australis és una espècie de peix pertanyent a la família Phosichthyidae.[4]
És un peix marí, de clima subtropical, mesopelàgic[7] i pelàgic-oceànic que viu entre 0-500 m de fondària.[5]
Es troba a Austràlia[8] i el Brasil, tot i que n'hi ha registres també entre les latituds 30°S i 40°S a l'Atlàntic sud-oriental.[9][10]
És inofensiu per als humans.[5]
Ichthyococcus australis és una espècie de peix pertanyent a la família Phosichthyidae.
Ichthyococcus australis is a species of the genus Ichthyococcus. It is also known as Southern lightfish.[1][2]
Ichthyococcus australis is a species of the genus Ichthyococcus. It is also known as Southern lightfish.
Ichthyococcus australis es un pez que pertenece a la familia Phosichthyidae.[1] Esta especie fue reconocida por primera vez en 1980 por Valentina A. Mukhacheva.[2]
Ichthyococcus australis es un pez que pertenece a la familia Phosichthyidae. Esta especie fue reconocida por primera vez en 1980 por Valentina A. Mukhacheva.
Ichthyococcus australis Ichthyococcus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Phosichthyidae familian sailkatzen da.
Ichthyococcus australis Ichthyococcus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Phosichthyidae familian sailkatzen da.
Ichthyococcus australis is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van lichtvissen (Phosichthyidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1980 door Mukhacheva.
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