
Brief Summary ( Inglês )

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The genus Oncorhynchus (family Salmonidae) contains the many subspecies of Pacific salmon (seven species) and Pacific trout (four species). Oncorhynchus is placed in the family Salmonidae, along with two other genera: Salmo (mostly trouts of European origin) and Salvelinus (char). Relationships among salmonid species have long been controversial, and the many studies of molecular and fossil data have shown inconsistencies. The name Oncorhynchus is derived from the Greek onkos ("hook") and rynchos ("nose"), in reference to the hooked jaws (the "kype") that males develop in the mating season. Most Oncorhynchus species are anadromous (migrate between salt and fresh water), some strains migrate enormous distances (traveling up to 2500 miles from home) between Pacific waters and the Bering sea and crossing international boundaries which complicate management issues for these desirable fish. After feeding at sea the fish leave the ocean, often to overcome huge obstacles on their way to return to the same part of their natal stream. They do not feed when they return to streams and all anadromous strains except the Steelhead are semelparous (die after spawning). The complicated life histories and limited ranges of Oncorhynchus strains make them particularly vulnerable to extinction due to human activities. Wilson and Turner (2009) write, “All species and subspecies in this group are threatened, endangered, sensitive, or species of conservation concern in portions of their native ranges”. Habitat destruction, hydroelectric dams, and overfishing have contributed to the serious decline and extinction of Oncorhynchus species. For many native strains, competition from hatchery fish, including the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) recently introduced into Pacific waters, is also a factor of great concern for survival. (Angler innovations; NOAA ESA status listings; Pacific Salmon Commission; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Wikipedia 2012; Wilson and Turner 2009)

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Oncorhynchus ( Africâner )

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Oncorhynchus is ‘n genus wat hoort tot die familie Salmonidae. Dit sluit die Reënboogforel in asook ses spesies van die Pasifiese salm. Al die salms leef in die dreineer areas wat uitmond in die Stille Oseaan in Noord-Amerika.


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Oncorhynchus: Brief Summary ( Africâner )

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Oncorhynchus is ‘n genus wat hoort tot die familie Salmonidae. Dit sluit die Reënboogforel in asook ses spesies van die Pasifiese salm. Al die salms leef in die dreineer areas wat uitmond in die Stille Oseaan in Noord-Amerika.

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Oncorhynchus ( Azerbaijano )

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Sakit okean sümüklüsü (lat. Oncorhynchus) — Sümüklü balıq fəsiləsi.

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Salmó del Pacífic ( Catalão; Valenciano )

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Fòssil d'Oncorhynchus lacustris trobat a Idaho
Exemplar de Salmó roig
Exemplar de Salmó reial

Els salmons del Pacífic (Oncorhynchus) són un gènere de peixos actinopterigis de la família dels salmònids i de l'ordre dels salmoniformes.[1]


El nom científic del gènere prové de les paraules gregues onkos ("ham") i rynchos ("nas"), en referència a les mandíbules dels mascles en forma d'ham, a la temporada de aparellament.


Els salmons i les truites amb àrees de distribució en aigües que desemboquen a l'Oceà Pacific són membres d'aquest gènere. La seva àrea de distribució s'estén des de Beríngia cap al sud, gairebé fins a Taiwan a l'oest i fins a Mèxic a l'est. A l'Amèrica del Nord, algunes subespècies de truita de Clark són natives de les Muntanyes Rocalloses i la Gran Conca, mentre que altres són natives del Río Bravo i dels afluents occidentals de la conca del riu Mississipí, els quals desemboquen al Golf de Mèxic, enlloc de fer-ho al Pacífic. Arreu del món s'han introduït diversos espècies del gènere en aigües no natives, les quals han arribar a establir poblacions sostenibles..

Les sis espècies de salmó del pacífic són anàdromes (migratories) i semelpares (només es reprodueixen un cop a la vida i moren després de la posta). La migració es pot veure afectada pels paràsits. Els individus infectats poden tornar-se febles i probablement tenir un esperances de vida més curta. La infecció amb paràsits crea un efecte conegut amb el nom del sacrifici, pel qual els peixos infectats tenen menys probabilitats de completar la migració.[2] Les formes anàdromes de truita arc de Sant Martí són iteropares (poden reproduir-se múltiples vegades). La truita de Clark considera semi-anàdroma ja que passa curts períodes de temps en ambients marins.


Diversos fòssils en forma de truita de finals del Miocè (fa uns 7 milions d'anys), que semblen pertànyer al gènere Oncorhynchus, es van trobar Idaho, al fons del llac Clarkia.[3] La presència d'aquestes espècies tan terra endins indicava que Oncorhynchus no només estava present a les conques del Pacífic abans de l'inici del Pliocè (fa entre 5 i 6 milions d'anys), sinó també que les llinatges de la truita arc de Sant Martí, la truita de Clark i el salmó del Pacífic van divergir abans de l'inici de la Pliocè. En conseqüència, la divisió entre Oncorhynchus i Salmo (salmó de l'Atlàntic) va haver de tenir lloc molt abans del Pliocè. Les dades suggerides pels ions ens situen a principis del Miocè (al voltant de fa 20 milions d'anys).[4][5] Una espècie fòssil classificada dins d'aquest gènere, O. rastrosus, es una espècie de fins a 2,7 metres de finals del Miocè i del Plistocè.[6]

Les espècies de salmó del Pacífic s'han examinat durant dècades, i malgrat tot, encara no s'ha desenvolupat completament un "arbre" de família dels salmònids del Pacífic. Les investigacions de l'ADN mitocondrial s'han completat en diverses espècies de salmònids i truites del Pacífic, però els resultats no concorden necessàriament amb les investigacions moleculars i dels fòssils. Generalment hi ha consens en què els llinatges del salmó keta, el salmó rosat del Pacífic i el salmó vermell han divergit de la seqüència després que altres espècies.[4] Montgomery (2000) analitza el patró dels registres fòssils en comparació amb els moviments tectònics de les plaques del Nord-Oest del Pacífic. La divergència (potencial) en els llinatges del gènere Onchorhyncus sembla que va seguir a l'aixecament de la costa del Pacífic. Els canvis climàtics i d'hàbitat que tindrien lloc a continuació d'aquest esdeveniment geològic estan en discussió, en el context de possibles factors d'estres que conduïssin a l'adaptació i l'especialització.[5]

Un cas interessant d'especiació de salmó és el del salmó vermell. El salmó vermell, sense sortida al mar, evoluciona diferentment que salmó vermell anàdrom, arribant al nivell d'"espècie biològica". Les espècies biològiques, en contraposició a les espècies morfològiques, es defineixen per la capacitat de mantenir-se en simpatria com a entitats genètiques independents. Aquesta definició pot ser inconvenient, ja que aparentment només s'aplica a la simpatria, i aquesta limitació fa que la definició sigui de difícil aplicació. Hi ha exemples a l'estat de Washington, al Canadà i a altres llocs de dues poblacions que viuen al mateix llac, però la fresen en diferents substrats, en diferents moments i mengen diferents aliments.[7] No hi ha pressió per competir o creuar-se (dues respostes quan els recursos són escassos). Aquests tipus de salmó vermell mostren els principals atributs d'una espècie biològica: es reprodueixen per separat i mostren una forta compartimentació de recursos.


Algunes de les espècies d'aquest gènere són altament variables. El 1989, els estudis morfològics i genètics de Gerald Smith i Ralph Stearley van indicar que les truites de la conca del Pacífic eren genèticament més a prop dels salmons del Pacífic (gènere Oncorhynchus) que de les espècies del gènere Salmo: com la truita comuna o el salmó europeu, de la conca de l'Atlàntic.[8] Per tant, el 1989, les autoritats taxonòmiques van moure la truita arc de Sant Martí, la truita de Clark i altres truites conca del Pacífic al gènere Oncorhynchus.[9] Actualment, hi ha 12 espècies i nombroses subespècies reconegudes en aquest gènere.[10]

Thus, in 1989, taxonomic authorities moved the Rainbow, Cutthroat and other Pacific basin trouts into the genus Oncorhynchus. Currently, 12 species and numerous subspecies in this genus are recognized: Behnke (2002).


  1. The Taxonomicon (anglès)
  2. Bartel, Jacob; Oberhauser; De Roode; Atizer, Sonya «Monarch butterfly migration and parasite transmission in eastern North America» (en anglès). Ecology, 92, 2, Febrer 2011, pàg. 342–351. DOI: 10.1890/10-0489.1. PMID: 21618914.
  3. Smiley, Charles J. «Late Cenozoic History of the Pacific Northwest» (en anglès). Association for the Advancement of Science: Pacific Division. [Consulta: 11 març 2014].
  4. 4,0 4,1 McPhail, J.D.; Strouder, D.J.. «Pacific Salmon and Their Ecosystems: Status and Future Options». A: The Origin and Speciation of Oncorhynchus (en anglès). Nova York: Chapman & Hall, 1997.
  5. 5,0 5,1 Montgomery, David R. «Coevolution of the Pacific Salmon and Pacific Rim Topography» (en anglès). Department of Geological Sciences, University of Washington, 2000 [Consulta: 11 juliol 2011].
  6. McPhail, J.D.; Strouder, D.J.. «Pacific Salmon and Their Ecosystems: Status and Future Options». A: The Origin and Speciation of Oncorhynchus (en anglès). Nova York: Chapman & Hall, 1997.
  7. «Kokanee Heritage Project» (en anglès).
  8. ; Stearley, Ralph F. «The Classification and Scientific Names of Rainbow and Cutthroat Trouts» (en anglès). Fisheries. American Fisheries Society, 14, 1, 1989, pàg. 4–10. DOI: 10.1577/1548-8446(1989)014<0004:tcasno>2.0.co;2.
  9. Behnke, Robert J. «Genus Oncorhynchus». A: Trout and Salmon of North America (en anglès). The Free Press, 2002, p. 10–21. ISBN 0-7432-2220-2.
  10. "Oncorhynchus". FishBase. Ed. Ranier Froese i Daniel Pauly. February del 2012. N.p.: FishBase, 2012.
  11. Jordan, D. S., 1892. Description of the golden trout of Kern River. Salmon (sic) mykiss agua bonita. Biennial Report of the State Board of Fish Commissioners of the State of California (1891-1892): 62-65, 1 Pl.
  12. Needham, P. R. & Gard, R., 1964. A new trout from Central Mexico: Salmo chrysogaster, the Mexican golden trout. Copeia 1964 (núm. 1): 169-173.
  13. Richardson, J., 1836. The Fish. A Fauna Boreali-Americana; or the zoology of the northern parts of British America: containing descriptions of the objects of natural history collected on the late northern land expeditions, under the command of Sir John Franklin, R.N. Fauna Boreali-Americana; or the zoology of the northern parts of British America: ... Part 3: i-xv + 1-327, Pls. 74-97.
  14. Hepworth, D. K., M. J. Ottenbacher i C. D. Chamberlain, 2001: Occurrence of native Colorado River cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkei pleuriticus) in the Escalante River drainage, Utah. Western North American Naturalist v. 61, núm.2: 129-138.
  15. Miller, R. R., 1950. Notes on the cutthroat and rainbow trouts with the description of a new species from the Gila River, New Mexico. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology University of Michigan Núm. 529: 1-42, Pl. 1.
  16. Riddle, B. R., D. L. Propst i T. L. Yates, 1998: Mitochondrial DNA variation in Gila trout, Oncorhynchus gilae: implications for management of an endangered species. Copeia 1998 (núm. 1): 31-39.
  17. Walbaum, J. J., 1792. Petri Artedi sueci genera piscium. In quibus systema totum ichthyologiae proponitur cum classibus, ordinibus, generum characteribus, specierum differentiis, observationibus plurimis. Redactis speciebus 242 ad genera 52. Ichthyologiae pars III. Ant. Ferdin. Rose, Grypeswaldiae [Greifswald]. Artedi Piscium Pt. 3: (i-viii) + 1-723, Pls. 1-3.
  18. Pravdin, I. F., 1932: The humpback-salmon from the Amur River. Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Walb. natio amurensis nova. Bulletin Institute Fresh Water Fish Leningrad v. 14: 53-98, Pls. 1-3. (En rus, amb resum en anglès).
  19. Kimura, S., 1990: On the type specimens of Salmo macrostoma, Oncorhynchus ishikawae and Oncorhynchus rhodurus. Bulletin of the Institute of Zoology Academia Sinica (Taipei) v. 29 (núm. 3) (Suppl.): 1-16.
  20. Kimura, S. & Nakamura, M., 1961. A new salmonid fish, Oncorhynchus iwame sp. nov., obtained from Kyushu, Japan. Bulletin of the Biogeographical Society of Japan v. 22 (núm. 5): 69-74.
  21. 21,0 21,1 21,2 21,3 Walbaum, J. J., 1792. Petri Artedi sueci genera piscium. In quibus systema totum ichthyologiae proponitur cum classibus, ordinibus, generum characteribus, specierum differentiis, observationibus plurimis. Redactis speciebus 242 ad genera 52. Ichthyologiae pars III. Ant. Ferdin. Rose, Grypeswaldiae (Greifswald). Petri Artedi sueci genera piscium. In quibus systema totum ichthyologiae proponitur cum classibus, ordinibus, generum characteribus, specierum differentiis, observationibus plurimis. Redactis speciebus 242 ad genera 52. Pt. 3: (i-viii) + 1-723, Pls. 1-3.
  22. Goryainov, A. A. i A. V. Lysenko, 2004: Capture of keta Oncorhynchus keta in Peter the Great Bay (Sea of Japan). Voprosy Ikhtiologii v. 44 (núm. 2): 276-277.
  23. Brevoort, J. C., 1856. Notes on some figures of Japanese fish taken from recent specimens by the artists of the U. S. Japan Expedition. Pp. 253-288, Pls. 3-12 (color). A M. C. Perry, Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, performed in the years 1852, 1853, and 1854 under the command of Commodore M. C. Perry, United States Navy, by order of the Government of the United States. Vol. 2. U.S. Senate Ex. Doc. No. 79, 33rd Congress, 2nd Session. Beverley Tucker, Washington, D.C.: (i-viii) + 1-414 + 1-14 + I-XI + (1), 17 folded charts, Pls.
  24. Walbaum, J. J., 1792. Petri Artedi sueci genera piscium. In quibus systema totum ichthyologiae proponitur cum classibus, ordinibus, generum characteribus, specierum differentiis, observationibus plurimis. Redactis speciebus 242 ad genera 52. Ichthyologiae pars III. Ant. Ferdin. Rose, Grypeswaldiae (Greifswald). Artedi Piscium Pt. 3: (i-viii) + 1-723, Pls. 1-3.
  25. Babaluk, J. A., J. D. Reist i G. Low, 2000: First record of Kokanee salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, in Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories. Canadian Field-Naturalist v. 114 (núm. 4): 680-684.
  26. De La Cruz-Agüero, J., 1999: A first Mexican record of the chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. California Fish and Game v. 85 (núm. 2): 77-78.
  28. FishBase (anglès)
  29. Catalogue of Life (anglès)
  30. Discover Life (anglès)
  31. Dictionary of Common (Vernacular) Names (anglès)
  32. IUCN (anglès)
  33. BioLib (anglès)
  34. Practical Fishkeeping (anglès)


  • Eschmeyer, William N.: Genera of Recent Fishes. California Academy of Sciences. San Francisco, Califòrnia, Estats Units. iii + 697. ISBN 0-940228-23-8 (1990).
  • Eschmeyer, William N., ed. 1998. Catalog of Fishes. Special Publication of the Center for Biodiversity Research and Information, núm. 1, vol. 1-3. California Academy of Sciences. San Francisco, Califòrnia, Estats Units. 2905. ISBN 0-940228-47-5.
  • Esteve, M. i D. A. McLennan, 2007: The phyloeny of Oncorhynchus (Euteleostei: Salmonidae) based on behavioral and life history characters. Copeia 2007 (núm. 3): 520-533.
  • Helfman, G., B. Collette i D. Facey: The diversity of fishes. Blackwell Science, Malden, Massachusetts (Estats Units), 1997.
  • Jordan, D. S., 1892: Description of a new species of salmon. Oncorhynchus kamloops, from the lakes of British Columbia. Forest and Stream v. 39 (núm. 19): 405-406.
  • Moyle, P. i J. Cech.: Fishes: An Introduction to Ichthyology, 4a edició, Upper Saddle River, Nova Jersey, Estats Units: Prentice-Hall. Any 2000. ISBN 0-13-011282-8.
  • Nelson, J.: Fishes of the World, 3a edició. Nova York, Estats Units: John Wiley and Sons. Any 1994.
  • Oshima, M., 1959: Occurrence of the natural hybrid between Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus in the upper stream of Tenriu R. Dobutsugaku Zasshi = Zoological Magazine Tokyo v. 68: 259-262. (En japonès amb resum en anglès).
  • Ruiz-Campos, G., E. P. Pister i G. A. Compean-Jiménez, 1997: Age and growth of Nelson's trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss nelsoni, from Arroyo San Rafael, Sierra San Pedro Mártir, Baja California, Mexico. Southwestern Naturalist v. 42 (núm. 1): 74-85.
  • Stearley, R. F. i G. R. Smith, 1993: Phylogeny of the Pacific trouts and salmons (Oncorhynchus) and genera of the family Salmonidae. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society v. 122 (núm. 1): 1-33.
  • Trotter, P. C. i R. J. Behnke, 2008: The case for humboldtensis: a subspecies name for the indigenous cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii) of the Humboldt River, upper Quinn River, and Coyote Basin drainages, Nevada and Oregon. Western North American Naturalist v. 68 (núm. 1): 58-65.
  • Wheeler, A.: The World Encyclopedia of Fishes, 2a edició, Londres: Macdonald. Any 1985. ISBN 0-356-10715-9.

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Salmó del Pacífic: Brief Summary ( Catalão; Valenciano )

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Stillehavslaks ( Dinamarquês )

fornecido por wikipedia DA
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Stillehavslaks (Oncorhynchus) er en slægt i laksefamilien, som hovedsaglig lever i Stillehavet. Stillehavslaks kendes også under navnene Alaskalaks og Pacifiklaks.

Stillehavslaks er såkaldt anadrome fisk, der vandrer fra havet til ferskvand for at gyde. Stillehavslaksens æg udklækkes således i Alaska og Canadas vandløb og floder. Varigheden af lakseynglens opvækstsperiode i ferskvand er meget individuel, men afhænger delvist af arten. Enkelte unglaks påbegynder deres færd mod havet umiddelbart efter udklækning, mens andre unglaks forbliver i ferskvandet i flere år. Alle arter tilbringer imidlertid en længere periode i de næringsrige floddeltaer, hvor de tilvænner sig det kolde saltvand.

Herefter begiver Stillehavslaksen sig ud i Alaskagolfen og Beringshavet, hvor den opholder sig i flere år. Nøjagtig hvor lang tid laksen forbliver i havet varierer fra art til art, men det er ikke unormalt, at stillehavslaksen også kan findes i kysterne ud for det sydlige Sibirien.

Den fuldvoksne stillehavslaks vandrer til sidst op i vandløbene og floderne for at gyde på den samme gydeplads, hvor den selv engang er blevet undfanget. Her vil langt de fleste laks også ende deres dage, fordi rejsen tilbage til havet er for krævende.


  • Kongelaks (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) er også kendt i USA som Chinook laks. Kongelaks findes fra den centrale Californiske kyst i syd til Mackenzie-floden og Kugluktuk i arktiske Canada i nord. Kongelaksen er den største af stillehavslaksene. Det hidtil største eksemplar havde en vægt på 57 Kg, men normalt vejer kongelaksen dog "kun" 3-16 Kg og opnår en længde på 75-100cm. Kongelaksen er imidlertid også den mest sjældne stillehavslaks, og udgør således kun 0,4% af den samlede mængde indfangede stillehavslaks. Den begrænsede mængde og kongelaksens rige indhold af Omega 3 fedtsyre, vitamin A, B12 og D, gør netop denne art til en eftertragtet spise, der er forbeholdt feinschmeckere og gourmetrestauranter. Kongelaksen bliver sædvanligs 5-7 år gammel, hvoraf den tilbringer 4-6 år i havet. I ferskvand kendes Kongelaksen ved kun at forekomme i Yukon River, Kuskokwin River og Cooper River. Kongelaksens har en sølvblå ryg, idet både ryg og hale er mørkspættede. I takt med at Kongelaksen bliver kønsmoden ændre farven sig fra sølvblå til lyserød eller sågar rød. Kødet er rødt og har en fast saftig konsistens med en fedtprocent på 12%. Proteinindholdet er på 20g. pr. 100g.
  • Hundelaks (Oncorhynchus keta) er kendt som Keta eller Chumlaks. Denne art har den største geografiske udbredelse af stillehavslaksene. Den findes fra Sacramento floden i Californien i det østlige Stillehav og øen Kyushu i Det Japanske Hav i det vestlige Stillehav; nord til Mackenzie floden i Canada i øst og til Lena-floden i Sibirien i vest. Chumlaksen vejer normalt 2-4,4 kg og opnår en længde på 60-70 cm. Chumlaksen bliver sjældent mere end 3-4 år gammel, hvoraf den tilbringer ca. 2-3 år i havet. Chumlaksen er mest udbredt i den sydøstlige del af det Arkitiske Ocean, hvor den fanges i perioden fra maj til oktober. Chumlaksen udgør ca. 4,4% af den samlede mængde indfangede stillehavslaks. Chumlaksen har en sølvblå ryg, idet de mindre skæl med alderen bliver stadig mere mørke. Kødet er rosa og har en fast og mager konsistens med en fedtprocent på 4%. Proteinindholdet er på 21g. pr. 100g.
  • Sølvlaks (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Denne art, der på engelsk kaldes Coho, findes overalt i de kystnære farvande i Alaska og British Columbia og så langt sydpå som centrale Californien (Monterey Bay). Cohoen har, ud fra formen at dømme, nogle store ligheder med sockeyen. Således vejer Cohoen normalt 2-4,5 kg og opnår en længde på 60 cm. Cohoen bliver sjældent mere end 4 år gammel, hvoraf den tilbringer mindre end 2 år i havet. Cohoen er mest udbredt i kysterne i det sydøstlige Alaska og Bristol Bay, hvor den fanges i perioden fra juli til oktober. Cohoen udgør kun ca. 2,8% af den samlede mængde indfangede stillehavslaks. Cohoens flanker er sølvfarvede, mens ryg og hale kun er lettere mørkspættede, derfor kaldes cohoen også for "sølvlaksen". Kødet har en orangerød farve, hvilket gør den eftertragtet til rygning. Ved tilberedning bibeholder cohoens kød den orangerøde farve. Kødets konsistens er fast og har en fedtprocent på 5%. Proteinindholdet er på 22g. pr. 100g.
  • Pukkellaks (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) findes i den nordlige Stillehav fra Korea og det nordlige Californien til Mackenzie River i Canada og Lena-floden i Sibirien, som regel i kortere kystnære vandløb. Det er den mindste af Stillehavslaksene. Pukkellaksen, også kaldet pinklaks, vejer normalt 1-2 kg og opnår en længde på 60 cm. Den bliver sjældent mere end 2 år gammel, hvoraf den tilbringer ca. 18 måneder i havet. Den er mest udbredt fra kysterne i det sydøstlige Alaska til det Arktiske Ocean, hvor den fanges i perioden fra juni til slutningen af august. Pukkellaksen er den mest udbredte stillehavslaks, og udgør således ca. 68,4% af den samlede mængde indfangede stillehavslaks. Pukkellaksen har en sølvblå ryg, idet de mindre skæl med alderen bliver stadig mere mørke. Kødet er rosa og har en fedtprocent på 5%. Proteinindholdet er på 19g. pr. 100g.
  • Rødlaks (Oncorhynchus nerka), også kendt som Sockeye i USA. Denne laks vokser op i søer inden den vandrer ud i havet. Den findes i det østlige Stillehav fra Klamath River i Californien i syd til Bathurst Inlet i Arktis Canada i nord og det nordlige Hokkaido i Japan til Anadyr i Sibirien i det vestlige Stillehav. Dette er den kommercielt mest værdifulde art af stillehavslaks. Sockeyen er, i sammenligning med sine artsfæller, den mest slanke og langstrukne stillehavslaks. Det hidtil største eksemplar havde en vægt på 7 Kg og en længde på 90cm. Normalt vejer sockeyen dog kun 2-4 Kg og opnår en længde på 60cm. Sockeyen bliver sjældent mere end 4 år gammel, hvoraf den tilbringer 2-3 år i havet. Sockeyen er mest udbredt i Alaska og Bristol Bay, hvor den fanges i perioden fra maj til september. Sockeyen udgør ca. 24% af den samlede mængde indfangede stillehavslaks. Sockeyen er ligesom kongelaksen rig på omega 3 fedsyre, vitamin A, B12 og D, hvilket gør den til et godt alternativ til den sjældne kongelaks. Især det japanske køkken er glad for sockeyen, ikke mindst pga. af kødets faste konsistens. Sockeyens flanker er sølvfarvede, mens ryg og hale er blå-sort. Kødet har en meget dybrød farve, hvilket har givet den tilnavnet "den røde laks". Kødets konsistens er meget fast og har en fedtprocent på 9%. Proteinindholdet er på 20g. pr. 100g.

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Stillehavslaks: Brief Summary ( Dinamarquês )

fornecido por wikipedia DA

Stillehavslaks (Oncorhynchus) er en slægt i laksefamilien, som hovedsaglig lever i Stillehavet. Stillehavslaks kendes også under navnene Alaskalaks og Pacifiklaks.

Stillehavslaks er såkaldt anadrome fisk, der vandrer fra havet til ferskvand for at gyde. Stillehavslaksens æg udklækkes således i Alaska og Canadas vandløb og floder. Varigheden af lakseynglens opvækstsperiode i ferskvand er meget individuel, men afhænger delvist af arten. Enkelte unglaks påbegynder deres færd mod havet umiddelbart efter udklækning, mens andre unglaks forbliver i ferskvandet i flere år. Alle arter tilbringer imidlertid en længere periode i de næringsrige floddeltaer, hvor de tilvænner sig det kolde saltvand.

Herefter begiver Stillehavslaksen sig ud i Alaskagolfen og Beringshavet, hvor den opholder sig i flere år. Nøjagtig hvor lang tid laksen forbliver i havet varierer fra art til art, men det er ikke unormalt, at stillehavslaksen også kan findes i kysterne ud for det sydlige Sibirien.

Den fuldvoksne stillehavslaks vandrer til sidst op i vandløbene og floderne for at gyde på den samme gydeplads, hvor den selv engang er blevet undfanget. Her vil langt de fleste laks også ende deres dage, fordi rejsen tilbage til havet er for krævende.

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Pazifische Lachse ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Die Pazifischen Lachse (Oncorhynchus) sind eine im Pazifikraum (Ostasien und westliches Nordamerika) verbreitete Gattung der Familie der Lachsfische (Salmonidae). Der Name der Gattung leitet sich vom Griechischen onkos (Haken) und rhynchos (Nase) ab.

Die Arten der Gattung sind entweder reine Süßwasserfische oder Wanderfische, die nach ihrer Geburt in Flüssen und Bächen in das Meer ziehen und dort ein oder mehrere Jahre verbringen. Zum Laichen ziehen die wandernden Arten wieder in ihre Geburtsgewässer, sterben aber im Gegensatz zu den Mitgliedern der Gattung Salmo nach dem Ablaichen.

Pazifische Lachse sind als Speisefische sehr bedeutend für die Fischerei und werden in Konserven oder geräuchert exportiert. Einige Arten sind in anderen Teilen der Welt eingebürgert worden, die Regenbogenforelle, der Buckellachs, der Ketalachs und der Silberlachs auch in Europa.




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Pazifische Lachse: Brief Summary ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Die Pazifischen Lachse (Oncorhynchus) sind eine im Pazifikraum (Ostasien und westliches Nordamerika) verbreitete Gattung der Familie der Lachsfische (Salmonidae). Der Name der Gattung leitet sich vom Griechischen onkos (Haken) und rhynchos (Nase) ab.

Die Arten der Gattung sind entweder reine Süßwasserfische oder Wanderfische, die nach ihrer Geburt in Flüssen und Bächen in das Meer ziehen und dort ein oder mehrere Jahre verbringen. Zum Laichen ziehen die wandernden Arten wieder in ihre Geburtsgewässer, sterben aber im Gegensatz zu den Mitgliedern der Gattung Salmo nach dem Ablaichen.

Pazifische Lachse sind als Speisefische sehr bedeutend für die Fischerei und werden in Konserven oder geräuchert exportiert. Einige Arten sind in anderen Teilen der Welt eingebürgert worden, die Regenbogenforelle, der Buckellachs, der Ketalachs und der Silberlachs auch in Europa.

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Кета ( Quirguiz )

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Oncorhynchus nerka.

Кета (лат. Oncorhynchus) — сомбалыктардын бир түрү, мунун сезонго жараша формалары бар: жайкы кета, күзгү кета.

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Oncorhynchus ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Oncorhynchus is a genus of fish in the family Salmonidae; it contains the Pacific salmon and Pacific trout. The name of the genus is derived from the Greek ὄγκος (ónkos, “lump, bend”) + ῥύγχος (rhúnkhos, “snout”), in reference to the hooked snout (the "kype") that the males develop during mating season.


Salmon and trout with native ranges in waters draining to the Pacific Ocean are members of the genus. Their range extends from Beringia southwards, roughly to Taiwan in the west and Mexico to the east. In North America, some subspecies of O. clarkii are native in the Rocky Mountains and Great Basin, while others are native to the Rio Grande and western tributaries of the Mississippi River Basin which drain to the Gulf of Mexico, rather than to the Pacific. Several species of Oncorhynchus have been introduced into non-native waters around the globe, establishing self-sustaining wild populations.

The six Pacific salmons of Oncorhynchus are anadromous (migratory) and semelparous (die after spawning). Migration can be affected by parasites. Infected individuals can become weak and probably have shortened lifespans. Infection with parasites creates an effect known as culling whereby fish that are infected are less likely to complete the migration.[1] Anadromous forms of Oncorhynchus mykiss known as steelhead are iteroparous. The coastal cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii clarkii) is considered semi-anadromous, as it spends some time in the ocean, usually much closer to its native stream than its fully anadromous relatives.


Several Late Miocene (about 7 million years ago (Mya)) trout-like fossils in Idaho, in the Clarkia Lake beds, appear to be of Oncorhynchus.[2] The presence of these species so far inland established Oncorhynchus was not only present in the Pacific drainages before the beginning of the Pliocene (5–6 Mya), but also that rainbow and cutthroat trout, and Pacific salmon lineages had diverged before the beginning of the Pliocene. Consequently, the split between Oncorhynchus and Salmo (Atlantic salmon) must have occurred well before the Pliocene. Suggested dates have gone back as far as the Early Miocene (about 20 Mya).[3][4] One fossil species assigned to this genus, O. rastrosus, the saber-toothed salmon (synonym Smilodonichthys), is a 9-foot (2.7 m)-long species known from Late Miocene to Pleistocene fossils.[5]

Speciation among Oncorhynchus has been examined for decades, and a family "tree" is not yet completely developed for the Pacific salmonids. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) research has been completed on a variety of Pacific trout and salmonid species, but the results do not necessarily agree with fossil research, or molecular research. Chum, pink and sockeye salmon lineages are generally agreed to have diverged in the sequence after other species.[3] Montgomery (2000) discusses the pattern of the fossil record as compared to tectonic shifts in the plates of the Pacific Northwest of America. The (potential) divergence in Onchorhyncus lineages appear to follow the uprising of the Pacific Rim. The climatic and habitat changes that would follow such a geologic event are discussed, in the context of potential stressors leading to adaptation and speciation.[4]

One interesting case involving speciation with salmon is that of the kokanee (landlocked) sockeye. Kokanee sockeye evolve differently from anadromous sockeye—they reach the level of "biological species". Biological species—as opposed to morphological species—are defined by the capacity to maintain themselves in sympatry as independent genetic entities. This definition can be vexing because it apparently applies only to sympatry, and this limitation makes the definition difficult to apply. Examples in Washington State, Canada, and elsewhere have two populations living in the same lake, but spawning in different substrates at different times, and eating different food sources.[6] There is no pressure to compete or interbreed (two responses when resources are short). These types of kokanee salmon show the principal attributes of a biological species: they are reproductively isolated and show strong resources partitioning.

Decline of Oncorhynchus populations

A general decline in overall Pacific salmon populations began in the mid-19th century. As the result of western expansion and development in the U.S., experts estimate salmon populations in the Columbia River basin had been reduced to less than 20% of their pre-1850 levels by 1933.[7] In 2008, Lackey estimated that Pacific salmon stocks in the Pacific Northwest were less than 10% of their pre-1850 numbers.[8] Many of the remaining salmon runs are dominated by hatchery-raised salmon, not wild salmon.[8] Many isolated subspecies of the Pacific trouts, particularly those of Oncorhynchus mykiss rainbow trout and Oncorhynchus clarki cutthroat trout have declined in their native ranges. Many local populations or distinct population segments of anadromous forms of steelhead have declined in their native ranges. The resulting declines have resulted in a number of populations of Oncorhynchus species or subspecies being listed as either endangered, threatened or as "Species of Special Concern" by state, federal or international authorities. Two Oncorhynchus clarki subspecies are considered extinct.[9] Declines are attributed to a wide variety of causes—overfishing, habitat loss and degradation, artificial propagation, stocking, and hybridization with or competition with introduced, non-native species. For example, the yellowfin cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki macdonaldi) is extinct as a result of the introduction of non-native rainbow trout into its native waters.[9]

Measured recent declines in salmon body size.[10]
"Salmon body size declines over the past 30 years have negative consequences for a fecundity, b nutrient transport, c commercial fishery value, and d rural food security".[10]

In August 2020 researchers reported that widespread declines in Pacific salmon size resulted in substantial losses to ecosystems and people, which they estimate, and are associated with a number of factors that include climate change and competition with growing numbers of wild and hatchery salmon.[11][10]

Influence of hatcheries

Declines in the abundance of wild salmon due to over fishing placed greater pressure on hatcheries to increase production and restore the wild salmon stock to supply fisheries.[12][13] The problem is that hatcheries can never truly replicate the environment of wild salmon, an issue which often results in physiological and behavioral differences between wild salmon and those reared in hatcheries. These differences are often the product of genetic changes associated with inbreeding, artificial selection, and natural selection, as well as different environmental pressures acting on hatchery fish than wild populations.[14] Due to the size selective nature of fishing favoring larger fish, a reduction in average size of the adult salmon has been observed over time. The smaller salmon make a greater proportion of the remaining individuals continuing the population, and problems arise when these hatchery-reared fish are introduced into the wild populations. Unlike wild salmon, larger salmon are selected for in hatcheries and are typically much larger than wild salmon.[15] The result is that hatchery-produced salmon tend to out-compete wild salmon for space, food, and other resources. Some salmon species in hatcheries exhibit predatory behavior toward wild salmon because they grow to be much larger. Regardless of whether predation is observed, natural social interactions are disturbed by the release of large numbers of hatchery-reared salmon where wild populations are low because salmon in hatcheries naturally have a higher propensity towards aggressive behavior.[16]

Overall, natural salmon populations are put at risk when hatchery-reared salmon populations are introduced due to competition for resources, predation by larger individuals, and negative social interactions that upset the natural order observed in wild salmon populations. As a result, wild salmon populations are steadily dropping as the pressure to continue breeding salmon in hatcheries increases. Conservation efforts that work to place limitations on hatcheries to increase the wild salmon populations are hindered by financial pressures because hatcheries effectively support many states economically by accounting for over 70% of the salmon harvested for recreational and commercial purposes.[17]

Influence of overfishing

Pacific salmon are harvested throughout the world as a source of food in countries ranging from the United States to South Korea.[18] Over the past century, Pacific salmon have been extensively fished through both recreational, artisan and commercial fishing. In fact, since the 1970s there has been a nearly threefold increase in catch of Pacific salmon.[15] As this catch has increased, a selection of reduced body size has been observed. In Japanese chum salmon, for example, between 1970 and 1988 there has been a continuous decrease in body weight averaging between 11 and 32 percent.[19] In part, this decline in body weight has been related to the size selective effect of fishing gear used in the harvesting of salmon populations.[12] Salmon of larger body weight are more apt to be caught during fishing efforts, causing lower body weight to be a beneficial character trait for survival. Thus, Pacific salmon have become continuously smaller in body size. However, studies have also shown that for Pacific salmon, a larger mean size at the time of reproduction increases the survival of offspring.[20] The life history of salmon favors delayed reproduction because fecundity increased with body size.[18] Consequently, the smaller body size of salmon results in a negative impact on population growth by decreasing the survivability of progeny, and thus decreasing the growth rate of populations. This reduction of productivity in Pacific salmon is, in part, seeded in overfishing and has caused a reduction in population sizes throughout Pacific salmon species. Today, it seems that population numbers of Pacific salmon are on the rise; however, the consequences from the overfishing in the 70s and 80s are still being reflected, with the average body size of salmon being smaller than before the event of overfishing.


Canadian efforts

There has been evidence that the sockeye salmon are affected by thermal conditions and their responses to temperature are relatively strong and tend to vary from region to region. Canada has also used the Species at Risk Act to recognize the importance of biological diversity when it comes to the conservation of the salmon population.[21] This means that multiple species of salmon would be looked at when it comes to conservation as well as multiple areas that each species live in. COSEWIC, a Canadian organization for the conservation of species, has named the Interior Fraser River Coho, the Cultus Lake Sockeye, and the Sakinaw Lake Sockeye to all be endangered. In British Columbia sockeye salmon in four different watersheds were certified by the Marine Stewardship Council, or MSC, as sustainable fisheries in July 2010 and the certification is good for a period of five years.[22] In 2011 MSC also certified the Pink Salmon Fishery and as of 2012 The Chum Salmon Fisheries started their review under the MSC to become certified as a sustainable fishery.[23]

American efforts

The US government has been working to develop a nationwide policy for the salmon populations. The Pacific Salmon Stronghold Conservation Act was re-submitted to congress and if passed will create geographic strongholds for salmon populations.[24] Other policies include the Wild Salmon Policy which was enacted in 2005; its number one focus is the conservation of salmon off of the coasts. Even localized policies have begun, with one in Oregon which focuses on the southernmost watershed and was approved January 2013.[25] In the Alaskan efforts, there is evidence of eight known regional groups of survival. It is also seen that the emigration of smolts (young salmon) from freshwater to other areas such as marine areas have shown significant consequences on the survival of different salmon groups. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game first received MSC, Marine Stewardship Council, Certification in sustainable seafood back in 2000.[23] Each certification is good for a period of five years, with yearly check ups to ensure that the fishery remains sustainable. It was renewed again in 2007, but in 2012 The ADFG left the program. The Annette Island Reserve salmon fishery is under the control of the Metlakatla Indian community and as such was not included in the previous assessments of the Alaskan fisheries. It received its sustainability certification in June 2011.[23] The Wild Salmon Center is a nonprofit organization that works on promoting conservation efforts for salmon worldwide and in the United States; it has helped secure protected watershed areas for Russian and west coast salmon.[24] Other efforts of the Wild Salmon Center include combating illegal fishing, maintaining sustainable fisheries, and creating local watersheds as new habitats.[26]

Russian efforts

Poaching is a threat to Oncorhynchus salmon and steelhead populations in Russia. It is estimated that illegal catching of salmon is 1.5 times more than the reported catch. The Wild Salmon Center is working with Russian authorities to try to help improve traceability systems so that markets can distinguish between legal sustainable salmon and the illegal salmon.[27] The Wild Salmon Center has secured some of its protected locations for the salmon populations. In efforts with the WWF, the Wild Salmon Center was also able to have a Sockeye Salmon fishery certified as completely sustainable in 2012.[28] The Iturup Island Pink and Chum Salmon Fishery was first certified in 2009 and was the first Russian salmon fishery to receive certification in sustainability by MSC.[23] Other fisheries that were certified by MSC include the Northeast Sakhalin Island Pink Salmon, certified in June 2012, and the Ozernaya River Sockeye Salmon, certified in September 2012. The Aniva Bay Pink Salmon and the Sakhalin Island Pink salmon are both under review by the MSC.[23]

Introductions and aquaculture

Several species of Oncorhynchus have been successfully introduced into non-native waters, establishing self-sustaining wild populations. The Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss is the most widely introduced species of the genus. Rainbow Trout, Chinook Salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha and Coho Salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch have established wild, self-sustaining populations in the Great Lakes[29] and Chinook in New Zealand (known there as quinnat, king or spring salmon).[30] Aquaculture of Chinook and Coho salmon and Rainbow Trout are major industries in Chile[31] and Australia. Chinook from Chile were released into Argentinean rivers and there were stockings of Coho and Sockeye Salmon and Rainbow Trout in Patagonia.[32]


Some of the species in this genus are highly variable and a number of now-obsolete taxa have been described. In 1989, morphological and genetic studies by Gerald Smith and Ralph Stearley indicated that trouts of the Pacific basin were genetically closer to Pacific salmon (Onchorhynchus species) than to the Salmosbrown trout (Salmo trutta) or Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) of the Atlantic basin.[33] Thus, in 1989, taxonomic authorities moved the Rainbow, Cutthroat and other Pacific basin trouts into the genus Oncorhynchus.[9] Currently, 12 species and numerous subspecies in this genus are recognized:[34] Behnke (2002).[9]


  1. ^ Bartel, Rebecca; Oberhauser, Karen; De Roode, Jacob; Atizer, Sonya (February 2011). "Monarch butterfly migration and parasite transmission in eastern North America". Ecology. 92 (2): 342–351. doi:10.1890/10-0489.1. PMC 7163749. PMID 21618914.
  2. ^ Smiley, Charles J. "Late Cenozoic History of the Pacific Northwest" (PDF). Association for the Advancement of Science: Pacific Division. Retrieved 11 March 2014.
  3. ^ a b McPhail, J.D.; Strouder, D.J. (1997). "Pacific Salmon and Their Ecosystems: Status and Future Options". The Origin and Speciation of Oncorhynchus. New York, New York: Chapman & Hall.
  4. ^ a b Montgomery, David R. (2000). "Coevolution of the Pacific Salmon and Pacific Rim Topography" (PDF). Department of Geological Sciences, University of Washington. Retrieved 2011-07-11.
  5. ^ Sepkoski (2002)
  6. ^ "Kokanee Heritage Project".
  7. ^ Robert T. Lackey (2003). "Pacific Northwest Salmon: Forecasting Their Status in 2100" (PDF). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Retrieved 2013-12-09.
  8. ^ a b Robert T. Lackey (2008). "Salmon Decline in Western North America: Historical Context" (PDF). Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Oregon State University. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-09-04. Retrieved 2013-12-09.
  9. ^ a b c d Behnke, Robert J. (2002). "Genus Oncorhynchus". Trout and Salmon of North America. Tomelleri, Joseph R. (illust.). The Free Press. pp. 10–21. ISBN 0-7432-2220-2.
  10. ^ a b c Oke, K. B.; Cunningham, C. J.; Westley, P. a. H.; Baskett, M. L.; Carlson, S. M.; Clark, J.; Hendry, A. P.; Karatayev, V. A.; Kendall, N. W.; Kibele, J.; Kindsvater, H. K.; Kobayashi, K. M.; Lewis, B.; Munch, S.; Reynolds, J. D.; Vick, G. K.; Palkovacs, E. P. (19 August 2020). "Recent declines in salmon body size impact ecosystems and fisheries". Nature Communications. 11 (1): 4155. Bibcode:2020NatCo..11.4155O. doi:10.1038/s41467-020-17726-z. ISSN 2041-1723. PMC 7438488. PMID 32814776. CC BY icon.svg Text and images are available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
  11. ^ "Alaska's salmon are getting smaller, affecting people and ecosystems". phys.org. Retrieved 6 September 2020.
  12. ^ a b Ricker, W. E. (1981). "Changes in the average size and average age of Pacific salmon". Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 38 (12): 1636–1656. doi:10.1139/f81-213.
  13. ^ Ricker, W. E. 1995. Trends in the average size of Pacific salmon in Canadian catches. In Climate change and northern fish populations, pp. 563-602. Ed. by R. J. Beamish. Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 121. Rand, P.S. 2011. Oncorhynchus nerka. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.
  14. ^ Rand, P.S. 2011. Oncorhynchus nerka. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.
  15. ^ a b Beamish, R (1997). "Hatchery and wild production of Pacific salmon in relation to large-scale, natural shifts in the productivity of the marine environment". ICES Journal of Marine Science. 54 (6): 1200–1215. doi:10.1016/S1054-3139(97)80027-6. ISSN 1054-3139.
  16. ^ "Risks to Wild Populations from Hatchery Fish - Salmon Hatchery Q & As." Northwest Fisheries Science Center. N.p., n.d. Web.
  17. ^ "Salmon Hatcheries Overview | Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife." Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife. N.p., n.d. Web.
  18. ^ a b Groot, Cornelis, and Leo Margolis. (1991) Pacific salmon life histories. UBC press.
  19. ^ IIshida, Y.; Ito, S.; Kaeriyama, M.; McKinnell, M.; Nagasawa, K. (1993). "Recent changes in age and size of chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) in the North Pacific Ocean and possible causes". Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 50 (2): 290–295. doi:10.1139/f93-033.
  20. ^ Bigler, B. S.; Welch, D. W.; Helle, J. H. (1996). "A review of size trends among North Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.)". Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 53 (2): 455–465. doi:10.1139/cjfas-53-2-455.
  21. ^ Regan, Geoff. (2005) Canada’s Policy for Conservation of Wild Pacific Salmon. Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
  22. ^ MSC Certification Requirements. Marine Stewardship Council. N.p., n.d. Web.
  23. ^ a b c d e Certification Status of Pacific Salmon Fisheries. State of the Salmon. N.p., n.d. Web.
  24. ^ a b The Salmon Stronghold Initiative. Wild Salmon Center. N.p., n.d. Web.
  25. ^ Beyerlin et al. (2013) Conservation Plan for Fall Chinook Salmon in the Rogue Species Management Unit. Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission.
  26. ^ Initiatives. Wild Salmon Center. N.p., n.d. Web.
  27. ^ Sustainable Fisheries. Wild Salmon Center. N.p., n.d. Web.
  28. ^ Brandon, H. (2012) Conserving Kamchatka Salmon Through Marine Stewardship Council Certification. World Wildlife Fund.
  29. ^ Spring, Barbara. The Dynamic Great Lakes,(p. 48) ISBN 1-58851-731-4, Independence Books, 2001
  30. ^ McDowall, R. M. (1994). The origins of New Zealand's chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. Marine Fisheries Review, 1/1/1994.
  31. ^ Ragnar Tveteras; Ragnar Nystoyl. "Fish Production Estimates & Trends 2011-2012" (PDF). Global Aquaculture Alliance. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2014-02-22. Retrieved 2014-02-17.
  32. ^ Schneider, Heiko (Aug 7, 2011). "Patagonian salmonids Brown trout Destinations Rainbow trout Salmon South America This is the history and present state of salmonid introduction in Patagonia". Retrieved April 23, 2016.
  33. ^ Gerald R. Smith; Ralph F. Stearley (1989). "The Classification and Scientific Names of Rainbow and Cutthroat Trouts" (PDF). Fisheries. American Fisheries Society. 14 (1): 4–10. doi:10.1577/1548-8446(1989)014<0004:tcasno>2.0.co;2. hdl:2027.42/140998.
  34. ^ Froese, Rainer and Pauly, Daniel, eds. (2012). Species of Oncorhynchus in FishBase. February 2012 version.


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Oncorhynchus: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Oncorhynchus is a genus of fish in the family Salmonidae; it contains the Pacific salmon and Pacific trout. The name of the genus is derived from the Greek ὄγκος (ónkos, “lump, bend”) + ῥύγχος (rhúnkhos, “snout”), in reference to the hooked snout (the "kype") that the males develop during mating season.

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Oncorhynchus ( Esperanto )

fornecido por wikipedia EO

Oncorhynchus (esperantigite Onkorinko, Pacifika salmoPacifika truto) estas genro de fiŝoj en la salma familio.


Al la genro apartenas jenaj specioj:

Iam oni ankaŭ apartenigis al la genro la ĉielarkan truton (Parasalmo mykiss), sed nun oni rigardas ĝin kiel aparta genro Parasalmo[3].


  1. Решетников Ю. С., Котляр А. Н., Расс Т. С., Шатуновский М. И. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Рыбы. Латинский, русский, английский, немецкий, французский. / под общей редакцией акад. В. Е. Соколова. — М.: Рус. яз., 1989. — С. 68. — 12 500 экз. (ISBN 5-200-00237-0) ruse
  2. Arizonaj montarbaroj
  3. Позвоночные животные России: микижа ruse
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Oncorhynchus: Brief Summary ( Esperanto )

fornecido por wikipedia EO

Oncorhynchus (esperantigite Onkorinko, Pacifika salmo aŭ Pacifika truto) estas genro de fiŝoj en la salma familio.

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Oncorhynchus ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES
Machos de varias especies, con el característico pico en gancho.

Los salmones y truchas del Pacífico (el género Oncorhynchus) son peces marinos y de agua dulce de la familia de los salmónidos, distribuidos por el norte del océano Pacífico, con alguna especie en el Golfo de México.[1]

El nombre científico deriva del griego: onkos (gancho) + rynchos' (nariz), por la forma que toma la boca de los machos en la época de apareamiento.[2]

Son peces anádromos, que se desarrollan en el mar y remontan los ríos para desovar, con muy pocas excepciones.[3][1]

Importancia para el hombre

Comercialmente son muy apreciados por su excelente carne, que alcanza un alto valor en el mercado, pescándose cuando se reúnen para remontar el río. También son muy empleados en acuicultura desde antaño.[3][1]


Existen 17 especies válidas en este género:[4]

Además, existen dos especies fósiles que se encuadran en este género:


  1. a b c Nelson, J.S. (1994). Fishes of the world (en inglés) (3ª edición edición). Nueva York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. pp. 600 p.
  2. Romero, P. (2002). An etymological dictionary of taxonomy. Madrid: unpublished.
  3. a b Page, L.M. y B.M. Burr, 1991. "A field guide to freshwater fishes of North America north of Mexico". Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, EEUU. 432 p.
  4. "Salmonidae". En FishBase (Rainer Froese y Daniel Pauly, eds.). Consultada en noviembre de 2009. N.p.: FishBase, 2009.

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Oncorhynchus: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES
 src= Machos de varias especies, con el característico pico en gancho.

Los salmones y truchas del Pacífico (el género Oncorhynchus) son peces marinos y de agua dulce de la familia de los salmónidos, distribuidos por el norte del océano Pacífico, con alguna especie en el Golfo de México.​

El nombre científico deriva del griego: onkos (gancho) + rynchos' (nariz), por la forma que toma la boca de los machos en la época de apareamiento.​

Son peces anádromos, que se desarrollan en el mar y remontan los ríos para desovar, con muy pocas excepciones.​​

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Oncorhynchus ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU
Oncorhynchus mykiss, Amuarrain ortzadarra
Oncorhynchus kisutch, Coho izokina

Oncorhynchus arrain generoa da, salmonidae familiakoa. Bere baitan Pazifikoko izokin eta amuarrainak hartzen ditu.


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Oncorhynchus: Brief Summary ( Basco )

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 src= Oncorhynchus mykiss, Amuarrain ortzadarra  src= Oncorhynchus kisutch, Coho izokina

Oncorhynchus arrain generoa da, salmonidae familiakoa. Bere baitan Pazifikoko izokin eta amuarrainak hartzen ditu.

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Tyynenmerenlohet ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI
Punalohi (Oncorhynchus nerka)

Tyynenmerenlohet (Oncorhynchus) on lohien heimon suku, joka käsittää kaksitoista Tyynenmeren pohjoisosassa sekä siihen laskevissa Pohjois-Amerikan ja Koillis-Aasian sisävesissä elävää kalalajia sekä useita niiden alalajeja. Omalla levinneisyysalueellaan tyynenmerenlohet vastaavat ekologisesti ja elintavoiltaan Euroopan ja Pohjois-Atlantin alueen Salmo-sukuun kuuluvia lohia ja taimenia ja ovat niiden lähisukulaisia. Suvun nimi Oncorhynchus tarkoittaa ”koukkukuonoista” ja viittaa kutukypsän koiraskalan leuanmuotoon. Suomessa tyynenmerenlohista tunnetuin on Yhdysvalloista Suomeen viljelykalaksi tuotu kirjolohi (Oncorhynchus mykiss).

Tyynenmerenlohista kuusi (punalohi, kyttyrälohi, koiralohi, hopealohi, kirsikkalohi ja kuningaslohi) ovat vaelluskaloja, jotka syntyvät joissa, kasvavat usean vuoden ajan meressä ja palaavat lopulta kotijokeensa kudulle. Kudun jälkeen ne kuolevat eivätkä enää palaa mereen, toisin kuin Atlantin lohi. Osa lajeista taas elää koko ikänsä sisävesissä. Nämä sisävesilajit jakautuvat usein moniin maantieteellisiin alalajeihin.

Rannikoiden jokikutuiset tyynenmerenlohet ovat taloudellisesti erittäin merkittäviä Tyynenmeren molemmin puolin, ja niiden kalastus on tarkkaan säädeltyä. Sekä rannikoiden että sisävesien lajit ovat myös tärkeitä virkistyskalastuskohteita.

Monia lajeja on siirretty alkuperäisen elinalueensa ulkopuolelle. Kirjolohi on tärkeä monissa Euroopan osissa ja useita muita lajeja on kotiutettu tai yritetty kotiuttaa Luoteis-Venäjälle. Niitä on myös siirretty muun muassa Pohjois-Amerikan Suuriin järviin, Etelä-Amerikkaan ja Uuteen-Seelantiin.


Suomeksi Tieteellinen nimi ja auktori Englanniksi Venäjäksi Kultalohi Oncorhynchus aguabonita (Jordan, 1892) Golden trout Zolotaja forel Arizonanlohi Oncorhynchus apache (Miller, 1972) Apache trout Forel apatšеi Meksikonlohi Oncorhynchus chrysogaster (Needham & Gard, 1964) Mexican golden trout Punakurkkulohi Oncorhynchus clarkii (Richardson, 1836) Cutthroat Losos klarka Gilanlohi Oncorhynchus gilae (Miller, 1950) Gila trout Kyttyrälohi Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (Walbaum, 1792) Pink salmon Gorbuša "Kunimasu" (jap.) Oncorhynchus kawamurae Jordan & McGregor, 1925 Black kokanee Koiralohi Oncorhynchus keta (Walbaum, 1792) Chum salmon Keta Hopealohi Oncorhynchus kisutsch (Walbaum, 1792) Coho salmon Kižutš Kirsikkalohi (masulohi) Oncorhynchus masou (Brevoort, 1856) Cherry salmon, masu salmon Sima Kirjolohi Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792) Rainbow trout, steelhead Radužnaja forel Punalohi Oncorhynchus nerka (Walbaum, 1792) Sockeye, kokanee Nerka Kuningaslohi Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum, 1792) Chinook, king salmon Tšavytša

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Tyynenmerenlohet: Brief Summary ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI
 src= Punalohi (Oncorhynchus nerka)

Tyynenmerenlohet (Oncorhynchus) on lohien heimon suku, joka käsittää kaksitoista Tyynenmeren pohjoisosassa sekä siihen laskevissa Pohjois-Amerikan ja Koillis-Aasian sisävesissä elävää kalalajia sekä useita niiden alalajeja. Omalla levinneisyysalueellaan tyynenmerenlohet vastaavat ekologisesti ja elintavoiltaan Euroopan ja Pohjois-Atlantin alueen Salmo-sukuun kuuluvia lohia ja taimenia ja ovat niiden lähisukulaisia. Suvun nimi Oncorhynchus tarkoittaa ”koukkukuonoista” ja viittaa kutukypsän koiraskalan leuanmuotoon. Suomessa tyynenmerenlohista tunnetuin on Yhdysvalloista Suomeen viljelykalaksi tuotu kirjolohi (Oncorhynchus mykiss).

Tyynenmerenlohista kuusi (punalohi, kyttyrälohi, koiralohi, hopealohi, kirsikkalohi ja kuningaslohi) ovat vaelluskaloja, jotka syntyvät joissa, kasvavat usean vuoden ajan meressä ja palaavat lopulta kotijokeensa kudulle. Kudun jälkeen ne kuolevat eivätkä enää palaa mereen, toisin kuin Atlantin lohi. Osa lajeista taas elää koko ikänsä sisävesissä. Nämä sisävesilajit jakautuvat usein moniin maantieteellisiin alalajeihin.

Rannikoiden jokikutuiset tyynenmerenlohet ovat taloudellisesti erittäin merkittäviä Tyynenmeren molemmin puolin, ja niiden kalastus on tarkkaan säädeltyä. Sekä rannikoiden että sisävesien lajit ovat myös tärkeitä virkistyskalastuskohteita.

Monia lajeja on siirretty alkuperäisen elinalueensa ulkopuolelle. Kirjolohi on tärkeä monissa Euroopan osissa ja useita muita lajeja on kotiutettu tai yritetty kotiuttaa Luoteis-Venäjälle. Niitä on myös siirretty muun muassa Pohjois-Amerikan Suuriin järviin, Etelä-Amerikkaan ja Uuteen-Seelantiin.

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Oncorhynchus ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Oncorhynchus est un genre de poissons de la famille salmonidés (saumons, truites et apparentés).

La plupart de ces espèces font l'objet d'une pêche commerciale intense, et plusieurs sont considérées comme en danger d'extinction par l'IUCN[2].


Selon FishBase (12 janvier 2016)[3] :

Selon World Register of Marine Species (12 janvier 2016)[4] :

Références taxinomiques

Notes et références

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Oncorhynchus: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Oncorhynchus est un genre de poissons de la famille salmonidés (saumons, truites et apparentés).

La plupart de ces espèces font l'objet d'une pêche commerciale intense, et plusieurs sont considérées comme en danger d'extinction par l'IUCN.

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Oncorhynchus ( Galego )

fornecido por wikipedia gl Galician

Oncorhynchus é un xénero de peixes osteíctios da orde dos salmoniformes, familia dos salmónidos e subfamilia dos salmoninos, distribuídos polo norte do océano Pacífico, con algunha especie no Golfo de México.[2]

Son peixes anádromos, que se desenvolven no mar e remontan os ríos para desovar, con moi poucas excepcións.[2][3]

O xénero comprende numerosas especies, entre as que destacan o salmón real e a troita arco da vella.


As especies deste xénero son moi similares ás do xénero Salmo, con corpo hidrodinámico, boca con dentes robustos de depredador e escamas pequenas. A aleta caudal presenta sempre manchas escuras (nunca nas do Salmo).[4]

Distribución e hábitat

Aa especies deste xénero están difundidas no Océano Pacifico setentrional e nas augas doces dos ríos tributarios do Pacifico de Asia e do norte da América setentrional.

Algunhas especies, como a troita arco da vella (O. mykiss), foron introducidas en moitas partes do mundo con características climáticas e ambientais idóneas, ás veces en prexuízo da íctiofauna autóctona.

Son peixes de augas frías e temperado-frías, e hai especies que pasan toda a súa vida en auga doce, e especies anádromas.[4]


Oncorhynchus nerka femia (arriba) e macho (abaixo) na época da reprodución.
Nótense as mandíbulas ganchudas do macho.
Oncorhynchus nerka macho, fóra da época de reprodución.
Oncorhynchus clarki.
Oncorhynchus keta.
Oncorhynchus kisutch.

Durante a época da reprodución mostran un forte dimorfismo sexual e, a miúdo, unha coloración moi viva.

As especies anádromas morren despois de reproducírense.[4]


O xénero foi descrito en 1861 polo naturalista estadounidense George Suckley (1830–1869).[5]

O nome do xénero deriva do grego antigo ὅγκος ónkos, "gancho", e ῥύγχος rhýnchos, "fociño", en referencia ás fauces ganchudas dos machos na temporada de apareamento.


Como en todos os salmónidos, a taxonomía das especies de cada xénero é moi controvertida. Algunhas das especies de Oncorhynchus son moi variábeis, e describíronse un bo número de taxa hoxe obsoletos. En 1989, estudos morfolóxicos e xenéticos realizados por Gerald Smith e Ralph Stearley indican que as troitas da conca do Pacífico son xeneticamente máis próximas ao salmón do Pacífico que a Salmo trutta ou ao salmón do Atlántico (Salmo salar) da conca do Atlántico.[6]

Así, en 1989, as autoridades taxonómicas cambiaron á troita arco iris e a outras troitas da conca do Pacífico ao xénero Oncorhynchus.[7] Na actualidade recoñécense 12 especies e numerosas subespecies neste xénero:[7][8]

Porén, o World Register of Marine Species só admite sete:[5]

  • Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (Walbaum, 1792)
  • Oncorhynchus keta (Walbaum, 1792)
  • Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum, 1792)
  • Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792)
  • Oncorhynchus nerka (Walbaum, 1792)
  • Oncorhynchus rhodurus Jordan & McGregor, 1925
  • Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum, 1792)

Nota: Para outras clasificacións véxanse as bases de datos indicadas nas ligazóns externas.


  1. Sepkoski, Jack (2002).
  2. 2,0 2,1 Nelson, J. S. (2006).
  3. Page, L. M. & B. M. Burr (1991): A field guide to freshwater fishes of North America north of Mexico. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 Oncorhynchus en Ittiofauna (en italiano).
  5. 5,0 5,1 Oncorhynchus Suckley, 1861 no WoRMS.
  6. Gerald R. Smith & Ralph F. Stearley (1989). "The Classification and Scientific Names of Rainbow and Cutthroat Trouts". Fisheries (American Fisheries Society) 14 (1): 4–10. doi:10.1577/1548-8446(1989)014<0004:tcasno>2.0.co;2.
  7. 7,0 7,1 Behnke, Robert J. (2002). "género Oncorhynchus". Trout and Salmon of North America. Ilustrado por: Tomelleri, Joseph R. pp. 10 – 21. ISBN 0-7432-2220-2.
  8. Froese, Rainer & Daniel Pauly, eds. (2012): Especies de Oncorhynchus en FishBase. Versión de febreiro de 2012.
  9. 9,0 9,1 9,2 Lahuerta, F. e Vázquez, F. X. (2000), p. 60.

Véxase tamén


  • Eschmeyer, W. N. (ed.) (2014): Catalog of fishes: Genera, Species, References. California Academy of Sciences, department Ichtyology.
  • Esteve, Manu (2005): "Observations of spawnig behaviour in Salmoninae: Salmo, Oncorhynchs and Salvelinus". Reviews in Fish Biology and Fischeries 15: 1-21.
  • Froese, Rainer & Daniel Pauly, eds. (2008): Salmoniformes en FishBase.
  • Lahuerta, F. e Vázquez, F. X. (2000): Vocabulario multilingüe de organismos acuáticos. Santiago de Compostela: Xunta de Galicia. ISBN 84-453-2913-8.
  • Nelson, J. S. (2006): Fishes of the World. 4th ed. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. ISBN 0-471-25031-7.
  • Sepkoski, Jack (2002): "Osteichthyes", en "A compendium of fossil marine animal genera". Bulletin of American Paleontology 364: 560. HTML texto completo
  • van der Land, J.; Costello, M. J.; Zavodnik, D.; Santos, R. S.; Porteiro, F. M.; Bailly, N.; Eschmeyer, W. N. & Froese, R. (2001): "Pisces", en: Costello, M. J. et al. (Eds.) (2001): European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification. Paris: Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle. Collection Patrimoines Naturels, 50: 357-374. ISBN 2-85653-538-0.

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wikipedia gl Galician

Oncorhynchus: Brief Summary ( Galego )

fornecido por wikipedia gl Galician

Oncorhynchus é un xénero de peixes osteíctios da orde dos salmoniformes, familia dos salmónidos e subfamilia dos salmoninos, distribuídos polo norte do océano Pacífico, con algunha especie no Golfo de México.

Son peixes anádromos, que se desenvolven no mar e remontan os ríos para desovar, con moi poucas excepcións.

O xénero comprende numerosas especies, entre as que destacan o salmón real e a troita arco da vella.

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Kyrrahafslax ( Islandês )

fornecido por wikipedia IS

Kyrrahafslax (fræðiheiti Oncorhynchus) er ættkvísl laxfiska sem eiga náttúruleg heimkynni í Kyrrahafinu. Til sömu ættkvíslar telst einnig regnbogasilungur.

Tegundir Kyrrahafslaxa eru m.a. :

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Oncorhynchus ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

Oncorhynchus Suckley, 1861 è un genere di pesci ossei marini e d'acqua dolce appartenenti alla famiglia Salmonidae.

Distribuzione e habitat

Le specie del genere sono diffuse nell'Oceano Pacifico settentrionale e nelle acque dolci dei fiumi tributari del Pacifico dell'Asia del nord e dell'America settentrionale. Alcune specie (una per tutti la trota iridea O. mykiss) sono state introdotte in altre parti del mondo con caratteristiche climatiche idonee, spesso con pregiudizio dell'ittiofauna autoctona locale. Sono pesci di acque fredde e temperato fredde. Come per il genere Salmo, a cui assomiglia moltissimo, esistono specie che trascorrono tutta la vita in acqua dolce e specie anadrome[1].


Come già detto i membri di questo genere sono molto simili a quelli del genere Salmo, con corpo affusolato, bocca ampia dotata di dentatura robusta da predatore, scaglie piccole. La pinna caudale è sempre dotata di macchiette scure (mai in Salmo)[1].


Durante il periodo riproduttivo si evidenzia un forte dimorfismo sessuale[1] e, spesso, una colorazione molto vivace. Nelle specie anadrome i riproduttori muoiono dopo la deposizione delle uova.


Il genere comprende 17 specie[2]:


  1. ^ a b c Scheda da Ittiofauna.org, su ittiofauna.org. URL consultato il 20 agosto 2014 (archiviato dall'url originale il 4 marzo 2016).
  2. ^ Lista delle specie da Fishbase, su fishbase.org. URL consultato il 2 febbraio 2015 (archiviato il 25 settembre 2015).

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Oncorhynchus: Brief Summary ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

Oncorhynchus Suckley, 1861 è un genere di pesci ossei marini e d'acqua dolce appartenenti alla famiglia Salmonidae.

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Oncorhynchus ( Latin )

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Oncorhynchus: Brief Summary ( Latin )

fornecido por wikipedia LA

Oncorhynchus est genus piscis familiae Salmonidarum, qui salmones et tructas fluvios ad oceanum Pacificum habitantes continet. Nomen generis formatum est ex vocabulis Graecis ὄγκος 'uncus' et ῥύγχος 'rostrum', quae ad maxillas hamatas marium tempore ovorum geniturae spectant.

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Pacifische zalmen ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL


Pacifische zalmen[1] en forellen (Oncorhynchus) vormen een geslacht (genus) binnen de familie van de zalmen en forellen. Deze zalmen en forellen hebben alle hun verspreidingsgebied in de noordelijke Grote Oceaan. Ze paaien in het zoete water en overleven de paai niet, met uitzondering van de regenboogforel, dit in tegenstelling tot de Atlantische zalm uit het genus Salmo.

Nadere beschrijving

De naam betekent Haakbek, Onco = haak rhynchus = bek, en slaat op de sterk gebogen kaken van de mannetjes in de paartijd. De bek wordt dan alleen nog maar gebruikt om rivalen mee te bestrijden en is niet meer geschikt om mee te eten, wat de dieren tijdens het verblijf in het zoete water dan ook niet meer doen. Ze zijn toch nog wel aan de hengel te vangen omdat ze soms uit irritatie naar het aas grijpen en zich dan met een draaibeweging vastzetten.

Bekende soorten

(volledige lijst zie onder taxonomie)

Andere Oncorhynchus-soorten zijn forellen die niet naar zee trekken. Van enkele van de bovenstaande soorten bestaan ook variëteiten die hun hele leven in zoet water blijven. Soms komen zelfs twee variëteiten naast elkaar in dezelfde rivier voor.



  1. De term zalm wordt meestal gebruikt voor vormen die anadroom zijn, maar er zijn ook soorten die forel heten en ook anadroom zijn


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Pacifische zalmen: Brief Summary ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

Pacifische zalmen en forellen (Oncorhynchus) vormen een geslacht (genus) binnen de familie van de zalmen en forellen. Deze zalmen en forellen hebben alle hun verspreidingsgebied in de noordelijke Grote Oceaan. Ze paaien in het zoete water en overleven de paai niet, met uitzondering van de regenboogforel, dit in tegenstelling tot de Atlantische zalm uit het genus Salmo.

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Stillehavslaks ( Norueguês )

fornecido por wikipedia NO

Stillehavslaks (Oncorhynchus) er en slekt i laksefamilien som hovedsakelig lever i Stillehavet og omgivelser.

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Stillehavslaks: Brief Summary ( Norueguês )

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Stillehavslaks (Oncorhynchus) er en slekt i laksefamilien som hovedsakelig lever i Stillehavet og omgivelser.

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Oncorhynchus ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL
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Oncorhynchus – rodzaj ryb z rodziny łososiowatych obejmujący kilkanaście gatunków i wiele ras. W języku polskim określane są nazwą łososie pacyficzne[2].


Zamieszkują zlewisko północnych obszarów Oceanu Spokojnego i Oceanu Arktycznego.


Większą część życia spędzają w oceanie, a na tarło – odbywające się w okresie jesienno-zimowym – wracają do strumieni, w których przyszły na świat. W wyborze właściwej drogi posługują się węchem. Zapamiętują zapach wody, w której się urodziły, nawet jeśli spędziły w niej zaledwie kilka dni. W czasie tarła samica wykopuje dołek w żwirowatym dnie i składa do niego ikrę. Samiec równocześnie polewa tę ikrę nasieniem, po czym ją zasypuje. Po tarle osobniki dorosłe giną. Narybek wylęga się z jaj zwykle późną zimą; szybkość rozwoju zarodków zależy od temperatury i trwa od 60 do 200 dni. Młode odżywiają się zawartością woreczka żółtkowego. Potem przeciskają się pomiędzy ziarnami żwiru do otwartej wody, gdzie już samodzielnie poszukują pokarmu, który stanowią drobne bezkręgowce (kiełże). Młode gorbusze (O. gorbuscha) spływają do morza prawie zaraz po wylęgnięciu się, podczas gdy kety (O. keta) pozostają w strumieniu jeszcze przez kilka tygodni, kiżucza (O. kisutch) przez rok, a nerki (O. nerka) nawet przez 5 lat.

Łososie pacyficzne, żyjące w morzach i oceanach mają srebrzyste boki. W okresie rozrodu zmieniają barwę (w zależności od gatunku), a samce cechują się w tym czasie charakterystycznie zagiętą ku górze żuchwą. Łososie pacyficzne płyną na tarło w górę rzeki wiosną lub jesienią, nie odżywiając się w tym czasie, chociaż chwytają żywą przynętę. Tarliska mogą się znajdować w pobliżu morza, ale np. keta i czawycza (O. tshawystcha) muszą przepłynąć prawie 3200 km rz. Jukon, aby dotrzeć do jej źródeł. Osobniki wędrujące na tarło muszą po drodze pokonać bystrzyny rzeczne i wodospady skacząc wysoko w powietrze. Również te żyjące w zamkniętych jeziorach, bez dostępu do morza, wpływają na tarło w górę dopływających strumieni.

Znaczenie gospodarcze

Łososie pacyficzne mają duże znaczenie gospodarcze. Są również chętnie łowione dla celów sportowych. Ich jaja noszą nazwę czerwonego kawioru (w odróżnieniu od czarnego kawioru jesiotrów).


Gatunki zaliczane do tego rodzaju[3]:

Gatunkiem typowym jest Salmo scouleri (=Oncorhynchus gorbuscha).


W 2012 roku siedem z wymienionych gatunków znajdowało się w Czerwonej księdze gatunków zagrożonych, w tym dwa w kategorii EN i dwa w kategorii CR[9].


  1. Oncorhynchus, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. Ryby. Warszawa: Wiedza Powszechna, 1976, seria: Mały słownik zoologiczny.
  3. Eschmeyer, W. N. & Fricke, R.: Catalog of Fishes electronic version (2 October 2012) (ang.). California Academy of Sciences. [dostęp 1 listopada 2012].
  4. a b c Ryby : encyklopedia zwierząt. Główny konsultant Stephen Hutchinson, red. nauk. H. Garbarczyk, tłum. H. Garbarczyk, M. Garbarczyk i L. Myszkowski. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN : Dorota Szatańska, 2007. ISBN 978-83-01-15287-1.
  5. a b c Wykaz oznaczeń handlowych gatunków ryb oraz wodnych bezkręgowców wprowadzanych do obrotu na rynek polski. Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi, 2012. [dostęp 26 stycznia 2014].
  6. Jerzy Gronau: Słownik nazw ryb. Kraków: Księgarnia Akademicka, 1994. ISBN 83-901154-9-2.
  7. a b c d e f g h G. Nikolski: Ichtiologia szczegółowa. Tłum. Franciszek Staff. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Rolnicze i Leśne, 1970.
  8. Krystyna Kowalska, Jan Maciej Rembiszewski, Halina Rolik Mały słownik zoologiczny, Ryby, Wiedza Powszechna, Warszawa 1973 (występuje pod synonimiczną nazwą łacińską )
  9. IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.1 (ang.). [dostęp 16 września 2012].


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wikipedia POL

Oncorhynchus: Brief Summary ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL

Oncorhynchus – rodzaj ryb z rodziny łososiowatych obejmujący kilkanaście gatunków i wiele ras. W języku polskim określane są nazwą łososie pacyficzne.

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Oncorhynchus ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT
Machos de várias espécies, com o característico maxilar em gancho.

Oncorhynchus Suckley, 1861 é um género de peixes da família Salmonidae que inclui os salmões e trutas da bacia do Oceano Pacífico. Inclui peixes marinhos e de água doce distribuídos pelo norte do Pacífico, com algumas espécies no Golfo do México[1]. O nome científico deriva do grego onkos (gancho) + rynchos (nariz), nome baseado na forma que toma a boca dos machos na época de acasalamento[2].

São peixes anádromos que, com poucas excepções, se desenvolvem no mar e sobem os rios para desovar[1][3].

Comercialmente são muito apreciados pela sua excelente carne, que alcança um alto valor no mercado, pescando-se quando se reúnem para desova nos rios. Também são, desde há muito, produzidos em aquicultura[1][3]


Existem 17 espécies consideradas válidas neste género:[4]


  1. a b c Nelson, J.S. (1994). Fishes of the world. New York (em inglês) 3ª ed. [S.l.]: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 600 páginas
  2. Romero, P. (2002). An etymological dictionary of taxonomy. Madrid: unpublished
  3. a b Page, L.M. y B.M. Burr, 1991. "A field guide to freshwater fishes of North America north of Mexico". Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, EEUU. 432 p.
  4. Ed. Froese, Rainer; Pauly, Daniel. «"Salmonidae"». www.fishbase.org (em inglês). FishBase

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wikipedia PT

Oncorhynchus: Brief Summary ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT
 src= Machos de várias espécies, com o característico maxilar em gancho.

Oncorhynchus Suckley, 1861 é um género de peixes da família Salmonidae que inclui os salmões e trutas da bacia do Oceano Pacífico. Inclui peixes marinhos e de água doce distribuídos pelo norte do Pacífico, com algumas espécies no Golfo do México. O nome científico deriva do grego onkos (gancho) + rynchos (nariz), nome baseado na forma que toma a boca dos machos na época de acasalamento.

São peixes anádromos que, com poucas excepções, se desenvolvem no mar e sobem os rios para desovar.

Comercialmente são muito apreciados pela sua excelente carne, que alcança um alto valor no mercado, pescando-se quando se reúnem para desova nos rios. Também são, desde há muito, produzidos em aquicultura

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wikipedia PT

Oncorhynchus ( Eslovaco )

fornecido por wikipedia SK

Oncorhynchus (lat.) je rod z čeľade lososovité. Slovenské rodové meno druhov z tohto rodu je v súčasnosti jednak losos (pre podrod Oncorhynchus) a jednak pstruh (pre ostatné druhy, teda pre podrod Parasalmo/Rhabdofario).


Ryby z tohto rodu sa vyskytujú v severnom Tichom oceáne (a priľahlom Severnom ľadovom oceáne) a jeho povodí.[1]


(Znak „/“ oddeľuje synonymá)

rod Oncorhynchus[2][3][4][1]:

Okrem toho existuje viacero vyhynutých druhov.

Podrod Rhabdofario sa do roku 1989 zaraďoval do rodu Salmo (alebo zriedkavejšie ako samostatný rod Rhabdofario či Parasalmo, resp. u niektorých autorov ako dva rody: rod Rhabdofario a rod Parasalmo[28][29]). V rode Oncorhnychus boli teda do roku 1989 iba lososy. Bližšie o tom pozri aj v kapitole Systematika v článku Salmo (rod).

O pstruhovi lososov(it)om pozri v článku pstruh lososovitý.


  1. a b NELSON, Joseph S. et al.: Fishes of the Worlds. 5th edition. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2016. ISBN 9781118342336. s. 247-248.
  2. FROESE, R., PAULY, D. (EDS.). FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. www.fishbase.org. version 06/2016 [online]. [Cit. 2016-11-15]. Dostupné online.
  3. ESCHMEYER, W. N., FRICKE, R., LAAN, R. van der (eds). CATALOG OF FISHES: GENERA, SPECIES, REFERENCES. dostupné online. prístup: 2016-15-11.
  4. NELSON, Joseph S.: Fishes of the Worlds. 4th edition. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2006. ISBN 978-0-471-25031-9. s. 203-204.
  5. pstruhy. In: Pyramída. s. 4845.
  6. BURNIE, D. et al.: Zviera. Bratislava: Ikar, 2002. ISBN 80-551-0375-5. s. 498
  7. lososy. In: Encyklopédia Slovenska 3. zväzok K – M. Bratislava: Veda, 1979.
  8. Anonym (preklad: GUTTEKOVÁ, A.). Svet živočíšnej ríše. Dotlač 1. vydania. Martin: Osveta, 1984. s. 388
  9. KREJČA, J. a KORBEL, L. (eds.) et al.: Veľká kniha živočíchov. 3. nezmenené vydanie Bratislava: Príroda a. s., 1997. ISBN 80-07-00990-6 [1. vydanie malo názov: Z našej prírody - Živočíchy] s. 204
  10. FRANK, S.: Veľký obrazový atlas rýb. Bratislava: Mladé letá, 1976. [Preklad: Juraj Holčík]. s. 61
  11. HANEL, L., ANDRESKA, J. Vernakulární názvy mihulí a ryb České republiky. BULLETIN LAMPETRA VII: 36 – 71, (?)2011 dostupné online. s. 56
  12. Příklady změn v názvosloví vybraných taxonů obratlovců ČR a SR (bez ptáků) [online]. ucitele.sci.muni.cz, [cit. 2016-11-16]. Dostupné online.
  13. lososovité. In: BETINA, Vladimír et al. Malá encyklopédia biológie. Bratislava: Obzor, 1975. s. 276
  14. duhák. In: Slovník súčasného slovenského jazyka A–GL, 2006. dostupné online
  15. SOKOLOV, V. E. (ed). Pjatijazyčnyj slovar nazvanij životnych: Ryby. Moskva: Russkij jazyk. 1989. s. 1349
  16. BARUŠ, V. et al. (Fauna ČR a SR:) Mihulovci - Petromyzontes a ryby – Osteichthyes (1) . Praha: Academia, 1995. ISBN 80-200-0500-5. (Obsah dostupný online: [1] alebo obsah dostupný online)
  17. BURNIE, D. et al.: Zviera. Bratislava: Ikar, 2002. ISBN 80-551-0375-5. s. 496-498
  18. Anonym (preklad: GUTTEKOVÁ, A.). Svet živočíšnej ríše. Dotlač 1. vydania. Martin: Osveta, 1984. s. 248
  19. SEKANINOVÁ. E. et al. :Veľký slovensko-ruský slovník, II. Diel, L-O. Bratislava: VEDA, vydavateľstvo SAV, 1982. s. 86
  20. gorbuša. In: Slovník cudzích slov (akademický), 2005. dostupné online
  21. Zoznam slovenských obchodných názvov produktov rybolovu a akvakultúry uvádzaných pri predaji konečnému spotrebiteľovi [htttp://www.mpsr.sk/download.php?fID=2028 prístup 11.11.2016]
  22. Colný sadzobník – Príloha č. 1 k nariadeniu vlády è. 598/2001 Z. z. [2]
  23. Nariadenie Komisie (EÚ) č. 202/2011 z 1. marca 2011 , ktorým sa mení a dopĺňa príloha I k nariadeniu Rady (ES) č. 1005/2008, pokiaľ ide o vymedzenie pojmu produkty rybolovu, a ktorým sa mení a dopĺňa nariadenie Komisie (ES) č. 1010/2009, pokiaľ ide formuláre predbežných oznámení, referenčné hodnoty prístavných inšpekcií a systémy dokumentácie úlovku prijaté regionálnymi organizáciami pre riadenie rybného hospodárstva
  24. Preklad európskeho patentového spisu EP 1553 979 B1 dostupné online
  25. SMERNICA KOMISIE 2008/53/ES z 30. apríla 2008, ktorou sa mení a dopĺňa príloha IV k smernici Rady 2006/88/ES, pokiaľ ide o jarnú virémiu kaprov (SVC)
  26. OROS, M.: Za lososmi na Aljašku. In: SPRÁVY Slovenskej parazitologickej spoločnosti pri SAV, č. 18, 2013. s.35 [3]
  27. lososovité. In: Pyramída. s. 2672.
  28. CARROLL, R. L. Vertebrate paleontology and evolution. New York: W. H. Freeman and Company, 1988. ISBN 0-716-71822-7. s. 605
  29. STEARLEY, R. F., SMITH, G: R.. Phylogeny of the Pacific Trouts and Salmons (Oncorhynchus) and Genera of the Family Salmonidae [online]. researchgate.net, 1993, [cit. 2016-11-15]. Dostupné online. najmä s. 3, 26
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Oncorhynchus: Brief Summary ( Eslovaco )

fornecido por wikipedia SK

Oncorhynchus (lat.) je rod z čeľade lososovité. Slovenské rodové meno druhov z tohto rodu je v súčasnosti jednak losos (pre podrod Oncorhynchus) a jednak pstruh (pre ostatné druhy, teda pre podrod Parasalmo/Rhabdofario).

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wikipedia SK

Stillahavslaxar ( Sueco )

fornecido por wikipedia SV

Stillahavslaxar (Oncorhynchus) är ett släkte inom familjen laxfiskar (Salmondidae) med ett antal laxartade fiskarter som lever i Stilla havsregionen. Dess vetenskapliga namn härstammar från grekiskans onkos 'krok' och rynchos 'nos, näsa'.

Liksom arter inom släktet Salmo så är de anadroma vilket innebär att de vandrar från saltvatten för att fortplanta sig i sötvatten. Stillahavslaxar är semelpar.



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Stillahavslaxar: Brief Summary ( Sueco )

fornecido por wikipedia SV

Stillahavslaxar (Oncorhynchus) är ett släkte inom familjen laxfiskar (Salmondidae) med ett antal laxartade fiskarter som lever i Stilla havsregionen. Dess vetenskapliga namn härstammar från grekiskans onkos 'krok' och rynchos 'nos, näsa'.

Liksom arter inom släktet Salmo så är de anadroma vilket innebär att de vandrar från saltvatten för att fortplanta sig i sötvatten. Stillahavslaxar är semelpar.

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Pasifik sombalığı ( Turco )

fornecido por wikipedia TR

Oncorhynchus ya da Pasifik somonu, Salmonidae familyasının sadece Kuzey Amerika'da bulunan bir balık cinsi.


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wikipedia TR

Pasifik sombalığı: Brief Summary ( Turco )

fornecido por wikipedia TR

Oncorhynchus ya da Pasifik somonu, Salmonidae familyasının sadece Kuzey Amerika'da bulunan bir balık cinsi.

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wikipedia TR

Тихоокеанський лосось ( Ucraniano )

fornecido por wikipedia UK
  1. Romero, P., 2002. An etymological dictionary of taxonomy. Madrid, unpublished.
  2. Putman, Nathan F.; Scanlan, Michelle M.; Pollock, Amanda M.; O'Neil, Joseph P.; Couture, Ryan B.; Stoner, Joseph S.; Quinn, Thomas P.; Lohmann, Kenneth J. та ін. (2018-02-01). Geomagnetic field influences upward movement of young Chinook salmon emerging from nests. Biology Letters (en) 14 (2). с. 20170752. ISSN 1744-9561. PMID 29438054. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2017.0752. Процитовано 2018-02-18. рекомендується |displayauthors= (довідка)
  3. Putman, Nathan F.; Scanlan, Michelle M.; Billman, Eric J.; O’Neil, Joseph P.; Couture, Ryan B.; Quinn, Thomas P.; Lohmann, Kenneth J.; Noakes, David L.G. (2014-02-17). An Inherited Magnetic Map Guides Ocean Navigation in Juvenile Pacific Salmon. Current Biology (English) 24 (4). с. 446–450. ISSN 0960-9822. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2014.01.017. Процитовано 2018-02-18.
  4. Froese, Rainer, and Daniel Pauly, eds. (2012). Види роду Oncorhynchus на FishBase. Версія за February 2012 року.
  5. Cavender, T., & Miller, R. R. (1972). Smilodonichthys rastrosus: A new Pliocene salmonid fish from Western United States. Museum of Natural History, University of Oregon.

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wikipedia UK

Тихоокеанський лосось: Brief Summary ( Ucraniano )

fornecido por wikipedia UK
Romero, P., 2002. An etymological dictionary of taxonomy. Madrid, unpublished. Putman, Nathan F.; Scanlan, Michelle M.; Pollock, Amanda M.; O'Neil, Joseph P.; Couture, Ryan B.; Stoner, Joseph S.; Quinn, Thomas P.; Lohmann, Kenneth J. та ін. (2018-02-01). Geomagnetic field influences upward movement of young Chinook salmon emerging from nests. Biology Letters (en) 14 (2). с. 20170752. ISSN 1744-9561. PMID 29438054. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2017.0752. Процитовано 2018-02-18. рекомендується |displayauthors= (довідка) Putman, Nathan F.; Scanlan, Michelle M.; Billman, Eric J.; O’Neil, Joseph P.; Couture, Ryan B.; Quinn, Thomas P.; Lohmann, Kenneth J.; Noakes, David L.G. (2014-02-17). An Inherited Magnetic Map Guides Ocean Navigation in Juvenile Pacific Salmon. Current Biology (English) 24 (4). с. 446–450. ISSN 0960-9822. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2014.01.017. Процитовано 2018-02-18. Froese, Rainer, and Daniel Pauly, eds. (2012). Види роду Oncorhynchus на FishBase. Версія за February 2012 року. Cavender, T., & Miller, R. R. (1972). Smilodonichthys rastrosus: A new Pliocene salmonid fish from Western United States. Museum of Natural History, University of Oregon.

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wikipedia UK

Cá hồi Thái Bình Dương ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Cá hồi Thái Bình Dương (Danh pháp khoa học: Oncorhynchus) là một chi cá trong họ Cá hồi gồm các loài cá hồi sinh sống ở vùng biển Thái Bình Dương và một số trong các loài cá hồi chấm.

Các loài

Một số loài phổ biến

  • Cá hồi Masu hay cherry salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) chỉ được tìm thấy ở tây Thái Bình Dương tại Nhật Bản, Triều Tiên và Nga. Cũng có các phụ loài sống trong lục địa được gọi là cá hồi Đài Loan hay cá hồi Formosan (Oncorhynchus masou formosanus) ở Suối Chi Chia Wan miền trung Đài Loan.[1]
  • Cá hồi Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) cũng được gọi là cá hồi vua hay cá hồi miệng đen ở Mỹ, và là cá hồi xuân ở British Columbia. Cá hồi Chinook là loài cá hồi Thái Bình Dương lớn nhất, thường vượt quá 30 lb (14 kg).[2] Cái tên Tyee được dùng ở British Columbia để chỉ cá hồi Chinook hơn 30 pound, và tại lưu vực sông Sông Columbia những con cá hồi Chinook đặc biệt lớn được gọi là June Hogs. Cá hồi Chinook được biết có thể bơi đến tận Sông Mackenzie và Kugluktuk ở miền trung vòng bắc cực Canada,[3] và xa tới tận miền nam Bờ biển Trung California.[4]
  • Cá hồi Chum (Oncorhynchus keta) được biết đến như một loại cá hồi dog, keta, hay calico ở nhiều vùng tại Mỹ. Loài này có tầm hoạt động địa lý rộng nhất trong các loài cá hồi Thái Bình Dương:[5] phía nam tới tận Sông Sacramento ở California và đông Thái Bình Dương và đảo Kyūshū tại Biển Nhật Bản ở phía tây Thái Bình Dương; phía bắc tới Sông Mackenzie ở Canada, phía đông tới Sông Lena, phía tây tới Siberia.
  • Cá hồi Coho (Oncorhynchus kisutch) cũng được gọi là cá hồi bạc ở Mỹ. Loài này được tìm thấy ở tất cả các vùng nước ven biển Alaska và British Columbia và ở phía nam xa tới tận miền trung California (Vịnh Monterey).[6] Nó cũng xuất hiện, dù không thường xuyên, tại Sông Mackenzie.[3]
  • Cá hồi hồng (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha), được gọi là cá gù ở đông nam và tây nam Alaska, được thấy ở miền bắc California và Triều Tiên, trên toàn vùng bắc Thái Bình Dương, và từ Sông Mackenzie[3] ở Canada tới Sông Lena ở Siberia, thường tại những dòng suối bờ biển ngắn. Nó là loài cá hồi Thái Bình Dương nhỏ nhất, với trọng lượng trung bình 3 12–4 lb (1,6–1,8 kg).[7]
  • Cá hồi Sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka) cũng được gọi là cá hồi đỏ ở Mỹ.[8] Loài cá được nuôi ở hồ này có ở miền nam xa tới tận Sông Klamath ở California ở phía đông Thái Bình Dương và bắc đảo Hokkaidō tại Nhật Bản và ở phía tây Thái Bình Dương xa tới tận Vịnh BathurstVòng Bắc Cực Canada ở phía đông và Sôn Anadyr tại Siberia ở phía tây. Dù hầu hết cá hồi Thái Bình Dương trưởng thành ăn các loại cá nhỏ, tôm và mực ống; sockey ăn sinh vật phù du được chúng lọc qua những khe mang. Cá hồi Kokanee là loại cá sockeye sống trong lục địa.

Chú thích

  1. ^ “Formosan salmon”. Taiwan Journal. Truy cập ngày 13 tháng 12 năm 2006.
  2. ^ “Chinook Salmon”. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Truy cập ngày 17 tháng 11 năm 2006.
  3. ^ a ă â dfo-mpo.gc.ca
  4. ^ nwr.noaa.gov
  5. ^ “Chum Salmon”. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Truy cập ngày 17 tháng 11 năm 2006.
  6. ^ nwr.noaa.gov
  7. ^ “Pink Salmon”. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Truy cập ngày 17 tháng 11 năm 2006.
  8. ^ “Sockeye Salmon”. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Truy cập ngày 17 tháng 11 năm 2006.

Tham khảo

 src= Wikispecies có thông tin sinh học về Cá hồi Thái Bình Dương  src= Wikimedia Commons có thư viện hình ảnh và phương tiện truyền tải về Cá hồi Thái Bình Dương
  • Behnke, Robert J. (2002): Trout and Salmon of North America. Free Press, 2002.
  • Sepkoski, Jack (2002): Osteichthyes. In: A compendium of fossil marine animal genera. Bulletin of American Paleontology 364: 560. HTML fulltext
  • Stearley, R.F. & Smoth, G.R. (1993): Phylogeny of the Pacific trout and salmon (Oncorhynchus) and the genera of family Salmonidae. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 122(1): 1-33. DOI:10.1577/1548-8659(1993)122<0001:POTPTA>2.3.CO;2 HTML fulltext
  • Stephenson, S.A. (2005) The distribution of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) in the Canadian western Arctic. http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Library/321160.pdf
  • Committee on Protection and Management of Pacific Northwest Anadromous Salmonids (1996). Upstream-Salmon and Society in the Pacific Northwest. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press. ISBN 0309053250.

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Cá hồi Thái Bình Dương: Brief Summary ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Cá hồi Thái Bình Dương (Danh pháp khoa học: Oncorhynchus) là một chi cá trong họ Cá hồi gồm các loài cá hồi sinh sống ở vùng biển Thái Bình Dương và một số trong các loài cá hồi chấm.

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wikipedia VI

Тихоокеанские лососи ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию
Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Вторичноротые
Подтип: Позвоночные
Инфратип: Челюстноротые
Группа: Рыбы
Группа: Костные рыбы
Подкласс: Новопёрые рыбы
Инфракласс: Костистые рыбы
Семейство: Лососёвые
Подсемейство: Лососёвые
Род: Тихоокеанские лососи
Международное научное название

Oncorhynchus Suckley, 1861

на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 161974NCBI 8016EOL 24383FW 35518

Тихоокеанские лососи[1] (лат. Oncorhynchus, от др.-греч. ὄγκος — крюк и ῥύγχος — клюв) — род лучепёрых рыб из семейства лососёвых (Salmonidae).


В род включают виды[источник не указан 354 дня][1]:

Ранее в состав рода включали радужную форель (Parasalmo mykiss), отнесённую позже к роду Parasalmo[2].


  1. 1 2 Решетников Ю. С., Котляр А. Н., Расс Т. С., Шатуновский М. И. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Рыбы. Латинский, русский, английский, немецкий, французский. / под общей редакцией акад. В. Е. Соколова. — М.: Рус. яз., 1989. — С. 68. — 12 500 экз.ISBN 5-200-00237-0.
  2. Позвоночные животные России: микижа.
direitos autorais
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Тихоокеанские лососи: Brief Summary ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию

Тихоокеанские лососи (лат. Oncorhynchus, от др.-греч. ὄγκος — крюк и ῥύγχος — клюв) — род лучепёрых рыб из семейства лососёвых (Salmonidae).

direitos autorais
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

麻哈魚屬 ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科
麻哈鱼属 Oncorhynchus nerka 2.jpg 紅鮭 科学分类 编辑 界: 动物界 Animalia 门: 脊索动物门 Chordata 纲: 辐鳍鱼纲 Actinopteri 目: 鲑形目 Salmoniformes 科: 鲑科 Salmonidae 亚科: 鲑亚科 Salmoninae 属: 麻哈鱼属 Oncorhynchus
Suckley, 1861 模式种 驼背大麻哈鱼
Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
(Walbaum, 1792)






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wikipedia 中文维基百科

麻哈魚屬: Brief Summary ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科




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wikipedia 中文维基百科

연어속 ( Coreano )

fornecido por wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

연어속(Oncorhynchus)은 연어과에 속하는 어류 속의 하나이며, 연어송어 등을 포함하고 있다.


베링 육교 해역부터 남쪽으로 태평양 서쪽의 타이완부터 동쪽의 멕시코 해역까지 분포한다. 북아메리카에서 컷스로트송어의 일부 아종은 로키산맥그레이트베이슨에 자생하는 반면에 다른 종은 멕시코만으로 흘러 들어가는 미시시피강 유역리오그란데강과 서쪽 지류의 토착종이다. 연어속의 태평양 연어 6종은 회유성 단회번식 종이다.

하위 종

계통 분류

2012년 크레테-라프레니어(Crête-Lafrenière) 등과 2013년 셰드코(Shedko) 등의 연구에 의한 계통 분류는 다음과 같다.[1][2]























  1. Alexis Crête-Lafrenière, Laura K. Weir, Louis Bernatchez: Framing the Salmonidae Family Phylogenetic Portrait: A More Complete Picture from Increased Taxon Sampling. PLOS ONE, 2012, 7(10): e46662. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0046662
  2. S. V. Shedko, I. L. Miroshnichenko, G. A. Nemkova: Phylogeny of salmonids (salmoniformes: Salmonidae) and its molecular dating: Analysis of mtDNA data. Russian Journal of Genetics, Juni 2013, Band 49, Ausgabe 6, Seite 623–637. DOI: 10.1134/S1022795413060112
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